Like a Tranny, the Satinelle’s Merits are Many


We’ve seen weird shit sell razors, but we’ve never seen an angle like this one.

Liberty Mutual Uses Sentimental Camera Eye to Explore Responsibility


Remember Chicken Soup for the Soul before it got all commercial and had spin-offs for grandparents, moms, kids, and your apathetic father? Imagine if it were audio/visual, and that would get you The Responsibility Project, a series where four RSA directors try interpreting what it means to be responsible. Commissioned by Hill Holliday for Liberty Mutual.

Dove Onslaught(er) – Greenpeace commercial version

I`m sure you remember the Dove Tv commercial version that is asking you to talk to your daughter before the industry does.

Well Greenpeace has something to say about all those actions.

The Unilever palm oil supplies are burning up so this it’s destroying Indonesia’s rainforests. Greenpeace got the proof: all these actions are causing forest destruction, species extinction and climate change.

Talk to Dove before they destroy Paradise Forests

Unilever, the makers of Dove beauty products, are buying palm oil from suppliers who destroy Indonesia’s rainforests. We’ve got the proof. They’re causing forest destruction, species extinction and climate change.

Together we can make the company stop destroying forests for palm oil.

This is a report “Burning up Borneo”, released April 2008, for the detailed scientific information of the campaign.

In November 2007, Greenpeace released Cooking the Climate, an 82-pagereport summarizing the findings of a two-year investigation that revealed how the world’s largest food, cosmetic and biofuel companies were driving the wholesale destruction of Indonesia’s rainforests and peat lands through growing palm oil consumption. This follow-up report provides further evidence of the expansion of the palm oil sector in Indonesia into remaining rainforests, orangutan habitat and peat lands in Kalimantan. It links the majority of the largest producers in Indonesia to Unilever, probably the largest palm oil corporate consumer in the world. Unilever uses 1.3Mt of palm oil or palm oil derivative every year – about 3% of global production.

1. About half of Unilever’s palm oil supply comes from Indonesia.

2. As recently as 2005, Unilever purchased 1 in every 20 tones produced in the country.

3. Unilever has failed to use its power to lead the palm oil sector toward sustainability, either through its own palm oil purchasing – its primary suppliers in Indonesia represent over a third of the country’s palm oil production.

4. – or through its role as leader of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO),whose members represent 40% of global palm oil production.

5. Through analysis of maps, satellite data, and on-the-ground investigations between February and April 2008, Greenpeace has mapped out how expansion of the oil palm plantations in Central Kalimantan is fueling climate change and helping drive orangutans to the brink of extinction. As Greenpeace investigations show, this expansion into the Indonesian territory of the island of Borneo has in large part been led by companies who are Unilever suppliers and RSPO member.

Here are some Unilever campaign questions and answers from Greenpeace.

You Wish, Microsoft.


Nobody feels this way about Vista. NOBODY. And if they didn’t, they damn well wouldn’t rock out like it’s 1999.

A singing florist for Secretary’s Day

Secretary’s Day is approaching! Belgian electricity operator Electrabel has launched a website that lets bosses produce a mini-opera for their secretaries. A florist sings a personalized song with the name of the secretary in it. Available in Dutch and French.

Secretary’s day

By the way, did you know that Secretary’s Day was created by a marketeer? Harry F. Klemfuss of Young & Rubicam launched the idea in 1952. In the US the concept is now known as “Administrative Professionals’ Day“. This year it falls on 23 April. In Europa it’s still called “Secretary’s Day” and it’s celebrated on 17 April.

Campaign website:
Agency: Proximity BBDO Belgium.

Justice ‘The Optimizer’ Mitchell Harnesses Power of Interwebs


Any video that ends with “We’ll cram our YouTube right into your Facebook,” has to at least get shared a little bit.

No One’s Watching That YouTube Video You Paid For


MultiVu a service of PRNewswire, will help you create and distribute a multimedia news release to “more than 100 million consumers and investors who get their news and information on the Web.”

Flickr Users Protest Video, iJustine Says Quit Being A Btchr


What the hell? Flickr decides to make it possible for users to upload videos along with their photos and what do some people do? That’s right. They bitch.

Xiaxue Was iJustine Before Justine Became iJustine


Back in 2004, Singapore hottie Wendy Cheng, aka Xiaxue was just a blogger.

‘Good Lord, What Are You Doing?’ Why, Ordering GTA IV, of Course


It’s a teaser for Grand Theft Auto IV! There’s girls with thongs, multiethnic gangsters (so Epcot), bloody cops, and one-liners that would make Scorsese shoot a puppy.

Witch Uglies Down, Reporters Get Mauled, Public Health Stickers Litter Life


– Milk makes baby-eating witches insecure about their looks. Dude. Did she just try passing her wart off as a mole?

Ron Stilanovich Gets Scrappy for Easton Sports


Omelet has put together some new work for Easton Sports that consists of a series of videos featuring career minor leaguer Ron Stilanovich

Hilary’s Fucking Obama


Oh yes. You knew it was coming. It was only a matter of time.

…And Action

Are you hip to Fast Company’s move into consumer-generated video? Actually, I hesitate to call it that. Is Scoble a consumer? What about Shel Israel? They’re not Directors of Photography, that’s for sure.

Maybe it should simply be called DIY video.

For some strong opinions on this venture, click over to Loren Feldman’s video rants.

Giant Tidal Wave of Soap Suds Flood Streets of Miami


Hmm. Is this tidal wave of soap suds in downtown Miami the beginning of yet another Sony Balls, Paint or Bunnies?

Giant Tidal Wave of Soap Suds Floods Streets of Miami


Hmm. Is this tidal wave of soap suds in downtown Miami the beginning of yet another Sony Balls, Paint or Bunnies?

iJustine Examines ‘Cultural Divide’ Between Geeks and Music Fans


Along with the exodus of of the digerati, so go the iPhones, the Digg accounts, Ruby on Rails, PHP, Pownce, Twitter, Facebook, Sarah lacy and all that other social media crap so many of us obsess over.

Good TV Means Gunshots, Score Some at the Bessies


Remember when the Elmo Song murder brought out the inner-child-decimating sociopath in you? The Bessies can help fuel that sleeping fire.

Bessies Execute Bad Ads. Yippee.


Remember when the Elmo Song murder brought out the inner-child-decimating sociopath in you? The Bessies can help fuel that sleeping fire.

Law Firm Gets Weird With Wacky Lederhosen Video


Courtesy of law firm Hanson Bridgett, here’s another contender for the WTF award.