We Don’t Pay

Could Occupy catalyze a wildcat consumer revolt in May?

From Adbusters Blog

Last week, occupiers in New York City chained open subway entrances and posted official looking notices inviting the public to ride for free. Their innovative action caused an immediate sensation in the Occupy movement suggesting that similar jams will be carried out worldwide in May.

Jammers explained that the fare strike was done to show the connection between the de-funding of public transportation and the financial takeover of democracy: “Instead of using our tax money to properly fund transit, Albany and City Hall have intentionally starved transit of public funds for over twenty years; the MTA must resort to bonds (loans from Wall Street) to pay for projects and costs … more than $2 billion a year goes to debt service … by 2018 more than one out of every five dollars of MTA revenue will head to a banker’s pockets.” Union leadership agreed.

Authorities in New York City were swift to condemn, even going so far as to release surveillance footage of the occupiers calmly pulling off this audacious jam. It is no surprise that they are worried. This is perhaps the first time that the fare strike tactic has been successfully deployed in America and it is a sign that the I Don’t Pay movement which has been flourishing in Europe is finally leaping to North America. In Greece, jammers routinely occupy toll booths and public transportation entrances allowing everyone to pass for free.

As Occupy matures, it is beginning to learn a few new tricks. If Occupy adopts the I Don’t Pay movement’s fare strike tactic, we just might see May’s uprising snowball into a wildcat consumer revolt–a mass refusal to pay–the likes of which the world has never seen.


Tactical Briefing #28.

From Adbusters Blog

Hey you nimble dreamers, wild cats and horizontals out there,

Our Spring offensive is building toward a climactic May uprising… time to come out of winter hibernation and play jazz like we’ve never played it before.

May 1 we leap into the new world with a mighty multinational General Strike. Wherever you are, No Work; No School; No Shopping. No illusions. No apologies. No business as usual. Into The Streets!

May 12, we intensify with three days of global action. Jammers in London, Lisbon, Paris, Marseilles, Helsinki, Cuzco, Barcelona, Quebec are already on board with more on the way. We’ll hold our assemblies, hash out our demands and start building a parallel society that can sustain autonomous, horizontal, revolutionary communities outside of corpo-consumerism … we stop begging and we start creating … we begin the change we want to see.

We scared the G8 away from Chicago and now some occupiers are planning #OCCUPYCAMPDAVID – a cacophonous carnival of tree-sits, lockdowns and nomadic encampments in the woods and nearby Thurmont. Bon Voyage! Others are upping the ante with #OCCUPYCHICAGO – a mobilization of anarchic swarms to shutdown the NATO summit.


And then one of the softer aesthetic moments of our Spring offensive could well be the #LAUGHRIOT on May 18, the day the G8 leaders meet in Camp David. There is something totally ludicrous, absurd, even insane about the eight most powerful people in the world deciding to do the people’s business people behind closed doors and razor wire fences. This veneer of legitimacy is our tragedy turned to farce.

As Aristotle observed, to laugh is uniquely human… Imagine the scene: first a few hundred of us, then a few thousand, then millions of people across the world — each in their own way, some individually, some collectively in flash mobs, offices, parks, encampments — all breaking out in uproarious laughter on May 18. This could be a delicious defining moment – the day when the people of the world have a good laugh together and, from that point on, start thinking differently about how the world should be governed.

Then we get ready for our next big challenge: How to Occupy the U.S. Presidential Election on November 6.

Time to play wild, spontaneous jazz as Miles Davis intended,

for the wild,
Culture Jammers HQ

OccupyWallStreet.org / Tactical Briefing #25, #26 and #27 / OccupyWallst.org / G8Protest.org / OccupyChi.org / CANG8.org / Takethesquare.net / OccupyMay1st.org / MayDayNYC.org / May12.net / Facebook / Twitter / Reddit

Jammers Swarm NATO HQ

Indignados abroad prepare for #OCCUPYCHICAGO.

From Adbusters Blog

Yesterday, several hundred indignados, culture jammers and occupiers from across Europe swarmed the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) headquarters in Brussels in a bold attempt to shut it down.

Organizers explained that the action was a prelude to #OCCUPYCHICAGO and an early preview of the anarchic swarms that will disrupt May’s NATO summit. “Where peace is at stake, nonviolent intervention is necessary,” a press release said.

According to the AFP, occupiers ran across fields and climbed fences leading to the NATO compound chanting “NATO Game Over” and “We want peace now.” They were blocked by a “large police presence” and 483 nonviolent occupiers were arrested.

See here pictures and video of the action.


Los indignados españoles inspiran Occupy

From Adbusters Blog

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España ha sido sacudida hoy por una Huelga General que ha cerrado los centros comerciales, las carreteras y los centros de transporte. Se levantaron barricadas de neumáticos en llamas en Barcelona, cientos de vuelos de las aerolíneas fueron cancelados y en torno a un 91% de todos los empleados de las grandes empresas se quedaron en casa o tomaron las calles, según El País.

La Huelga General no podría haber llegado en un momento más significativo desde la perspectiva del movimiento popular global. Como señala la revista ROAR, la Huelga General en España comenzó inicialmente con la llamada a la huelga del sindicato anarquista CNT, pero esta fue un éxito en útlima instancia porque fue asumida y potenciada por la juventud militante de los indignados, cuyas acampadas en toda España en mayo de 2011 inspiraron #OCCUPYWALLSTREET. Fue esa epifanía táctica de apoderarse de una plaza pública y realizar asambleas horizontales basadas en el consenso la que catapultó Occupy. Y ahora que el movimiento Occupy se prepara para su muy esperada Huelga General el 1 de mayo, los indignados nos muestran una vez más el camino.

