Levi's Is Looking to Keep Things Light With Fun-Focused New Ad Campaign

Levi’s is trying on a simple, straightforward message in its first big push since reuniting with longtime agency FCB (and also hiring The House Worldwide) in February.

Unveiling a global campaign tagged “Live in Levi’s,” the iconic brand is using print ads and posters to show twentysomethings strolling around, cavorting and generally enjoying life while clad in Levi’s denim. Copy lines include “A classic since right now,” “Fall head over heels” and “Look good on your way to what’s next.”

“It’s intended to be both inclusive and inspiring,” CMO Jennifer Sey explains on Levi’s Unzippe” blog. “It’s a celebration. It’s not cynical. Or dour. Or overly serious—as many fashion and style-oriented brands can be. It’s fun. People have fun in jeans. It should be fun.”

Digital and social elements are also in the mix, along with TV and cinema ads launching next month from director Fredrik Bond, who lensed the memorable Cannes Lion-winning “Simon the Ogre” mini-epic for Thomson Holidays.

Recent efforts from previous agency Wieden + Kennedy, themed “Go Forth,” weren’t cynical, exactly, nor dour nor overly serious, though some observers believe they worked too hard too be cool, plugging into the zeitgeist while sacrificing Levi’s unique heritage. I kind of agree. There were some memorable moments, but, overall, “Go Forth” seemed to be flying by the seat of its pants, chasing random hipness.

The back-to-basics approach of “Live in Levi’s” strives for a more comfortable brand fit. It’s well-shot by photographer Jason Nocito and nicely understated, though it risks blending in with all the other fashion ads that show happy/moody young people who like wearing clothes.

To be fair, that’s a very preliminary impression. Print is, after all, just the first leg of a multifaceted campaign.

Copycat is no taboo for Taboo Jeans / Aïe! Aïe! Aïe!

taboo2005 tabooCopie
Diesel Jeans – 2005
Source : Luerzer’s International Archive,
Agency : Euro RSCG (France)
Taboo Jeans – 2009
Agency : Unknown (Lebanon)
Il y a quelques coups de fouet qui se perdent et visiblement pour la marque de jeans libanaise, la copie n’est pas un tabou! Le détail qui tue : les croix et les ronds des morpions sont disposés de la même façon sur les deux visuels!
Un télescopage paru d’abord dans CB News Magazine N°1042
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Levis Goes 3D in New York Advertising Campaign

Levis 3D AdsLooks like Levis is up to something again. With the hopes of pushing the value of the fibers used in most of Levis’ jeans line, making their ads more realistic and appealing has been done via taxicabs through a three-dimensional design approach.

These three-dimensional displays of an unbuttoned pair of iconic Levi’s 501 jeans, has been installed atop 400 taxicabs in New York City, and is believed to be the first of its kind anywhere for taxicab advertising.

“Never before have we seen this sort of excitement and reaction from a taxitop campaign. Our taxi drivers are asked constantly about the displays,” said John Amato, president of Show Media. “Already we have three other clients lined up to produce similar executions for them. We are so pleased that we could make something like this happen for one of our clients during this crucial holiday season.”

(Source) Fibre 2 Fashion

Who Needs People in Commercial Advertising?

One thing you will notice in advertising these days is that many companies look at the available talent in the market to cast in commercial productions. But the real question is, do you really need to pay high costing ads to make sure that they get the right mix in producing these ads?

There are various ways to get through commercial advertising and this can be done through creative wizardry. You just have to think outside the box, use resources like technology and representation in other forms such as this one which makes use of balloon dolls that can capture the whole essence of the product being advertised.

Levi’s – Dolls
by YforYerom

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