180 Amsterdam’s New Campaign Positions PS4 as ‘For The Players,’ Not the Player-Haters

Last month, “#4ThePlayers Since 1995″ had us feeling all kinds of nostalgia for Playstation memories from bygone eras. Now, 180 Amsterdam looks toward the future with their “For The Players” international PS4 campaign targeting the Christmas gift market.

The integrated campaign runs in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, India, South Africa and the Middle East, comprising “teasers, events and an interactive social media experience ‘The Players Monument” (playstation.com/4theplayers) where people can declare themselves players, adding themselves to a digital interactive monument, and becoming part of the PS4 community.” Make no mistake, this is a huge campaign, one of the most anticipated of the year.

The sentiment behind the campaign is that the design of Sony’s next-gen system centers around the player. Unlike recent Xbox One spots, which emphasize the system’s capabilities as an entertainment system with multiple uses, Sony is very clearly positioning PS4 as a gaming system. While Microsoft attempts to scoop up the casual “attach this to your TV for a high-quality Netflix/Blu-ray player that you can play games with as well” market, Sony is going for the gamers.

The spot features a first person perspective through an immersive world where multiple gaming worlds have been set free. You’ll recognize some of “the most famous heroes and villains ever to play a part in PlayStation’s” gaming worlds throughout the ads scenarios. I won’t give away too much, as spotting these for yourself is part of the fun. It’s a great way to build anticipation from nostalgia, and look toward the future as the spot highlights upcoming PS4 titles as well. The spot was shot in Budapest by director Scott Lyon for production company Outsider. Al Moseley, President & Chief Creative Officer, 180 Amsterdam described the campaign as “drenched in gaming culture, incredible effects and with every detail and every pixel it delivers to the true gamer.” If all that’s not enough to get you excited for the PS4, this should be. Credits after the jump. continued…

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Quem disse que stormtroopers não sonham?

Vida de stormtrooper não deve ser fácil. Pelo menos para a maioria, clones criados e treinados para matar e serem mortos, todos iguais e descartáveis. Mas quem disse que um stormtrooper não pode sonhar? E, mais ainda, atrever-se a ser diferente? Para promover a edição personalizável do Nissan Juke, a TBWA/Hakuhodo acertou em cheio ao criar uma cidade habitada pelos soldados do Império Galático, em um filme muito bem produzido.

Dirigido por Scott Lyon, City of Stormtroopers mostra como o Nissan Juke é capaz de inspirar até mesmo um clone a sair em busca de sua própria personalidade.

Para obter a permissão da Lucas Film, a agência enviou uma carta pessoal a George Lucas, que concordou com o projeto. Esta não é a primeira montadora que aposta na franquia Star Wars para se comunicar com o público. A Volkswagen já fez isso repetidamente, isso sem contar as outras marcas que costumam resgatar os personagens da saga. Definitivamente, a Disney fez um ótimo negócio.


Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Honda Civic Campaign

Voici le nouveau spot TV de la marque Honda, par l’agence Wieden + Kennedy London. Une série de visuels et un montage efficace afin de souligner l’ampleur de l’innovation entre les véhicules, les motos et les robots. Dirigé par Scott Lyon, sur une post-production de The Mill.



Previously on Fubiz