California Roll House

Christopher Daniel de ViolentVolumes est un designer et architecte coréen qui a réalisé cette maison futuriste appelée « California Roll House ». Pensée intelligemment pour un environnement aride, cette construction impressionnante est à découvrir dans la suite en images.

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Getty Images: From love to bingo in 873 images

Advertising Agency: AlmapBBDO, Sao Paulo, Brazil
General Creative Director: Marcello Serpa, Luiz Sanches
Creative Director: André Kassu, Marcos Medeiros, Renato Simões
Art Director: Marcos Kotlhar
Copywriter: Sophie Schoenburg
Producer: Paranoid BR
Executive producer: Egisto Betti
Direction: Cisma, Marcos Kotlhar
Animation: Split Filmes, Marcos Kotlhar
Rtvc: Vera Jacinto, Gabriel Dagostini, Diego Villas Bôas
Soundtrack / Voice-Over Artist: Kito Siqueira
Editor / Assembler: Jonas Brandão
Finishing Editor: Split Filmes
Service: Cristina Chacon, Marina Leal
Media: Paulo Camossa Jr
Approval: Renata Simões

Lubricated Condiment Bottles – With LiquiGlide Coating You Wont Have to Pound Your Sauces Out (VIDEO)

( Imagine the time, food and stress people would save if all condiments came out as smooth as they did if they packaged in bottles with LiquiGlide coating. This technology is made possible by MIT…

50 Inflation-Inspired Finds – From Fashion Shoots to Architecture, These Finds are Pool-Savvy (CLUSTER)

( Summer is here and the time for poolside activity is nigh, these inflation inspired innovations are a perfect addition to your underwater escapades.

Depending on the size of one’s outdoor…

London Olympics 2012 Ticket Designs Unveiled

Ticket designs for the London Olympics, designed by IPG's brand consultancy FutureBrand, have been revealed.

Bar Aurora & Boteco Ferraz: Karaoke Breathalyzer

Bar Aurora & Boteco Ferraz present “Karaoke Breathalyzer”. To increase awareness about drunk driving, we created the world’s first microphone breathalyzer and invited people to sing karaoke. Once up on stage, with their guard down, we took them by surprise. At the end of each song, we didn’t show their score, we showed their alcohol blood level. Because let’s face it, when you feel you are ok to sing, you are probably not ok to drive.

Advertising Agency: Ogilvy, Sao Paulo, Brazil
VP Executive Creative Director: Anselmo Ramos
Executive Creative Director: Claudio Lima, Fred Saldanha
Creative Director: Rubens Filho
Copywriter: Beto Cocito
Art Director: Diego Machado
Head of Production: Nana Bittencourt, Rossana Noceloni
Project Manager: Paula Santana
Technology Director: Juscelino Vieira
Account Director: Valeria Barone
Account Supervisor: Camila Porto
Aproved by: Ernest Petty, Pedro Costa
Production Company: Bossa Nova Films
Executive Producer: Eduardo Tibiriça
Producer: Mercia Lima
Director: Georgia Guerra-Peixe
Director of Photography: Marcelo Rocha
Editor: Julio Airoldi, Bruno Tsuda
Post-Production: Bossa Nova Films
Audio: S de Samba
Music Production: Chave Marin, Dimi Kireeff.
Music Composer: Chave Marin, Dimi Kireeff

Retro Boutique: Grandparents

“Clothes left behind. Retro Boutique, Original Vintage Store.”

Agency: Ogilvy & Mather Argentina
General Creative Directors: Maximiliano Maddalena, Javier Mentasti
Head of Art: Diego Grandi 
Creative Directors: Juana O’Gorman, Tamara Litovsky
Copywriter: Lucas Antunes
Art Director: Daniel Corrêa
Photography: Ale Burset
Image retouching: Diego Speroni
Responsible for the client: Milva Russo

Pedigree Dentastix: No bite, no info

Dogs use their mouths as humans use their hands. When they bite into something, they do it because they want to understand more about the object: taste, texture, temperature, etc. The bite represents 20% of a dog’s senses. This means that if his teeth aren’t healthy he can’t bite it. 20% of his world is gone. That’s why the dog can’t understand what some objects really are. With Dentastix you can keep his teeth healthy and his world complete.

Advertising Agency: BBDO, Moscow, Russia
Creative Director: Adrian Ely
Art Director: Alex Daff
Copywriter: Mircea Andronescu
Illustrator: Jennifer Taylor / Paper Dog Studio
Art Buyer: Marina Shponko
Client Service: Maria Ustkachkinseva
Published: April 2011

GU Publisher Parenting Guides: Stop the Drama

Advertising Agency: Jung von Matt, Stuttgart, Germany
Art Director: Ralf Richter
Copywriter: Norman Scholl
Illustrators: The Broken Jug

The Mission em São Paulo: imperdível!

Comemorando 25 anos de estrada, o lendário The Mission (UK) está fazendo uma turnê mundial e vem para o Brasil essa semana. Para o vocalista Wayne Hussey, o Brasil não é nenhuma novidade: ele é casado com uma brasileira e mora aqui.

