Brazilians Learn English by Taking Real L.A. Pizza Orders in Sequel to Famous Campaign

FCB Brazil had a big hit last May with its “Speaking Exchange” idea for CNA Language Schools—a campaign that connected young Brazilians wanting to learn English with elderly Americans in retirement homes looking for someone to talk to. (The work took home 10 Lions from Cannes, and was among the 10 most-awarded campaigns there.)

Now, agency and client are back with a follow-up, featuring another interesting way to get Brazilians some real-world practice with their English.

This time the partner is Bella Vista Pizzeria in Culver City, Calif. Customers who call the pizza place can choose to place their order as usual—or be connected to a student in São Paulo who can take the order instead. If they chose the latter, they’re compensated by way of discounts, depending on how long they chat with the students.

The video isn’t as heartwarming as the original. The pizza orders are way more transactional, and the cultural meeting point here is less starkly fascinating than before. But as mentioned at the end of the new clip, this model is probably more scalable—and thus, perhaps even more useful in the long run.

Indeed, CNA is now asking businesses in the U.S. that accept customer orders by phone to visit the CNA website and sign up for similar programs.

Client: CNA
Agency: FCB Brasil, São Paulo
Creative Directors: Joanna Monteiro and Max Geraldo
Digital Creative Director: Pedro Gravena
Creative Directors: Adriano Alarcon and Carlos Schleder
Copywriter: Alessandra Muccillo and Lui Lima
Art Director: Andre Mancini and Rômulo Caballero
Creative Technologist: Márcio Bueno
Digital Production: Bolha
Project Manager: Lia D’Amico and Suelen Mariano.
Information Technology VP: Gerson Lupatini
Account: Mauro Silveira, Alec Cocchiaro, Pedro Führer, Diogo Braga and Thiago Figueiredo
Planner: Raphael Barreto, Frederico Steinhoff, Alice Alcântara and Stephanie Day.
Media: Alexandre Ugadim, Cris Omura, Rafael Amaral, Monica Oliveira, Aline Lins and Camila Oliveira
RTV: Charles Nobili and Ricardo Magozo
Production Company: Crash of Rhinos
Director: Miguel Thomé
Co-Direction: João Luz
Photographer: Marcos Ribas
Account Production Company: Diego Melo and Mary Lacoleta
Editor:  Miguel Thomé
Sound Producer: Cabaret
Editor: Guilherme Azem
Account Sound Producer: Cayto Trivellato
L.A. Producer: EAT (Entertainment, Art, Talent)
Client Supervisors: Luciana Fortuna, Nicadan Galvão e Ricardo Martins

FCB Zürich Presents ‘Hearing Test Concert’ for Neuroth

While, according to the World Health Organization, hearing loss affects nearly 360 million people worldwide, getting hearing tests isn’t very high on most peoples’ lists of health priorities. It doesn’t help that hearing tests aren’t exactly a pleasant experience. But what if testing your hearing was enjoyable? That’s the idea behind FCB Zürich’s “Hearing Test Concert” for Austrian hearing aid company Neuroth.

The event featured an orchestra performing a version of Beethoven’s fifth symphony “specifically arranged to simulate the high-and-low frequencies and loud-and-silent parts of a traditional hearing test.” Members of the audience were given a card and marked down when they had trouble hearing certain frequencies. During the intermission, audience members could then show their card to a Neuroth audiologist and receive a personal consultation. In just one day, the campaign resulted in 1,100 people voluntarily taking a hearing test (and, presumably, actually enjoying it).


Neuroth Hearing test concert:
Agency: FCB Zürich
Film-Production: WirzFraefelPaal
Director: Levente Paal
Producer: Nina Wirth, Stefan Fraefel
Client: Lukas Schinko (CEO Neuroth Switzerland AG), Gerald Hosinner, Markus Pleschinger (Marketing Executives)

Executive Creative Director – Dennis Lück, FCB Zürich
Art Director – Marcin Baba, FCB Zürich
Senior Copywriter – Sören Schröder, FCB Zürich
Art Director – Flavio Meroni, FCB Zürich
Senior Copywriter – Mateo Sacchetti, FCB Zürich
Editor – Manuela Tappe, FCB Zürich
Account Director – Marie-Theres Ott, FCB Zürich
Account Supervisor – Mark Becher, FCB Zürich

FCB Ulka Launches ‘Project Resume’ for Salaam Bombay Foundation

“In most parts of India, the birth of a girl is considered a curse,” begins the video of FCB Ulka’s “Project Resume” for NGO Salaam Bombay Foundation, which explains why the organization, which provides education to underprivileged girls in India, exists in the first place. But faced with an increasing population of girls in need of an education, the organization needed corporate donations to keep up.

