YouTube Shifts Focus From Mobile to TV Screens for This Year’s NewFronts

YouTube’s biggest challenge used to be delivering compelling content to mobile screens. But while mobile still represents 60 percent of YouTube’s overall watch time, the focus of Thursday’s NewFronts event–which the company calls Brandcast–will shift to “the second biggest revolution that online video has ever gone through: the TV screen and the living room. The…

In the Consumer-Driven Society, Direct-Brand Economy and OTT Lead to Innovation

It started for me with a new television. When I set up my new smart TV, I noticed that there, right next to the traditional networks, were upstart new publishers–sharing space on my screen like equals. That, it struck me, is the new consumer economy. People now have access to publishers, to brands and to…

Infographic: How the NewFronts Influence the Way Advertisers Approach Digital Video

When the Digital Content NewFronts launched in 2008, no one could have predicted the issues digital video would one day face, such as brand safety, misleading political ads and conspiracy videos. However, the Interactive Advertising Bureau, which operates the NewFronts, says that hasn’t deterred advertisers–and it has the research to back that claim up. IAB…

7 Leading Voices at the Forefront of Video on Data-Informed Storytelling and Brand Safety

With video blazing new audience and brand engagement, the 2018 NewFronts should be an important pivot point for producers and platforms as well as marketers getting more comfortable using video as a branding tool. That will include direct-to-consumer brands eager to spin first-party data into next-generation marketing including video in all its forms, ranging from…

YouTube will begin selling ads in live TV service

YouTube will begin selling ads in its live TV stream, opening up more inventory in the streaming TV sector that can more precisely target very specific consumers. It’s part of the Google-owned video behemoth’s efforts to compete more directly with traditional TV and give advertisers more opportunities to reach consumers on the larger living-room screen.

Like traditional pay-TV operators, YouTube has two minutes of local ad inventory per hour on each network that it can sell. So far YouTube has let the networks themselves sell that two minutes.

Now YouTube will sell the time as part of its Google Preferred package, which aggregates the top 5 percent of YouTube content for advertisers. It plans to make the announcement during its NewFront presentation on Thursday.

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YouTube will begin selling ads in live TV service

YouTube will begin selling ads in its live TV stream, opening up more inventory in the streaming TV sector that can more precisely target very specific consumers. It’s part of the Google-owned video behemoth’s efforts to compete more directly with traditional TV and give advertisers more opportunities to reach consumers on the larger living-room screen.

Like traditional pay-TV operators, YouTube has two minutes of local ad inventory per hour on each network that it can sell. So far YouTube has let the networks themselves sell that two minutes.

Now YouTube will sell the time as part of its Google Preferred package, which aggregates the top 5 percent of YouTube content for advertisers. It plans to make the announcement during its NewFront presentation on Thursday.

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T-Mobile, Sprint announce merger to create 'mother of all 5G networks'

T-Mobile agreed Sunday to acquire rival Sprint for $26 billion, a move that both CEOs say will accelerate deployment of 5G technology, lower prices for consumers and create new jobs.

The combined company, which will be called T-Mobile, will be valued at $146 billion including debt. John Legere, current president and CEO of T-Mobile, will serve as chief executive of the new company. Sprint’s current CEO, Marcelo Claure, will serve on the board of the new venture.

Both companies will operate independently until the deal receives approval from regulators, which the companies say they anticipate will come during the first half of 2019. Legere frequently refers to competitors AT&T and Verizon as “the duopoly.” He argued Sunday that combining Sprint and T-Mobile will benefit consumers.

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‘Avengers: Infinity War’ Lands the Biggest Global Opening Ever

The Disney-Marvel movie collected $630 million worldwide and $250 million domestically.

Ad Age Agency Report 2018: rankings and analysis

Agency Report is Ad Age’s annual ranking and analysis of advertising and marketing-services agencies. The report includes rankings based on U.S. and worldwide revenue. Ad Age has published Agency Report every year since 1945.

Ad Age published Agency Report 2018 on April 30, 2018.