Para o resto da formação (Craig Adams, Simon Hinkler e Mike Kelly), é uma volta ao país onde já se apresentaram outras 2 vezes. Agora eles vão tocar no charmoso Cine Joia, na Liberdade, um lugar aconchegante onde, no caso do The Mission, os saudosistas e nostálgicos de plantão vão poder matar as saudades de uma época mágica do pop britânico e aplaudir Wayne e cia. bem de perto.

O bom e velho The Mission surgiu em 1986, quando Wayne e Craig Adams saíram do cultuado Sisters Of Mercy para formar a banda e buscar novos horizontes. Já no primeiro disco, God’s Own Medicine, emplacaram vários hits e marcaram a “invasão gótica” no pop inglês daquele ano.

Severina e Garden Of Delight levaram massas de fãs ao delírio, e o disco seguinte, Children, atingiu o segundo lugar da parada britânica na semana de seu lançamento.

Não tinha pra ninguém, assim era o The Mission.

O álbum seguinte, Carved In Sand, marcou o ápice de popularidade e sucesso comercial da banda. Eles estavam sob todos os holofotes desde Children, e acumulavam seguidores fiéis.

Enquanto os “pés no peito” de Amelia e Deliverance consagravam o The Mission como porta-vozes góticos que dissecavam temas como sexo, romance e até abuso infantil em explosivas estruturas pop embaladas em melodias grandiosas e apocalípticas, o mega-blaster-hit Butterfly On a Wheel mostrava, ao mesmo tempo e na contramão, que a banda também sabia esfaquear a alma dos mais sensíveis. E fizeram uma das músicas mais bonitas daquele ano.

Em 1992, voltaram bem-humorados em Like a Child Again, mas deixavam claro que ainda eram eles mesmos em Even You May Shine e Shades Of Green. Os álbuns seguintes, Neverland e Blue, tentaram sem muito êxito trazer de volta a glória do passado num mundo onde o rock gótico já não tinha tantos curiosos.

Mas Aura e Sacrilege marcaram a grande volta da banda e consagram a trajetória do Mission como uma das bandas mais importantes de seu tempo e seu estilo.

Neste domingo, quem for ao Cine Joia vai ter a honra de celebrar de perto a história desta grande banda.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Point of View Shots

Kogonada est un passionné de la série américaine Breaking Bad. Il a décidé de monter cette vidéo reprenant des prises de vues – POV – faites depuis des objets inanimés tels qu’une machine à laver ou encore une piscine. Un rendu très réussi sur la musique Move de Jonathan Elias.

Point of View Shots 7
Point of View Shots 6
Point of View Shots 4
Point of View Shots 2
Point of View Shots 3

‘Shell’ Wants Nigerians to Live With Its Oil Problems


It’s truly amazing how easy it is to pull the proverbial wool over people’s eyes. Witness these two videos from, a group that aims to hold Shell accountable for spills in Nigeria.

New Book Explains How Storytelling Can Save Advertising


Here is a wonderful promotional video for a new book, Winning the Story Wars.

Meet the Woman Behind ABC’s Apple-Themed ‘Duets’ Promo

The "Duets" commercial is an "homage" to Apple's famed "1984" ad, said Marla Provencio, ABC's new chief marketing officer.

JWT Appoints a Pair of Chief Creative Officers in New York

Ryan Kutscher, who previously served as a creative director at CP&B, and Matt MacDonald, who's been executive creative director at JWT, New York, have been named co-chief creative officers of the network's flagship New York office.

Beckham Plays Beethoven With Soccer Balls


Always impressive. Always interesting. But we always question just how “real” these videos featuring sports figure doing amazing things really are.

Proposed J-V in China Won’t Help Chery Much After Over-Expanding

Given Chery Automobile Co.'s close ties to the Chinese government, the company has a good chance to win approval for a joint venture with Jaguar Land Rover in China but, after Chery's reckless expansion, that won't help much.

Google doodle japonês homenageia Robert Moog, o criador do sintetizador

Como no Japão, como dizem, já é amanhã, e amanhã é 23 de maio, o Google japonês homenageia o aniversário de Robert Moog, inventor do primeiro sintetizador moderno. Sim, nada de homenagens brasileiras a um dos episódios marcantes da Revolução Constitucionalista de 1932.

Se você já perdeu o seu tempo cantando com o Freddie Mercury ou dedilhando uma Les Paul, prepare-se para perder a sua tarde na versão japonesa do famoso site de busca.


Dica do Marcelo Druck

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Infiniti Moves Global HQ to Hong Kong From Japan

Nissan Motor Co., Japan's second-largest carmaker, is preparing to appoint a global head for its Infiniti luxury brand after moving the unit's headquarters to Hong Kong on Tuesday.

Hi Viajes: Flickr, Google

“Nothing replaces a trip.”

Advertising Agency: Publicis, Madrid, Spain
Creative Director: Alexandre Okada
Copywriter: Felipe Cirino
Art Director: Manu Mazzaro
Photographer: Paola Vianna