So for “Project Resume,” FCB Ulka and Salaam Bombay Foundation created resumes for three of the foundation’s brightest students “based on their dreams and ambitions,” and landed them job interviews. Surprised HR professionals walked into the room expecting seasoned professionals and were instead greeted by the three girls. The message was clear: these companies can help turn the girls’ dreams into reality — and perhaps have a dedicated employee in the future as a result. “Project Resume” was effective, as its clever and impactful  approach helped raise enough money to educate more than 200 girls.

A-B InBev Hands Over Ritas, MixxTail to FCB Chicago

FCB has picked up more A-B InBev business, following its winning creative duties on Michelob Ultra in January, with the Ritas brands and MixxTail assignments going to FCB Chicago. Referring to them as “projects,” executives told AdAge that FCB Chicago will handle advertising for the brands through 2016. The assignments come as welcome news for the agency, which lost the KFC account to W+K back in February.

BBDO had previously handled the Ritas brands, as well as Bud Light Lime, for which FCB will handle its summer campaign. Bud Light will remain with BBDO. MixxTail is a new Bud Light extension of “ready to drink cocktails,” which Vayner Media created the debut broadcast spot for. AdAge’s sources claim that FCB will handle all aspects of the MixxTail brand going forward. FCB Chicago’s new work for the Ritas and MixxTail is expected to debut by the fall.

This Long-Copy Ad for Condoms Is a 1,000-Word, Single-Sentence Orgasm

Everyone loves a good long-copy print ad. And here’s a clever one from FCB Lisbon for Harmony Condoms that stretches out the phrase “Oh my God” into an impressive 1,000-word sentence. The tagline: “Looong-lasting pleasure.”

Full ad below, via Adeevee.

Click to enlarge.

Client: Harmony Condoms
Agency: FCB Lisbon
Creative Directors: Edson Athayde, Luis Silva Dias
Art Director: Eduardo Tavares
Copywriter: Viton Araújo

Sad, Powerful Ad for Gay Marriage Shows You Wedding Memories That Were Never Made

A wedding day is among the happiest moments in a person’s life, a milestone to look back on for years to come—which makes it all the more strange that people are still denied the right just because they love someone of the same sex.

“Nobody’s Memories,” a new ad from FCB for LGBT advocacy group PFLAG Canada, imagines—and laments—the joys missed by couples unable to legally marry in years past. They’re seen walking down the church steps to applause, piling into the wedding car, sharing a bite of cake at the reception, and the myriad other little images and traditions associated with the big day.

It’s a simple, powerful illustration of why the right to gay marriage matters in societies that purport to pride themselves on ideals like freedom, equality and the pursuit of happiness. (The fact that whole thing looks like it was shot through various Instagram filters, much of it with shaky homestyle hand cams, could border on distracting, but actually sets the right, intimate tone).

Same-sex marriage is currently legal in Canada, as well as 36 states in the U.S., Washington D.C., and some 15 other countries around the world. But with the U.S. Supreme Court currently hearing arguments on the constitutionality of other states’ bans on the right, the spot certainly makes for a timely reminder of what’s at stake.

And for anyone who’s having trouble wrapping their head around it, it’s also a good cue to remember that gay marriage, in fact, does not spell the end of the world.

Client: PFLAG Canada
Title: Nobody’s Memories

Agency: FCB Toronto/FCB Chicago
Creative Director: Jon Flannery Chief Creative Officer & Jeff Hilts Creative Director
Writer: Krystle Mullin
Account Team: Cynthia Roach, Rebecca Gorveatt
Print Producer: Victor Carvalho
Media: Initiative Shannon Pluem, Ryan Ghaeli

Production Company: Lord + Thomas, Duckpond Creative
Executive Producer: Katie Roach, Josh Greenberg
Line Producer: Carra Greenberg
Director: Ben Flaherty
Editing House: LORD&THOMAS
Editor: Ilsa Misamore
Music House/Sound: RMW
Sound Engineer: Jason Ryan
Executive Producer, Audio: Jared Stachowitz

FCB Toronto/FCB Chicago Share ‘Nobody’s Memories’

With the US Supreme Court beginning on the verge of hearing oral arguments on whether states can ban gay marriage, FCB Toronto collaborated with FCB Chicago to create “Nobody’s Memories” for PFLAG Canada, “Canada’s only national organization that helps all Canadians with issues of sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression.”

