This Video About Dropping a Brick Is Worth a Few Laughs and 67 Million Gallons of Water

If you’re going to drop an upper-decker, you might as well help fight a drought in the process.

“Drop A Brick” is a nonprofit Indiegogo project created by a partnership of several California businesses, including San Francisco agency BarrettSF that encourages you to buy an eco-friendly rubber brick filled with hydro-gel that expands 200 times its size when water is added. Putting the brick in the top tank will displace half a gallon of water, saving about 50 gallons a week for a family of four.

If every Californian dropped a brick, the initiative says, it would save 67 million gallons of water a day.

The crowdfunding video is basically one big poop joke, but it’s surprisingly amusing and has been getting quite a bit of passaround. Still, organizers say they’d like to see more bricks being ordered to help alleviate California’s crippling drought as soon as possible.

So check out the video and explainer photos below, then go see about dropping a fat one in the tank. No need for a courtesy flush.’

Via Osocio.


Advertising Agency: BarrettSF, San Francisco, USA
Creative Directors: Jamie Barrett, Pete Harvey?
Art Directors: Martina D’Alessandro, Brad Kayal?
Producer: Nicole Van Dawark?
Account Manager: Brooks Dennard
Account Intern: Libbie Maine
Senior Proofreader: Elle Banyo
?Production Company: Pre-Future?
Director: Pete Harvey?
Director of Photography: Joel Jackson
First AD: Jamie Barrett
Grip/Electrical: Gus Hoffman
Sound: Paul Dorough
Line Producer: Nicole Van Dawark
Production Designer: Martina D’Alessandro
Locations Manager: Libbie Maine
Hair & Make-up: Brooks Dennard
Production Assistant: Stefanie Ku
Editorial Company: Pre Future
?Editor: Ian Montgomery?
Audio Record & Mix: Mark Pitchford / M Squared
Animator: Tom Yaniv?
Color Correction & Online: Mark Everson, Everson Digital?

Reggie Watts Has Created Truly Odd Greenpeace Ads Aimed at the Tech Industry

Reggie Watts yodels, raps, hangs with woodland fauna, floats on a giant leaf and generally goofs around in a quartet of new videos from Greenpeace.

The environmental group is sending a message to certain tech giants about using sustainable energy sources. “Some of the Internet’s biggest and most innovative companies, such as Apple, Facebook and Google, are powering with modern, renewable energy,” Greenpeace rep Dave Pomerantz told BusinessGreen. “The #ClickClean movement expects the rest of the companies behind our online world, like Amazon and Twitter, to join them.”

No firms are named in the ads, which were created by The VIA Agency.

“We set out to develop a campaign that had humor at its core and that people would rally behind and share,” said Via executive producer Mary Hanifin. “Reggie’s unique brand of comedy, devoted following and ability to convey complex themes through humor made him a perfect fit.”

The comedian and musician has some experience with the clean-power issue, having contributed to a Climate Reality Project spot last year. For Greenpeace—fresh off its gorgeous ad attacking Lego for partnering with Shell—Watts sustains a tone that gives the material an offbeat, non-judgmental spark. He uses improvisation to amp up the scripts, and his silly, slightly subversive comic energy feels just right.

Via Fast Company.

‘World Under Water’ Uses StreetView to Visualize Flooding From Climate Change

If this week's news of a potentially disastrous Antarctic ice melt wasn't enough to give you a sinking feeling, then you might want to check out "World Under Water," an interactive initiative that lets people see what their neighborhoods might look like following floods caused by climate change.

BBDO and Proximity Singapore created the site for CarbonStory, a crowdfunding platform, ahead of World Environment Day on June 5. The site includes most areas on Earth catalogued by Google StreetView.

"This is an emotionally engaging consumer experience that we hope will change behaviors," says Ronald Ng, CCO of the agencies that crafted the work. The goal is to convince folks to calculate and offset their carbon footprint and hopefully slow global warming and the melting of the polar ice caps.

The campaign's timing is prescient, as NASA just determined that melting ice sheets in Antarctica could cause higher global sea levels than previously anticipated. Luckily, that process should take a few centuries, so in the meantime we can use CarbonStory's tool to preview the potentially soggy world of our descendants.

At least one scientific researcher, Philip Orton of the Stevens Institute of Technology, says World Under Water's approach is all wet. Interviewed by Mashable, he dismisses the campaign as an "information-less thing that just demonstrates what it looks like to have water on your block (be it Denver or Charleston). It has very little actual information content."

Typing in my location generates an image of waves rushing down the street, covering cars and lapping at second-story windows. But with all the rain we get here in Boston, it always kind of looks like that anyway.

Honeybees Get Fed Up With Humans and Launch ‘Greenbees’ Protest Movement

Imagine if bees could stop humans from killing them by hijacking pesticide sprinklers, putting up banners and picketing grocery stores. That would be the bee's knees.

