An Angry Durex Punishes the World With Eggplant-Flavored Condoms

Flavored condoms generally come in sweet and fruity flavors, like strawberry, grape and banana. Now imagine one that tastes like eggplant.

Durex is retaliating against the Unicode Consortium, after the tech-standardization overlord in August rejected the marketer’s bid for an official condom emoji, by launching a gag campaign about the launch of a savory rubber based on the phallic purple plant—which, in millennials’ texts about sex, has become a popular metaphor for dick.

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Isobar Canada Gets Kinky for Durex

Isobar Canada turns up the heat in the most Canadian way possible with its new spot for Durex Play Pleasure Gels, entitled “Play, Eh?” The 60-second spot presents a series of sexual positions, with a distinctly Canadian twist.

Among the positions explored in erotic, but not explicit, fashion are “The Maple Cinnamon Twist,” “The Niagara Falls,” “The Beaver Tail” and “The Maple Leaf.” Isobar keeps it simple, presenting the positions over an erotic soundtrack without any dialogue or voiceover, ending with the tagline “Why Wait?” and a shot of the gels. The tagline is meant to highlight that following the beginning of a relationship, many couples reserve their most passionate nights for special occasions, presenting Durex Play Pleasure Gels as a way to reignite a passionate love life. Viewers are then prompted to enter a giveaway for a chance to win VIP concert tickets. Launched on June 29, the spot arrived in time for Canada Day today, perhaps giving Canadian couples some new ways to celebrate.

“Lubricants sometimes carry a confusing stigma, because that’s how they’ve been sold through to consumers up until now,” Indresh Kohli, marketing sirector for Durex Canada, told LBB. “Durex Play Pleasure Gels isn’t about saving your struggling sex life, it’s about making whatever sex you’re having the best it can possibly be. We wanted to show Canadians that great sex isn’t something they need to be apologetic about!”


Creative Agency: Isobar Canada
Account Director: Sara Langendoen
Art Director: Karen Lo
Chief Creative Officer: Kai Exos
Copywriter: Chris Serreo
Executive Creative Director: Steve Di Lorenzo
Producer: Jessica Krikst, Travis Cameron

Director: Andrew Chiu

YouTube Star Hannah Witton Gives Candid Advice About Sex in Durex Campaign

As brands continue to use popular YouTubers for ad campaign, Durex has found the perfect endorser with Hannah Witton—a vlogger whose non-branded content already includes plenty of talk about sex and relationships.

Durex used the hashtag #DurexHannah to solicit questions from fans, which Witton—a 23-year-old British YouTuber with 120,000 followers—answers in the video below. Witton, who already counts a sex education series among her regular pursuits, had full editorial control, Durex says, choosing the products she wanted to feature in the video and doing the filming for the campaign herself.

She also reveals a special discount code for Durex products in the video. The campaign was devised by TMW Unlimited and assisted by ChannelFlip Media.

Durex Discovers Sexy Smartphone Technology That Helps Couples Get Closer in Bed

There’s lots of sexy smartphone functionality out there, but not too much that’s actually sexual. But now, Durex claims to have discovered phone technology that helps couples get closer in the bedroom.

Check out the video below, which has notched an impressive 21 million views in just five days. Seems people are craving tech-enhanced sex—or perhaps its opposite.

The campaign also supports this event happening later this month.

Durex Tells Footballers: ‘Don’t Fake It’

A new spot for Durex combines football/soccer and double entendre with a cheeky call for footballers to stop faking it–their ridiculous on-field “injuries”, that is.

The spot brings the overwrought drama with a little help from one Don Giovanni:

Coincidentally (or not), this campaign arrives at the same time as a super-serious survey sponsored by Durex which found that “I want to watch football” happens to be the number one excuse British men use to avoid having sex with their significant others. Numbers two and three: “I’ve got a bad back” and “I’m too tired.”

We wonder what sort of advice Durex might have for LeBron James…

Havas Worldwide is creative AOR for Durex, but we don’t have credits at the moment.

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Durex Takes Down Flopping Soccer Players in Comically Ridiculous #DontFakeIt Ad

Don’t fake it—on or off the football field—says Durex.

The condom brand is hoping to capitalize on excitement around the World Cup—and particularly, the spectacular dives that players take while competing after barely getting touched—with a new #DontFakeIt campaign aimed at keeping consumers busy in the bedroom.

The goofy ad below shows soccer players who look like they’re from the local recreational league offering ridiculously melodramatic performances—trips, grimaces, flops. Naturally, it’s all in slow motion, and there is opera music playing in the background. It’s chuckle-worthy not only because it’s absurd, but because it’s not that far from the reality (though the stakes are considerably lower).

