FCB Ulka Launches ‘Project Resume’ for Salaam Bombay Foundation

“In most parts of India, the birth of a girl is considered a curse,” begins the video of FCB Ulka’s “Project Resume” for NGO Salaam Bombay Foundation, which explains why the organization, which provides education to underprivileged girls in India, exists in the first place. But faced with an increasing population of girls in need of an education, the organization needed corporate donations to keep up.

So for “Project Resume,” FCB Ulka and Salaam Bombay Foundation created resumes for three of the foundation’s brightest students “based on their dreams and ambitions,” and landed them job interviews. Surprised HR professionals walked into the room expecting seasoned professionals and were instead greeted by the three girls. The message was clear: these companies can help turn the girls’ dreams into reality — and perhaps have a dedicated employee in the future as a result. “Project Resume” was effective, as its clever and impactful  approach helped raise enough money to educate more than 200 girls.

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