Off Madison: Blogging Is The New Busking

OFF MADISON—Blogging is the new busking. Talented writers are presently posted up outside the official news edifice where they’re busy bringing their readers a sharper, more personal point of view on a particular topic of interest. In a recent survey, bloggers said it now takes three hours and twenty minutes, on average, to create a […]

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Readers Won’t Carry The Payload, Not Today, And Not Alone

Paywalls are a huge turn-off. So why do publishers, including Adpulp, put them in the reader’s way? Because content is a commodity and publishers of every variety are barely scraping by, that’s why. According to Digiday, “third-party micropayments — in the United States at least — have flopped.” I find the pronouncement a bit harsh […]

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Welcome To The Chronicle of Bright Ideas

This has been a year of transformations for Adpulp. We stopped taking advertising (including paid posts), switched to a new responsive template, secured our hosting setup, loaded Facebook-enabled comments, implemented a micro-payments platform, and now we’ve refreshed our brand identity. The Chronicle of Bright Ideas The new logo was made by Jessica Knedgen, a designer […]

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Start Paying For High Quality Niche Content

A movement is afoot. Micro media publishers around the globe are starting to use inklpay, a new micropayments service (based in Sydney), to request financial support from readers. The beauty of inkl’s solution is one subscription provides access to a multiplicity of mainstream news sites (the core of inkl’s offering) and access to a growing […]

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InklPay’s WordPress PlugIn Opens The Door To A New Day

Unlike larger and more mainstream online publications, AdPulp has the ability to reject online advertising in its current state. Like thousands of other independent publishers across the globe, we pay no rent for an office, no salaries, and no dividends. Having said that, removing advertising from this website is much more than a financial move. […]

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This Is An Ad-Free Reading Experience

After a 14-year ad-sponsored run, stopped running ads this year. You’re welcome. Now, please sign up for Inkl—the micropayments platform that has the potential to change the score for thousands of indie journalists and publishers like  

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Transition To The Modern World, Give Markets A Chance

Jaron Lanier, author of Who Owns The Future?, asserts that the rise of digital networks led our economy into recession and decimated the middle class.

Looking forward, he says it is time for ordinary people to be rewarded for what they do and share on the web.


In an interview with Nieman Lab, Lanier argues:

If you have universal backlinks, you have a basis for micropayments from somebody’s information that’s useful to somebody else… Every backlink would be monetized. Monetizing actually decentralizes power rather than centralizing it. Demonetizing a network actually concentrates power around anyone who has the biggest computer analyzing it.

Monetizing decentralizes power. Perfect! Americans love freedom and money.

I also love to provide information that might be useful to somebody–like this very article–thus, I am fully behind a workable micropayments system that rewards me (and others) for being prolific and readable.

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