Apocalyptic Urban Dioramas (UPDATE) – The City by Lori Nix Has Added Dilapidated Scenes (GALLERY)

(TrendHunter.com) The City by Lori Nix, first made headlines two years ago. A year zombie-infested, end of the world plots became hugely popular thanks to ‘Zombieland’ and ‘The Walking Dead,’…

Adorable Animatronic Lights – The Pinokio Lamp is Inspired by the Animated Pixar Luxo Lamp (GALLERY)

(TrendHunter.com) It wouldn’t be surprising if everyone who has ever watched a Pixar film wished of having their own animated Luxo lamp; well, one group of talented individuals decided to make their wishes come…

XXL: Para enfrentar zumbis, basta praticar esportes

Você já deve ter visto zumbis por toda parte, principalmente devido a moda morta-viva dos últimos anos. Porém, certamente ainda não os viu em um comercial de loja de esportes.

A XXL, rede especializada em material esportivo na Noruega, mostra que para vencer os zumbis basta praticar esportes, e estar bem equipado, claro.

Uma maneira divertida de usar os mesmos elementos com originalidade. É verdade que zumbis nunca cansam, mas não custa pensar um pouco mais e criar um bom filme.

Na trilha sonora, “Come On” do The Hives. A criação é da agência Schjærven Reklamebyrå, com produção da Motion Blur e efeitos da Storm Studios.

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Nike | Encontre sua grandeza

Lembram daquela campanha da Nike lançada no meio do ano, na época dos Jogos Olímpicos? Agora ela tem uma versão brasileira, assinada pela Wieden+Kennedy de São Paulo.

Ao contrário da campanha global, essa nova versão se apoia na imagem de artistas famosos patrocinados pela marca. No filme, entre anônimos, aparecem personalidades como Neymar, Anderson Silva, Pedro Scooby, Maurren Maggi e Paul Rodriguez. Ainda que em momentos de treino não tão glamourosos, sem o acompanhamento de fotógrafos, paparazzis, jornalistas e afins.

O resultado foi um mix bem interessante entre a já bem definida estética Nike pelo mundo e as imagens dos nossos atletas, da nossa técnica de filmagem e produção para retratar o nosso “quintal”. Tudo isso com o que eu considero a cerejinha do bolo: enquanto o global fecha com o menino mergulhador tomando coragem, a versão brasileira termina com um menino skatista, também no mesmo clima.

A campanha estreia no próximo dia 2 de dezembro. Mas por enquanto, dá uma olhada no filme (acima).

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3D-Printed Light Fixtures – The DENTELLE Lampshades by Samuel Bernier are Full of Character (GALLERY)

(TrendHunter.com) The DENTELLE Lampshades are yet another example of the stunning capabilities of 3D printing. No longer is it a technique that is both quick and affordable, 3D printing has blossomed into something…

Why Marketers Should Care About Product Feature Adoption


This guest post is written by Matt Murphy, President and CEO of Fusion92, a full-service marketing agency with a digital core that launched in 1999.

It’s fair to say that when it comes to product innovation, engineering has outpaced marketing. Over the last decade, technical innovation has accelerated dramatically, delivering new capabilities that would have been unthinkable only a few years ago, particularly in the mobile communications space. But while some consumers still camp out in front of stores to get their hands on the latest smartphone or tablet and others take pride in being the first in their group to download a new operating system, only a small subset of total consumers actually usea fraction of their new device’s capabilities.

That’s not because consumers and businesses don’t want to use innovative new features: It’s because they don’t know how to use them, and any attempt to address this knowledge gap will have to involve a significant change in consumer behavior. It’s not a failure of engineering – it’s a failure of marketing and education, and it must be addressed. The knowledge gap has profound implications for brands because consumers don’t value features they don’t use. Brands that find ways to elevate product feature adoption can find unprecedented stickiness by helping consumers see the value the brands are already delivering. They can also support continued innovation by driving demand.

Ways to Improve Feature Adoption

There are a number of ways marketers can get the word out on innovative new features. One key point is to realize is that the 80/20 rule comes into play: There is a subset of consumers who tend to be early adopters of new features. These early adopters can be influential with other consumers who are less likely to embrace new features on their own.

