Mobile Marketing: Is ‘App-vertising’ the Answer?

For nearly a decade mobile advertising has proven to be the great white whale of digital marketing — forever on the horizon, but perpetually out of reach. But thanks to Apple's iPhone and App Store, that's all about to change.

Coca Cola | In-game advertising mobile


Foi anunciada agora a ampliação da parceria entre produtora games Gamevil, de Los Angeles, com a Coca-Cola Company.

Uma das novidades é a nova versão do jogo Baseball Superstars para iPhone e iPod Touch. O jogo inclui anúncios da Coca Cola em todo estádio em que o jogo se passa, conforme pode ser visto na imagem acima.

Diferente do advergame, o In-game advertising não é um jogo baseado no contexto de uma marca. Na realidade, in-game advertising são anúncios de uma marca veiculados em um jogo produzido e criado por terceiros.

A série Baseball Superstars já vendeu mais de 9 milhões de cópias a nível mundial, e é vista pela Coca Cola como uma valiosa plataforma de interação – ainda mais agora onde a mobilidade está sendo considerada um importante meio para aderir ao dia-a-dia dos consumidores. Veja na sequência uma demonstração do novo Baseball Superstars Mobile:

:: Via MobiAD

Are You A Loser Who Can’t Find Your Own Wife?


Spoofing the whole mail order bride thing.

Cheater Video is Actually Boat Promotion. Who Knew?


“Cheaters” depicts a guy destroying the car and motor home of his cheating wife’s beau — using a boat suspended from a crane.

It’s Not Prince Charming You Need; It’s a Really Good Plan B.


UK moms reportedly have their panties all in a bunch because of an over-the-counter morning after pill, Levonelle One Step, that positions itself as “The One.”

Mafia Mortgage Messes – Victoria Gotti Faces Foreclosure From Missed Mortgage Payments (VIDEO)

( ‘Growing Up Gotti’ mom Victoria Gotti is facing foreclosure on the family’s mansion after missing over two years of mortgage payments.

The foreclosure is based on Victoria Gotti owing a hefty $650,000…

Pepsi Will Make You A Rock Star…And A Garbage Climber


As soda ads go, this one’s pretty interesting.

Weight Loss Teenspirations – Mike Morelli is Youngest Finalist Ever on The Biggest Loser (GALLERY)

( 18-year-old Mike Morelli was the youngest ‘The Biggest Loser’ finalist to ever have been a part of the show. Ranking in third place, Morelli lost a total of 207 pounds, more than his current weight of…

Bradesco | Pele Verde

Nós (já tomando a liberdade de incluir grande parte da galera atuante com comunicação na internet) sempre defendemos o investimento das marcas em conteúdo online, seja de entretenimento, de informação ou utilidade. Algum tipo de conteúdo que divirta, emocione, e ao mesmo tempo carregue a mensagem e a fisosofia da marca.

Passamos anos, exatos 8 anos, exaltando BMW Films, o motivo de existir a categoria Titanium em Cannes Lions. Diversos projetos internacionais de conteúdo também mereceram destaque nos últimos tempos, como Burger King, Doritos, Audi, Axe, Warner, Microsoft Zune, Freixenet, só para ficar em alguns exemplos.

E no Brasil? Apesar de incipiente, por aqui também temos bons trabalhos. Gosto de citar principalmente o projeto do Estúdio Coca-Cola, que integrou TV e conteúdo online, mas existem outras dezenas de pequenas iniciativas nesse sentido (cite seu preferido nos comentários).

Pele Verde Bradesco

Lançado essa semana na internet, o documentário “Pele Verde” tem tudo para se tornar um benchmark quando falarmos em conteúdo. Trata-se de um projeto do Bradesco para divulgar suas ações de conservação do meio ambiente e reforçar seu posicionamento de Banco do Planeta.

Dividido em 10 episódios, o documentário dirigido por Jorge Bodanzky mostra a Amazônia através dos olhos de seus habitantes. Os próprios moradores colaboraram nas filmagens, sugerindo temas e narrarando suas vidas. Grande parte dos que vivem nessas reservas (Catuá-Ipixina, Mamiraupa, Uatumã e Uacari) tiveram contato com a tecnologia pela primeira vez.

