Gravity – Falling Montage

Plot Point Productions propose un montage vidéo de scènes de chute issues de plus de 60 films sur une musique de John Murphy tiré du film 28 jours plus tard. De Matrix, à Vanilla Sky en passant par DIe Hard ou King Kong, les références sont variées. A découvrir en images et en vidéo dans la suite.


Andy Gilmore Artworks

Le travail d’Andy Gilmore fascinent jouant sur des motifs géométriques se développant à l’infini et des dégradés de couleurs à la manière de kaléidoscopes. On le découvre très influencé par la nature et ses motifs dans l’interview vidéo réalisée par Ghostly International. Un travail intrigant et poétique à découvrir.










Volvo Trucks President Has 32 Ton Balls in Crazy YouTube Stunt


We thought Steve Wynn sitting atop his new hotel in Las Vegas was a cool stunt. That’s nothing compared to the stunt Volvo Truck President Claes Nilsson just pulled. In a video that has garnered upwards of 750,000 views since September 1, Nilsson stands atop a Volvo FMX truck and says, “I’ve learned that when you want to make a YouTube hit, you need a hook at the beginning of the film.”

He then holds up a hook from the Volvo FMX and explains it’s made of cast iron and can hold up to 32 tons, far more than the weight of the truck he’s standing on.

As far as we can tell, Nilsson isn’t attached to the crane-suspended structure with any sort of safety wire. Putting to words this daring stunt, one YouTube commenter wrote, “How can it possibly carry the weight of his balls?”

Marbert Rocel – The Temple

Réalisé et animé par Dirk Rauscher, le vidéoclip de Mabert Rocel pour la chanson The Temple, issue de son album Small Hours, est très réussi. Mêlant animations et plans fixes sur la chanteuse allemande, c’est un voyage entre rêve et réalité qui nous est proposé. Une très belle réalisation à découvrir.








Dancing Ghosts

Dancing ghosts est un projet du photographe Micaël Reynaud qui a pris des clichés du groupe pendant tout une journée en utilisant un temps d’exposition long et a ensuite créé un film à partir de ces photographies. Le résultat est impressionnant tant les personnages semblent irréels et à la fois sortis d’un autre temps.








‘RoboCop’ Teaches Abusive Soccer Parents A Lesson


You know the type. You can hear them a mile away. And you want to run right over to them and punch them in the mouth. Or you want to run over to their kid and rescue them from a lifetime of verbal abuse.

Yes, The Soccer Parent. Loud. Abusive. Idiotic. Moronic.

Well, the UK’s Football (cuz that’s what they call it over there) Association with help from Man+Hatchet created a video which aims to diffuse parental rage at soccer games.

The video uses “corrective’ technology” – think ED209 from RoboCop – to deal with the problems of raging sideline parents, the loss of referees, foul mouthed players or abusive managers.

The Respect program was launched in 2008 and after five seasons across all levels of soccer on field discipline has improved, assaults on referees have fallen, 5,000 more match officials have been recruited and the environment of children’s soccer has improved.

Dermot Collins, The FA’s Respect Manager, said, “The application of technology is an ongoing discussion in soccer. This film takes a light hearted look at how it can be applied to improving behavior in the game but ultimately the solution is in our own hands. We all have a part to play.”


Le réalisateur new-yorkais Paul Trillo tourne Salience avec une Phantom Miro à 1500 images par secondes. Dans ce court-métrage aux allures fantasmagoriques, des êtres invisibles sont révélés par des gerbes de poudre colorée alors qu’ils apparaissent hors de la forêt. Une magnifique vidéo à visionner dans la suite.














Winner – Contest Sony Water Video

A l’occasion de la sortie du smartphone Xperia Z, Fubiz s’est allié à Sony Mobile en proposant un jeu concours créatif. Le principe était simple : réaliser une vidéo de 30 à 60 secondes en rapport avec l’eau à l’aide d’un Sony Xperia Z. Voici les participations de 5 membres choisis par Fubiz.

Mise à jour : le gagnant du concours Water Contest est le jeune réalisateur P-E Minnens avec sa participation Sony Xperia x Fubiz réunissant plus de 564 votes.

Rappel ci-dessous avec les 5 participations à découvrir :

Chacun des projets a été soumis aux votes des internautes sur Fubiz du 13 au 23 août 2013.


First Flight of the Phantom

Le réalisateur américain Nicolas Doldinger nous entraine à travers New York pour une balade aérienne. Il filme à l’aide d’un DJI Phantom quadricopter, une Zenmuse H3-SD Gimbal et une GoPro HERO3. Les images sont superbes et présentent la ville vue du ciel. Un moment envoûtant à découvrir en images et en vidéo.










