Google’s Tim Armstrong Departs for AOL

NEW YORK ( — Time Warner cleaned out the executive suite at troubled internet unit AOL, appointing Google President-Americas Operations Tim Armstrong as chairman-CEO.

Nokia Calls Review of $400 Million Media Biz After Dispute Over Fees

BEIJING ( — A dispute over fees is at the heart of Nokia's decision to review its estimated $400 million global media business, currently handled by WPP's MediaCom.

Have a ‘mini’ break ……

Click Images To Enlarge

Advertising Agency: JWT, Dubai, UAE
Executive Creative Director: Chafic Haddad
Art Director: Nizar Swailem
Copywriter: Ash Chagla
Strategic Planner: Prabhakar Iyer
Account Supervisor: Shereen Fotouh / Jayanthi Thiagarajan

Via [AdBasha]

Too Many Cooks: NBC’s ‘Chopping Block’ Fizzles

MINNEAPOLIS ( — Prime time's version of the proverb "Too many cooks spoil the broth" resulted in NBC's new cooking show, "Chopping Block." It fell like a souffle, as its 1.4/4 rating and share in the ad-centric 18-to-49 demographic was even less than the result for "Top Chef," which runs on NBC's cable cousin Bravo.

Second Hand idea / Seconde Main ?

scared2005 scared2009
Fabricas de Francia – 2005
Source : FIAP Festival Shortlist
Agency : DDB Mexico City (Mexico)
The Harvey Nichols Sale – 12/2008
Source : Adsoftheworld
Agency : DDB London (United Kingdom)
Et les robes aussi chez Harvey Nichols c’est de la récup ?

MINI Cabrio | Always Open

MINi Cabrio Always Open

Depois do teaser “Car Wash”, a BMW finalmente revelou a sua campanha para os novos MINI Cabrio 2009, trabalhando o conceito já mostrado na apresentação do modelo no ano passado: “Always Open”.

São dois comerciais, “History” e “Duel”. O primeiro mostra a evolução dos veículos conversíveis através da história, e o segundo um duelo de lama entre dois carros. A idéia é simples: dizer que não importa o motivo, não importa o que aconteça, o dono de um MINI Cabrio nunca fecha a capota.

Isso porque, uma das principais características do carro é justamente a função Always-Open, um indicador no painel que avisa ao motorista, após análises eletrônicas de temperatura e umidade, o momento certo para baixar a capota.

Assista os dois filmes abaixo. A criação é da Plantage, de Berlim.

Not Enjoying the News You’re Watching? Switch to ABC

NEW YORK ( — In some circles, this would be tantamount to war: To promote its flagship morning show, "Good Morning America," ABC has bought ads in rival early-bird programming, including CNN's "American Morning." That's right, when John Roberts cuts to a commercial break, you might see an ad telling you to consider changing the channel to watch Diane Sawyer instead.

Mahou Premium Light: Lighter World

Ta aí um comercial de cerveja diferente do que a gente tá acostumado.

A marca espanhola de cervejas Mahou, acabou de lançar a mais nova criação “cinematográfica” de sua agência parceira, a El Laboratorio, para comunicar a nova linha Premium Light, de cervejas ultra leves.

Um casal de performistas dança no teto e nas paredes como forma de destacar o quão leve é o momento que a cerveja proporciona aos seus consumidores. O resultado você confere a seguir:


A Mahou Premium Light tem 35% menos caloria, e está sendo um sucesso lá na Espanha. Inclusive seu sabor é mais suave que as originais.

Whaddaya mean Free?!?

Public Service Announcements can be a nice little niche for ad agencies of any size. Non profits will usually pay you to design an ad or a campaign, and most outlets consider PSAs to be a part of their community relations program. It’s also a good way to test some of your junior staff.

Brother Can You Spare Some Free Time?

Brother Can You Spare Some Free Time?