Além do site principal, o projeto “Pele Verde” se estende pelo YouTube, com making of, Flickr, Twitter e Facebook, para quem quiser discutir sobre o tema e acompanhar o diário de bordo.

Uma bela idéia, muito bem executada da internet. A criação é da age./isobar. Assista o trailer abaixo, e os 10 episódios no site ou no YouTube.

Brainstorm #9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Football: the ultimate goal in video

The most awesome goal that you can score during a football match in this video!

advertiser: Coca Cola

TBWA’s Mark Cramphorn defects to Dare

LONDON – Mark Cramphorn, the general manager of the TBWA UK Group, is leaving to join Dare as its director of operations.

TBWA’s Cramphorn defects to Dare

LONDON – Mark Cramphorn, the general manager of the TBWA UK group, is leaving to join Dare as its director of operations.

Euro RSCG London names Russ Lidstone as CEO

LONDON – Euro RSCG London has appointed Russ Lidstone as its chief executive.

VisitBritain appoints digital agency to relaunch websites

LONDON – VisitBritain has appointed Sapient Interactive to redesign its website portfolio including and in a three-year deal as the tourism organisation aims for a target of 30 million unique visitors by 2011, ahead of the London Olympics.

France Alzheimer: Fence, Corrugated Iron, Wall




“In France, one million people can’t get hold of their memories.”

Advertising Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi, Paris, France
Creative Director: Christophe Coffre
Art Director: Florian Roussel
Copywriter: Guillaume Blanc
Photographer: Marc Thirouin
Retoucher: Panit Pundarik
Published: april 2009

Bicultural? Um…Maybe.

drpepperlogoDr. Pepper has kicked off a program known as Vida23, celebrating la vida23, “a flavorful, bicultural life to the 23rd power.”
A mobile dance club/studio and arcade, plus a new song written for the program, will be touring American cities.

“Just like the unique 23 flavors Dr Pepper, Vida23 is designed to give consumers more out of every day,” said Monica Morales, Dr Pepper brand manager, Hispanic market. “Hispanic young adults are living the best of both worlds – they’re bicultural and bilingual. Unlike previous generations, today’s young Latinos literally have one foot in each culture and Vida23 celebrates their way of life.”

The song, “LA LA LA Life/Vida23,” was written and performed by Cucu Diamantes and Andres Levin, founding members of the fusion band Yerba Buena. The song could be described as African-rooted Latin music + hip-hop + Soul/R&B. The song can be heard over the air, or during Dr Pepper spots.

picture12Vida23 is meant to embody the bicultural lifestyle using Club23, Dr Pepper’s dance club on wheels where fans can play games, dance, and upload photos. Beginning in Dallas on May 15, Club23 tours the country, hitting locations such as LA, San Antonio, Phoenix, and Sacramento. Club23 dates and locations are available at

Other promotions that will run later in the year include Tu Ride23 and Familia23. The Tu Ride23 promotion will give consumers a chance to win a car, and Familia23 awards a huge party to a family submitting a photo of themselves enjoying Dr Pepper while explaining how they live their life to the fullest.

Jeff Louis: Strategic Media Planner, Project Manager, and New Business Coordinator. His passion is writing, contributing to BMA as well as freelancing. He’d love to hear from you: or

Google maps the night sky with Star Droid

LONDON – Google is preparing to launch a mobile phone application called Star Droid that can help amateur astronomers identify stars and planets, according to reports.

Why People Won’t Pay for Online News the Way They Pay for HBO

Here's why cable and satellite subscriptions aren't a good model for newspapers. In the first place, cable and TV offered something better than broadcast TV — much better. Their packages included perfect reception; many more channels, some with no commercials, mostly unavailable any other way; and types of programming you couldn't get otherwise, i.e., shows with "adult" language and situations. In the second place, cable and satellite were optional products people could buy to enhance their programming. Newspapers will be banding together, on the other hand, to take back certain content people already view on the web. For free.

Farm makes an appearance in tonight’s The Apprentice

LONDON – Farm will appear in tonight’s episode of The Apprentice, helping to rebrand and promote the town of Margate.

Sports Journalist Obsessed With Hot Volleyball Player in Ad


Wow. And you thought we obsessed over the beautiful people who appear in advertisements?