Woody Harrelson Predicts end of World in 2012


Here’s a weird one.

Kraft Pins Chicken Wings Shortage on Ex-Gov Blagojevich


Last week a local news channel reported a major supplier of chicken wings would be shutting down, resulting in a shortage of one of the Super Bowl’s tribute snacks.

Beautiful, new videoclip from EGM

El Guisante Mágico is a spanish band of glam-surf. The song Beautiful is the single from his new album “Love, Lust & a Bit of Champagne”. This videoclip was filmed by the directing team Sofa Experience, from Agosto. It features no chroma key tricks, just a plane, a long falling from San Diego’s skies a crazy crew and considerable amounts of boldness.

Am I the only one who reminds the film Point Break watching this?

Ooo! Ooo! You Gotta See This Awesomely Cool Video!


“thought u might like this, an awsome video with skateboarding tv. cool stuff.think you’ d love it!!”

Will It Blend? Who Cares.


OK so Tom Dickson has been hyping his Blendtc blender in online videos for some time now.

Origami creativity

Sipho Mabona is an origami artist. Origami, the ancient Japanese art of paper folding, can create stunning video commercials when combined with stop motion recording. This video, created for Asics by Sipho’s company Mabona Origami, won several international prizes.

Have a look at some other creations by the same artist at his Flickr photostream or this profile page.

Yawn. Nike Does Another Fake YouTube Video


Female basketball players (who we should know but don’t) make difficult shots into random receptacles. Fake. Yawn.

Behind The Scenes at Pop17

Pop17 is a two-to-three minute daily exploration to track, analyze and understand the new cultural phenomenon of online micro-celebrity.

TechCrunch, Virgin America and Perkett PR sponsor the show.

The show’s host, Sarah Austin has an extensive Wikipedia entry. The sentence on Wikipedia that got my attention is: In the tradition of Paul Krassner, she sometimes combines legitimate news coverage with personal journalism and prankster activities.

Technology Advances, Draft Dorks Out, Yellow Pages Take Shot in the Dark


– On her grandparents’ 50th wedding anniversary, a Millennial reflects on how the advancement of technology in the last century have made life different.

Death Copy Edited, Whales Saved, GrapeNuts Explained


This one’s for all the obsessive compulsive spelling and grammar police in the audience.

Will Make Web Video For Food

According to San Francisco Chronicle, popular web video series like “Break a Leg,” are not being shown the money.

Even with a YouTube partnership, contest winnings from Internet video clearinghouse Metacafe and other recognitions, “Break a Leg” has grossed about $2,500 for two years’ work. This is a show with an average monthly viewership of 1.5 million people.

“Break a Leg” embodies the key contradictions of the brave new world of online video entertainment. It’s easier and cheaper than ever for individuals to produce their own work and put it up for global audiences – on sites like YouTube, Revver, Veoh and My Damn Channel – but it’s almost impossible to make a living outside of the established TV and film industry.

Regarding this story, Hugh MacLeod, says, “The business model is not a revenue model. The business model is a social model. Duh…” I have no idea what that means, but I thought I’d share it with you anyway.

The Werewolves are Coming … and They Want that Awesome-Smelling Bucket


This spoof trailer for pulp film Night Hunger is actually an (unofficial!) ad ploy for guess-which-fried-chicken-company. (Catch subliminal brand action around 1:25.)

Nike football Spain – Euro 2008

I’m not sure what the message of this spot is, this seem to be a response to the pubic criticism, Spanish football supporters.

Although this is another Nike advertising for Euro 2008, this advertising seems to virtually involve a crush between Spain’s football team and crowd.

All five players in this ad, Torres, Iniesta, Ramos, Puyol and Fábregas are all sponsored by Nike as individuals. They are all individually sponsored by Nike; however the Spanish national team is sponsored by ADIDAS.

People in the background are discussing why Spanish football team can’t win any big tournament and what team needs to be successful.

The answer is taking football to the next level and win.

Good commercial, after all.

Sometimes Bigger Really Is Better


OK so Trojan has what’s probably the world’s smallest vibrator; good for sneaking into the conference room to alleviate boredom during some douchebag’s elongated presentation. But sometimes, small isn’t always good.

‘Son, I’m Glad You Like Your New Phone, But Let’s Discuss Your Window-Wanking.’


To promote the Secret touchscreen and 5-mp camera phone, LG puts it in the hands of a stalker who uses it to “interact” with a sleeping woman in another apartment.

Little Girl Defines YouTube


YouTube is a lot of things to a lot of people but now we have the definitive description from a little girl who seems to know the truth.

Kazan Dabs Cultural Pen with CGI-Heavy Palette


Imagine if Ghost Writer got a little slicker and made friends with Cirque de Soleil, then they went on a Russian tour with hula hoops, tennis racquets and Day-Glo underpants.

Hands On The Wheel

The video above shows five different driving instructors going ballistic on a kid who won’t stop talking on his cell phone. But what’s simply funny to some is actually part of a new interactive marketing strategy from Parrot, a European-based bluetooth technology company.

According to Feed Company, the video was designed by Parrot’s agency GroundZero to raise awareness of a new law in California and Washington that bans the use of hand-held mobile devices while driving your car. Parrot, of course, markets hands-free car kits.

McCain Gets Hulking Girl to Do Battle With Obama Girl


The latest from Barely Political, home of Obama Girl, is The Incredible McCain Girl.

Polaroid to Liberate Photos from the Clutches of Your Tyrannous Razr


New ad out for Polaroid’s “Free the Photos” campaign, which promotes the PoGo instant mobile printer.