The Matter of Making Simpler Display Advertising

Display Advertising

In a nutshell, advertising doesn’t have to be sophisticated. There is a belief in some companies that the more high-tech your advertising campaign is, the more attention you will get. This may be true but not all people are appreciative of sophisticated display advertising.

Remember that advertising aims to attract the masses towards your product or service. It doesn’t matter if it is basic or simple. What remains is the fact that most people today have varying tastes towards taking notice of advertising campaigns set loose today in the various mediums.

Simple advertising works to the advantage of people but in the end, it still depends on how you can make your product or service become a need towards people in their daily needs.

“In order to really move into large masses of advertisers, display advertising has to be easier and simpler,” said Ajay Agarwal, managing director of Bain Capital Ventures. “Google did this with search advertising. We think the same thing has to happen with display.”

(Source) Wall Street Journal

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The History of Advertising Book

History of Advertising

For people who want to make the right moves in advertising, it would be only normal to find them cramming to find the right books on how to make advertising work to their advantage. Most people turn to the usual educational marketing and advertising books, but the difference really lies on a book that focuses mainly on advertising prowess.

Such is the highlight of this book simply called “The History of Advertising”. Once you hear it, it may seem that it is a book made for a college student. But the real essence of any subject, advertising in this case, really lies on the focus of books that are available in the market today.

Divided into sections by decades, this book explores the legendary campaigns and brands of advertising’s modern history, with specific anecdotes and comments on the importance of every campaign. You will find the picture of the camel that originated the Camel pack, the first Coca Cola ad, and even how artworks by masters such as Picasso and Magritte have been used in advertising.

(Source) Design Directory

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Truvo Mobile goes live in Belgium with mobilePeople

Belgian users can search in both French and Dutch

Copenhagen, London 7 May 2008 – Truvo, a leading local search and advertising publisher operating across 6 countries, has launched a downloadable Java search service for mobile users in Belgium based on mobilePeople’s popular liquid platform. Truvo, formerly called World Directories, is the first international directory publisher to add multiple content sources in a searchable format next to their own yellow and white pages listings.

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Automakers are revving up for movie theater ads

After a long hiatus from the movie theaters for no good reason, I’ve returned, seeing several pre-summer blockbusters in the past few weeks. One thing, in particular, that’s stuck out in my mind has been a definitely noticable increase in ads, with a surprising number of auto makers pushing for my attention (albeit my attention is pretty much on the screen regardless).

As several articles I’ve been browsing through today point out, my perception of an increase in theater ads isn’t just my imagination. A pretty interesting AdAge article by Jean Halliday points out that movie theater ad sales are quickly rising across the board, capturing the attention of auto makers:

Screenvision’s revenue in the segment for the first half of 2008 is almost double what it was in the first half of 2007, said exec VP-sales and marketing Mike Chico, who said he expects to sell out 2008 inventory in the third quarter, which is unusual.

Which basically translates into more high profile ads showing up in theaters, and more interesting creative being done in longer formats, like the full :60 version of the Dodge Journey waterslide spot that’s been all over broadcast TV (in :30 form) of late.
So while part of me is tossin’ back the popcorn waiting impatiently for the movie to start, the other part of me is glad that big-budget advertisers (and the subsequent big-budget ads) are going to be showing up more and more in the theaters. Because while I’m a captive audience starting blankly at a mind-numbing screen, there might as well be something enjoyable for me to stare at.

Has the Internet Overtaken TV Advertising?

TV Advertising

As far as advertising is concerned, we all know that before the Internet came into the picture, television advertising was the premier advertising tool that most companies turned to. Today, the same trend continues but thanks to the aggressive change in online advertising, we see some companies now thinking twice on which medium to invest on.

Many are saying that Internet advertising is now killing the usual TV advertising. Some would disagree since there are still some groups who do not rely that much on web investments. The Internet is indeed powerful and more saturated but what is holding back companies right now is determining how much of their target market are glued to the web and how many watch actual television these days.

In the aftermath of the writer’s strike – and with ever-increasing competition from the Internet, cable channels and digital video recorders – primetime network television isn’t the all-powerful medium it used to be.