“These are nobody’s memories,” the voiceover begins, over footage designed to look like old home movies of weddings with same-sex partners. “They aren’t found in photo albums, or at the bottom of anyone’s heart,” it continues, before eventually concluding with the message, “For all the memories that never happened. Let’s make marriage legal for everyone, everywhere.” It’s an emotional approach, showing happy weddings that could have been if not for the prejudices of the time. The approach also holds the implication that bigoted objections to same-sex marriages should be a thing of the past, like the grainy footage in the ad. At the end of the ad, viewers are invited to visit, where they can learn more about the campaign and sign a petition to legalize same-sex marriage.


Title: Nobody’s Memories
Agency: FCB Toronto/FCB Chicago
Client: PFLAG Canada

Agency Credits
Creative Director: Jon Flannery Chief Creative Officer & Jeff Hilts Creative Director
Writer: Krystle Mullin
Account Team: Cynthia Roach, Rebecca Gorveatt
Print Producer: Victor Carvalho
Media – Initiative Shannon Pluem, Ryan Ghaeli

Production Credits
Production Company: Lord + Thomas, Duckpond Creative
Executive Producer: Katie Roach, Josh Greenberg
Line Producer: Carra Greenberg
Director: Ben Flaherty
Editing House: LORD&THOMAS
Editor:  Ilsa Misamore
Music House/Sound:  RMW
Sound Engineer:  Jason Ryan
Executive Producer, Audio: Jared Stachowitz

FCB Chicago’s ‘The Unforgotten’ Remembers Gun Violence Victims

FCB Chicago recently launched a PSA campaign for the Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence featuring a traveling statue exhibit and media campaign, entitled “The Unforgotten.”

“The Unforgotten” aims to remember victims of gun violence via a traveling exhibit of statues dressed in clothing from gun violence victims. Created by FCB Chicago art director Jordan Sparrow, the figures were posed to mimic the victims’ posture and gestures, arrived at by studying photos and home video footage. While they were created to appear as lifelike as possible, the figures were kept faceless to remind viewers that these people lost their lives to gun violence. The effect (as seen in the above video) is unsettling.

“This cause desperately needed an unusual approach,” FCB Chicago creative chief Todd Tilford explained to Adweek, “something shocking to compel people to take action, while at the same time honoring the victims, and the families and friends of the victims. Not in a loud, screaming way, but in a powerful, silent way.”

Initially held at St. James Cathedral Plaza in Chicago on April 10th, the installation garnered its share of media attention and Tillford told Adweek there are plans for it to visit other cities in the state and perhaps across the country.


Client: Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence
Agency: FCB Chicago
Chief Creative Officer: Todd Tilford
Group Creative Director: Chuck Rudnick
Art Director: Jordan Sparrow
Executive Creative Producer: John Bleeden
Creative Producer: Rachel Chapman
Film Director: Ben Flaherty
Account Supervisor: Ky Anderson
Group Management Director: Karyn Kerner
Senior Strategic Planner: Hayet Rida
Director Experience Planning: Katie Swindler

PR Agency: Current – Lifestyle Marketing and Public Relations
President: Virginia Devlin
Vice President: Alexis Valenti

Production Company: Lord + Thomas
Executive Producer: Katie Roach
Executive Producer: Jared Stachowitz
Senior Editor: Steve Immer
Copywriter: Anthony Williams
Group Creative Director: Derek Sherman
John Skibicki: Lead Developer

Experiential Agency: FCBX
Management Director: Marty Kane

FCB Inferno Promotes Owen Lee to Joint CCO Role

Lee and Young

Lee and Young

FCB Inferno has promoted Owen Lee, formerly co-executive creative director, to a role as joint chief creative officer, Campaign reports. He will share the joint chief creative officer role with Al Young. Lee’s creative partner Gary Robinson will remain in his executive creative director role and Campaign reports that the agency will not seek to find a new executive creative director.