Greenpeace has conjured up just such a scenario in its latest ad, "Greenbees," aimed at raising awareness of the global colony-collapse epidemic threatening honeybee populations. In this spot, tiny hive-minded bee protesters hang signs with messages like "Honey You Sprayed the Kids" and "No Bees, No Future." (Unlike BBDO's Grand Prix-winning World Wildlife Fund campaign, these bugs are all computer-generated.)

According to Greenpeace's related website,, "Bees and other pollinating insects play an essential role in ecosystems. A third of all our food depends on their pollination. A world without pollinators would be devastating for food production."

All they are saying is it's really gonna sting unless we "give bees a chance."

Via Ads of the World.



Creative Director, Copywriter: Daniel Bird
Art Director: Jaroslav Mrazek
Music: Hecq
Production Company: Savage
Executive Producer: Klara Kralickova
Producer: Vojta Ruzicka
Director of Photography: Martin Matiasek
Postproduction: Progressive FX
Producers: Jan Rybar, Jirka Mika
Computer Graphics, Visual Effects Supervisor: Jan Rybar
Animation: Peter Harakaly, Jakub Sporek
Computer Graphics Modelling: Frantisek Stepanek, Martin Frodl, Hynek Pakosta,
Textures: Martin Konecny
Lighting Artist: Frantisek Stepanek
Grading, Compositing: Radek Svoboda
Additional Compositing: Pavel Vicik, Peter Orlicky

Durex Has an Idea for How to Spend Your Lights-Out Time During Earth Hour

Earth Hour—a worldwide event where people turn off their lights to raise awareness of energy consumption—will be March 29 from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. in your local time zone, which Durex says is a great time to use its product.

The condom brand's newest ad is remarkably sweet, which seems to be a trend for the category these days thanks to Trojan's surprisingly subtle creative and Gun Oil's tear-jerkingly romantic lube ad. It features several couples engrossed in technology—tapping on iPads, talking on phones, playing video games—and then shutting it all down for a little old-fashioned adult activity time, without the need for lights or even any live tweeting.

It's a clever way for Durex to capitalize on an Earth-conscious event and the popular lament that our society is a little too digitally connected.

We are, however, a little concerned for the couple on the carousel. 


Downton Abbey’s Carson Makes for One Intensely Unhinged Santa

Jim Carter, who plays Downton Abbey's reserved and dignified butler, Carson, brilliantly interprets Santa Claus as a disheveled, on-the-edge shadow of his jolly old self in this striking British Greenpeace spot about the impact of global warming and oil drilling at the North Pole.

"Dear children, regrettably I bring bad tidings," he begins, his precise, cultured tones barely repressing his outrage—and rage—over his predicament. "Melting ice here at the North Pole has made our operations and our day-to-day life intolerable and impossible, and there may be no alternative but to cancel Christmas."

In a chilling closeup, a single light shines into his mottled beard and weary face as he reports, "I have written personally to President Obama, President Putin—all world leaders. Sadly, my letters have been met with indifference. Needless to say, these individuals are now at the top of my naughty list."

Carter delivers his sad soliloquy in a dank, cell-like room, and dripping-water sounds punctuate his pleas. His Father Christmas coat's grimy and undone, and he looks emotionally and physically exhausted. These details give him the appearance of a political prisoner, an appropriate metaphor given the subject, and the stark, intense direction by Rattling Stick's Ed Morris creates an atmosphere of unease and despair. Greenpeace always has trouble connecting with the average consumer, and it's hard to tell if this spot will melt some cold hearts or leave the group's image as doom-heralding extremists burned into viewers' minds.


Canadian Official in U.S. to Push Keystone XL

Alison Redford, the Alberta premier, said critics of the Keystone XL project had exaggerated the impact of developing the oil.


Environmental Sand Art

Coup de cœur pour Tony Plant est un artiste qui aime allier ses ballades en nature avec la création d’œuvres gigantesques dans le sable. Un rendu magnifique mis en images par Light Colour Sound pour illustrer la musique de Ruarri Joseph « Till The Luck Runs Dry ». A découvrir en vidéo HD dans la suite de l’article.

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Permanent Design Wallpapers

Découverte de AREA Environments : un studio créatif qui produit des papier-peints magnifiques pensés par des artistes. En effet pour leur collection, la marque a décidé de proposer à des artistes internationaux le design des modèles comme par exemple ces rendus de Sandra Diekmann, Claire Leina ou Michael Cina.

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Greenpeace – Homeless Polar Bear

Voici la dernière campagne proposée par Greenpeace pour la sauvegarde de la planète. En simulant la présence d’un ours polaire à la recherche de sa banquise en plein Londres, la vidéo parvient à prendre conscience des enjeux environnementaux. Le tout sur la musique de Radiohead et la voix de Jude Law.