Durex also conducted a survey that found 40 percent of 2,000 men asked would turn down their partners in favor of watching a game, with many offering hackneyed excuses about not feeling well. The campaign’s tagline, though, obviously calls to mind a different kind of faking—one that Durex has opposed for some time. So, you know, wherever you are and whatever you’re doing, don’t fake it.

It’s all reminiscent of Puma’s “Love or Football” work from a few years back, which offered a psychology study of hardcore Newcastle United fans to see whether they cared more about their wives and girlfriends, or their team. In that case, the women prevailed, slightly. That was club soccer, though.

Durex mistura animação e live action em “Real Feel”

Começa como um desenho animado, um jogo de sedução entre uma mulher e um homem. Conforme as coisas vão esquentando, entretanto, os desenhos se transformam em live action. Assim é “Real Feel”, novo comercial para o produto de mesmo nome da Durex.

Com criação, produção e direção da Havas Worldwide, Partizan e Golden Wolf, essa foi uma ótima sacada para destacar a proposta de sensações reais oferecida pela nova camisinha. E o resultado ficou bem bacana.


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Durex Has an Idea for How to Spend Your Lights-Out Time During Earth Hour

Earth Hour—a worldwide event where people turn off their lights to raise awareness of energy consumption—will be March 29 from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. in your local time zone, which Durex says is a great time to use its product.

The condom brand's newest ad is remarkably sweet, which seems to be a trend for the category these days thanks to Trojan's surprisingly subtle creative and Gun Oil's tear-jerkingly romantic lube ad. It features several couples engrossed in technology—tapping on iPads, talking on phones, playing video games—and then shutting it all down for a little old-fashioned adult activity time, without the need for lights or even any live tweeting.

It's a clever way for Durex to capitalize on an Earth-conscious event and the popular lament that our society is a little too digitally connected.

We are, however, a little concerned for the couple on the carousel. 


Durex convida casais para a Hora do Planeta pedindo que desliguem tudo

Dia 29 de março tem mais uma Hora do Planeta, movimento global do World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), que tem por objetivo conscientizar as pessoas sobre o impacto que cada um tem sobre o planeta. E em uma época em que estamos ligados o tempo inteiro, a Durex resolveu apoiar a iniciativa convidando casais do mundo inteiro a desligarem seus gadgets para se conectarem entre si.

#TurnOffToTurnOn propõe uma maneira divertida de se aproveitar as luzes apagadas, colocando de lado televisão, computador, tablets e smartphones que não somente consomem energia elétrica, mas também criam uma lacuna em alguns relacionamentos.

Um dos grandes destaques do comercial é a trilha sonora, uma versão de “I Can’t Help Myself (Sugar Pie, Honey Bunch)”, do The Four Tops, que confere um ar fofíssimo para o filme. Só faltou descobrir quem é a intérprete. Outra coisa que chama a atenção é a ausência de casais do mesmo sexo, o que foi considerado uma falha por alguns usuários do YouTube – e também por esta jornalista.

A campanha, criada pela TMW do Reino Unido, usa o mesmo mote adotado pela Leo Burnett Tailor Made no ano passado, que realizou a distribuição de camisinhas que brilhavam no escuro, mas não deixa de ser válida. Afinal, tem alguma outra coisa você iria preferir fazer durante a Hora do Planeta?

Vale lembrar que a Hora do Planeta rola no próximo dia 29 de março, das 20h30 às 21h30.


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Durex alerta: proteja-se… da paternidade

Ao som de Moonlight Sonata, de Beethoven, a Durex apresenta uma compilação de alguns dos piores momentos que a paternidade oferece no filme Protect Yourself. Em vez de falar sobre a prevenção às doenças sexualmente transmissíveis, ou mostrar produtos que contribuam com o prazer do consumidor, a marca de camisinha parte da premissa que um preservativo é capaz de evitar algumas das situações imaginadas pelo diretor Paul Santana e a produtora Supply and Demand.

Talvez mais convincente que a bagunça das crianças seja o fato de que os pais sempre acabam atingidos no saco pelas travessuras dos pestinhas.

No final das contas, é uma visão infernal da paternidade, que nem sempre corresponde à realidade. Afinal, as crianças são reflexo de seus pais. Mas que o argumento pode convencer muitos, ah, isso com certeza pode.