La espectaular, masiva y exitosa Huelga General de España tendrá una profunda influencia en nuestro propio pensamiento táctico a medida que nuestra ofensiva primaveral cobre fuerza. Como explica la revista ROAR, esta es una lucha hasta el final entre el mundo antiguo y el nuevo: "con los mercados financieros empujando a la gente al borde de la desesperación, el apoyo popular hacia acciones radicales está aumentando con rapidez. Ahora que los indignados se preparan para una primavera del descontento, que culminará con un día de acción global el 12 de mayo, los poderosos están recibiendo una clara señal: mientras su sistema se hunde, nuestro movimiento gana cada vez más fuerza. Eche un vistazo a las fotos de la huelga de hoy en http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/gallery/2012/mar/29/spanish-general-stri… y http://www.demotix.com/news/1129700/general-strike-begins-barcelona a continuación, discutamos abajo qué podemos aprender de todo esto.

Translated by the Translator Brigadestranslatorbrigades@gmail.com


Spain’s indignados inspire Occupy.

From Adbusters Blog

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Spain was hit with a massive General Strike today that shut down shopping centers, roads and transportation hubs. Barricades of burning tires were erected in Barcelona, hundreds of airline flights were canceled across the nation, and an estimated 91% of all employees at large businesses stayed home or took the streets, according to El Pais.

Spain’s General Strike could not have come at a more significant moment from the perspective of the global people’s movement. As ROAR magazine points out, Spain’s General Strike was initially called for by the anarcho-syndicalist CNT union but it was ultimately a success because the call was taken up and powered by the youthful militancy of the indignados whose encampments across Spain in May, 2011 inspired #OCCUPYWALLSTREET. It was the tactical breakthrough of seizing a public square and holding horizontal, consensus-based assemblies that launched Occupy. And now, as the Occupy movement prepares for its own much anticipated General Strike on May 1, the indignados are again showing us the way.

Spain’s spectacular, large-scale and successful General Strike will have a profound influence on our own tactical thinking as our Spring offensive gathers momentum.

As ROAR magazine explains, this is a fight to the finish between the old world and the new: “with financial markets pushing the people to the brink of despair, popular support for radical action is rapidly being ramped up. Now that the indignados are preparing for a spring of discontent, culminating into a global day of action on May 12, a powerful sign is being given to those in power: as their system crumbles, our movement grows ever stronger.

Have a look at the pictures from today’s strike at http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/gallery/2012/mar/29/spanish-general-stri… and http://www.demotix.com/news/1129700/general-strike-begins-barcelona then discuss below what we can learn from all this.

Image from Our Future

What can Occupy learn from Greece?

From Adbusters Blog

The people of Greece continue to fight against their technocratic, unelected government. In this video from the streets, an indy filmmaker captures public school teachers chanting “fight, rupture, overturn! History is written when you don’t follow the rules!”

How To Stop A War

Growing consensus on a nuclear-free Middle East.

From Adbusters Blog

The war clouds are gathering as both Israel and the United States continue to make threatening gestures over Iran’s alleged nuclear ambitions. And yet, it is rarely mentioned that Israel has a known stockpile of nuclear warheads … and that the presence of these warheads is the primary catalyst for the regional nuclear arms race. All that is beginning to change: a global push is now underway to make the entire Middle East a nuclear-free zone. Already there are signs that the world could reach consensus on this proposal. For one, a recent poll revealed that 64% of Israelis would support a nuclear-free Middle East that included Israel and Iran. This meme may be the only practical initiative that can bring peace.

Now the Guardian reports that in December, 2012 Finland will host “a historic conference bringing Iran and Israel together with Arab states to discuss a ban on nuclear, chemical and biological weapons in the Middle East… A British foreign office spokesman said the UK believed that a Middle East free of all WMD and their means of delivery was an achievable goal, and one which was vital to the long-term peace and security of the region… The promise to work for the creation of a WMD-free zone in the Middle East dates back to 1995, when states without nuclear weapons demanded it as part of the price for them to stay in the nuclear non-proliferation treaty (NPT) and not seek their own arsenals.”

At #OCCUPYCHICAGO and beyond, can we seize the historic opportunity of back-to-back G8 and NATO summits and begin dictating to our leaders what we, the people, want? Can Occupy end the Iran war before it begins with a simple demand that 99% of the world, including Israelis and Iranians, can get behind: a nuclear-free Middle East as a concrete step toward a nuclear-free world?

Police Brutality Increasing Against Occupy

From Oakland to St. Louis, police are breaking bones.

From Adbusters Blog

Police across the country are increasingly using extreme violence against occupiers. The weekly SF Bay Guardian recently revealed that Oakland police have received numerous complaints of excessive force. In a complaint from Oct. 25, an occupier says that “officers found a person alone, beat him, and broke his knee.” A complaint from a Jan. 7 march says that a police officer kneed an occupier in the back “causing his spine to break.” In New York City, media reports that an occupier’s rib was broken on the six-month anniversary of OWS. When the wounded occupier began having a seizure, she was denied medical attention while a crowd watched in horror. When occupiers from across the middle of America gathered in St. Louis, Missouri for the Occupy the Midwest regional summit, they too were also brutally beat back. Tazers were used, a dozen arrests were made, and several occupiers were led away with their faces covered in blood.

In the following eyewitness account, an occupier describes how it feels to be in confronted by extreme police brutality:

“For those that have never witnessed police violence, I want to make something clear. Nothing about this situation followed the prescription of an arrest – this media image of a “You are under arrest. You have the right…” is not what happens in real life. A friend said it best, what happened Thursday night was some gangsta shit. It was angry, vicious people jumping unarmed protesters and bystanders. It was an attack. It was intentional brutality. They did not follow any procedure of kettling, “less lethal” tactics, etc. Their actions were directly targeting individuals and beating the shit out of them. It was so fucked up.

I am traumatized. I am having flashbacks, and the more I try to make the motions of my mundane life the more vivid they become. Work, school, friendly conversations all seem completely devoid of meaning. All I can do is tell the story of my experience and force the people I surround myself with to question the society we participate in. I am so fucking angry.”