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Greenpeace - Homeless Polar Bear8
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Greenpeace - Homeless Polar Bear2
Greenpeace - Homeless Polar Bear1

David and Goliath in the Tar Sands

Communities prepare to rise up, but they can’t do it alone.

From Adbusters Blog

For every barrel of bitumen that comes out of the ground in Northern Alberta, Canada, another 1.5 barrels of toxic waste is created and dumped into tailings ponds that are carved out of the once pristine wilderness. That waste may now be leaking into the Athabasca river Delta, poisoning indigenous communities for hundreds of kilometers downstream and causing rare cancers once unheard of. The Alberta government and its industry-funded studies say every thing is okay with the water. Independent observers say otherwise. Watch as Al Jazeera uncovers how industry and government are working to silence dissent and how communities are beginning to fight back.

Witness: To the Last Drop – Part 1

Witness: To the Last Drop – Part 2



See video

Before Barcelona, before Tahrir, before New York, thousands of landless farmers in Honduras began to occupy vast stretches of ill-gotten plantations in the Aguan River Valley. The government has torched their settlements, evicted their encampments and allowed wealthy landowners to murder them at will. But against all odds, the resistance grows. Help get the message out!


Occupied Economy

A brief history of the first corporate century.

Carl Safina

From Adbusters #100: Are We Happy Yet?

Occupied Economy


This morning I was pulling poison ivy. It looked like I was up against the withering prospect of pulling more than a hundred individual plants. But I found that if I dug my gloved finger to the root and gently tugged, I could trace it through other roots and stems in my neglected garden, then fairly easily zip out whole tracts of the stuff. Without pulling a single individual plant, tugging up the root dislodged all the ones I could see and a lot that I hadn’t seen in the tangle of vegetation. When I was a teen I yearned to travel America to see “how other people live.” Now, basically, you can see how they live from wherever you happen to be. The same advertising, the same chain stores, and the same TV, radio and print conglomerates have largely replaced America with the same repeating road-stop strip mall, from sea to shining sea. Everyone’s head throbs with the same songs, and young people “relate to” the same handful of company logos and media characters. Corporate “news” reports on how the actual people who play fictional characters are faring in their reproduction and rehab. As I was freeing my American garden from toxic infestations, my mind drifted to the image of the chain stores along a highway, each strip mall a sprig of leaves, connected by an unseen cable of root. I imagined that I was driving cross-country on a big interstate highway, pulling up chain stores as I went along, helping free up a land strangling in a rash of sameness.

Modern corporations were essentially illegal at the founding of the United States (the colonists had had enough of British corporations). In the new country, corporations could form, raise public capital, and share profits with stockholders only for specified activities that benefited the public, such as constructing roads or canals. Corporate licenses were temporary. Corporations were forbidden from attempting to influence elections, lawmaking, public policy, or civil life. Imagine.

But from the beginning, corporate-minded men chafed for power, prompting Thomas Jefferson to write in 1816, “I hope we shall … crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country.”

For the first century after the American Revolution, legislators maintained control of the corporate chartering process. Then they essentially lost it as a series of court decisions established corporate “rights” and corporate “personhood.” These laws have been catastrophic for democracy, with planetary implications.

Corporate globalization has been called “the most fundamental redesign of social, economic, and political arrangements since the Industrial Revolution.” Corporations have swept real economic and political power away from governments. Of the hundred wealthiest countries and corporations listed together, more than half are corporations. ExxonMobil is richer than 180 countries – and there are only about 195 countries. Without the responsibilities or costs of nationhood, corporations can innovate and produce at unprecedented speed and scale. Yet they can also undertake acts of enormous environmental destruction and report a profit.

The behavior of corporations arises from their wide freedom of action and their limited liability for harms caused. Further, shareholders “own” and profit by the corporation, but “limited liability” means shareholders can lose no more than the money invested; they aren’t held responsible for anything the corporation does. If they were, stockholders might know what companies they “own” and why. They might demand corporate responsibility. They might invest more carefully. But because they’re not, they don’t.

Further, if a corporation can make a larger profit by wrecking a community, the law says it must. Perhaps the most famous case in corporate law was decided in the Supreme Court of Michigan in 1919 when Henry Ford got sued by the Dodge brothers (yes, those Dodge brothers). Ford wanted to plow profits back into the company and its employees. “My ambition is to employ still more men,” the New York Times quoted Ford as saying, “to spread the benefits of this industrial system to the greatest possible number, to help them build up their lives and homes. To do this we are putting the greatest share of our profits back in the business.” The judges posed a short question: What is a corporation for? The judges answered themselves by saying corporations are “primarily for the profit of the stockholders.” Not for the benefit of employees or community. Corporate managers – regardless of personal scruples or desire to “do good” – are forced to always put profits first.


