Chevrolet: Gowalla, QR Codes e realidade aumentada no SXSW

Gowalla Chevrolet SXSW

Começando pelo South by Southwest Interactive Festival (SXSW) deste ano, a Chevrolet revelou que irá investir 30% de sua verba publicitária em comunicação digital em 2010.

O primeiro passo está sendo marcar presença no evento com QR codes nos veículos (incluindo conteúdo e HotWheels de brind), realidade aumentada (um aplicativo que exibe os modelos em 3D) e geolocalização, com o Gowalla, concorrente do Foursquare, além de oito carros da marca que levam blogueiros e tuiteiros para passear em Austin, Texas, local do SXSW.

Aliás, é também em Austin que está localizado o escritório do Gowalla, que tem com essa parceria com a GM o seu primeiro acordo comercial. Quem der check-in em determinados locais definidos pela Chevrolet, ganha badges específicas.

Gowalla Chevrolet SXSW

Mas uma das ideias mais interessantes acontece pra quem dá check-in com o Gowalla no aeroporto de Austin. Aleatoriamente, diversos usuários estão sendo escolhidos para ganharem uma carona no aeroporto até o local que desejarem na cidade (veja a mensagem na imagem acima).

Segundo a Chevrolet, o SXSW é o ponto de experimentação para a sua nova estratégia digital. Não custa lembrar que isso é também uma resposta a Ford, que nos últimos anos tem se posicionado como a marca automotiva mais atuante nas redes sociais.

Brainstorm #9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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TV: Hiroshi Osamu Chevrolet campaign

Advertising Agency: Leo Burnett, Dubai

Chevrolet Spare Parts: Twister

Chevrolet Spare Parts: Twister

Phonies can cause serious damage.

Advertising Agency: Sancho BBDO, Bogotá, Colombia
Creative Directors: Giovanni Martínez, Hugo Corredor
Group Directors: Andrés Norato, Claudia Murillo
Graphic Designers: Claudia Murillo, Iván Gutiérrez
Copywriters: Andrés Norato, Luis David Parra
Illustrator: Masivo
Other additional credits: Andrea Zarate
Published: June 2008

Chevrolet Spare Parts: Tsunami

Chevrolet Spare Parts: Tsunami

Phonies can cause serious damage.

Advertising Agency: Sancho BBDO, Bogotá, Colombia
Creative Directors: Giovanni Martínez, Hugo Corredor
Group Directors: Andrés Norato, Claudia Murillo
Graphic Designers: Claudia Murillo, Iván Gutiérrez
Copywriters: Andrés Norato, Luis David Parra
Illustrator: Masivo
Other additional credits: Andrea Zarate
Published: June 2008

Chevrolet: Robot

Chevrolet: Robot

Advertising Agency: Strawberryfrog, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Creatives: Scott Smith; Heinrich Vejlgaard
Director: Lieven van Baelen
Production: CZAR.NL
Producer: Jan Koopmans

Chevrolet: Brakes

Chevrolet: Brakes

Don’t wait for your brakes to shriek to change them.
Chevrolet Repairshops.

Advertising Agency: Sancho BBDO, Bogota, Colombia
Creative Directors: Giovanni Martinez, Hugo Corredor
Group Directors: Andres Norato, Claudia Murillo
Graphic Designers: Claudia Murillo, Ivan Gutierrez
Copywriters: Andres Norato, Luis David Parra
Other additional credits: Andrea Zarate
Published: April 2008

Chevrolet: Spark plug

Chevrolet: Spark plug

Don’t wait for your pocket to tell you to change your spark plug.
Chevrolet Repairshops.

Advertising Agency: Sancho BBDO, Bogota, Colombia
Creative Directors: Giovanni Martinez, Hugo Corredor
Group Directors: Andres Norato, Claudia Murillo
Graphic Designers: Claudia Murillo, Ivan Gutierrez
Copywriters: Andres Norato, Luis David Parra
Other additional credits: Andrea Zarate
Published: April 2008

Chevrolet: Shock absorber

Chevrolet: Shock absorber

Don’t wait for your kidney to tell you to change the shock absorber.
Chevrolet Repairshops.

Advertising Agency: Sancho BBDO, Bogota, Colombia
Creative Directors: Giovanni Martinez, Hugo Corredor
Group Directors: Andres Norato, Claudia Murillo
Graphic Designers: Claudia Murillo, Ivan Gutierrez
Copywriters: Andres Norato, Luis David Parra
Other additional credits: Andrea Zarate
Published: April 2008

Chevrolet: Leather

Chevrolet: Leather

Advertising Agency: Sancho BBDO, Bogota, Colombia
Creative Directors: Giovanni Martinez, Hugo Corredor
Group Directors: Andres Norato, Claudia Murillo
Graphic Designers: Claudia Murillo, Ivan Gutierrez
Copywriters: Andres Norato, Luis David Parra
Other additional credits: Andrea Zarate
Released: 2008

It is better to Ride a Chevrolet Aveo

We are quite familiar with the integration of the movie the Transformers into most car advertising today and while some may like them, others use them as a point of reference to show other people why it would be best to use known brands.

There are two ways to which this type of advertising approach can be used. Positive in the sense that it gives life into the cars that are being sold today and negative for people who want to avoid a complicated and techie automobile when all they want is convenient transportation.

Whichever way you look at it, it all boils down to one thing; getting the eye of most car enthusiasts whether they will buy a car or not.

Technorati Tags: , , , ,

Chevrolet: City

Chevrolet: City

If the landscape bores you, change it.

Advertising Agency: Sancho BBDO, Bogota, Colombia
Creative Directors: Giovanni Martinez, Hugo Corredor
Art Director: Pablo Lopez
Copywriter: Juan C Gomez
Illustrator: Masivo77
Other additional credits: Nicanor Valbuena, Carolina Gonzalez
Published: May 2008

Chevrolet: CD

Chevrolet: CD

Because I’ve always listened to you.
This is your Chevrolet, and now it’s time for you to listen to me.

Advertising Agency: Rapp Collins Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia
Creative Directors: Pablo Castro, Juan David Botero
Art Director: Yesid Suárez
Copywriter: Pablo Castro
Released: December 2007

Chevrolet: Applause

Chevrolet: Applause

This invitation is full of applause.
It applauds you for preferring us.
It applauds you for taking such good care of your Chevrolet.
And it’ll take care of applause for you at a spectacular play.

Advertising Agency: Rapp Collins Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia
Creative Directors: Pablo Castro, Juan David Botero
Art Directors: Maria Mercedes Cortés, Yesid Suárez
Copywriter: Carlos Jaramillo
Released: February 2008