Read the whole story at https://antistatestl.wordpress.com/2012/03/19/a-personal-account-of-the-… and join the discussion below on how Occupy can overcome increasing police brutality.

The History of OWS

What does our past tell us about our future?

From Adbusters Blog

The Occupy movement “has created a space in the American political consciousness about a different type of power: one controlled by people, not corporations,” explains this Al Jazeera documentary about the first phase of Occupy Wall Street.

As we head towards the May Day General Strike, May 12-15 global days of action, #OCCUPYCHICAGO, and the #LAUGHRIOT, what lessons can we learn from phase one of the movement?

URL: http://www.aljazeera.com/programmes/faultlines/2012/03/20123191525164973…


Enjambres Anárquicos – El modelo Emergente

From Adbusters Blog

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Hey, gatos salvajes, soñadores, redentores, horizontales,

El escenario está listo para una confrontaciónculminante en Chicago.

La crisis del capitalismo es cada vez más profunda. El desempleo juvenil ha alcanzado el 50% en España y en Grecia…el 30% en Portugal y en Italia, el 22% en Italia y en el Reino Unido… casi un 20% en los EE.UU. Cientos de millones de personas en todo el mundo se están dando cuenta de que su futuro no computaque sus vidas serán una serie infinita de crisis ecológicas, financieras, y políticas… y que si no nos levantamos y comenzamos a luchar por un futuro diferente, no tendremos futuro.

Esa lucha se encenderá otra vez el 1 de Mayo.

#OCCUPYCHICAGO será el punto focal de esta insurrección global espiritual… 50,000 de nosotros convergiremos en la ciudad del viento y confrontaremos a los líderes del G8 y de la OTAN con un ultimatum. Montaremos acampadas improvisadas en toda la ciudad y desataremos una guerra de memes (* http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meme) de amplio espectro apoyada por nuevas tácticas de abarrotamiento anárquico. Nuestra militancia directa noviolenta inspirará a miles de pueblos, ciudades y campus de todo el mundo a levantarse en solidaridad tal y como hicieron el pasado mes de Octubre. Este es un motín mundial de múltiples frentes en contra la manera en que nuestros líderes económicos y militares están dirigiendo el mundo.

En el FRENTE CULTURAL nos enfrentamos a la máquina corporativo-comercial de las mentiras – cambiamos la manera en la que fluye la información y se produce significado. Entrenamos a una nueva raza de livestreamers, ciudadanos-periodistas y visionarios p2p y les soltamos a las calles para que sean los ojos del mundo durante el mes de Mayo.

En el FRENTE MEDIOAMBIENTAL pedimos que el G8 llegue a un consenso para reducir drásticamente la huella de carbono y que ratifique un acuerdo internacional vinculante sobre el cambio climático.

En el FRENTE ECONÓMICO echamos el peso de nuestro movimiento en una sola demanda: la implementación de un Impuesto Robin Hood de un 1% sobre todas las transacciones financieras y sobre el comercio de divisas,

En el FRENTE GEOPOLÍTICO le decimos a Obama, Cameron, Sarkozy, Putin, Merkel, Noda, Monti, Harper y a los líderes militares de la OTAN que cesen la beligerancia y que comiencen a luchar por la paz. Bloqueamos la inminente guerra de Irán con una iniciativa global preventiva que casi todos en el mundo podemos abrazar: un mundo nuclear-free, empezando por Oriente Medio incluyendo Israel e Irán.

En el FRENTE PERSONAL, cientos de millones de nosotros deseamos vivir el mes de Mayo sin tiempo muerto… para experimentar la camaradería jubilosa…para abrirnos a una inminente epifanía que transforme nuestras vidas. Seguimos el consejo de Miles Davis sobre cómo tocar jazz: “se espontáneamente vivo y “toca lo que allí no está.” Occupy nos ha enseñado a todos. Innova, fractura, crece en resistencia y en diversidad. En este espíritu celebramos la ferocidad Gandhiana de los Zuccottis que lanzaron este movimiento con sus asambleas mágicas y sus maneras noviolentas…

Ensalzamos la creciente cosecha de grupos de trabajo y su deseo de un programa de cambio político y social. En el lado salvaje honoramos a aquellos en Oakland que han perdido el miedo contra todo pronóstico. Con esta coalición de arco iris, mantenemos las cabezas altas y abrazamos los días emocionantes de la Primavera.

Agitadores, coged vuestras tiendas, llamad a vuestros amigos, reunid a vuestros grupos de afinidad y preparaos para “poner el culo en línea” para un levantamiento global del pueblo que empieza el 1 de Mayo.

Hacia lo salvaje,
Sede de los Culture Jammers (Agitadores Culturales)

Translated by the Translator Brigadestranslatorbrigades@gmail.com


Taktiese Bekendstelling #27.

From Adbusters Blog

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Reg so, julle wilde katte, sneldromers en geesvang-taktici,

In 'n onverwagse gatomswaaiery, het die Verenigde State die stryd teen Beset, of te wel Occupy, gewonne gegee en Meimaand se G8-spitsberaad na Camp David, 'n ondeurdringbare militere basis in die landelike Maryland verskuif. Aitsa! Lyk of die spook van 50,000 besetters wat regstaan om met 'n lys eise op Chicago toe te sak die Afrekening aldaar in 'n vernederende aftog deur die G8 verander het. Welgedaan! Om die G8- en NAVO-spitsberade in twee te deel was 'n behendige skuif&hellp; maar nou moet ons op groot skaal ons taktiek herbedink.