The New Marketing Model for Filmmakers

Indie filmmaking has seen a creative explosion with the advent of YouTube, but the true filmmaker who aspires to launch his or her career as a director or a cinematographer must look for alternate ways to stand out from the crowd. YouTube is almost a trope in itself; the domain itself is almost synonymous with “cat videos,” so it becomes one link in the chain for an aspiring filmmaker. Not the deal maker.

Getting your film noticed at festivals and shown at theaters takes patience and some networking skills. You’ll need to learn how to market on a conservative budget, learning where and how to spend your money so you can reach your intended audience.

Online Media

Tweeting your own ideas is great, but no one really wants to listen to a loudspeaker. That’s why you should use Twitter as a method to engage the influencers most likely to talk about your work. A public relations company can assist with some of your branding online by making recommendations on thought leaders in your film genre and messaging to reach them. Find users with lots of subscribers, then check their Klout scores to see if you’re likely to get retweeted. Spend time retweeting those people, engaging their ideas and making friends with their communities.

Off brand communities like Vimeo host content that is more geared toward serious filmmaking. It’s a great platform on which to host your trailer or some behind-the-scenes footage. Viral videos on YouTube are actually statistically uncommon based on the amount of content that gets uploaded daily. In a smaller community, you are more likely to find a niche you can focus on.

Social bookmarking sites like Reddit are good for spreading your work around. Beyond the default subreddits like r/movies, look for better outlets that match your work like r/filmmakers or r/makingof. These smaller and more specific groups may have decision makers in the industry to connect with, or other filmmakers that you can get tips from to help your efforts.

Convention Appearances

Indie conventions are great places to give away merchandise without paying expensive booth rental prices. Booths can go for a few hundred dollars, and you can spend double that on merchandise. Spend smart and get creative. Put your logos on custom pencils that visitors use to fill out a scavenger hunt-style checklist of things around the convention. Give shirts away to those who return finished cards to you.

There is a non-profit group of Star Wars impersonators who raise money for charity. They feature a “droid hunt” where convention goers are handed a card with a droid’s description and are asked to spot that droid in the crowd. This kind of hide and seek game is excellent for horror movies where “spot the zombie” might be a fun activity to raise awareness.

Some prep time will go a long way. Have some interesting info or gossip for bloggers who may wander past your booth. Use QR codes that link to a mobile optimized website where convention-goers can view a trailer or see a unique pitch for your film. Posters and well-designed images are, of course, great supplements.

Horror Movies

Those lucky enough to make horror films get to have all the fun, it seems. There is a huge explosion of viral marketing for new films, especially ‘found footage’ horror films like Paranormal Activity 5, which recently launched a spin-off campaign with YouTube and Twitter. A viral website populated with “real” news articles about ships in Japan disappearing heralded the coming of new Godzilla film. Men in Black took over bus stop benches with spray painted signs that read “The Men in Black Suits are Real.”

Amateur filmmakers are starting to utilize some of these viral marketing ideas by producing six-second shorts for Vine. Vine is like Twitter for film, and the medium has spawned an interesting method of storytelling. You can use these short films as tie-ins to your movie, or as pitch ideas when you are looking for additional funding.

The possibilities for marketing films online is only expanding, and the amateur film maker with serious ambition doesn’t need to look far for a chance to promote his ideas.

This is a guest post

The post The New Marketing Model for Filmmakers appeared first on AdPulp.

This Bed Delivers an Erection of Another Kind


Certain things happen in bed. Sometimes they happen with a partner in bed and sometimes they happen when you are alone in bed. Sometimes these things involve sleep. Other times they involves, well, things other than sleep. But, at some point, these things have to stop and you actually have to get out of your bed in order to start your day. Alas, some people have great difficult with this.

Holiday Inn, in partnership with CollegeHumor, have developed a solution for those for whom an alarm clock simply does not do the trick. They have developed…the Murphy Bed Alarm Clock. Check it out below.

Over the next four weeks, CollegeHumor will unveil three additional videos touting funny inventions for a Self-Rewarding Exercise Machine, Movie Magic Elevator, and Super Shower Slide.

The work is part of Holiday Inn Express’ Smart Thinking program which is an extension of the brand’s Stay Smart campaign that urges people to upload their own funny videos and pieces of advice on how they stay smart.

Vitamin Water Makes Light of Homeless With CollegeHumor Prank Video


On behalf of Vitamin Water, CollegeHumor orchestrated a prank in which a panhandler enters a subway car and begins do quite the opposite of begging for money. He regales subway passengers with stories of his increasing success and the fact that he’s not holding an empty latte cup to fill with money, he just refuses to litter. The humor escalates to the point the entire subway car is giving the man high fives.

The stunt is part of the brand’s Make Boring Brilliant campaign. The boring, in this case, is, of course, the lowly panhandler seen all day every day as one makes one’s way through the city. What’s not boring, of course, is that fact that some of these panhandlers are good folks who have simply fallen on bad fortune and are desperately doing whatever they can to survive. We’re not sure poking fun at that situation is the best marketing move a brand could make.