“We’re bigger and more complicated now – and this restructure has been on my mind for a while,” Young explained. “I’ve never been precious about running the train set on my own and I’ve always admired successful creative twin-leadership models. As for us working well together – I’ve known Owen for 15 years and worked closely with him in two different agencies. This is about efficiency and enhancing our already much-improved creative output.”

Lee joined FCB Inferno in his co-executive creative director role three years ago, following a stint as an associate partner at Cello PLC. Prior to that, Lee was a founder and creative chairman at Farm, where he stayed for over 12 years.

Kmart Celebrates Sloth With Joe Boxer's Inactivity Tracker and an Hourlong Ad About Nothing

Nike FuelBand may have fizzled out, but luckily the Joe Boxer Inactivity Tracker is here to take its place.

Kmart is promoting its Joe Boxer pajamas with a new digital bracelet that’s just like any of the other quantified-self fitness pieces on the market, only instead of making you feel guilty for missing your workout, it will celebrate you for it.

The brand is giving away the devices with select pajama purchases while supplies last—an accompanying app rewards extended sloth with badges like “Cryogenic” and “You rock!” (in this case, meaning the noun first, and the adjective second).

Even if you don’t snag one of these hot ticket items, you can enjoy the hourlong launch ad below—a window into the “2015 Joe Boxer Lounger Games,” where two guys sit in recliners trying to move as little as possible.

It really goes all in—purportedly focusing on the ninth hour of the fierce completion—and delivering 60 minutes of impressively inane announcer commentary, which makes it just like any other sport, really. (There are plenty of amusing tidbits mixed in if you skip around. Or if you have the stamina to watch all the way through, presumably, you can also tune back in for hour 10 on ESPN 35.)

The whole FCB project pokes some excellent fun at the tech-driven zeitgeist, and the world can always use more paeans to laziness. But any real pro couch potato will tell you it’s better to skip the long pants altogether, especially with summer coming up fast.

Karin Onsager-Birch Joins FCB West as CCO

369c1b7FCB has named Karin Onsager-Birch as chief creative officer of the agency’s San Francisco and Los Angeles offices, collectively known as FCB West, AdAge reports. She fills a role left vacant since the departure of Eric Springer last September. The appointment follows the selection of Eric Cosper as chief creative officer of FCB Garfinkel in New York a little over a week ago.

Onsager-Birch joins FCB from Blue Hive in London, where she worked on the WPP agency’s Ford account. She arrived at Blue Hive in May of 2012, serving initially as executive creative director before being named chief creative officer last year. Prior to that, she spent 11 years with Goodby, Silverstein & Partners, arriving in 2001 as a creative director and senior art director, before becoming an associate creative director in 2004. While with GS&P, Onsager-Birch worked on accounts including Chevrolet, Hyundai, Nintendo and Hewlett Packard.

When asked of the appointment, FCB West CEO Dominic Whittles told AdAge that Onsanger-Birch was chosen because her “leadership style is substantive and direct, she’s open minded and solution-oriented, she’s clear about her point of view and very forthright,” adding that her international experience “allows her to draw on a much larger source code of information.”

Whoa, Sony Trained This Octopus to Take Photos of Visitors to Its Aquarium

Holy mackerel, this octopus can use a camera!

Sony and FCB Auckland trained a female octopus named Rambo (no relation) to take pictures with a Cyber Shot TX30 camera for this captivating minute-long video.

This particular sea creature was used to promote the water- and shock-resistant camera because octopuses are among the most intelligent denizens of the deep. (Besides, clams can’t take direction, and lobsters are too darn tasty.)

A special rig helped Rambo push a shutter button to capture images of visitors outside her tank at Kelly Tarlton’s Sea Life Aquarium in New Zealand. Rambo’s trainer, Mark Vette, says it took her just three attempts to understand the process, though at times she behaved like an eight-armed diva, smashing several cameras to bits during a two-month training process. (Elsewhere, this little dude mastered octo-selfies in no time!)

Sony’s “Octographer” ad has gotten nearly 400,000 YouTube views in a week and lots of media play. Still, the brand message, while present in most coverage, has been somewhat overshadowed by the sheer novelty of a photo-taking octopus, especially in casual social mentions. For many, Rambo is the breakout star, while the camera is an afterthought. Props to the cephalopod for playing her mammalian, land-lubbing overlords for suckers.

FCB group account director Toby Sellers answered some of our questions about the stunt.

Why use an octopus?
We wanted to show the world that even an amateur photographer can take amazing underwater photos with Sony’s TX30. That led us to the idea of using a photographer who actually lives underwater.

