Large Brands Are Still Advertising on Made-for-Advertising Websites After Industry Outcry

Almost a year after the industry outcry over made-for-advertising inventory and months since many ad-tech firms have devised solutions to address the problem, ads from large brands are still being served on spammy websites, new research from Adalytics has found. Adalytics found examples of hundreds of large brands advertising on made-for-advertising websites, facilitated by most…

Exclusive: Cookie Deception Sparks Tension Between Buy and Sell Side in IAB Tech Lab

Buy-side tech platforms are accusing publishers and the tech firms they work with of using deceptive practices to identify audiences in discussions happening within the IAB Tech Lab over the past month, ADWEEK can exclusively report. These tactics, spurred by signal loss, can obscure digital marketing efficacy, making techniques like conversion tracking and frequency capping…

How Attention-Guaranteed Media Buys Will Impact the Industry

The so-called attention economy is fractured, and its leaders largely disagree about how and when publishers should guarantee attention to advertisers. While vendors are largely bullish on attention guarantees and their potential impact on the advertising market, other industry players tend to be more cautious. Omnicom Media Group agency OMD continues to conduct attention measurement…

Why Brands Should Prioritize How Pessimistic, Short on Cash Consumers Experience Their Products

People feel a collective sense of foreboding, having lived through the pandemic years, according to Dipanjan Chatterjee, vp and principal analyst at Forrester Research. Speaking at ADWEEK’s Commerceweek event this week in New York, Chatterjee explained that 48% of people are worried about the next 10 years. In fact, more people are worried about the…

Google Joins Steering Group to Help Identify AI-Generated Content

Google is the latest firm joining the Coalition for Content Provenance Authenticity (C2PA), a group that includes agency Publicis Groupe, the BBC, Adobe and Microsoft, which aims to identify artificial-intelligence-generated digital content, among other efforts. The proliferation of AI-generated content is on the rise, contributing to the spread of misinformation, making watermarking AI content more…

Three Years Post-Pandemic, Women Still Haven’t Returned to the Marketing Industry

In 2020, advertising leaders committed to expanding emphasis on DEI. In 2023, new data from nonprofit organization She Runs It shows some promising improvements, but also underscores that marketers’ are relaxing their commitments to equity. Other studies back that up. Only 18% of respondents to a MediaLink survey marked diversity, equity and inclusion and environmental…

The Data-Driven Way to Win Customers’ Hearts

It’s Customer Contact Week and hundreds of people who are responsible for delivering better customer experiences are gathered this morning at the Renaissance Hotel in Austin. Neil Hoyne, chief strategist at Google, Wharton fellow, and author of Converted: The Data-Driven Way to Win Customers’ Hearts is this morning’s keynote speaker. “I get people to click […]

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Marketers Shift to IP Address Band-Aids Amid Cookie Deprecation

A bevy of alternative identifiers has flooded the market in recent years, promising to usher the advertising industry into a new paradigm once Google Chrome deprecates third-party cookies at the end of 2024. But the immediate favorite solution among marketers is a data signal that’s very old and decisively not symbolic of a new privacy-conscious…

U.K. Marketers Gear Up for 2024 Budget Boost

U.K. marketers have shifted from caution to quiet optimism as they map out their 2024 spending. According to the quarterly Bellwether ad forecast from trade body the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA), the final quarter of 2023 saw marketing budgets increase to their highest level in almost a decade. The survey, which gleans responses…

Marketers Warm to Meta’s Advantage+ Commerce Tool While Promotional Ads See Tepid Adoption

With signal loss increasing and marketers exploring transaction data as an alternative identity currency, platforms have been amping up their commerce-related tools for marketers. At Meta, advertisers have been slow to adopt its promotional ad units, introduced last May to make it easier for shoppers to find deals and generate lower-funnel metrics for brands. Its…

How Mondel?z Grows Revenue Through Albertsons’ Data Clean Room and Pinterest

Snacking giant Mondelez International, home to names like Cadbury and Oreos, found success using Albertsons Media Collective and Pinterest’s data clean room solution, a collaboration announced at CES last year. From July 5 through Aug. 15, Mondelez’s cracker brand, Triscuit, ran a targeted charcuterie campaign on Pinterest with Albertsons Media Collective, the retail network of…

Marketers Eye Transaction Data in a World Without Cookies

With Google Chrome slated to deprecate cookies by the end of this year, marketers are looking for new signals to find and measure potential audiences. Transaction data–records of what we purchase–is emerging as an alluring alternative. The promise of transaction data has fueled the retail commerce media industry, which is projected to grow by 28.5%…

Influential Voices in the Marketing and Advertising Industry Today

Last year I tried to resist AI. I had my reasons, and have them still, but I’m adopting a different, more curious, and accepting posture now. That’s what led me to ask my AI Assistant, Claude, to name the 10 most influential voices in the advertising industry today. Claude quickly named Seth Godin and Bob […]

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An Unlikely Hero of Advertising: The Data Protection Officer

In October 2023, AOP and Deloitte announced the results of their Digital Publishers’ Revenue Index for Q2 2023. Total revenue for publishers was up 0.3% from Q2 2022, but far more interesting was the 154.8% growth in the “miscellaneous” category. This was driven by publishers’ growth in data monetization and interest-based audience segmentation; publishers are…

Close the Perception Gap and Find A Way to Get On the Customer’s Page

How well do today’s marketers know their customers and prospects? It’s not a new question, yet it remains an important one. Data is having its moment and the moment seems (to me) suspended in amber. But data is not knowledge nor is it intelligence. Data is the raw material that human beings can use to […]

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Charting the New Frontier of Consumer Insights: Emography

At its core, marketing is human psychology applied in a business ecosystem. Marketing has always endeavored to build emotional connections with consumers to be leveraged for commercial results; in order to do that, the discipline relies on research, insights and analytics that inform our understanding of consumers. Reaching a higher level of precision in go-to-market…

Case Study: How Noodles & Company Found the Right Data Recipe for Loyalty

If a business is looking for growth, it helps to define that term before chasing it. Do you want a whole lot of new customers who’ll drive traffic and head count, but may only buy your product once? Or do you simply want people who know and love your products to feel comfortable buying more…

How Domino’s and Expedia Use Attention to Improve Campaign Effectiveness

As the next wave of attention metrics evolves, brands like Domino’s and Expedia Group are going beyond simply measuring attention to using tools to identify new audiences and understand the content and messaging that resonates, ultimately leading to more effective campaigns. Contextual ad-tech firm GumGum, which last year acquired attention-tracking vendor Playground xyz and its…

How Effective Are Recurring Holiday Ads?

Everyone has their winter holiday tentpole moments. For some, it’s seeing the Rockefeller Christmas Tree lighting, or watching A Christmas Story or the return of a memorable TV commercial. The lifespan of a TV spot is relatively short, around six to eight weeks, during its first run. But some campaigns are so effective at capturing…

The Big Impact of Intuit’s SMB MediaLabs on Small Business

By definition, Intuit’s SMB MediaLabs is an example of a corporation using its audience to start a media company. But on taking a closer look, it’s far from the traditional retail media network, a status that has helped it expand its customer base beyond endemic brands, B2B clients and across sectors. The global finance tech…