The Cast of Girls Just Made This Sexual Assault PSA Dedicated to the Stanford Victim

Lena Dunham and the cast of HBO’s Girls just released this sexual assault PSA, which questions the way society treats victims. The 90-second spot urges people to create a “safer, healthier environment for women to come forward” by listening to and supporting victims. 

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Jemima Kirke Talks About Her Abortion in This Frank and Powerful PSA

Actress and artist Jemima Kirke, best known as Jessa on HBO’s Girls, terminated a pregnancy while she was in college in 2007. In this new PSA for the Center for Reproductive Rights, she shares that story. It isn’t sensational or scandalous. In fact, her story seems rather common—and that’s exactly why the PSA is affecting. 

Speaking candidly about abortion is often met with stigma and shame, even embarrassment, according to Kirke, who is looking to combat the taboo nature of abortion stories by opening up about her own.

In the three-minute PSA, the mother of three (including two daughters, whom she mentions) notes the hurdles she had to jump through to gain access to the legal procedure.

“It’s these obstacles and it’s this stigma that makes these things not completely unavailable,” she says. “And that’s the tricky part, is that we think we do have free choice and we are able to do whatever we want. But then there are these little hoops we have to jump through to get them.”

The actress is one of many telling her story, no small task given the inherently political nature of the topic. The Center for Reproductive Rights’ “Draw the Line” campaign looks to cement Americans’ access to reproductive care in a political environment that has steadily worked to restrict it.

Assistir Game of Thrones perto dos seus pais não é exatamente confortável

Direcionada aos espectadores mais jovens, a campanha ‘Awkward Family Viewing’ para a HBO Go consegue ser divertida e ao mesmo tempo pontual. Os spots destacam trechos de séries como “True Blood”, “Game of Thrones” e “Girls”, nas quais algumas das cenas talvez fossem desconfortáveis demais para assistir rodeado pelos pais no sofá da sala, e destaca a grande vantagem de assistir esses seriados via HBO Go – você pode fazê-lo bem longe dos seus pais.

Em geral, os vídeos brincam com as cenas mais ‘explícitas’ dos seriados, mostrando quão incômodo pode ser apreciar esses momentos ao lado do seu pai ou da sua mãe.  No entanto, os spots mais divertidos retratam também aquelas enervantes situações com gente perguntando quem era mesmo aquele personagem, se aquele ator era o mesmo de um outro filme que assistiram recentemente, ou quando os pais parecem querer aproveitar o momento do seriado para dar alguma lição de moral ou se mostrar ‘prafrentex’.

Os spots vão circular no BuzzFeed e nos canais do Twitter e do YouTube da HBO.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Hyperrealistic Paintings of Women’s

L’israélien Yigal Ozeri a pour démarche de peindre des femmes dans la nature. Ces tableaux en trompe-l’œil sont d’un réalisme à couper le souffle. Au milieu d’une forêt, dans une prairie ou près d’un bois aux couleurs automnales, il dessine des jeunes filles à l’expression mélancolique. Plus de détails ci-dessous.

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Longboard Girls Crew in Israel

Les différents membres du Longboard Girls Crew viennent de 11 pays et se réunissent pour dévaler des pentes dans des lieux exceptionnels. Voici la dernière vidéo et le trailer du collectif tournée en Israël par Daniel Etura, alliant avec talent des images de jeunes femmes et de superbes paysages.

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Maldives Taster 2011

Pour faire la promotion de leur nouvelle collection, la marque Billabong Girls est allée faire un tour aux Maldives avec une équipe de surfeuses. Le tout a été capturé en images et se présente dans la suite avec une vidéo agréable à regarder. A découvrir dans la suite de l’article.




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Wet Tshirts contest / Concours de tshirt mouillés

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Playboy “Guys, pray for rain” – 2002
Source : Cannes Archive Online
Agency : Rempen & Partner (Germany)
Calvin Klein Underwear – 2009
Source : Adsoftheworld,
Agency : Chosun University, Gwangju (South Korea)
OK la 2e est un travail d’étudiant, mais on peut quand même affirmer sans trop se mouiller qu’il s’agît exactement de la même idée…
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Photo copy? / La même idée, y’a pas photo!

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Omax Cameras “Wide Angle Lenses” – 2009
Source : Cannes 2009 Longlist
Agency : Publicis Gurgaon (India)
LeicaShop “Extra Wide Lens Cameras” – 2009
Source : Cannes 2009 Longlist
Agency : Demner Merlicek & Bergmann (Austria)
Même plus produit, même idée, même année… si l’objectif était de faire original c’est un peu raté. Quant à savoir qui a déclenché le 1er… c’est encore un peu flou!
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New Fashion Toy Shailie for Girls

Much of the news and attention these days are coming from the New York Toy Fair and Style Paige, LLC will be launching Shailie, a fashion design toy primarily for girls ages 5-12, at the Toy Industry Association’s Toy Fair 2009, February 15-18, 2009 in New York City.

“Typical dress-ups give a girl no choice other than which dress to wear. Shailie™ goes beyond traditional dress-ups and is surprising to others in the toy industry because there’s really nothing like it,” said Kari Kawa, founder of Style Paige. “Because Shailie™ lets girls become fashion designers and models all in one, some have even compared it to a play-version of Project Runway™.”

To get started, the Shailie™ Starter Kit includes a life-size dress form (girl’s size medium). Offered in pink polka dot, the dress form doubles as a darling accent to any girl’s room décor. The Starter Kit also includes the base dress (a slip-like top and skirt that’s the foundation for attaching the outfit pieces–compatible with all Shailie™ fashion kits, products, and accessories) as well as the pieces necessary to create a shimmery crystal satin and sequined dress.

(Source) Press