The profit-maximization imperative creates continuous pressure to dump waste in the public commons and to shift the resulting costs to the public through subsidies, tax-funded pollution cleanups, and such. Where dumping waste is illegal, corporations may be fined for violations. Such fines often become “a cost of doing business,” while shareholders know that corporations never get sent to jail, and that some are “too big (to be allowed) to fail.” To the extent that governmental regulations get annoying, corporate appetites engulf those too, backing and basically installing cooperative elected officials, then coercing the removal of regulatory “barriers” (formerly: “public protections”).

However, we can envision how a more public-minded government might deal with risk-prone corporations. In Wold War II, the US government seized control of certain German companies inside the United States. Obviously, it wouldn’t do to have German chemical plants on American soil while we were engulfed in war with Germany. The companies were not destroyed, just controlled by the government for a while; some still exist. When U.S. automakers got into serious trouble and went into bankruptcy in 2009, the federal government stepped in to control management for a while. These weren’t punitive moves exactly, but one can imagine ways in which corporations acting as bad citizens might have to do some time with, say, their stocks frozen – no trading, maybe – while a government of the people does a little potty training with the executives.

In real life as we know it, the profit-maximization imperative means that any company seeking to act responsibly incurs a competitive disadvantage. The implications are generally a cascade of catastrophes because essentially all the money in the world is thus under pressure to act irresponsibly. Any other impulse must buck that tide.

The corporations’ central tenet of faith, their object of worship, their grail and their gruel: growth. Growth fueled by continually unearthing new resources and cheaper labor. Growth fed by raising and fattening new consumers. Growth had historically resulted from technical progress and growing population. It became a central pursuit of government policy mainly after World War II.

But Planet Earth cannot grow. Not any faster than it accumulates stardust, anyway. If the economy “grows” while resources like water, forest, and fish are being depleted, it’s not growth: it’s just blowing more bubbles. Yet because our economic system shows unconditional love for growth, it doesn’t ring alarm bells over bubbles. But count on this: the bigger the bubble, the worse the burst.

The first corporate century, the 20th, was a period of explosive growth. Despite as many as 150 million human beings killed in warfare between 1900 and Y2K, the world population quadrupled. Energy use increased sixteen-fold. The fish catch – which peaked in the late 1980s – increased thirty-fold. The sheer amount of stuff used annually flies in flocks of zeros that defy comprehension: 275,000,000 tons of meat, 370,000,000 tons of paper product, et cetera. Incredibly, of all the earthly materials that human hands have ever transformed, fully half of that material transformation has occurred since World War II.

“It is impossible for the world economy to grow its way out of poverty and environmental degradation,” writes the resource-minded economist Herman Daly, because the economy is a “subsystem of the earth ecosystem, which is finite, non-growing and materially closed.”

And economists think the solution to our problems is more growth? We’ve been terribly misled. But more development – that’s a different proposition. “Grow” means to increase in size by adding. "Develop" means to realize potentials, to make better.

Because the world is pretty much fully tapped, growth now threatens development. In a postgrowth world, we’d measure things like community and satisfaction. We’d replace the feverish tail chase of the material with life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Those come from development, not from growth. Let’s not confuse the two.

During challenging ocean conditions, certain sea jellies “de-grow.” They don’t just lose fat or slim down; they actually lose cells and simplify structures. When times are good, they regrow. Because they are adding new cells and regrowing structures (not just replumping), they are actually rejuvenated – younger than they were. On the other end of the scale, Edward Abbey long ago observed that growth for the sake of continuous growth is the strategy of cancer. Knowing what we now know, it appears that the world can’t produce enough to grow our way out of poverty. But we could certainly shrink our way out.

Carl Safina is a MacArthur fellow and host of the PBS television show Saving the Ocean. This essay originally appeared in his book The View From Lazy Point.

There is no such thing as clean coal

Two video’s from The Reality Coalition, a project of the Alliance for Climate Protection, Sierra Club, National Wildlife Federation, the Natural Resources Defense Council and the League of Conservation Voters (all USA).

Coal power plants emit carbon dioxide (CO2), the pollutant causing the climate crisis. A third of the America’s carbon pollution now comes from about 600 coal-fired power plants. And of the more than 70 proposed new coal power plants, barely a handful have plans to capture and store their CO2 emissions.

As a son of a coal-dealer I can admit: “In reality, there is no such thing as clean coal.”

Not all traditions deserve to be preserved

Not all traditions deserve to be preserved. Put an end to whaling in Japan.

Three ads from Greenpeace China:

“Not all traditions deserve to be preserved. Put an end to whaling in Japan.”