That erosion of power will be in evidence over the next several weeks when the networks host their annual “upfronts” – gatherings where TV executives attempt to persuade advertisers to buy ad time by showing off previews of the upcoming fall season.

(Source) CNN Money Fortune

The Newest Campbell’s Face

We all remember the Campbell’s Chunky Soup commercials with Donovan McNabb and his oh-so-adorable mother and even Matt Hasselback and his mom. This September, LaDainian Tomlinson takes the reigns in the newest spots that will follow a day-in-the-life of the football star. However, this isn’t Tomlinson’s first appearance in the Campbell’s spots, he appeared last year among an all-star cast. As you patiently await the coming football season, check out previous commercials here and watch the oldie-but-goodie below.  (Source AdWeek)  

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Is network advertising still the way to go?


For those of you not savvy on tv lingo, every year the major networks parade out their new shows for the media and advertisers in something called “upfronts”
These were generally used to generate buzz for their showcase shows and get advertisers on board with the “next hot thing” before anyone else

the problem is in this day and age of the video, video on demand, tivo, the internet, even cable’s shows, which are becoming edgier and attracting major talent are outdrawing the networks

So far this season, according to the Nielsen Company, ABC (DIS, Fortune 500) has a 5.2% share of the TV-viewing households, down from 6.4% from the 2006-2007 season. CBS (CBS, Fortune 500) has a 5.6% tally, down from 7.9% last season. Fox (NWS, Fortune 500) has garnered 5.3% of households so far this season, down from 6.4% last year. And NBC (GE, Fortune 500) has captured 4.8% of the viewership, down from 5.8 during all of last season. Meanwhile, many of the largest cable networks have seen an upsurge in viewers.

Broadcast networks typically generate about half of their ad income during the upfronts. During the 2006-2007 television season, the upfronts brought in $9 billion of the U.S. broadcast networks’ combined $18.6 billion in ad revenues. But that take has fallen by 4% and 3% respectively over the last two seasons.

So the question is, for the savvy media planner, is network advertising still the way to get your product seen by the most people? Remember more than half of these new shows at the upfronts won’t even make it out of their first season.

My guess is that this trend will continue, much as blogs and the internet have replaced “old media” such as newspapers, the more options given to people, the more they will be drawn away from network television

More at CNN Money

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Pharmaceutical Advertising Aching for Attention

Pharmaceutical Advertising

As far as health is concerned, advertising can make a difference. Today, most people are being oriented on the health risks that come their way and for most pharmaceutical companies, there is still a part of the market that they can penetrate when it comes to pills that help you sleep.

But while it may indeed be a risk since people are being wooed away from relying on medical tablet means towards solving their problems, it is apparent that it is a short time deal. People are wiser these days but as long as advertising draws in the sales, then why not?

“Pharmaceutical companies pour a tremendous amount of money and effort into these ad campaigns,” said Michelle Dockhorn, a Rockhurst University assistant marketing professor who has worked in pharmaceutical sales and marketing. “A popular campaign takes a monumental effort. They do a lot of brainstorming to understand the target market and what will make them buy the drug.”


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Advertising in Third World Countries

Online Advertising Philippines

Apparently, the power of online advertising has been so far restricted and acknowledged only by the people who are in the United States and the United Kingdom. While online advertising and Internet marketing is rampant in the world today, it is really out of curiosity that countries such as the Philippines has not adopted such a tactic.

I call this funny for the fact that most of the Internet marketers in the world today come from the Philippines and India. While they are serving countries abroad through telecommute jobs, it makes you wonder why their point of origin does not know what it is missing.

“There is still a huge potential in the Philippines when using the Internet for marketing and advertising campaigns. All that is needed is that they are informed with the methods and tools that can be used by local advertisers and marketers,”

(Source) Philippine Daily Inquirer

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Using Company Shares to Settle Advertising Fees

Using Company Shares to Settle Advertising Fees

We all know for a fact that paying immediately for all ads that we have produced would need payment in the worst way. All companies including the advertising agencies need to financially resolve their current standing and while some of them may not be as liquid as many would hope large companies would be, the alternative mode of payment today has been in the form of offering company shares.