They are one of the most intelligent underwater creatures, so we felt they would be a really good fit with our amazing underwater camera. We enlisted the help of Mark Vette, the animal expert behind our hugely successful “Driving Dogs” campaign (for Mini and the SPCA). He was really excited about the chance.

Was the concept a tough sell?
FCB Auckland had a lot of success with the “Bottled Walkman” campaign, so Sony was keen to see what we could do with their TX30. Their first reaction to the idea was amazement that it could be pulled off. We talked them through the plan we had developed with Mark, and they got very excited.

Was it more difficult than you imagined?
This project was far harder than any of us imagined it would be. Rambo got her name because the first few times we put the rig in the water she wanted to fight it. You could say she drew first blood. Despite the reports that it only took three tries [to learn the process], Rambo and Mark worked their way through 10 rigs and nearly as many cameras.

What would you say to activists who disapprove of using animals in ads?
Mark Vette and Kelly Tarlton only agreed to be involved because the process was enriching for the octopus. These creatures thrive in an environment where they are being mentally stimulated. When you have nine brains, you need to keep yourself occupied. So the project was not only fun for the octopus involved, it was also a chance to show the public how amazing these creatures are. The money people paid to have their photos taken goes to Kelly Tarlton’s Marine Life Trust.

Tell me about the April 10 photo event at the aquarium.
Rambo had a great time. She photographed over 100 visitors. Many were there because they had seen the story on TV, but a few foreign tourists just walked in and lined up. They were blown away to have their photos taken by the world’s first Octographer, and we were happy to give them a unique memento of their visit.

Client: Sony
Agency: FCB Auckland, New Zealand
Regional Executive Creative Director: James Mok
Executive Creative Directors: Tony Clewett, Regan Grafton
Writer: Peter Vegas
Art Directors: Leisa Wall, Christiaan Van Noppen
Head of Content, Executive Producer: Pip Mayne
Head of Art: Nick Smith
Director, Director of Photography: Michael Braid
Group Account Director: Toby Sellers
Account Director: Hannah Downes
Account Executive: Laura Little
Lead Behaviourist, Animals on Q: Mark Vette
Assistant Handlers, Animals on Q: Jazmin Vette dal Bello, Rosie Miles
Curator, Kelly Tarlton’s Sea Life Aquarium: Andrew Christie
Marketing Manager, Kelly Tarlton’s Sea Life Aquarium: Claire Wheeler
Rig Developers, Harrison & Watkins Ltd.: Harry Harrison, Blair Muchamp
Director of Photography, Event Coverage, Traction Films: Nic Fay
Editor, 6Twenty: Simon Wade
Editor, FCB: Grant Nicholson
Media Director: Rachel Leyland
Media Planner, Buyer: Erin McCaughley
General Manager, Public Relations: Angela Spain
Senior Account Director, Public Relations: Kimberley Kastelan
Digital Director: Kate Grigg
Customer Experiences Director: Ele Quigan
Music Composer: Peter van der Fluit
Music Composition: Liquid Studios
Studio Producer: Sarah Yetton

FCB RG2 Creates ‘The Unforgettable Account’ for Alzheimer’s Foundation of Venezuela

FCB RG2 launched a new campaign for the Alzheimer’s Foundation of Venezuela entitled “The Unforgettable Account.”

Despite the fact that Alzheimer’s is a growing problem worldwide, donations to Alzheimer’s non-profits in Venezuela have actually declined. One reason for this is that people forget how to donate. So, FCB RG2 teamed up with Banplus, a bank in Venezuela, to make it easy to remember. People can donate to an account at the bank with the easy to remember account number: 0000-0000-00-0000000000. All donations to the account go to “toward programs that provide support and training to caregivers of patients with Alzheimer’s and promising research initiatives.”

In the above video, an old woman suffering from Alzheimer’s brings a human face to the effort. “I can’t remember anything of what I’m saying right now,” she admits, “but what really matters is that you will remember it.” It’s an affecting way to get viewers attention and ensure that when she shares the easy to remember account information, people will listen. And so far it is making a difference; since the effort launched, donations to the Alzheimer’s Foundation of Venezuela have increased by 226 percent.