A portion of the report appeared in Ad Age’s April 30, 2018, print edition. Ad Age Datacenter subscribers have exclusive access to the complete report. Exclusive online content includes:

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T-Mobile and Sprint CEOs Announce Merger With 7-Minute Explainer Touting Future 5G

T-Mobile and Sprint have agreed to merge in what will reportedly be a $26 billion deal. The companies’ two CEOs, T-Mobile’s John Legere and Sprint’s Marcelo Claure, announced the impending merger with a seven-minute explainer video pitching the potential 5G capabilities and job growth the combined companies could bring. If the deal passes regulators, the…

Michelle Wolf Roasts Trump Administration

At the yearly White House Correspondents’ Association dinner, the comedian’s jokes took unflinching aim at some of the notables in the room — and quickly opened a divide, largely but not entirely along partisan lines.

Michelle Wolf’s Routine Sets Off a Furor at an Annual Washington Dinner

Remarks about Sarah Huckabee Sanders open a partisan divide in an awkward evening of comedy and politics.

Doubts remain for future of Sainsbury's and Asda brands as merger plan set to be announced

Sainsbury’s and Asda are set to announce plans on Monday morning (30 April) for a merger that would see the combined business overtake Tesco as the UK’s biggest supermarket.

Joy Reid Says She Did Not Write ‘Hateful Things’ but Cannot Prove Hacking

The MSNBC host, whose recently resurfaced former blog posts include homophobic sentiments, discussed the controversy on her show on Saturday.

Cannapreneurial Activity Is At All Time High

So far, nine states and the District of Columbia have legalized the use of recreational cannabis, and two dozen states have approved medical marijuana. According to a Quinnipiac University poll released Thursday, support for legalization hit 63 percent in the survey — the highest level of support recorded by a Quinnipiac poll. Support for medical […]

The post Cannapreneurial Activity Is At All Time High appeared first on Adpulp.

Age-Inclusive Beauty Campaigns – The KKW Beauty Campaign Stars Kris Jenner and M.J. Shannon (GALLERY)

( Kim Kardashian West puts her focus on inclusivity and diversity in this KKW Beauty campaign. The initiative was launched to promote the company and draw consumer attention to the launch of the Three-…

30 Connected Packaging Innovations – From Smart Cosmetic Packaging to Wifi Enabled Wine Bottles (TOPLIST)

( Connected packaging innovations are the latest craze in the branding and marketing world, adding a futuristic theme to any product and making the simplest idea into a must-have.

Malibu Rum and…

4 Cara Anda Dapat Membuat Daftar Email Anda

4 Cara Anda Dapat Membuat Daftar Email Anda. Mari tinjau bagaimana Anda dapat menggunakan surat langsung (surat-menyurat sendiri dan kartu pos), konvensi, pertemuan dan pameran dagang, serta tempat-tempat TV dan radio untuk mengembangkan daftar email Anda. Tapi pertama-tama, strategi membangun daftar offline yang tak terduga: panggilan dingin.

Panggilan dingin Tidak ada yang suka ide memanggil seseorang keluar dari biru. Bersabarlah sejenak: Strategi ini tidak membebani waktu (atau sedikit uang jika Anda menyewa asisten virtual untuk melakukan panggilan untuk Anda).

Diperlukan mengetahui nama individu yang Anda inginkan sebagai pelanggan dan skrip singkat: “Hai, ini Sarah dari Perusahaan ABC. Saya memiliki email penting untuk dikirim ke Mr. Bill Bower. Maukah Anda menghubungkan saya dengan dia untuk mendapatkan izin untuk mengirimkannya? ”

Jika itu tidak membuat Anda menjadi Mr. Bower, lanjutkan: “Alasan saya bertanya adalah saya bekerja untuk Kathy Flores, seorang ahli pemasaran asuransi yang terkenal dan dihormati. Dia menerbitkan buletin email mingguan yang beberapa ribu agen asuransi terima, baca, dan nikmati. Satu-satunya alasan saya menelepon adalah bertanya kepada Mr. Bower jika dia terbuka kepada kami mengiriminya buletin mingguan.

Pembaca kami memberi tahu kami bahwa diperlukan sekitar enam menit untuk membaca masing-masing, dan mereka menemukan banyak nilai di dalamnya. Bisakah Anda menghubungkan saya? ” Tentu saja, jika Anda terhubung dengan Pak Bower segera, Anda akan menggunakan banyak bahasa yang sama untuk meyakinkannya tentang nilai membaca email yang Anda minta izin untuk dikirim.

(Jangan khawatir tentang legalitas karena dengan mendapatkan izin langsung dari Tuan Bower untuk mengirim email keikutsertaan — dan bukan hanya mendapatkan izin lisan dan kemudian menambahkan nama Mr. Bower ke daftar alamat email yang ditulis tangan untuk dimasukkan dalam daftar nanti — Anda ‘sesuai dengan undang-undang CAN-SPAM.)