If you think about it, what will you do with shares in these times where it seems that everyone is in need of cash? Further, it may be risky to take shares in lieu of cash for advertising services and if concerned parties tasked in business and advertising projects are concerned are not careful, they may end up in the losing end.

ONE of India’s leading newspapers launched an unusual advertising drive last month. “Money cannot buy our integrity” read a front-page slogan in Daily News & Analysis (DNA), a Mumbai daily. “Make the headlines tomorrow.

By paying for it,” it added, in reference to some other papers’ supposed tendency to give favourable coverage to firms that place advertisements. That charge is hard to prove.

But an increasingly popular practice is exposing Indian newspapers to growing conflicts of interest: accepting payments for ads in the form of shares in the advertiser’s firm.


AOL Advertising Gets Failing Mark from Time Warner CEO

Time Warner

As far as achieving your goal in advertising is concerned, expect it to be a rough one. Not all people who turn to advertising will immediately be satisfied for the reason that they need to impress people on the feasibility of such an added expense and investment.

Normally, the goal is for proper exposure. But once that is satisfied you have to hit your target market and make sure that you are getting what you want from it. One thing about corporate management leaders is that they want results. Advertising is not spared from it and if such a campaign proves to be futile expect some heads to roll or people placed in the hot seat to explain why goals are not delivering according to expectations.

First-quarter advertising revenue at AOL grew a scant 1%, after several quarters of sliding growth rates. A particular weak spot was display advertising on AOL’s Web pages, where sales eased 18% from a year earlier.

“We were not satisfied with the performance of display advertising,” Bewkes told investors on a conference call. Bewkes said other advertising, including sales on non-AOL sites, was a strong point in the first quarter.

(Source) CNN Money

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Advertisements that Insult Human Intelligence

Smoking Fish Hook Ad

As far as advertising is concerned, getting the message across is one thing but considering the logical intelligence of the viewing market to which it is aimed at penetrating is another. In short, there are some advertisements that really do not care if their ad campaigns make sense or not. A simple word or two is all that matters for endorsing companies, normally terms that associate their brand to the consumer’s mind.

But while imagery is one thing, it is apparent that there are a lot of ads that do not make sense at all. Some call them wasted money and opportunity while others look at simply creating an image towards placing brand awareness for products and services.

With these tactics in mind, many people will agree, is it really for strategic management or plainly for conning people into intellectual proportions on the whole advertising paradigm.


We all have our personal advertising bugbears. I am frequently dumbstruck by the portrayal of young men as henpecked morons, perennially outmanoeuvred by their vastly superior girlfriends. And I can’t be the only person bothered by the ambulance-chasing personal injury adverts – the “no win, no fee” propaganda packs of the compensation culture.

(Source) theblog

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Beer & Weed: A Match Made In Heaven…or in California

 Vaune Dillmann, a local California brewer, was ordered by federal alcohol regulators to stop using bottle caps on his beer that read, “Try Legal Weed”.  The agency told Dillmann that the message on the caps were misleading and were a reference to drugs.  As it turns out, Dillmann told the Associatd Press that he’s never done drugs (specifically marijuana) in his life and that the bottle caps were just a reference to the town’s name: Weed, CA.  Dillmann claims that he is not the only one who has used the tradition of exploiting the town’s name.  In fact, he claims that even city officials do it- which, of course, makes it ok.   Federal agency spokesman, Art Resnick told the Associated Press:

We protect consumers of alcohol beverages against misleading advertising and labeling. That’s one of our primary functions. That’s what we do, as well as collect taxes.

The Real Secret of the Scarlet by LG Electronics


Have you ever tried to spend on an advertising campaign without even mentioning the brand of the product or service even once? It seems like a poor way to advertise and spend tons of dollars for promotional practices but apparently LG Electronics has a lot of things in mind.

Scarlet, an advertising campaign launched by LG Electronics features Malthe as the sexed-up, butt-kicking, red-eyed heroine “Scarlet.” There’s no mention of LG _ or even a prominent image of the TV itself _ in the advertising materials or commercials.

Now if that is something that seems like poor advertising then I don’t know what is. But fooling people and getting their attention in a different manner is perhaps the initiative. So what gives?