Die groot vraag is: moet ons Mao se raad volg (“wanneer die vyand die aftog blaas, sit ons hom agterna”) of Sun Tzu s'n (“Moenie'n vyand agtervolg wat maak asof hy vlug nie”)? Ons het oortuigende argumente vir albei sienswyses aangehoor. Sommige besetters reken die beweging moet op die G8 se hakke bly sit en ondanks alles #OCCUPYCAMPDAVID 'n werklikheid maak &hellp;'n maand van boomsittery, versperrings en nomadiese kampeerdery in die woude en digby die nabygelee Thurmont. Ander meen dit sal beter wees om die pap nog veel dikker met #OCCUPYCHICAGO aan te maak: 'n selfs nog groter mobilisering wat met Meidag se Algemene Staking begin. Ander staan weer 'n onvoorspelbare wereldwye opstand voor deur anargistiese groepe wat oral gelyktydig in Meimaand amok maak.

Toe Ben Ali aanvanklik aangeval is en van sy mense probeer wegkruip het, is hy uit die kussings gelig. Toe Mubarak geweier het om te onderhandel en probeer het om sy mense tot onderhorigheid terug te dwing, is hy afgeset. Nou maak die Withuis en die G8 nes laasjaar se outokrate.&hellp; eers probeer hulle ons bangpraat met onderdrukkende teen-Besetings-ordonnansies, skareblus-tegnologie en paramilitere polisiering, en dan maak hulle hulle weer vinnig uit die voete en skarrel viir die veiligheid van Camp David.

Die wereld se leiers hardloop weg van ons &hellp; so wat moet ons doen? Miskien net vir hulle lag?

Op 18 Mei, die dag wanneer die G8-;eiers in Camp David bymekaarkom, hoekom hou ons, die wereld se mense, nie bloot net #LAG-ONLUSTE nie? Laat 'n gebrul van die lag opstyg vanuit alle dorpe en stede, as ons sien hoe die wereld se leiers van agter toe deure en doringdraadheinings krisisbestuur op die ekonomie probeer toepas.

Lag is een van die magtigste taktiese wapens van 'n meem-oorlog&hellp;dit wys jy kraai koning en is nie bang nie. So kom ons skep 'n die grootste komedie wat die wereld nog ooit gesien het: flitsskares wat lag dat die trane loop, uitbundige straatpartytjies en histeriese poetse. 18 Mei kan 'n monumentale omswaaipunt wees&hellp;'n ahahaha!-oomblik wanneer die wereld se mense 'n kollektiewe verhelderingsmoment beleef, vanwaar hulle anders begin dink oor hoe die wereld regeer moet word.

Geesvangers, wat ons ook al herdie Lente doen, kom ons fladder soos vlinders en steek soos bye! Kom ons buig die G8 en NAVO na ons sienswyses met skoktaktieke en gewaagde kulturele geesvangery wat die wereld se verbeelding aangryp. Ons is dalk veel nader aan 'n Wereldwye Lente wees as wat enigeen van ons tot dusver toe kon droom…

Kultuurgeesvangers HK

OccupyWallStreet.org /
Tactical Briefing #25 and #26 / OccupyWallst.org / G8Protest.org / OccupyChi.org / CANG8.org / Takethesquare.net / OccupyMay1st.org / MayDayNYC.org / Facebook / Twitter / Reddit

Translated by the Translator Brigadestranslatorbrigades@gmail.com

18 maggio, un #LAUGHRIOT Globale

Briefing Tattico n. 27

From Adbusters Blog

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Ehilà voi gatti selvaggi, sognatori abili e agitatori strategici ,

In un’improvviso voltafaccia, gli Stati Uniti hanno concesso una vittoria al movimento Occupy, trasferendo il vertice del G8 di maggio a Camp David, un' impenetrabile base militare nella zona rurale di Maryland. Wow! Pare che lo spettro di 50.000 occupanti pronti a sciamare con un elenco di richieste abbia trasformato la Showdown culminante di Chicago in un indietreggiamento umiliante del G8. E bravi! Dividere i vertici del G8 e la NATO è stata una mossa abile … ma ora abbiamo un profondo ripensamento tattico da fare. La questione principale è: seguiamo il consiglio di Mao ("quando il nemico si ritira, noi perseguiamo"), o quello di Sun Tzu ("Non perseguire un nemico che simula il volo")?

Abbiamo sentito opinioni convincenti da tutti i lati. Alcuni occupanti dicono che il movimento dovrebbe decidere per l’inseguimento e andare a fare un # OCCUPYCAMPDAVID contro ogni aspettativa … un mese di proteste, occupazione e accampamenti da nomadi nei boschi nelle vicinanze di Thurmont. Altri credono che sia meglio alzare la posta con un # OCCUPYCHICAGO: una mobilitazione ancora più grande che inizi con lo sciopero generale del Primo Maggio. Altri ancora sostengono un' insurrezione globale di sciami anarchiche attraverso un’imprevedibile tattico di ‘’dappertutto-allo-stesso tempo’ per tutto il mese di maggio.

Quando Ben Ali prima ha attaccato, per poi nascondersi dal suo popolo, fu deposto. Quando Mubarak ha rifiutato di negoziare, ed invece, ha cercato di battere il suo popolo, è stato deposto. Ora la Casa Bianca e il G8 ripetono gli stessi errori di autocrati dello scorso anno … in primo luogo, cercano di spaventarci con discorsi ‘tosti’ di ordinanze repressive anti-Occupy, con tecnologie di soppressione di folla, e la polizia paramilitare. Poi, si ritirano frettolosamente cercando la sicurezza di Camp David.

I leader del mondo fuggono da noi …e allora, cosa facciamo? Dobbiamo limitarci a ridere di loro?

Il 18 maggio, il giorno in cui i leader del G8 si incontreranno a Camp David, perché noi, il popolo del mondo, non organizziamo un # LAUGHRIOT. Facciamo sì che le risate si innalzino da tutte le città in tutto il mondo allo spettacolo dei leader mondiali che cercano di gestire la crisi dell'economia da dietro porte chiuse e recinzioni di filo spinato.

