A Suicide Prevention PSA Calls on an Old Fable to Urge Veterans to ‘Reach Out’

Knowing how or when to reach out can be a crucial and yet difficult obstacle when it comes to suicide prevention. Seemingly minor struggles like sleep difficulty or financial stress can accumulate rapidly, leading to an emotional peak that can have dire consequences. Statistics show that these issues are often compounded for veterans. Leading into…

Cheeky PSA Urges Men to Get Vaccinated to Avoid ‘Schlong Covid’

There are a few clues straight away that this documentary-style short film isn’t your average public service announcement. First, a diverse array of men talk earnestly–and vaguely–about what seems to be a prized possession. “It’s an extension of myself,” says one man, while another dubs it “the only thing I give a damn about” and…

To Tackle Period Poverty, TBWA Is Taking Advantage of the Buzz Around Period Pieces

Consumers are obsessed with historical dramas, and there’s a pretty clear reason: following the chronicles of Tom from Peaky Blinders and Phoebe from Bridgerton prove to be beautifully cathartic distractions from reality. But in some ways, society has remained stagnant since the days of women hiding their secrets under elaborate wigs and far-reaching petticoats. One…

This ‘Public Cervix Announcement’ Gets Real About Aromas

Navigating the personal care aisles at the local grocery store often involves choosing between an onslaught of very pleasantly scented products, especially when it comes to those geared towards people with vaginas. The decision often comes down to whether the buyer would rather smell like a dew-dappled violet, a strong pi?a colada or, for some…

Please Take a Break and Listen to This Adorable Snack’s NSFW Song About Workplace Burnout

It starts with a harmless goal to squeeze in just one more task before clocking out for the day–maybe a quick round of emails here or one last editing session there. Then that small task snowballs into three more small but urgent matters that result in you shoveling dry cereal in your mouth as you…

Queen Latifah on Challenging the Stigma Surrounding Obesity for Novo Nordisk

When the conversation about obesity enters the public sphere, the tone can sometimes be misleading. Words of concern, jest, or intended motivation from onlookers can dull the edges of a potentially judgmental message. However, the end-result is often still the same for those actually living with it: blame, guilt and–most potent of all–shame. A new…

This Agency’s Anti-Vaccine Message Is a Public Health Plea in Disguise

On Sunday, North Carolina-based agency Boone Oakley offered an off-beat message to tailgating football fans at the 49ers vs. Panthers game in downtown Charlotte, N.C.: don’t get vaccinated. The agency posed as a fake business–Wilmore Funeral Home–to shock residents with a sobering reminder about the dangers of exposure. Since the campaign launched, the vaccination page…

Young Adults Give Tough Love to Unvaccinated Friends and Family in Ad Council’s Emotional PSA

New research from the Ad Council shows that one in five young adults are unsure about getting a Covid-19 vaccine and the same percentage of parents of kids ages 12-17 haven’t yet decided if they want to vaccinate their kids against the disease. A new campaign running as part of the Ad Council and Covid…

Sandy Hook Promise’s New PSA Shows How Gun Violence Has Distorted the ‘Teenage Dream’

Recent analysis shows that in 2020, there were 611 mass shootings. That’s nearly 200 more shootings than the year before. As jaw-dropping the statistics may be for most, the number speaks to an inescapable reality for school-aged kids who could face the possible threat of a potential school shooting. With its “Teenage Dream” campaign, Sandy…

Mothers Against Drunk Driving Finds a New Ally: Anheuser-Busch

Despite declines in fatalities since the 1980s, drunk drivers still kill more than one person per hour every day in the U.S. And although Americans have been driving less during the pandemic, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates fatal crashes involving an intoxicated individual behind the wheel rose 9% in 2020 compared to 2019….

Feeding America’s Sobering PSA Turns Sacrifice Into Food

For many of us, dinnertime arrives with a bevy of choices. We will have chicken or beef? A frozen meal or something home-cooked? Can we forgo our kitchens altogether and order in? Whatever we choose, we’re almost guaranteed to go to bed with a full stomach. For some of us, a simple meal doesn’t come…

These Fake-News PSAs Imagine a World Where Billionaires Actually Help End Poverty

Our world has no small number of crises on its hands, from a global pandemic to an extinction-level climate crisis that’s brewing rapidly. Yet it often seems like billionaires and highly profitable corporations give it all little more than lip service. The nonprofit Concern Worldwide is drawing attention to the lack of dramatic solutions coming…

Amber Ruffin Braves the Awkward Gynecology Visit in Hilarious Web Series for the CDC

As her popular Peacock late-night talk show nears its one-year anniversary, comedian and Adweek’s Creative 100 cover star Amber Ruffin has proven herself to be extremely courageous. In a new collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the happy host must overcome a new challenge: the awkward gynecological visit. “Under the Paper Robe”…

UK Government Extends Multimillion Dollar Covid-19 Campaign Contract With MullenLowe

MullenLowe Group will continue to create public information campaigns around Covid-19 for the Cabinet Office as the virus remains a prevalent threat even after the dropping of most restrictions. The IPG-owned agency worked on developing campaigns to provide messaging on preventing the spread of Covid-19 over the last year-and-a-half. It will now handle a second…

McDonald’s Wants Drivers to Keep Their Minds on the Road and off Its Food

With the increase in drive-thru services at fast food outlets following in-store restrictions due to the Covid-19 outbreak, McDonald’s has released a road safety campaign to remind drivers to keep their minds on the road rather than their food. The world’s largest fast-food brand has discovered that more than a third (40%) of its meals…

To Get Around New York, You Need the Skills of an Olympian

The Summer Olympics in Tokyo may be over, but there’s one city where everyone performs feats of strength and agility year-round with no international fanfare. Welcome to New York, city of Olympians, according to a new social video created by Transportation Alternatives, a nonprofit advocating for biking, walking and public transit–anything but cars. “You Shouldn’t…

A Lifeguard and a Seagull Teach Kids About Beach Safety in Animated PSA

About 140 people lose their lives on the U.K. and Irish coasts every year. That number could increase if more people choose seaside vacations over international travel during the pandemic. The Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) expects millions more people to visit the coast between May and September this year due to international travel restrictions…

A Heartfelt Film Shows Living Organ Donors a Precious Life They Can Save

For those on the waiting list for a liver or kidney transplant, the statistics can be grim. Nationwide, only around 20% of those in need will find a living donor. Often, patients are forced to utilize grassroots tactics such as renting out billboard space and crowdfunding to increase their chances, but those options aren’t available…

How BT’s Euro Championship Campaign Tried to Combat Online Harassment With Hope

Ahead of the Uefa Euro 2020, U.K. telecoms giant BT took the step of commissioning its advertising agency Saatchi & Saatchi to produce a campaign that would highlight its sponsorship of the home nations soccer teams: England, Scotland and Wales. It would also tackle the collective distress that the modern athlete now endures, particularly around…

British Road Safety Campaign Drives 700,000 Minutes of Engagement Through Twitch

The British Government’s long-running road safety campaign “Think!” is closing in on three-quarters of a million minutes of viewing time after having taken its “Good Driver” campaign onto streaming service Twitch. The “Think!” campaign, which has been running for 21 years, was created to lower the number of deaths and injuries on Britain’s roads with…