If you’ve been reading Adrants for any length of time, you’ve been treated to the various forms of “vertising” that have popped up over the years. It all began with ass-vertising back in 2004 and progressed from there to bra-vertising, yawn-vertising, head-vertising, dog-vertising, forehead advertising, blog-vertising, blood-vertising, adverblogging, invertising, advergaming, chip-vertising, thong-vertising, replace-vertising, bus-vertising, police car advertising and adver-wear.
Now, thanks to Cornett-IMS, we have beard-vertising, a truly native form of advertising. Acknowledging the fact that 55 percent of men the world over have facial hair, the marketing firm views this “untapped advertising real estate” as “the next big trend in advertising.
Currently in beta (hahaha), the agency is seeking men with beards that want to make money hosting “BeardBoards.” Men who want to get payed for having an epic beard. We’re also seeking partners that want to advertise on “BeardBoards.” So far we’ve got A&W Restaurants and Eagle One Automotive Appearance products as advertising partners.
Hmm. Check out the imagery below. Wonder if Terry Crews with jump out at some point.
UPDATE: And let’s not forget fly-vertising. Thanks. @Bewegungsmelder