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Durex’s Fundawear Lets You Reach Out and Touch Someone, Over the Internet

Durex Australia and agency Havas Worldwide in Sydney have invented Fundawear—underwear that's fun to wear because it allows your partner to remotely operate sensors and "touch" you over the Internet. Tickle her titties or send a jolt down under with electric pulses from sensors built into the underwear and controlled via a cellphone app. I guess when you can't be close enough to use a condom, it's the next best thing. The idea is just one of the brand's "Durexperiments" (why are science-y projects so popular in ads all of a sudden?). It's pretty awesome, and designed for viral success, but of course when they call it a world's first in the video, it's not. Remote-control sex toys have been around for ages. Many of the female ones are wearable, and you know there are even existing phone apps to control them long distance. But who gives a bleeping flip? It's a great experiment. Want your own pair? You have to enter a contest on Durex Austrialia's Facebook page. Or jury-rig a Tens unit.


Durex cria roupas íntimas que vibram controladas pelo smartphone

Um experimento da marca de camisinhas Durex, na Austrália, criou a primeira lingerie vibratória mobile que se tem notícia. A Fundawear é controlada via aplicativo no smartphone, e o toque nos botões ativa sensores instalados nas peças de roupa íntima.

A Durex chama sua invenção de “o futuro das preliminares”, destinada a casais separados pela distância (geográfica, não emocional). Porém, se tem gente que conversa pelo celular/computador estando na mesma casa/escritório, não é difícil imaginar gente querendo fazer todo o resto via app.


A Fundawear não esta à venda, mas uma promoção no Facebook da marca promete premiar os participantes com a inovação. Nos vídeos abaixo, a Durex detalha a tecnologia por trás do projeto.

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Durex Water Balloon

Charlotte Rabate a imaginé cette publicité pour la marque de préservatifs Durex. Produite par Chananun Chotrungroj, cette vidéo drôle nommée « Durex Water Balloon » nous montre sur la reprise de Ca plane pour moi de Sonic Youth une utilisation enfantine de ce moyen de contraception. Plus dans la suite.

Durex Water Balloon5
Durex Water Balloon3
Durex Water Balloon4
Durex Water Balloon
Durex Water Balloon6

Durex: #1share1condom

Com a proximidade do Dia Mundial da Luta Contra a Aids, comemorado em 1º de dezembro, a Durex lançou uma campanha bacana que integra responsabilidade e mídias sociais. Tudo começa no hotsite 1share1condom, onde é possível obter informações sobre o combate ao HIV/Aids, além de acessar vídeos e conhecer o trabalho das entidades parceiras. Mas o mais legal é que, para cada fato sobre o o vírus e a doença compartilhado com a hashtag #1share1condom, a Durex promete doar uma camisinha para os grupos de combate a Aids.

O objetivo é alcançar 2,5 milhões de compartilhamentos – que representa o número de pessoas infectadas pelo HIV somente em 2012. Parece absurdo pensar que apesar de todas a informação e campanhas de conscientização esse número seja tão alto, mas isso é o que torna ações como essa ainda mais necessárias.

A campanha foi lançada ontem, e quando este post foi escrito, o número de compartilhamentos/doações estava por volta de 750 mil. Será que eles conseguem atingir a meta até sábado?

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A diferença entre Obama e Romney é…

Barack Obama foi reeleito presidente dos Estados Unidos e, de quebra, tirou de Justin Bieber o recorde de retuites. Com a vitória confirmada, já estão aparecendo inúmeros anúncios de oportunidade, mas talvez o melhor deles seja o feito pela marca de camisinhas Durex, na China. Publicada no Sina Weibo, um microblog chinês, a peça mostra uma sorridente primeira-dama com as duas mãos separadas, como se estivesse medindo algo.

Logo abaixo, outra foto, desta vez de uma não tão sorridente Ann Romney aparentemente medindo algo também, mas usando apenas os dedos polegar e indicador. Junto com as imagens, uma legenda em mandarim diz:

“A diferença entre Obama e Romney é…”

Tire suas conclusões.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Durex: Global Sex Survey, 3

Durex: Global Sex Survey, 3

Advertising Agency: Publicis, Singapore
Creative Director: Rodd Chant
Art Director / Illustrator: Eryk Tam

Durex: Global Sex Survey, 2

Durex: Global Sex Survey, 2

Advertising Agency: Publicis, Singapore
Creative Director: Rodd Chant
Art Director / Illustrator: Eryk Tam

Durex: Global Sex Survey, 1

Durex: Global Sex Survey, 1

Advertising Agency: Publicis, Singapore
Creative Director: Rodd Chant
Art Director / Illustrator: Eryk Tam