Natural Life in Slow Motion

Après leur vidéo Holi Slow Motion, Jonathan Bregel du studio Variable, a réalisé cette nouvelle vidéo intitulée « Natural Life ». Toujours en technique slow-motion, Variable s’intéresse ici à une mère qui raconte comment l’avenir de son fils a été totalement anéanti dès l’enfance à cause une injustice. A découvrir dans la suite.

Natural Life 12
Natural Life 11
Natural Life 10
Natural Life 9
Natural Life 8
Natural Life 7
Natural Life 5
Natural Life 6
Natural Life 3
Natural Life 2
Natural Life 4
Natural Life 1

Vintage Crime Scene Superimposed

Le photographe américain Marc A. Hermann issu de la New York Press Photographers Association a recréé des scènes de crimes en faisant un mashup de photos d’archives tirées du New York Daily News et de photographies actuelles prises selon le même angle. Un travail historique bluffant à découvrir.


Cumberland Farms Clerk Critically Injured Trying to Protect Cardboard Cutout of the Hoff

Stealing cardboard cutouts of the David Hasselhoff from Cumberland Farms is all fun and games until someone gets seriously hurt.

It began innocuously enough last summer, when some 550 cutouts of the Hoff were stolen from the convenience store's locations in New England and Florida. At the time, a brand strategist for the chain brushed off the thefts, saying the company didn't encourage it but was nonetheless "flattered by the attention." The chain will be less flattered by an incident on Tuesday, however, in which a Cumberland Farms clerk in Shelton, Conn., was critically injured trying to prevent the theft of a Hoff cutout from the latest campaign.

According to a statement from the local police: "The initial investigation revealed that a black SUV pulled into the lot of Cumberland Farms. The victim later observed a white male get out of the vehicle and cut two 'David Hasseloff' [sic] advertisement signs off of a light pole. The male then put the signs in the back of the vehicle. The victim approached the vehicle in an attempt to get the signs back. The vehicle then sped away and the victim was dragged and then he spun around and flipped backwards landing on his head."

The victim, who has not been identified, is listed in critical condition at an area hospital. Meanwhile, a 19-year-old who is suspected to have been the driver has come forward and is cooperating with police.


A crime against originality / Un coup pour rien?

flingue2004 flingue2013b
VTM – Aspe crime stories – 2004
Source : Creative Club Belgium Mention, Cannes Archive
Agency : Duval Guillaume Brussels (Belgium)
Against the use of Plastic Bags – 2013
Source : LoremIpsum
Agency : Lorem Ipsum (Canada)

Real Criminals Star in Excellent Commercial for Van Nuys Bail Bondsman

Better call Saul? Actually, try Harry Kassabian first. The proprietor of People's Bail Bonds in Van Nuys, Calif., co-stars with some real-life criminals in this great commercial produced by local-ad heroes Rhett & Link. The cue-ball-headed Kassabian makes liberal use of air quotes in describing his clients' supposed innocence—but really, it's all the same to him. "The customer is always right, even if the customer is you and you've done something illegal," he says in one of the ad's better lines. Kassabian's personal tagline? He's "the guy that gets you out." "We decided there was a group out there that really needed their own commercial: criminals," Rhett & Link tell AdFreak. True enough. Rhett & Link also made their traditional cameo—look for them in the final seconds of the spot. Credits below.

Written and Directed by: Rhett & Link
Produced by: Stevie Wynne Levine
Editor: Benjamin Eck
Production Assistant/Behind the Scenes: Jason Inman
Production Coordinator: Kendall Hawley


NYPD Now Scanning Facebook, Instagram Photos to Identify Criminals

If you're thinking of committing a felony in New York City anytime soon, keep an eye on how many photos of you are floating around on Facebook and Instagram. The NYPD's new Facial Recognition Unit is using software to scan faces in social media, and from surveillance-camera footage, and match them to the mugshots of known criminals. The amount of people posting photos online is a veritable boon to modern police investigation. By modern, I mean after 2006. Since the FRU can use only clear, straight-ahead portrait shots, trying this in the days of Myspace would have been impossible. Photo via.

Pegadinha surpreende com assassinato dentro de um elevador

Dead Man Down

O que você faria caso se deparasse com um assassinato em curso? Chamaria a polícia? Interviria? Sairia correndo? Uma nova pegadinha tenta responder essa questão, mostrando a reação de diversas pessoas quando encontram um homem estrangulando outro dentro de um elevador.

A ação faz parte da campanha do filme “Dead Man Down”, primeiro longa hollywoodiano do diretor dinamarquês Niels Arden Oplev, que dirigiu a versão original sueca de “O Homem Que Não Amavam as Mulheres”.

O filme, que estreia nos EUA em 8 de março, conta a história de uma mulher que se infiltra no crime em busca de vingança. Dessa forma, você já pode imaginar o sentimento que o experimento do elevador deseja despertar.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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DNA Project: Nunca interfira em uma cena de crime

A DNA Project é uma associação forense da África do Sul que, com o objetivo de educar as pessoas a não alterarem uma cena de crime, recorreram a uma criativa ação outdoor.

Em uma estação de trem, o retrato de um criminoso com 6×8 metros foi desenhado no chão, utilizando spray e pequenas pedras brancas. Conforme os transeuntes passavam pelo local, a imagem ia se deteriorando.

A criação é da agência FoxP2.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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