Ikea’s Whirling New Kitchen Ad Will Leave Your Head Spinning

Here's a kitchen ad that might leave you a little nauseated, but for once that has nothing to do with food.

In Ikea's new spot from Mother London, promoting the retailer's first new kitchen furnishing line in 25 years, the set spins, spins and spins. It captures the vibe of kitchens as busy places for the whole family, often feeling like a whirligig what with all the pots and pans and plates and groceries flying around while pets and children scurry underfoot.

Luckily, thanks to Ikea's efficient drawers and cabinets and other space-maximizing furnishings, you can have a smooth-running ship, including putting your young offspring to work setting the table. There's even a place for the sullen teenager to sit and play with his smartphone instead of helping—just to show Ikea really thought of everything.

Helmed by director Keith Schofield, the spot continues Mother's 2014 "The Wonderful Everyday" campaign, which was kicked off with a much darker, almost creepy homage to energy-efficient lighting.

The agency describes its newest spot as a "dazzling and dizzying" portrayal of the Metod collection's customizability.

"To bring to life this new flexible kitchen," Mother writes in its video summary, "the advert shows the units smoothly coping with whatever the family throws at it. Even the dog."

The carousel is a fun and clear-enough metaphor, though in spirit the ad sort of feels like a more mundane version of the agency's 2012 Ikea spot "Playing With My Friends," which had a similar all-hands-on-deck theme and upbeat poise amid chaos vibe—though that one upped the ante by recasting the grown-up as giant toys, a clever play on the kids' imaginations.

This time around, the biggest thing you're left imagining is how much Dramamine this family must keep stocked in the medicine cabinet.

3D Food Impression

Foodini est une imprimante alimentaire 3D qui permet de réaliser de la nourriture ressemblant à n’importe quelle cuisine. Un appareil conçu pour être utilisé tous les jours, pour une cuisine sucrée ou salée combinant la technologie de la nourriture, l’art et la conception. Le tout est à découvrir en photos et vidéo.

Foodini 3D.

Pomme de terre violette.

Viande hamburger.

Impression viande.

Hamburger ouvert.

Impression fromage.

Fish and chips.

Impression pâte à pizza.

Impression sauce pizza.

Pizza avant cuisson.


Quiches épinards en dinosaures.


Impression pâte à hamburger.

Cookies de Saint Valentin.

Arbre de Noel en chocolat.

Impression chocolat.


Arbre de Noel en cookies.


Chocolat 2014.

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Replica of Kitchen Carved from Wood

Avec son projet « Apparatus », l’artiste américain Roxy Paine a créé une cuisine de fast-food appelée « Carcass », qui a la particularité d’être exclusivement faite de bois, de la machine à boissons à la friteuse. Une cuisine originale à découvrir à travers les photos de Joseph Rynkiewicz.

Carcass 16
Carcass 14
Carcass 13
Carcass 12
Carcass 11
Carcass 10
Carcass 9
Carcass 8
Carcass 5
Carcass 4
Carcass 3
Carcass 2
Carcass 1

Diga à fome que se meta com alguém de seu tamanho

Para muitas crianças ao redor do mundo, a fome e a pobreza se assemelham a monstros muito mais assustadores do que qualquer Bicho-Papão. E foi exatamente esta aparência monstruosa que o ilustrador John Kenn deu aos problemas ocasionados pela miséria na animação Dile al hambre que se meta con alguien de su tamaño, filme criado pela agência Kitchen, de Madri, para a entidade Ayuda en Acción.

A campanha lembra que, em todo mundo, estima-se que mais de 300 milhões de crianças sofram com a fome, enquanto apenas na Espanha mais de 2 milhões vivem abaixo da linha de pobreza.

Além da animação, há também um hotsite onde é possível apadrinhar crianças. Em um dia em que muitas famílias celebram a fartura, é bom lembrar que milhões de pessoas não têm o que comer.

fome fome1

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Norwegian Air usa medidor de chuva para incentivar pessoas a viajar

Outubro é o mês das chuvas em Oslo, na Noruega, e para incentivar as pessoas a viajar – para lugares mais ensolarados, é claro – a Norwegian Air resolveu mostrar isso na prática.

Anúncios em pontos de ônibus traziam uma medidor de chuva, junto de ofertas de viagens, mostrando a quantidade de água que estava caindo na cidade no período.

Uma ideia barata e criativa da agência norueguesa Kitchen, que adiciona praticamente uma interatividade analógica para a mídia exterior com um simples índice pluviométrico.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Be proud

Advertising Agency: TBWA/Egypt Creative Director: Bassem Sabry Art Director: Yamen Emad Copywriter: Rami Nassar Computer Graphics: Leap Studios Via [AdsOfTheWorld]

Dinner Etiquette

Sonia Rentsch est une directrice artistique australienne. Avec l’aide du photographe Scott Newett, elle a pu donner vie et personnalité à des objets de cuisine, dans une série de compositions pour obtenir l’apparence de costumes. Un rendu à découvrir dans la suite.








Previously on Fubiz

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Lego Kitchen

Après l’étonnante idée de la maison Lego House, voici une cuisine recouverte par plus de 20 000 pièces de Lego. Un aménagement réalisé par le studio de design Munchausen (Simon Pillard et Philippe Rosetti). Plus d’images dans la suite.




Previously on Fubiz

Byggmax: Price war, Tank

Byggmax: Price war, Tank

Price war on building materials.
As our competitors bombard you with explosive offers, our only weapon is building materials at constantly low prices.

Advertising Agency: Kitchen, Norway
Art Directors: Ole Henrik Stubberud, Björn Andreassen.
Copywriters: Heidi Mittun-Kjos, Didrik Hallström.
Illustrator: Björn Nordberg
Published/Released/Aired (Month, Year): March 2008

Byggmax: Price war, Fighter plane

Byggmax: Price war, Fighter plane

Price war on building materials.
As our competitors bombard you with explosive offers, our only weapon is building materials at constantly low prices.

Advertising Agency: Kitchen, Norway
Art Directors: Ole Henrik Stubberud, Björn Andreassen.
Copywriters: Heidi Mittun-Kjos, Didrik Hallström.
Illustrator: Björn Nordberg
Published/Released/Aired (Month, Year): March 2008

Byggmax: Price war, Battleship

Byggmax: Price war, Battleship

Price war on building materials.
As our competitors bombard you with explosive offers, our only weapon is building materials at constantly low prices.

Advertising Agency: Kitchen, Norway
Art Directors: Ole Henrik Stubberud, Björn Andreassen.
Copywriters: Heidi Mittun-Kjos, Didrik Hallström.
Illustrator: Björn Nordberg
Published/Released/Aired (Month, Year): March 2008