This Incredibly Boring McCann Germany Video is Voiced by an Englishman and Features A Photographer Who Can’t Comb Hid Hair


Well the headline pretty much sums up what you’ll see in this McCann Germany case study video featuring work they did for Studious Reisen, an entity that aims to highlight the hidden and lost treasures of the world. We’re sure the effort is worthy. We’re just having trouble getting excited about a campaign that aims to “awaken” a person’s “inner travel.”

This Incredibly Boring McCann Germany Video is Voiced by an Englishman and Features A Photographer Who Can’t Comb His Hair


Well the headline pretty much sums up what you’ll see in this McCann Germany case study video featuring work they did for Studious Reisen, an entity that aims to highlight the hidden and lost treasures of the world. We’re sure the effort is worthy. We’re just having trouble getting excited about a campaign that aims to “awaken” a person’s “inner travel.”

Freediver Video

Produite et réalisée par Kitty Bolhoefer & Fridolin Schoepper, cette superbe vidéo en noir et blanc nous propose de découvrir pour the Avant/Garde Diariesle plongeur William Trubridge s’enfoncer dans les profondeurs de la mer, expliquant par la même occasion en voix-off la philosophie de la pratique du freediving.

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Fubiz TV 21 – Thibaut de Longeville

Fubiz vous présente le nouvel épisode Fubiz TV Issue 21. Au sommaire de ce numéro, une sélection du meilleur de l’actualité de l’univers créatif et nous avons eu la chance de rencontrer le réalisateur et producteur Thibaut de Longeville dans les locaux de son agence 360 Creative pour une interview exclusive.


Vegas Nightclub Promotes With Vine-Like, Double Entendre-Laden Videos


O’Keefe Reinhard & Paul, working (according to the press release) “with the subtlety of a jackhammer” for Las Vegas nightclub, The Act, has crafted a series of double entendre-laden, Vine-like (love that new descriptor?) videos to promote the club.

Three videos include the headlines, “We trim the green, you putt the birdie,” “We mix the frosting, you lick the spoon” and “We oil the trumpet, you blow the notes.”

And yes, the double entendres are exactly what you think they would be.

‘The Roominator’ Saves Man’s Job And Marriage


In perhaps, one of the most ingenious uses of a fake product to sell a real product, Portal A is out with The Roominator, a fake video conferencing product used to sell a real video conferencing solution from Blue Jeans Network.

Comedian Hasan Minhaj plays the role of an office worker whose boss is threatening to fire him if he doesn’t close a deal on a video conference call. To make matters more stressful, Minhaj’s character receives a call from his wife who is in labor.

Minhaj, faced with either losing his job or losing his wife, gets very creative and comes up with The Roominator, a device that allows him to appear to be in his office closing the deal while, in fact, he’s running his ass off down the street so he can be there for his wife to give birth.

While a bit longer than it needs to be, the video is quite hilarious. And you’ve got to love the ending.

Zoosk Heart Friend Offers Incorrect Dating Advice


Earlier this year, dating site Zoosk ran a humorous ad in which a girl kisses a frog. It was cute. It was funny. And it was a little gross. But it worked.

Now, with help from Camp + King, Zoosk is out with a series of advice videos entitled Zoosk Presents: From the Heart, that aim to answer pressing dating-related questions. If the first video is any indication, the series is going to be a snooze.

The question? A girl asks what should I wear on the first date? The answer? Red. While the Zoosk Heart Friend tries his hand at humor, he fails miserably. The least he could have done is go for a bit of silly salaciousness and answer the question honestly. Why? Because, of course, every last guy on the planet wants his first date to show up wearing the shortest, sexiest miniskirt or dress known to mankind along with 5 inch heels and a top that reveals miles of cleavage.

Oh but wait. That would be objectifying women as a sex object, right? Right.

At Electric Picnic, Girls Love Guys Who Can’t Shave


OK, first off, we really, really need to know something. Are today’s women actually attracted to the cliched, razor blade-challenged man who looks like he hasn’t bathed in over a week? Is that really a thing or is it just an over-used staple in a young director’s toolkit?

Anyway, take a look at this two minute promotional video for music festival Electric Picnic in which a girl experiences the festival for the first time and makes googly eyes with an aforementioned scruffy-looking dude.

Electric Picnic, for those who don’t know, is ten year old European musical festival held annually in Ireland. Billboard bills it as “a magnificent rock n roll circus, a textbook example of everything a festival should be.” It’s like a cross between Woodstock, Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey with a dose of Bonnaroo thrown in.

Anyway, Cannes Young Director winner William Armstrong decided he need to put a bit of twist on your typical festival promo and came up with this story of a girl, her first time and the scruffy guy with whom she bats eyelashes.