MasterCard Is still Top Global Credit Card

301thmWe all know that people hate credit cards, particularly when the time comes you have to pay up. But regardless, it seems many people are using them and getting them as long as they can pass the usual credit investigation prior to be approved a card. And among the credit cards in use today, MasterCard came out as the top card globally, adding another feather to its cap.

MasterCard Worldwide has been named the “Best Corporate Cards and Expense Services Provider” by Global Finance magazine for the third consecutive year. The award was bestowed to MasterCard for innovative solutions that enable value and efficiency in commercial payments. MasterCard was selected by the publication’s editors who incorporate input from industry analysts, corporate executives and technology experts in determining the award’s recipient. The results of the exclusive survey are published in the March 2009 issue of the magazine.

(Source) Press

In Tough Market, Nick Pitches Quality and Consistency

It's a testament to Nickelodeon's kids'-market dominance that Michael Eisner is lining up to pitch his former arch nemeses on a new series. The ex-Disney CEO appeared at the Nickelodeon upfront in New York's Hammerstein Ballroom to present "Glenn Martin, D.D.S.," a half-hour animated comedy his Tornante Animation is producing for Nick at Nite.

Don’t Go Back to School for the Wrong Reasons

Ação de “Resident Evil 5? espalha partes de corpos humanos em Londres

Para promover o lançamento do aguardado “Resident Evil 5″, marcado para amanhã, sexta-feira 13, a agência Monument PR criou uma ação do tipo caça-ao-tesouro diferente em Londres.

50 pedaços de corpos humanos (de mentira, é claro), como braços, pernas e cabeças, foram espalhados em locais secretos por toda a cidade. A ação aconteceu hoje de manhã, e pouco mais de 100 pessoas se registraram para participar e tentar encontrar os membros.

Como você já deve imaginar, a iniciativa causou polêmica e teve até intervenção da polícia. Isso porque alguns “pedaços de corpos” continuam desaparecidos, e as autoridades locais receberam ligações de denúncia e reclamações.

A caça-ao-tesouro foi divulgada apenas na internet, em fóruns, blogs e sites especializados em games. O prêmio para quem encontrasse mais membros era uma viagem com acompanhante para a África, continente em que se passa a trama de “Resident Evil 5″.

Leia aqui post anterior sobre a campanha viral do game.

Resident Evil 5 Limbs

Resident Evil 5 Limbs

Resident Evil 5 Limbs
Creative Commons License fotos: weefz

Unilever Canada Turns to Ariad for Degree

NEW YORK ( — Unilever Canada has named Toronto-based independent firm Ariad its lead marketing agency for both the Degree Men and Degree Women antiperspirants and deodorants, a role that will have the agency shaping strategy for the brand.

MINI Cabrio: History

Ponto de ônibus vira balança para divulgar rede de academias

Na Holanda, uma rede de academias chamada Fitness First resolveu fazer um “reality check” em pontos de ônibus. O banco é uma balança, que mostra o peso da pessoa no medidor lateral.

Simples e impactante. A criação é da agência N=5.

| Via Brand Activation

Carl’s Jr. Urges Doctors to Have A Bourbon Before Surgery


For a company like Carl’s Jr. to say “Eat Responsibly” is a joke.

Using Twitter to Rebrand Mardi Gras

Over on Ad Age's Small Agency Diary blog, Tom Martin recounts how he tried to use Twitter to rebrand Mardi Gras.

Mars forces Poke to shut down Snckrz site

LONDON – Mars has forced the digital agency Poke to shut down an unauthorised website that encouraged users to create their own logo for the chocolate bar Snickers.

Nike Victory

La lettre V comme symbole de la nouvelle campagne Nike qui s’intitule “V is for Victory”. Des footballeurs et sportifs en vedette, à l’image de l’Ivoirien Didier Drogba ou du célèbre Rafael Nadal. Un signe dessiné sur le torse et recouvert de poussière ocre pour certain, habillé d’une veste pour les autres.

Coulisses du shooting