Ridere è una delle più potenti armi tattiche della guerra stessa … significa avere supremazia e la perdita della paura. Quindi, cerchiamo di tirare fuori la più grande commedia dei flash mob ululati con tanto feste di strada sfrenate e scherzi isterici, che il mondo abbia mai visto. Il 18 maggio potrebbe essere un punto di ribaltamento monumentale … un momento di ‘ahahaha!’ in cui la gente del mondo celebri un’epifania collettiva, e che da quel momento in poi, si inizi a pensare in modo diverso su come il mondo dovrebbe essere governato.

Agitatori, a prescindere da qualsiasi cosa decideremo di fare questa primavera, cerchiamo di volare come le farfalle, ma di pungere come le api! Pieghiamo il G8 e la NATO alla nostra volontà attraverso le tattiche d’urto e audaci mosse culturali che riescano a catturare la fantasia del mondo. Potremmo essere molto più vicini ad una Primavera Globale di quanto abbiamo mai potuto immaginare….

for the wild,
Culture Jammers HQ

OccupyWallStreet.org /
Tactical Briefing #25 and #26 / OccupyWallst.org / G8Protest.org / OccupyChi.org / CANG8.org / Takethesquare.net / OccupyMay1st.org / MayDayNYC.org / Facebook / Twitter / Reddit

Translated by the Translator Brigadestranslatorbrigades@gmail.com

Occupy’s Spring Return

See video

Six month anniversary of Occupy signals new movement intensity.

Occupy’s Bank Blockade Victory

UC Davis occupiers innovate powerful new tactic.

From Adbusters Blog

For the last two months, Occupy UC Davis has been blockading a campus branch of U.S. Bank. Now, in a victory for Occupy that potentially gives birth to a new movement tactic, U.S. Bank has capitulated and permanently closed the branch.

U.S. Bank has been a visible symbol on campus of the corporatization and monied corruption of education in part because, as The Aggie campus newspaper explains, “in 2010, all students were required to get new ID cards with the U.S. Bank logo on the back.”

The tactic of the occupiers was simple, nonviolent and highly effective. The Aggie describes the scene: “the blockade became a daily ritual. Protesters — typically numbering around 15 — would arrive around noon, followed by an officer from the campus police department. Thirty minutes later, bank employees would leave and the entire process would be repeated the next day.”

A celebratory statement posted on Occupy UC Davis’s website said, “the blockade of the U.S. Bank was a real battle against the privatization agenda, and its closure is a victory… This is not enough, this is not the end.”

The victory at Davis opens a new tactical horizon for Occupy. Can the bank blockade tactic be replicated across the nation? Could shutting down big banks every day for a month be the tactical breakthrough we need for May?


Spanish translation of “Tactical Briefing #27.”

From Adbusters Blog

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Hey, gatos salvajes, soñadores, redentores, horizontales,

El escenario está listo para una confrontaciónculminante en Chicago.

La crisis del capitalismo es cada vez más profunda. El desempleo juvenil ha alcanzado el 50% en España y en Grecia…el 30% en Portugal y en Italia, el 22% en Italia y en el Reino Unido… casi un 20% en los EE.UU. Cientos de millones de personas en todo el mundo se están dando cuenta de que su futuro no computaque sus vidas serán una serie infinita de crisis ecológicas, financieras, y políticas… y que si no nos levantamos y comenzamos a luchar por un futuro diferente, no tendremos futuro.

Esa lucha se encenderá otra vez el 1 de Mayo.

#OCCUPYCHICAGO será el punto focal de esta insurrección global espiritual… 50,000 de nosotros convergiremos en la ciudad del viento y confrontaremos a los líderes del G8 y de la OTAN con un ultimatum. Montaremos acampadas improvisadas en toda la ciudad y desataremos una guerra de memes (* http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meme) de amplio espectro apoyada por nuevas tácticas de abarrotamiento anárquico. Nuestra militancia directa noviolenta inspirará a miles de pueblos, ciudades y campus de todo el mundo a levantarse en solidaridad tal y como hicieron el pasado mes de Octubre. Este es un motín mundial de múltiples frentes en contra la manera en que nuestros líderes económicos y militares están dirigiendo el mundo.

En el FRENTE CULTURAL nos enfrentamos a la máquina corporativo-comercial de las mentiras – cambiamos la manera en la que fluye la información y se produce significado. Entrenamos a una nueva raza de livestreamers, ciudadanos-periodistas y visionarios p2p y les soltamos a las calles para que sean los ojos del mundo durante el mes de Mayo.

En el FRENTE MEDIOAMBIENTAL pedimos que el G8 llegue a un consenso para reducir drásticamente la huella de carbono y que ratifique un acuerdo internacional vinculante  sobre el cambio climático.

En el FRENTE ECONÓMICO echamos el peso de nuestro movimiento en una sola demanda: la implementación de un Impuesto Robin Hood de un 1% sobre todas las transacciones financieras y sobre el comercio de divisas,

En el FRENTE GEOPOLÍTICO le decimos a Obama, Cameron, Sarkozy, Putin, Merkel, Noda, Monti, Harper y a los líderes militares de la OTAN que cesen la beligerancia y que comiencen a luchar por la paz. Bloqueamos la inminente guerra de Irán con una iniciativa global preventiva que casi todos en el mundo podemos abrazar: un mundo nuclear-free, empezando por Oriente Medio incluyendo Israel e Irán.

