Coffee Bellagio’d, Oakley Profits, Missy Swears Again
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Ever seen the Bellagio fountain in Las Vegas? We have and it’s pretty cool. But all we have for you today is this Necafe ad which imitates the Bellagio fountain…with coffee beans.
It Must Be An iPhone Ad, Right?
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Oh look! White background. Dancing icons. Lots of animation. Music plays a primary role. It’s an iPhone ad!
Allstate’s Past Makes Prime Ad Opp
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Here’s something we didn’t know: Allstate was founded in 1931 and has weathered nine recessions.
Because Penguins Fans Are Just Loyal Like That.
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Cenergy/East Aurora recently put together “In the Game,” a triage of spots for the Pitsburgh Penguins. Each depicts a Penguin fan testifying to the degree of his/her loyalty in random, occasionally inappropriate places.
Proof that Sex and Celebrity will Always Get You on Somebody’s List.
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In a 2001 spot called “Proof,” Kylie Minogue shimmied into a garter belt and rode a velvet mechanical bull under the watchful eye of a creepy old woman with a paperback novel.
Pfizer Wages War Against Unregulated Drug Trade
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“Get Real, Get a Prescription Advert” is an ad Pfizer UK put together to discourage people buying prescription drugs from unofficial websites.
Jennifer Lopez Ringless But With Mate
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Jennifer Lopez was not wearing any ring when she attended the Golden Globe awards with estranged half Marc Anthony who likewise was not wearing his ring. It has been weeks when rumors flew about a growing rift between them and it looks like if reports are true, this marriage is reaching the breaking point.
Despite constant cover-ups by their publicists, it is obvious that there is something going on in the world of these two.
“They both didn’t wear their rings on purpose,” a mutual pal of the married couple of four years (who renewed their vows in October) told Us. “Nothing Jennifer does is without purpose.”
(Source) US
Benylin Ad Draws Ire of Businesses
Posted in: UncategorizedAs if the current economic state in most parts of the world are not enough, this ad by Benylin, “Take a Benylin Day“, is surely not helping. With most workers now on the crossroads since they would never know if they would be included in the recession bug, giving them excuses and ideas on how to call in sick is certainly not any business owner would want to see advertised.
Benylin’s website says the product is there to “take the guilt out of calling in sick when you need time off to rest and recover”.
“We urge employers and employees alike to take a stand against cold and flu by staying at home, rather than going into work,” it continues.
A word to the employees though. If they are found to be fibbing, their job is theirs to lose. At the rate the people are being laid off these days, the last thing you would want is to slack off.
You can watch the video here.
(Source) BBC
How to Be An Idiot In Three Steps by Mountain Dew
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1. Open a can of the caffeine-fueled stuff and down it.
If You Make Less Than $100K, You’re A Monstrous Loser
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A new Fallon Minneapolis-created ad for job site The Ladders does a great job distinguishing itself from the rest of the pack.
Campbell Soup is Food Marketer of the Year
Posted in: UncategorizedCampbell Soup is no doubt the food marketer of the years, fending off the various factors that included a declining economy while maintaining its brand class compared to other products trying to survive by compromising their actual products. The rise of raw materials was something to worry about but what operations had to deal with was compensated by analytical and strategic marketing that included a head-on collision with General Mills’ Progresso.
Soup-wise, the company’s condensed business saw some softness last year as price increases impacted volume, but Campbell responded swiftly with a multimedia campaign that reminded consumers of the iconic products’ value as a nutritious, low-cost meal solution.
(Source) Marketing Daily
Goodbye GM, Hello Hyundai Genesis Coupe
Posted in: UncategorizedGeneral Motors has pulled out and this makes the promotional opportunities to capture a larger target market better for car companies that have stuck it out as far as the NFL advertising tactics are concerned. Hyundai for one has been serious about it all and will be officially unveiling its Hyundai Genesis Coupe at the upcoming Super Bowl.
The title of both commercials is “The Epic Lap.” Shot at Road Atlanta, the racetrack didn’t do much damage to the car. The company says the Genesis only needed a new set of tires after three days of filming.
So while GM is trying to recover from its tracks, other companies like Hyundai are on the offensive. Will their investment pay dividends?
(Source) Kicking Tires
Wrangler – we are animals advertising campaign
Posted in: UncategorizedIt has been quite some time since I did wrote on this advert blog but honestly I do not like much the latest ads posted by creative firms of the world. Not much too see on the new campaigns, few of them have good messages.
The only one new that I saw today was the Wrangler FLARE ad prints campaign and the related spot called “Animals”.
The new print campaign from FFL Paris for Wrangler illustrates humans as animals in different locations in the wild.
The Wrangler brand is repositioning itself through instinct and emotion.
The spot we are animals.
From The Press Release
In today’s society, our animal instincts are smothered by daily modern life, city-living and constant technological developments. Man is an animal, but he no longer knows it.
Wrangler’s new strategic and creative platform seeks to re-awaken our bottled-up instincts and to encourage who and what we fundamentally are, by putting all that is pure, natural and instinctive back into Man.
Agency: FFL Paris
Executive Creative Director: Fred & Farid
Art Director: Julie Louison, Perinne Durand
Copywriter: Julie Louison, Perinne Durand
Agency Supervisor: Fred & Farid, Daniel Dormeyer, Brani Branitcheva, Vassilios Basos, Paola Bersi
Advertiser Supervisor: Giorgio Presca, Mark Cuthbert, Gary Burnand, Carmen Claes
Art Buyer: Camille Guerrier, Charlotte Delobelle
Media Strategy and Buying: FFL Media, Pascal Crifo
Dove Slaughters a Perfectly Good Queen and Bowie Song
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Under Pressure, little more than transparent hype for Dove’s self esteem fund (“You support our efforts every time you buy Dove!”), is probably the weakest of its Ogilvy-manufactured Real Women series.
The Boogie Man is Just Some Guy — Until NIGHT Falls.
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For Sylvania Light Bulbs, JEH United/Bangkok created a spot that makes highlarious use of Thailand’s mythological monsters. And one transvestite.
Orbit Enables Jilted Women to Tear Rubber Off Tires — with Their Teeth!
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Orbit says the woman in this spot can wreak superhuman havoc with her teeth because she chewed their gum.
Become a Cop — or Even a Lawyer! — All with a Flip of that Burger
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Cactus put together this promotional video for Westwood College, a vocational school for, you know, vocations.
Undies Are Fun, Binge Drinking is Not, Vodka Goes Phallic
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Kmart says it’s more fun in your underwear. That is if the word were made up of perfectly toned, 20-something hotties.