VP/Chief Creative Officer – Exequiel Rodríguez

General Creative Director – Sydney Reyes

Senior Copywriter – José Manuel Ferreira

Art Director – Exequiel Rodríguez

VP/Chief Planning Officer – Julio Grande Allende

Photographer – Daniel Méndez

Account Supervisor – Valentina Aveledo


Whiskey Film

Director – Evans Briceño

Executive Producer – Juan Bernardo González

Director of Photography – Maurizio De Vita

General Producer – Guillermo Pérez

Musician – Sydney Reyes


Blue Post

Editor – Evans Briceño


All Awards

Consultant – Juan Christmann

Consultant – Renato Lopes

Agency Will Send Copywriter to Space If Enough People Like Its Facebook Page

Up, up and away?

FCB Paris plans to send one of its creatives into space. The agency will use almost 37,000 balloons to hoist intrepid advernaut Baptiste Szuwarski toward heaven. The 25-year-old copywriter is the lightest member of the creative staff at 114 pounds, probably 113 if he shaves—and his weight, we’re told, makes him the perfect choice for this publicity stunt.

Since March 10, for each like on its Facebook page, the agency has inflated a balloon at its offices on the Champs-Elysées to support the mission, calculating somehow that it will take exactly 36,895 to get the job done. (The page has 2,200 likes overall, so there’s a stratospheric way to go.) FCB says the precise launch date is … sigh … up in the air. #GoodLuckBaptiste is the hashtag.

Balloons? Sounds like hot air to me. And the fact that the agency emailed a PDF

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press release makes me doubt its technical prowess. Besides, if we’re going to banish an ad exec from the planet, I think everyone agrees Donny Deutsch should be the one to go. (Kidding, of course. He’s got a new TV show, and who isn’t psyched about that?)

Bon chance, Baptiste! Though you will be risking your very existence on this fateful voyage, it still beats filling out timesheets and meeting with clients.

“Dying is not an option,” Szuwarski tells AdFreak. “At least, for me it isn’t!”

FCB Mayo Moves Warmth for Western Union

The residents of Lampa, Peru and  Waskaganish, Canada are thousands of miles apart but share a common problem: extreme cold. So FCB Mayo worked with Western Union to facilitate an exchange between the inhabitants of each region in a campaign called “Moving Warmth For Better.”

Two Waskaganish residents (Virginia Wabano, the president of the Cree Women of Eeyou Istchee Association, and Lillian Trapper, an animal hide specialist) arrived in Lampa with animal hides and showed residents how to use them to protect their homes from the cold during the winter. In return, the residents of Lampa sent back quinoa, a nutrient-rich food well suited for the cold, along with cooking instructions. Since Waskaganish, Canada suffers from a lack of food resources due to its cold climate and remote location, it was the perfect exchange.

On the campaign website, Western Union describes the program as “one of our most valuable transfers: an exchange of knowledge between two cultures that, unknown to them, was needed to solve their problems.” The process was captured on video for an online spot documenting the uplifting experience.

“Moving Warmth For Better” is just the beginning of a larger “Goodwill Transfer” campaign for Western Union, which promises to “carry out exchanges between
different cities throughout the world, for the sole purpose of attaining the common good.”

FCB Global Asks, ‘What Behavior Do You Want to Change?’

FCB held a global meeting in Chicago this week, and its theme involved changing behaviors.

We don’t have much in the way of details regarding the event itself, but the agency did produce a Bosco page full of GIFs from the meeting.

Looks like everyone had a good time and drank a few Michelob Ultras:

FCB gif

Here’s another group shot:

FCB gif 2

The meeting wasn’t all about beer and camaraderie, though: it looks to be the start of a strategic repositioning effort for the agency.

The larger FCB organization — specifically its Chicago office — has witnessed several changes in recent months/years: FCB/West CCO Eric Springer left the agency in September to land at Ignited, and some major accounts changed hands.

MillerCoors went to WPP back in 2012, and last week KFC surprised many by leaving the agency for Wieden+Kennedy after more than a decade. FCB posted some wins as well, scoring Ghirardelli and Choose Chicago in April 2014, Nestle in October and Michelob Ultra less than one week ago.

Sources tell us that some major accounts will soon come up for review and, lest we forget, it was only last March that FCB dropped the “draft” from its name to become Foote, Cone & Belding.

Should be interesting to see where the agency goes from here.