En el FRENTE PERSONAL, cientos de millones de nosotros deseamos vivir el mes de Mayo sin tiempo muerto… para experimentar la camaradería jubilosa…para abrirnos a una inminente epifanía que transforme nuestras vidas. Seguimos el consejo de Miles Davis sobre cómo tocar jazz: “se espontáneamente vivo y “toca lo que allí no está.” Occupy nos ha enseñado a todos. Innova, fractura, crece en resistencia y en diversidad. En este espíritu celebramos la ferocidad Gandhiana de los Zuccottis que lanzaron este movimiento con sus asambleas mágicas y sus maneras noviolentas…

Ensalzamos la creciente cosecha de grupos de trabajo y su deseo de un programa de cambio político y social. En el lado salvaje honoramos a aquellos en Oakland que han perdido el miedo contra todo pronóstico. Con esta coalición de arco iris, mantenemos las cabezas altas y abrazamos los días emocionantes de la Primavera.

Agitadores, coged vuestras tiendas, llamad a vuestros amigos, reunid a vuestros grupos de afinidad y preparaos para “poner el culo en línea” para un levantamiento global del pueblo que empieza el 1 de Mayo.

Hacia lo salvaje,

Sede de los Culture Jammers (Agitadores Culturales)

OccupyWallStreet.org /
Tactical Briefing #25 and #26 / OccupyWallst.org / G8Protest.org / OccupyChi.org / CANG8.org / Takethesquare.net / OccupyMay1st.org / MayDayNYC.org / Facebook / Twitter / Reddit

Translated by the Translator Brigadestranslatorbrigades@gmail.com


Tactical Briefing #27.

From Adbusters Blog

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É o seguinte, rebeldes, ágeis sonhadores e estrategistas subversivos,

Em uma repentina reviravolta, os Estados Unidos admitiram uma vitória do Occupy e transferiram a cúpula do G8 de maio para Camp David, uma base militar impenetrável na rural Maryland. Uau! Parece que a ideia de um enxame de 50.000 ‘ocupantes’ vindo com uma lista de exigências na mão transformou o Confronto climático de Chicago em um humilhante Recuo do G8. Muito bem! Dividir o G8 e a Otan foi uma hábil decisão… mas agora temos uma importante reconsideração tática a fazer.

A grande questão é: seguimos o conselho de Mao ("Quando o inimigo recua, nós o perseguimos") ou o de Sun Tzu ("Não persiga um inimigo que simula fuga")? Ouvimos argumentos persuasivos de todos os lados. Alguns ‘ocupantes’ dizem que o movimento deveria continuar e investir no #OCCUPYCAMPDAVID contrariando todas as expectativas… um mês de protestos sentados em árvores, bloqueios e acampamentos nômades nas florestas e na vizinha Thurmont. Outros acreditam que é melhor apostar mais no #OCCUPYCHICAGO: uma mobilização ainda maior, começando com a Greve Geral do Primeiro de Maio. Outros ainda defendem uma insurgência global imprevisível, simultânea, de multidões anárquicas durante todo o mês de maio.

Quando Ben Ali atacou e depois tentou se esconder de seu povo, ele foi derrubado. Quando Mubarak se recusou a negociar e tentou colocar seu povo na linha à força, ele foi deposto. Agora, a Casa Branca e o G8 estão repetindo os erros dos autocratas do ano passado… primeiro eles tentam nos assustar com discursos duros de leis repressivas anti-Occupy, tecnologias para conter multidões e policiamento paramilitar, depois eles batem rapidamente em retirada para a segurança de Camp David.

Os líderes do mundo estão fugindo de nós… então o que fazemos? Talvez só rir deles?

Em 18 de maio, dia em que os líderes do G8 vão se reunir em Camp David, por que nós, povo do mundo inteiro, não fazemos uma #LAUGHRIOT? Vamos causar trovoadas de risos em todas as cidades, dirigidas para os líderes mundiais que tentam administrar a crise da economia atrás de portas fechadas e de cercas de arame farpado.

O riso é uma das mais poderosas armas táticas da guerra do meme… ele indica supremacia e perda do medo. Então vamos fazer a maior comédia de flash mobs uivantes, festas de rua arruaceiras e trotes hilários que o mundo já viu. O dia 18 de maio pode ser um monumental ponto de virada… um momento ‘hahahaha’ em que as pessoas do mundo tenham uma epifania coletiva, e a partir desse ponto comecem a pensar diferentemente sobre como o mundo deveria ser governado.

Agitadores, independentemente do que vamos fazer nesta primavera (outono no hemisfério Sul), vamos flutuar como borboletas e picar como abelhas! Vamos dobrar o G8 e a Otan diante de nossa vontade com táticas de choque e audaciosas subversões culturais que capturem a imaginação do mundo. Podemos estar muito mais perto de uma Primavera Global do que qualquer um de nós já se atreveu a imaginar até hoje…

for the wild,
Culture Jammers HQ

OccupyWallStreet.org /
Tactical Briefing #25 and #26 / OccupyWallst.org / G8Protest.org / OccupyChi.org / CANG8.org / Takethesquare.net / OccupyMay1st.org / MayDayNYC.org / Facebook / Twitter / Reddit

Translated by the Translator Brigadestranslatorbrigades@gmail.com


Briefing taktyczny #27.

From Adbusters Blog

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Siema dzikie koty, ?wawi marzyciele i taktyczni przeszkadzacze,

W nag?ym pó?obrocie, Stany Zjednoczone uzna?y zwyci?stwo Okupuj i przenios?o majowe spotkanie na szczycie pa?stw G8 do Camp David, nieprzenikalnej bazy w wiejskim Maryland. Wow! Wygl?da na to, ?e widmo 50,000 okupuj?cych gotowych wt?oczy? si? z list? ??da? obróci?o klimatyczn? Ostateczn? Rozgrywk? w upokarzaj?ce wycofanie si? G8. Brawo! Rozdzielenie spotka? G8 i NATO to by? zr?czny ruch… ale teraz przed nami wa?ne przemy?lenia dotycz?ce taktyki dzia?ania.

