Intriguing or Insulting? Some Russians Object to This Penguin Ad Quoting Turgenev

Penguin is running a series of posters in the London Underground featuring quotes from classic literature. But the quote it’s pulled from Ivan Turgenev’s Fathers and Sons has led to accusations that the publishing house is provoking “anger and ethnic hatred.” 

There are also questions about the specific translation that was used, which makes this whole thing even more awkward. 

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Did Penguin Just Design the Worst Book Cover of All Time on Purpose?

The 50th anniversary publication of Roald Dahl’s children’s classic Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is leaving a bad taste in some mouths.

Controversy surrounds the cover of the Penguin Modern Classics edition, which eschews Willy Wonka’s fanciful factory, golden tickets, Oompa-Loompas and other familiar story elements. Instead, we get a stylized image of a young girl, quaffed to the hilt in colorful bows and silks, sitting in her mother’s lap.

Detractors are denouncing the shot for sexualizing kids, and they deride its sleazy ’60s vibe as inappropriate for a story geared toward young people. They have a valid point, though in fairness, the broader meaning of the image is open to all sorts of interpretations. (It’s not overtly sexual. I mean, we don’t see Wonka’s willy, thank goodness.)

The picture is a cropped version of a photo used in a 2008 fashion magazine feature (see below) completely unrelated to Dahl and the book in question. According to the publisher, the cover “looks at the children at the center of the story, and highlights the way Roald Dahl’s writing manages to embrace both the light and the dark aspects of life.”

The tale does mix in stronger themes about child-parent relationships and manipulation. Still, that’s hardly the book’s primary focus, and it’s tempting to dismiss Penguin’s explanation as candy coating for a publicity ploy designed to drive debate and sell copies. (The publisher certainly seems to be relishing the attention.)

Among the public, bitter reactions outweigh the sweet, with most reasoned negative opinions running along the lines of this comment in Creative Review: “It seems a bit misleading, doesn’t it? If I knew nothing about the book, this cover would suggest to me that it’s a really disturbing story for adults, probably a thriller about young girls in the beauty industry.”

The most deliciously snarky critique comes from the Guardian, which calls it the worst cover of all time, grousing that the image “reimagines Dahl’s classic as 1960s Wyndhamesque horror, robotic alien children stranded in a stark asylum.”

Here’s the original photo, published in Numéro magazine in 2008. Image via.

Impressive Photos of Baby Animals

Pour un documentaire appelé « Extraordinary Animals in the Womb », le producteur Peter Chinn de la chaîne National Geographic a utilisé des scanners à ultrasons et des minuscules caméras pour capturer toutes sortes de bébés animaux dans l’utérus. Des débuts de vie animale à découvrir dans la suite de l’article.





Requin tigre.

Ours polaire.





Requin Ctron.

12 Requin Citron
11 Puppy
9 Puppy
8 Ours Polaire
7 Requin Tigre
10 puppy
6 Serpent
5 Penguin
4 Guépard
3 Elephant
1 Chihuahua
2 Dauphin

Save energy, recycle an idea / Sauvez de l’éléctricité, recyclez une idée

PinguoinPublicis Pinguoin2b
EDF (French energy supplier) – 2006
Source : Cannes press SHORTLIST
« If you don’t preserve nature by switching off
your computer, who will? »
Agency : Publicis Conseil Paris (France)
CELG Energy savings – 12/2012
Source : CCSP Brazil
« They would if they could »
« save the planet »
Agency : AMP (Brazil)

Penguin Books: Hospital

Penguin Books: Hospital

Advertising Agency: SAATCHI & SAATCHI, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
Executive Creative Directors: Adrian Miller, Edmund Choe
Copywriters: Lydia Lim, Ong Kien Hoe
Art Directors: Lydia Lim, Ong Kien Hoe, Edmund Choe
Photographer: Allen Deng, Wizard Photography
Typographer: Lydia Lim
Account Supervisor: Aaron Taylor
Retoucher: Karen Yap, Wizard Photography

Penguin Books: Home

Penguin Books: Home

Advertising Agency: SAATCHI & SAATCHI, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
Executive Creative Directors: Adrian Miller, Edmund Choe
Copywriters: Lydia Lim, Ong Kien Hoe
Art Directors: Lydia Lim, Ong Kien Hoe, Edmund Choe
Photographer: Allen Deng, Wizard Photography
Typographer: Lydia Lim
Account Supervisor: Aaron Taylor
Retoucher: Karen Yap, Wizard Photography

Penguin Books: Staircase

Penguin Books: Staircase

Advertising Agency: SAATCHI & SAATCHI, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
Executive Creative Directors: Adrian Miller, Edmund Choe
Copywriters: Lydia Lim, Ong Kien Hoe
Art Directors: Lydia Lim, Ong Kien Hoe, Edmund Choe
Photographer: Allen Deng, Wizard Photography
Typographer: Lydia Lim
Account Supervisor: Aaron Taylor
Retoucher: Karen Yap, Wizard Photography

Penguin Books: Desert

Penguin Books: Desert

Advertising Agency: SAATCHI & SAATCHI, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
Executive Creative Directors: Adrian Miller, Edmund Choe
Copywriters: Lydia Lim, Ong Kien Hoe
Art Directors: Lydia Lim, Ong Kien Hoe, Edmund Choe
Photographer: Allen Deng, Wizard Photography
Typographer: Lydia Lim
Account Supervisor: Aaron Taylor
Retoucher: Karen Yap, Wizard Photography

Penguin Books: Devil May Care

Penguin Books: Devil May Care

Advertising Agency: Urban pin-up, South Africa
Copywriter: Jason Kempen
Art Director: Rupert Allcock

Penguin Books: Cold war

Penguin Books: Cold war

Advertising Agency: Urban pin-up, South Africa
Copywriter: Jason Kempen
Art Director: Rupert Allcock