Surat langsung Self-mailer (folder yang dapat dikirim melalui surat tanpa enclosure dalam amplop dengan menggunakan stiker yang dilekatkan untuk menyatukan daun) dan kartu pos adalah dua cara paling murah untuk menambahkan nama ke daftar subscriber Anda.

Self-mailer memberi Anda lebih banyak ruang untuk bekerja dibandingkan dengan kartu pos, dan karena tidak ada amplop yang menyembunyikan isinya, baik self-mailer dan kartu pos memudahkan penerima untuk segera melihat isi surat Anda.

Kartu pos murah: Anda akan membayar mulai dari satu sen hingga 15 sen untuk kartu pos berukuran standar, tergantung pada volume yang dipesan. Self-mailer akan membebani Anda jauh lebih banyak, tetapi keuntungan dari ruang penjualan ekstra mungkin terbukti sebanding dengan biayanya.

Buku Pegangan Rencana Pemasaran Oleh: Robert W. Bly Beli dari Digital Marketing Handbook Oleh: Robert W. Bly Beli dari Buku Pegangan Rencana Pemasaran Oleh: Robert W. Bly Beli dari Digital Marketing Handbook Oleh: Robert W.

Bly Beli dari Apa yang harus Anda tawarkan? Apa pun itu, ikatkan ke pendaftaran: Buat agar penawaran (yang tidak dapat ditolak) hanya dapat ditukarkan saat penerima mendaftar ke buletin Anda. Jaringan Jika Anda menghadiri acara langsung seperti pameran dagang dan pertemuan asosiasi, Anda akan memiliki banyak peluang untuk menambahkan pelanggan email.

Beberapa pasif: Kartu bisnis Anda dan brosur produk atau layanan harus menampilkan tautan pendaftaran atau, lebih baik lagi, kode QR. Kode QR akan memungkinkan orang untuk memilih ke dalam daftar email Anda hanya dengan memindai kode. Apakah mengumpulkan alamat email pada acara tatap muka dianggap “ikut serta” oleh penyedia layanan email (ESP)?

Jawabannya adalah ya jika Anda melakukannya dengan menggunakan formulir yang secara jelas menunjukkan bahwa orang tersebut mendaftar untuk bergabung dengan daftar email Anda. Banyak pemasar menemukan menggunakan komputer tablet dengan aplikasi pengumpulan data menjadi cara paling efisien (dan etis) untuk mengumpulkan informasi kontak.

Pastikan untuk mengirim kontak ini email selamat datang sesegera mungkin yang mengonfirmasikan keikutsertaan mereka ke daftar Anda. Biaya untuk mendapatkan pelanggan di acara langsung dapat sulit dihitung. Ini bukan biaya pencetakan kartu nama dan brosur; biayanya lebih banyak daripada jumlah waktu yang dihabiskan dan jumlah uang yang Anda habiskan untuk menghadiri acara tersebut.

Namun, itu relatif tidak mahal – terutama bila dibandingkan dengan promosi TV atau radio, opsi terakhir kami. Iklan TV dan radio Sekarang, kita berada di liga besar ketika menghabiskan uang. Biaya produksi iklan radio dapat menghabiskan Anda antara $ 500 dan $ 1.000, di mana Anda harus menambahkan biaya menayangkan tempat radio Anda.

Dan berapa biayanya untuk menjalankan iklan TV lokal? Tarif bervariasi tergantung pada waktu hari dan tahun serta lokasi. Anda dapat membayar mulai dari $ 200 hingga $ 1,500 untuk tempat 30 detik pada tengah hari, tetapi iklan terlihat antara jam 6 sore. dan jam 7 malam akan membebani Anda jauh lebih banyak. Iklan TV nasional, yang dapat menjalankan $ 100.000 untuk tempat 30 detik, berada di luar anggaran sebagian besar bisnis kecil.

Why One Woman Testified Against Bill Cosby: ‘I Had the Strength’

Lise-Lotte Lublin was one of several women who spoke in court about their experiences with Mr. Cosby, helping prosecutors convict him of sexual assault.

Bob Dylan’s Latest Gig: Making Whiskey

A move into the booming celebrity-branded spirits market is yet another career twist for an artist who has spent five decades confounding expectations.