Pytanie jest: czy mamy pod??y? za rad? Mao ("kiedy wróg si? wycofuje, my puszczamy si? w pogo?") czy te? Sun Tzu ("Nie ?cigaj wroga, który symuluje ucieczk?")? S?yszeli?my przekonuj?ce argumenty po obu stronach. Niektórzy okupuj?cy mówi?, ?e ruch powinien i?? za ciosem i stworzy? #OKUPUJCAMPDAVID na przekór wszystkiemu… miesi?c siedzenia na drzewach, blokowa? i nomadycznych obozowisk w lesie i pobliskim Thurmont. Inni wierz?, ?e najlepiej by?oby podbi? stawk? z #OKUPUJCHICAGO: jeszcze wi?ksza mobilizacja poczynaj?c od May Day Strajku Generalnego. Jeszcze inni opowiadaj? si? za nieprzewidywalnymi, wsz?dzie-na-raz globalnymi rebeliami anarchistycznych rojów w miesi?cu maju.

Kiedy Ben Ali najpierw zaatakowa? a potem próbowa? chowa? si? przed swoimi lud?mi, zosta? obalony. Kiedy Mubarak odmówi? negocjacji i próbowa? przemoc? zmusi? swoich ludzi do konformizmu, zosta? zdeponowany. Teraz Bia?y Dom i G8 powtarzaj? b??dy zesz?orocznych autokratów… najpierw próbuj? przestraszy? nas powa?nymi gadkami o represyjnych anty-Okupuj zarz?dzeniach, technologiach do t?umienia zgrupowa? i paramilitarnym utrzymywaniu porz?dku, potem szybko wycofuj? si? w bezpiecze?stwo Camp David.

?wiatowi liderzy uciekaj? przed nami… wi?c co mamy robi?? Mo?e powinni?my ich wy?mia??18 maja – dzie?, w którym liderzy G8 spotkaj? si? w Camp David, mo?e my, obywatele tego ?wiata, powinni?my urz?dzi? #LAUGHRIOT. Niech huki ?miechu unios? si? ponad wsiami i miastami w odpowiedzi na widowisko, jakim s? próby kryzysowego zarz?dzania ekonomii zza zamkni?tych drzwi i kolczastych ogrodze?.

?miech jest jedn? z najpot??niejszych broni taktycznych wojen memowych… sygnalizuje wy?szo?? i utrat? strachu. A wi?c dokonajmy najwi?kszej komedii wyj?cych flash mobów, buntowniczych imprez ulicznych i histerycznych kawa?ów, jakie ten ?wiat widzia?. 18 maja mo?e okaza? si? monumentalnym punktem zwrotnym… ah hahahaha! Momentem, w którym obywatele tego ?wiata doznaj? kolektywnej epifanii, i od tego czasu zaczn? my?le? inaczej o tym, w jaki sposób ten ?wiat powinien by? rz?dzony.

Przeszkadzacze, cokolwiek nie zrobimy tej wiosny, uno?my si? jak motyle i ??dlmy jak pszczo?y! Spróbujmy nagi?? spotkanie G8 i NATO do naszej woli taktykami szokowymi oraz zuchwa?ymi akcjami przeszkadzaj?cymi, które pobudz? wyobra?ni? ?wiata. Mo?e jeste?my bli?ej Globalnej Wiosny ni? wielu z nas ma odwag? sobie wyobrazi?…

Dla dzikich,
Culture Jammers HQ

OccupyWallStreet.org /
Tactical Briefing #25 and #26 / OccupyWallst.org / G8Protest.org / OccupyChi.org / CANG8.org / Takethesquare.net / OccupyMay1st.org / MayDayNYC.org / Facebook / Twitter / Reddit

Translated by the Translator Brigadestranslatorbrigades@gmail.com


Taktisches Briefing Nr. 27.

From Adbusters Blog

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So ihr Wildkatzen, Schnellträumer und Störtaktiker,

Durch eine taktische Kehrtwende, haben die Vereinigten Staaten Occupy einen Sieg zugestanden und den G8 Gipfel im Mai nach Camp David verlegt, eine uneinnehmbare Militärbasis im ländlichen Maryland. Wow! sieht so aus als ob das Gespenst von 50.000 Occupiern die bereit sind auszuschwärmen mit einer Liste von Forderungen den Höhepunkt eines Showdown in Chicago in einen erniedrigende Aufgabe der G8 verwandelt hat. Bravo! Den G8 vom NATO Gipfel zu trennen war ein schneller Schachzug … doch nun steht uns eine grössere taktische Neuorientierung bevor.

Die große Frage ist, folgen wir Mao’s Rat ("Wenn der Feind sich zurückzieht, verfolgen wir ihn") oder dem Sun Tzu’s ("Verfolge keinen Feind, der eine Flucht vortäuscht")? Wir haben von allen Seiten überzeugende Argumente gehört. Manche Occupier sagen die Bewegung sollte die Verfolgung aufnehmen und entgegen allen Widrigkeiten #OCCUPYCAMPDAVID durchziehen… ein Monat mit Baumsitzungen, vollständiger Abriegelung und Wanderzeltlagern im Wald und dem nahe gelegenen Thurmont. Andere glauben es sei das Beste mit #OCCUPYCHICAGO noch zuzulegen: eine noch grössere Mobilisierung, angefangen mit dem Generalstreik am 1. Mai. Wieder andere befürworten einen unvorhersehbaren, überall gleichzeitigen globalen Aufstand von anarchischen Schwärmen den ganzen Monat Mai hindurch.

Als Ben Ali zuerst angriff und dann versuchte, sich vor seinem Volk zu verstecken, wurde er gestürzt. Als Mubarak sich weigerte zu verhandeln und versuchte sein Volk zurück auf Linie zu prügeln, wurde er abgesetzt. Nun wiederholen das weiße Haus und die G8 die Fehler der Autokraten vom letzten Jahr … zuerst versuchen sie uns Angst zu machen mit taffem Gerede von repressiven Anti-Occupy Regelungen, Menschenmassen Kontrolltechnologien und paramilitärischem Polizeiaufgebot, dann ziehen sie sich hastig zurück in die Sicherheit von Camp David.

