Wise Approaches To Employ Social websites and Marketing

Activities in recent years certainly shows a trend toward the benefits of focusing on social networking and marketing. The numbers of both offline and online businesses getting involved with Facebook only continues to grow each day. But the great news is you can do this, as well, and work to create your own place there. If you really want to take advantage of this, then there is really no justification to wait any longer. Social marketing, at other sites apart from Facebook, contains a number of diverse methods which is fantastic for business. You should try to find the ways that can be used the best for your company.

If you want to do something that can certainly help your business, then just think along the lines of increasing your brand. Depending on your distinct business, you can brand yourself or your business. As you can easily envision, how each business is branded will vary depending on where your income takes place. You probably already know that Twitter, Youtube and Facebook are actually the three heavyweights in social media and marketing. Of course, each one must be approached differently and with different media, such as video at Youtube. You can capitalize on allowing your market have some fun and that can work wonderfully with all of them. Entertainment and the principle of fun at these sites can be tremendously effective, plus there is an higher chance of something becoming viral.

When you think about speaking to your customers, then that means social marketing and networking. Making the most through your marketing with that method is one of the most effective things you can do. Take the time to be there among those in your market, and you can acquire all kinds of useful information. One thing that ought to come to mind is market research and a new way of doing it. Then there are customer service potentials which can change into good things for your business. While you’re there you can let them know you are generally there, and then simply make yourself accessible if there are any problems. That is a level of customer support and assistance that does not exist very much, anymore.

Market research is vital for any business, and you can tap into a new way of doing that. The main way this happens is because people chat at these sites. The persons in your market will be interested in real discussions about what is important. So then just think about if they are talking about their various experiences with buying something. You will have the ability to eavesdrop about challenges in your market, or solutions that you may want to find out about. All you really want to do is show-up, and next be in a great position to pick up what is going on. It can make a tremendous difference when you are able to understand their language and the words they use. Your marketing and advertising messages and copy will convert much better when it speaks the same language as your market.

AntiCast 97 – Prêmio Brasil Digital [BRIO]

Olá, antidesigners e brainstormers!
Neste programa, Ivan Mizanzuk e Guilherme Sebastiany conversam com Pedro Segreto e Marcelo Alt, da Caos! Design, sobre o Prêmio Brasil Digital, o BRIO, iniciativa que visa a criar um selo de qualidade para os produtos digitais no Brasil, especialmente aplicativos e sites. Conheça a proposta do prêmio, sua mecânica, seus objetivos e participe!

>> 0h14min05seg Pauta principal
>> 1h08min00seg Leitura de comentários
>> 1h27min40seg Música de encerramento – “4/16″, da banda Silent Drive

Prêmio BRIO
Prefiro Baudrillard #12 – Insignificante Design – Parte II
AntiCast no Social Media Week
Lançamento de livro e workshop Filosofia do Design
Lançamento Leaf #4 – evento “Tutoria”, dia 28.09 e 05.10

Homenagem a André Stolarski
Envie um áudio (mp3), de até 5 minutos, para contato@anticast.com.br, dizendo seu nome, profissão e contando alguma experiência que você teve com o grande André Stolarski, falecido no dia 31 de Agosto. Seu áudio poderá fazer parte do AntiCast 100, que será em homenagem a ele.

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Nos acompanhe no twitter @anticastdesign, na nossa fanpage no Facebook e no Youtube (/anticastdesign)
Siga também o nosso irmão @filosofiadodesign.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Os sites falsos das séries de TV

SerchBlazer, FaceBranch, FriendFace, SpringFace, Netrangler, RoundSearch, Host ‘n Share, LoveFinder, GoPerro. O que todos esses sites tem em comum? Eles só existem no mundo ficcional das séries de TV.

Muitos imitam o layout do Google, do YouTube e Facebook, por exemplo, mas alguém é responsável por criar essas interfaces e nomes esquisitos pra aparecer alguns poucos segundos na tela.

O vídeo acima, do Slacktory, faz uma compilação desses websites fakes.

Fake TV sites

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Detalhes tão pequenos…

É raro eu escrever alguma coisa aqui no B9 que não seja um post de opinião mas acho que esse aqui realmente vale a pena. É uma indicação de um site que é quase uma ode à UI. São detalhes que existem em quase todos os softwares, sites e aplicativos.E devo confessar que esses detalhes são sensacionais de se fazer. Lembro que quando estava desenvolvendo o moovee.me, tivemos a chance de pensar em alguns desses detalhes tipo a página de 404, o texto do email de esqueceu a senha e tal. E que quando isso é notado pelas pessoas dá uma sensação de satisfação incrível.

Por isso que quando vi o Little Big Details, fiquei emocionado ao ver a quantidade de detalhes que passam totalmente despercebidos na nossa rotina. Ficamos várias horas na frente do computador, celular, tablet e muitas vezes esses detalhes passam batido.

Para não me alongar muito, entre no site, descubra novas coisas e divirta-se. Ah! e se der tempo, mande alguma descoberta bacana sua para lá. Vai que vira um post, né?

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Blu + Andrew Bawidamann + Luc Melanson + Graffiti archaeology

Cliquer ici pour voir la vidéo.

Cliquer ici pour voir la vidéo.

  • Blu est un artiste qui a du temps. Franchement, c’est bluffant, j’adore.

Andrew Bawidamann

  • Andrew Bawidamann adore les pin-up qu’il y avait sur les avions américains pendant les grandes guerres et les remet au gout du jour…
  • Style vectoriel particulièrement impressionnant :)

Luc Melanson

  • Luc Melanson est un illustrateur quebecois qui a son style à lui, toujours assez enfantin mais qui pourtant traite de sujet pas obligatoirement des premiers âges.

Graffiti Archaeology

  • Graffiti Archaeology est un site intéressant pour étudier l’évolution de graffitis sur les murs
  • Comme vous le savez, un graffeur repasse sur un autre qui repasse sur un autre, etc…
  • Instructif.