The challenge is to get early adopters to share the benefits of less-used product features. Rich media marketing in many forms can come into play here, with far-sighted brands promoting early adoption by using embedded video, links to consumer-generated tutorials on YouTube and reviews and sharing features linked to social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

Depending on the product, marketers can reach out to new customers to improve their experience and promote feature adoption in all these ways and more. Marketers can leverage consumer-created media by providing a platform for consumer-to-consumer education. Not only can such outreach efforts provide the needed training to promote feature adoption, they can drives sales since consumers who receive notification that a friend has recommended a product and embraced and positively reviewed new features are more likely to explore those products and features themselves.

Marketers can also play a greater role by realizing that their job is bigger than just getting the product name out there and driving initial sales – marketing professionals need to find new ways to educate consumers on specific product features. Rich-media marketing and education tools can play a major role in this effort too, giving marketers affordable ways to reach consumers and opportunities to better target potential and existing customers by focusing on platforms and venues designed for consumers with specific interests.

What’s at Stake

There’s a strong correlation between feature adoption and customer loyalty: Research shows that consumers who adopt and use specific technology features tend to assign higher value to the products they own and have a greater tendency to purchase products from that brand in the future. Feature adoption results in stickiness and repeat business.

It’s important for marketers to expand consumer knowledge about new product features to effect behavioral change, which can help manufacturers build customer loyalty and capture repeat business. Rich-media educational outreach, consumer-to-consumer communication platforms, social media and educational marketing strategies can all facilitate this process.

But the implications of lagging feature adoption go beyond market share and revenue generation: If consumers don’t understand product capabilities, a specific brand’s offerings will be undervalued, which is obviously a problem for that brand. But technical innovation itself may also be affected. Depressed demand for innovative features can result in a decreased focus on research and development, and that’s an issue that affects everyone.

Miles sorri

Faz sol em Nova Iorque. É dia 25 de outubro de 1966.

Num certo estúdio na 30th street, um tal de Miles Davis registra seu último take de Gingerbread Boy, após dois dias de gravação de seu novo disco – Miles Smiles.

A formação desse álbum é seu segundo quinteto: uma histórica e abençoada junção de pequenos grandes gênios revolucionários do que costumamos chamar de jazz.

Mas eles ainda não sabem disso, e cada novo take é como se fosse a grande chance, a grande oportunidade de mostrar ao mundo que eles realmente merecem estar ali.


Microfones sortudos captam nota por nota da revolução, da liberdade artística e criativa que os conduz, destemidos e sonhadores, perseguindo um novo som a cada segundo.


Miles, Wayne Shorter, Herbie Hancock, Ron Carter e Tony Williams estão no auge do entrosamento, e esbanjam um domínio musical que – se não fosse tão natural, tão fluido e tão deslumbrante – chegaria a soar ofensivo. Transformam o andamento em desafio, e brincam com ele, judiam dele, e fazem de suas mudanças sua marca registrada para consagrar seu som nos moldes da história. Uma certa Footprints vai mostrar como isso é possível sem soar arrogante ou enfadonho.

E mesmo sem conseguir acompanhar, as pessoas vão bater seus  pezinhos no chão involuntariamente, de tão empolgante que está o som. Depois vão recostar a cabeça no conforto de Circle, e ouvir um dos mais emocionantes diálogos entre trumpete e sax tenor já gravados.

As novidades vão seguindo, uma a uma, como um bálsamo para quem gosta de jazz. O clamor virá no começo ano que vem, na forma de aplausos de público e crítica, sendo “inspirador” o menos inflamado adjetivo que o disco vai receber depois de seu lançamento.

Miles sabe que seu novo disco é aguardado. Miles sabe que está vivendo uma das épocas mais prolíficas de sua carreira. Miles sabe que acaba de desbravar mais um território em sua sonoridade.  O que ele ainda não sabe é que Sgt Pepper’s e Jimi Hendrix estão chegando (só para citar dois), e vão influencia-lo em novas e eletrizantes direções. Mas isso é assunto pro ano que vem.

Enquanto isso, Miles sorri. E nos dá 6 grandes motivos para fazer o mesmo.




