President of Volvo Trucks Isn’t a Daredevil. He Just Plays One in This Insane YouTube Stunt

Claes Nilsson, the president of Volvo Trucks, talks up the Volvo FMX while standing—it is soon revealed—on a truck being suspended over the water by a crane in this crazy YouTube video, which calls out its own craziness. (There's "no trick filming," the automaker assures us.) I'm not a fan of ads calling attention to their own composition—that "needs a hook" line grates on me like sandpaper—but there's something undeniably endearing about a man in a suit wearing a hard hat. Plus, you have to admire the bluntness of the stunt, and its effectiveness (almost 700,000 views in two days). As the top YouTube comment saliently wonders of the FMX: "How? can it possibly carry the weight of his balls?"


Quantos caminhoneiros cabem na cabine de um caminhão?

Para promover seu novo modelo de caminhão FH, a Volvo fez a pergunta que é título desse post. A resposta é uma performance de flexibilidade coreografada pelo Cirkus Cirkör, da Suécia.

Muito legal Volvo. Não sei os caminhoneiros suecos estão todos em forma e usam gel no cabelo, mas considerando a pancinha dos nossos caminhoneiros por aqui, essa conta aí ta errada.

Criação da Forsman & Bodenfors.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Volvo: Equilibrista atravessa corda com dois caminhões em movimento

A Volvo decidiu que nenhum comercial padrão seria capaz de promover a precisão e controle da sua nova série de caminhões FH. Sendo assim, resolveu demonstrar na prática

Faith Dickey se equilibra em uma corda, atravessando de um caminhão a outro numa estrada da Croácia. Além disso, ainda tem o vento e um túnel vindo pela frente.

Segundo a Volvo, a manobra foi realizada com a produção de um diretor de dublês de Hollywood, Peter Pedrero.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Volvo Concept You

Le constructeur suédois Volvo a pu présenter récemment le Concept You à Moscou en plein milieu d’un défilé de mode. Présenté avec un show et grâce à une technique de mapping 3D magnifique, pensé par Alex Mamontov : le résultat est à découvrir dans la suite en vidéo.







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There’s more to life than a Volvo

Click Image To Enlarge
Creative Agency: AWA Advertising & Marketing, Kuwait
Creative Director: Yasser Fathi

Via [Ads2Blog]

Volvo | Capture the Moment


Nada como o humor sueco para nos divertir nesse filme da Volvo. Na verdade, eu não faço ideia de como são as comédias na Suécia, mas eles tiverem estilo aqui.

Tudo para dizer que, com um Volvo, você irá abastecer tão pouco, que uma ida a um posto de gasolina se transformará em um evento.

E um detalhe, só a Europa para nos oferecer o lindo aspecto 16:9. Criação da Forsman & Bodenfors e produção da Flodellfilm.

Brainstorm #9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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The Power of a Great Ad Campaign

ThebeefBefore delving into the main portion of this article, I’d first like to clearly define what I mean by the term ‘great’ in the title.

‘Great,’ in the sense of advertising, is in reference to an ad or campaign that transcends time and trend. ‘Great’ describes a truly creative and inspiring idea that has enough emotional, logical, or persuasive rhetoric to consistently move large portions of consumers to act.  Simply put, it’s got zing.

Alright.  Now that we’ve got that out of the way, we can really get to the “meat and potatoes” of this article; what great marketing campaigns can truly achieve for a brand.

Walking down the figurative Advertising Hall of Fame, you’d run into “Mean” Joe Green, an old woman inquiring about the absence of dietary cow product, and a swooshing symbol telling you to “Just do it.”  But what do these ad campaigns that have stayed in our mind through the decades actually do for their respective brands?  They’re cute, inspiring, and fun, but after the millions of dollars are spent and a few more million are made, can an ad campaign have a lasting effect?

Short answer: absolutely, yes.

For almost any ad campaign, a company will yield a moderate ROI for a short term period (i.e. – Placing an ad in the local paper, doubling your sales for a week).  But a great campaign can truly stick with consumers and implements a lifelong brand perception.


Look at Volvo.  What is the first thing almost everyone thinks when asked about the vehicle brand, Volvo?  Safety.  This is a result from their influential campaign from decades ago that touted Volvo as the number one safety vehicle on the market.  At the time, that was true, and people were receptive to the great ad campaign.  Now, 20 years later, people still think Volvo releases the safest vehicles on the market, when in fact, they’re no longer even in the top five.

Now that is one amazing campaign.

More recently, Pabst Blue Ribbon, amid the recession, zero advertising spending in 2009, and a product price increase, has reported a 25% sales increase. (Ad Age) How could this have happened while other sub-premium beers cost less, advertise more, and have reported much smaller sales increases?

pabst-_1Experts told Ad Age that is was likely due to a word of mouth (WOM) campaign that Pabst Blue Ribbon initiated in 2004 as an anti-establishment beer, of sorts.  It has its own niche of young drinkers who don’t conform to the premium or big name brands.  And PBR did an amazing job at taking their campaign to the streets to find their niche.

Benefits?  Well, five years later, PBR is growing during a recession without an ad budget to speak of, against all odds.

Great campaigns have the power to shift, solidify, or revitalize brand/product perception.  They have the ability to transcend time or place by remaining relevant through the fads and trends.  It’s about reaching down to the core of what your brand can do for a group of people.

A good ad campaign can make people think, ‘Wow, I think I want that.’  A great ad campaign will make people realize, ‘Wow, I didn’t know I needed that.’

Stu Haack is a Copywriter & Social Media Guru at Aviatech.  He likes long walks on the beach and scary movies.  Learn more about him and his writing.

Volvo Chile: Sheep, 2

Volvo Chile: Sheep, 2

C30 The black sheep of the family.
The Black Sheep is ready to go out. New colors and trims.

Advertising Agency: Promoplan FC, Santiago, Chile
Creative Directors: Luis Silva, Ricardo Pau
Art Director: Juan Pablo Caraballo
Copywriter: Ralph Bennett
Illustrators: Juan Pablo Caraballo, Ignacio Bustos
Photographers: Sebastián Rivas, La Roja
Team: Alejandro Rojas, Loreto Barra, Pablo Castro, Horacio Alegría, Félix Pérez, Sebastián Del Río, Constanza Bunster
Published: April 2008

Volvo Chile: Sheep, 1

Volvo Chile: Sheep, 1

C30 The black sheep of the family.
The Black Sheep is ready to go out. New colors and trims.

Advertising Agency: Promoplan FC, Santiago, Chile
Creative Directors: Luis Silva, Ricardo Pau
Art Director: Juan Pablo Caraballo
Copywriter: Ralph Bennett
Illustrators: Juan Pablo Caraballo, Ignacio Bustos
Photographers: Sebastián Rivas, La Roja
Team: Alejandro Rojas, Loreto Barra, Pablo Castro, Horacio Alegría, Félix Pérez, Sebastián Del Río, Constanza Bunster
Published: April 2008