Die Weltpolitiker flüchten vor uns … also was machen wir nun? Vielleicht lachen wir sie einfach aus?

Am 18. Mai, dem Tag wenn die G8-Politiker sich in Camp David treffen…, warum veranstalten wir, die Menschen der Welt nicht einen #LAUGHRIOT, einen Lachkrawall. lasst röhrendes Lachen aufsteigen aus Ortschaften und Städten überall beim Schauspiel der Weltpolitiker, die versuchen die Wirtschaftskrise hinter verschlossenen Türen und Stacheldrahtzäunen zu kontrollieren.

Lachen ist eine der mächtigsten taktischen Waffen im Memekrieg … es signalisiert Überlegenheit und Angstverlust. Also lasst uns die größte Komödie von heulenden Flashmobs, lärmenden Straßenfesten und hysterischen Streichen abziehen, die die Welt je gesehen hat. Der 18. Mai könnte ein monumentaler Wendepunkt sein… ein Hahahaha! Moment, wenn die Menschen der Welt eine kollektive Erleuchtung erleben, und vo dem Punkt an anfangen anders zu denken darüber, wie die Welt regiert werden sollte.

Störer, was auch immer wir dieses Frühjahr tun, lasst uns schweben wir Schmetterlinge und stechen wie Bienen! lasst uns die G8 und NATO unserem Willen beugen mit Schock Taktiken und gewagten Kulturstörungen die die Vorstellungskraft der Welt in Bann schlagen. Vielleicht sind wir näher an einem Globalen Frühling als irgendjemand von uns es bisher gewagt hat sich vorstellen …

for the wild,
Culture Jammers HQ

OccupyWallStreet.org /
Tactical Briefing #25 and #26 / OccupyWallst.org / G8Protest.org / OccupyChi.org / CANG8.org / Takethesquare.net / OccupyMay1st.org / MayDayNYC.org / Facebook / Twitter / Reddit

Translated by the Translator Brigadestranslatorbrigades@gmail.com

Test Run of #OCCUPYCHICAGO Attacked

Regional Occupy the Midwest summit broken up by police in prelude to May uprising.

From Adbusters Blog

Occupiers from across the middle of America are gathering in St. Louis, Missouri this weekend for an Occupy the Midwest regional summit that will build connections and lay the foundation for May’s #OCCUPYCHICAGO swarms and #LAUGHRIOT jams. Yesterday, on the first day of the summit occupiers attempted to set up an encampment in a local park. It was a bold move, and one that sets the stage for attempts that will be made in Chicago. The police reacted swiftly and brutally. Eyewitnesses report that tazers were used, a dozen arrests were made, and several occupiers were led away with their faces covered in blood. The video below shows a mob of billy-club wielding, disorganized cops descending on the encampment, ripping up tents and arresting people.

Watch this video summary of the day’s events and discuss below your strategies for how the movement can overcome police repression in May.

Police Try To Intimidate Occupy

Are authorities preparing to suppress May uprising?

From Adbusters Blog

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The earliest evidence that federal authorities in the United States were aware of Occupy Wall Street and preparing to squash it comes from a September 1 Department of Homeland Security briefing. Warning of an upcoming protest on Wall Street, the leaked memo explained that the unique conjunction of culture jammers with politicized hackers was cause for alarm. “The ideologies set forth by Adbusters seem to align at a basic level with the stated intent of Anonymous’ newly adopted Hacktivist agenda … These protests are highly likely to occur,” the report declared. We also know now that the FBI was investigating Occupy at least two days before occupiers seized Zuccotti. In a leaked chat log Sabu, an FBI informant and prominent member of LulzSec, a hacktivist affinity group, pumped for information about Anonymous’s plans for Occupy. He is recorded asking: “Lets talk about OpWallStreet. I plan on going to Wall Street, do we have anything planned?” Shortly after, despite these counterintelligence efforts, Occupy Wall Street was born and Zuccotti Park became the spiritual center of an international movement.

Now, as the international movement gears up for a major escalation in May with myriad big bangs – a May Day General Strike, anarchic swarms in #OCCUPYCHICAGO, an international blast on May 12 and an effort to retake the squares on May 15, a #LAUGHRIOT on May 18, #OCCUPYCAMPDAVID the next day along with major protests against NATO on May 20 and 21 – stories of aggressive intimidation tactics are beginning to emerge from New York City. In a recent article in the New York Times, occupiers described frequent harassment and interrogation by NYPD intelligence and FBI: “police officers or detectives have been posted outside buildings where private meetings were taking place, have visited the homes of organizers and have questioned protesters arrested on minor charges … one protester says he was questioned by a police detective and an agent from the Federal Bureau of Investigation.” Meanwhile, authorities are demanding access to the Twitter accounts of prominent occupiers like Jeff Rae and logs of occupy websites. And in Florida, Occupy Miami was raided without cause by paramilitary police on March 13.

On reddit, one activist argued the situation is far worse than is being reported in the news, claiming to have encountered:”DHS bugging of common meeting grounds; DHS paying individuals to attend our meetings and cause disruption; police breaking into property, creating fire hazards, then getting protestors living there evicted for said fire hazard; police breaking into private property and installing surveillance equipment in people’s homes. In at least one instance they left it obvious enough to leave a message; police arresting individuals solely to have them identify photographs of other occupiers; manipulating our personal bank accounts, such as canceling our access to our own accounts.”

Taken together with news of the authoritarian new law H.R. 347, these sinister stories suggest that authorities in the United States are preparing to aggressively disrupt Occupy’s May spring offensive.

Weigh in below and tell us how you think the movement can outmaneuver these authoritarian efforts to shut down our people-power.