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Shoot! Existential Photography


In the period following World War I, a curious attraction appeared at fairgrounds: the photographic shooting gallery. If the punter’s bullet hit the centre of the target, this triggered a camera. Instead of winning a balloon or toy, the participant would win a snapshot of him or herself in the act of shooting continue

Newsflash! Lingerie Makes 20-Year-Olds Looks Hot!


OK. Let’s just cut through the crap and get to the nut. When you’re name is Nina Agdal and you are a 20-year-old model – or, in most cases, any 20-year-old, you’re going to look hot in lingerie. In fact, you’re going to look hot in just about anything you wear even if it’s the proverbial potato sack.

So when Agdal frolicks about in this new commercial for Aerie telling viewers they’ll look sexy in Aerie lingerie it’s, well, a no-brainer. Unless, of course, you weigh 300 pounds.

Stylized Windblown Photoshoots – The Fashion Gone Rogue ‘Ladies First’ Editorial is Stormy (GALLERY)

(TrendHunter.com) The Fashion Gone Rogue ‘Ladies First’ editorial is set to appear in the online publication’s first ever print edition. An exciting venture for one of the leading online sources for…

Witchy Widow Editorials – The Amica Bulgaria November 2012 Photoshoot Stars Pirina Dzhupanova (GALLERY)

(TrendHunter.com) The Amica Bulgaria November 2012 editorial is dark and foreboding. Although these descriptors can easily be used to describe the winter season, which the outfits showcased are perfect for, it is…

Musical Instrument Purses – The Steinway and Sons Piano Bag is a Portable Model (GALLERY)

(TrendHunter.com) If you are looking for a creative gift for the classical music lover in your life, look no further than the Steinway and Sons Piano Bag by Krukrustudio.

Shaped just like a classic Steinway and…

Multiple Exposures

Découverte de l’artiste Simone Primo originaire de Gênes en Italie, qui nous propose de superbe photographies à double et à triple exposition. Visuellement très réussies, ces images mélangent avec talent portraits et nature. L’ensemble de cette série est à découvrir dans la suite de l’article.

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Desperados crowdsources dance music live on Facebook

Desperados has collaborated with German techno-house duo Format: B to create a crowdsourced dance music track, which went live on Facebook yesterday evening.

Drop Eco Hotel

Drop Eco Hotel est le nom de ce concept imaginé par In-tenta. Imaginé comme une chambre d’hôtel amovible, cet exemple de micro-architecture propose une structure modulaire composée de bois et de fenêtres transparents sphériques. Une initiative respectueuse de l’environnement à découvrir dans la suite.

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MediaCom wins more McCain territories after pitch

MediaCom has extended its relationship with McCain to include six more European markets after a competitive pitch.

Coral attempts to stand out in football betting ad fray

Bookmaker Coral is to debut a TV ad featuring a football ‘evolving’ as it attempts to push its new mobile offering in the crowded sports betting market.

100 Gifts for Bakers – From Self-Measuring Spoons to Multi-Layered Baking Contraptions

(TrendHunter.com) Cooking is often considered an art whereas baking a science, and there’s no easier way to get exact results than with digital self-measuring tools and other gifts for bakers.

People often…

Renault vence Fórmula 1 e provoca Ferrari em campanha impressa

Para celebrar a vitória da equipe da Red Bull Racing – que tem motores da marca – na temporada 2012 de Fórmula 1, a Renault apostou em anúncios que fazem uma sátira à concorrente Ferrari e fogem do senso comum.

Em parceria com a Publicis Conseil, que tem sede em Paris, a marca resolveu fazer uma brincadeira e mudou alguns itens tradicionais que são conhecidos na cor emblemática vermelho-Ferrari para o amarelo-Renault, como a cabine telefônica britânica e o ketchup.

Com um título forte e uma imagem que chama a atenção, o difícil é o anúncio passar despercebido.

A arte foi dirigida por Yves-Eric Deboey com direção criativa de Olivier Altmann.

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Moët & Chandon replaces Scarlett Johansson with Roger Federer

Moët & Chandon, the Champagne brand, is ending its relationship with Scarlett Johansson and replacing her with Roger Federer as brand ambassador.