A-B InBev Hands Michelob Ultra Creative Duties to FCB

Michelob-UltraFCB has won creative duties on A-B InBev’s Michelob Ultra brand, following a review. The agency takes over for Chicago-based Palm & Havas and is expected to run the account out of its Chicago and Toronto offices. According to Kantar Media, A-B InBev spent $49.6 million on the brand during the first 11 months of 2014.

The win marks the first beer brand for FCB since losing MillerCoors in May of 2012. It also follows a Nestlé corporate brand assignment for FCB Chicago back in October.

“FCB really demonstrated strong creative and content capabilities that will help our growing brand grow,” an A-B InBev spokesman told AdAge.

FCB Inferno Stokes ‘Curiosity’ for BMW UK

FCB Inferno has just launched its first campaign for BMW UK with a 60-second spot promoting the hybrid i8, entitled “Curiosity.”

The spot is based off an idea “first presented in June 2013, when FCB Inferno pitched to win the BMW UK creative account,” according to The Drum. “Curiosity” shows an early human in the year 4000 BC as he becomes curious about a herd of horses. “Interesting thing curiosity: we can learn from it, we can die from it,” intones the voiceover. Although the man is frightened, he manages to mount one of the horses, taking an important step forward for civilization as the voiceover sums up the situation: “…sometimes it can lead us to places we never imagined we would reach.” The ad then pans to the BMW i8, introducing the vehicle as an important innovation for the company. A bit hyperbolic perhaps, but this isn’t a brand known for its modesty.

“In essence, driving a BMW is about exhilaration. The emotion behind the ultimate driving machine is very primal in some respects. The first man ever to have the breakthrough idea of riding a wild horse seemed a fitting parallel for the breakthrough idea that is the i8,” Al Young, FCB chief creative officer, explained to The Drum.

The ad is slated to premiere during the final ad break of the X Factor, and will then be broken up into smaller segments to air on broadcast and online.

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This Family Is Completely, Ridiculously Pumped to Be Shopping at Kmart This Holiday

If you see this suburban family at your local Kmart, you’d better get out of their way.

Mom just got an email confirming their online holiday order is ready, thanks to Kmart’s free in-store pickup service. Now, nothing’s going to stop them from busting mad-ass moves as they strut across the parking lot and through the automatic doors to collect their discount merchandise.

The spot, by FCB Chicago, really shouldn’t work as well as it does. I expected it to fall flat, but it didn’t. Once the beat kicks in, the frenetic pace never lets up. The overblown earnestness of the actors—conveyed mainly through popping and locking, or something, and pouty hip-hop poses—is infectious (and a little bit frightening).

Mom’s frenzied hair flips and hyperactive hips reach a Miley Cyrus level of insanity. Dad’s all about the cool hand-jive. (Pump it, Pops!) And that baby, rocking those shades, looks—as one YouTube commenter succinctly puts it—”fly as hell.” At last, a tyke capable of taking out this little monster in a rattle battle.

Clothes, housewares, rotating disco-ball light—it really doesn’t matter what they bought. Let the ominous thump of DJ Milad’s “Just Got a Check” serve as a warning: There’s gonna be manically choreographed, bass-heavy bopping in the aisles, bitches!

FCB Continues to Celebrate Bellies for Kmart, Joe Boxer

A couple weeks ago FCB Chicago launched its “Jingle Bellies” holiday spot for Kmart and Joe Boxer, a follow-up to last year’s “Show Your Joe,” which was unofficially dubbed “Jingle Balls” and went on to score over 18 million views on YouTube. With “Jingle Bellies” now just past the one million view mark, the agency has unveiled a follow-up belly performance entitled “Santa Baby.” The twist? This time around it’s pregnant women dancing.

The women shake their posteriors to an upbeat rendition of the song “Santa Baby” (most famously sung by Eartha Kitt) and then turn around, exposing their pregnant bellies. The reveal comes early in the ad, with the pregnant women dancing for the remainder of the spot, in their pajamas, until they stop and one woman extolls the virtues of Kmart and Joe Boxer. So basically more of the same goofy humor FCB has been employing in its holiday efforts for Kmart and Joe Boxer since the original, although a slight departure from the “body parts as instruments” schtick. The ad comes as a bit of a surprise, however, as there was no immediate sequel to last year’s spot. With Sears Holdings’ Kmart account currently in review (Sears is also up for grabs), this could potentially be FCB’s last work for the struggling brand. Kmart, meanwhile, badly needs its holiday marketing efforts to drive sales to make up for a very tough year for the company. (more…)

New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.