“To be honest, the most difficult thing for me on this campaign was to convince myself and my bosses to really own this idea,” says Lee. “To spend money without letting people know about our brand is really, really risky, right? But that’s the idea of this. We need a breakthrough idea to change the rules of the game.”


(Source) The Washington Post


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“Mommy; I Want a Nose Job Too!”

According to a recent news story, approximately 100,000 children and teenagers receive cosmetic surgery each year which has led to deputies from Germany demanding a ban on allowing children and teenagers to get these “unnecessary” procedures.  In the same report, it even stated that 10-year old are getting tattoos and piercings [gasp!].  Meanwhile, back here in America, we are embracing our beloved cosmetic procedures with books such as My Beautiful Mommy, which aims to explain to children why their mothers don’t want to be ugly.  Don’t you think that if a child sees their parent(s) getting a nose job that they’ll want one too? Who do we blame now for kids wanting to go under the knife?

My Beautiful Mommy

Familiar Snap and Win “Dud Contest” Again?


As far as advertising is concerned, you would be surprised at the things that most companies would come up with to get attention and this one is really something that is similar to them. This new print-ad gimmick is for readers to take camera phone pictures of icons and ads and send them to a certain number. They will in turn get more information from the advertiser concerned.

If you think of it, it is quite a long shot and seeing people wasting their time taking pictures and then getting information of these products does seem strange at this point.

Wait a second. Haven’t we seen something like this before?

Ah yes, the CueCat, a handheld device that scanned special barcodes to save you the trouble of typing in a web address, which was introduced in the year 2000, pretty much failed that same year, and are now as hacked as Roombas.

(Source) Jossip

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Subliminal Advertising by Chance

We are all aware that most companies would do anything to advertise on top rates shows such as the Iron Chef. But in this case, only the observant people can depict the actual subliminal advertising that is being talked about today.

In fact, you have to be monitoring it closely. Not all people will be aware of it and surely it is a form of advertising that will surely be worthless.

But guess again. Thanks to one person, it has ballooned into a full-blown issue for both the show and the company concerned, that of which is McDonalds. Was it intentional or accidental? You be the judge.

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Creative Advertising Just Got Better

We all know that the key towards making advertising work is to find ways to get attention. Apparently, this has been in the mind of people who have let out their creative artistry towards various means such as goods and transport media images that can really draw attention.

For some, this may seem funny, but the thing is, you are getting the attention which is important in any advertising and promotional gimmick. Laugh at it or like it, the fact remains that the key here is baring the ideas of modern advertising the people will use for larger market awareness and penetration needed by businesses today.

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Glocalisation Advertising Strategies in India

Globalization is one thing that most international companies invest in today and it is an aggressive practice in the local shores of India. Large names that include Coca Cola and McDonalds have adopted the new termed practice called Glocalisation, a saleable mix of the global and the local, which represents the human capacity to bridge scales from the local to global and vice versa.

Product association is evident in our local regions and for international companies known throughout the world, the need to rev up the consumer awareness has become a critical need. India has so far acknowledged this need and companies who have intended to join in this Glocalisation practice are jumping in one by one.

Advertising agencies in our country are increasingly going in for international tie-ups. As a result, foreign brands are suddenly seeking local attention. The art of making an advertisement look local and endearing to Indians is the global spin-off in advertising,” Vipin Dhayani, creative head of the Everest Brand Solutions, said.

(Source) Zeenews

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Sponsoring Events to Advertise

Useful Marketing Ads

Familiar to most people who invest a lot in advertising is the fact of sponsoring events that are held on certain periods of time. This includes concerts or even sports events that draw a crowd to which provides a good medium for exposure particularly for brands that are still on the rise.

Aggressive giant companies like Coca Cola, Nike and Nokia do this. We can see their endorsement at various points in time. Notable among them include being seen over the NBA, the World Cup and concerts from known artists such as Christina Aguilera and Michael Jackson.

These events are held at various points of the world and the advertising support is something that makes them happen. With that in mind you can imagine the sum needed to finance these events and the returns expected from them on the chosen target market.

You can read something related to this here at the Business Week

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