England rugby stars tackle world’s largest poker game

PokerStars.com announces another record-breaking event, the World’s
Largest‚ Poker game played by members of the England Rugby Team.

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Amazing blue shipping container camera!

This huge camera has been made out of a shipping container and a wireless link to a nearby screen! Check out http://www.cr8yourworld.com for more ideas and madness!

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The Art of the Billboard

Une initiative intéressante avec How many billboards ? qui réunit 21 artistes sur des panneaux d’affichages inutilisés. Le projet propose de remplacer, de manière périodique, la publicité par l’art. Le tout se déroule à travers le quartier de West Hollywood à Los Angeles.








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Sony – Eye Candy

Une belle campagne d’image pour la marque Sony, présentant le système des nouvelles télévisions HD. Un travail du studio Superfad, organisé en 3 parties : la naissance, l’explosion et la libération des couleurs. A découvrir en vidéo dans la suite.


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Pedigree Dogs

Shot 1000 FPS using the Phantom camera.

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Milk it!

For those of you that haven’t actually tried the real thing, you can now do it online. A very fun concept for Keso – Cottage Cheese

via ilovenewwork

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Don’t be cheap when it comes to make a wish

Hugo Menduiña directs this ad for Volkswagen Golf that shows what could happen if you behave cheap when making a wish.

Brand: Volkswagen Golf
Director: Hugo Menduiña
Agency: DDB Barcelona
Executive Creative Director: José María Roca de Viñals
Creative Director: Juanra Alfaro
Art Director: Marti Pujolás
Copy: Guille Ramírez
Account Director:Gorka Lozano
Account Executive: Ester Vall
Agency Producer: Vicky Moñino

Production Company: Agosto
Executive Producer: Rafa Montilla
Producer: Toni Moreno
DoP: Paco Femenía
Postproduction Supervisor: Sergi Roda
Postproduction: Infinia
Music: BSO

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When the sun stopped

Nacho Gayán directs this epic ad for the argentinian market. It tells the story of that day when the sun stopped…

Agency: JWT, Argentina
Client: Ford
Executive Creative Director: Gonzalo Vecino
Executive Creative Director: Pablo Alvarez Travieso
Creative Director: Esteban Garcia
Creative Director: Diego Correa
Copywriter: Esteban Garcia
Art Director: Diego Correa
Agency Producer: Federico Videtta
Agency Producer: Ivonne Anderson
Director: Nacho Gayan
Production Company: Agosto/Pioneer
Executive Producer: Pia Suarez
Producer: Toni Moreno
Director of Photography: Manel Ruiz
Editing: Eliane Katz
Post Production: Che Revolution Post
Sound: Infinia

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W+W, evolution thru combination

Clear and concise, that’s how director David Ruiz made this new animation to promote an ecological new concept from Roca, the W+W.
The film, commissioned by Tiempo BBDO agency, and produced by 8 de agosto explains very graphically how new ideas that can improve our lives sometimes born by cleverly combining two different working ideas…


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Surfrider Project – Rise Above Plastics

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Frito-Lay – And Then There Was Salsa

For the best experience just go to the Vimeo page. Epic.

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Audi – Friendly Competition

Voici un excellent spot pour le constructeur automobile Audi, baptisé “Friendly Competition”. Il confronte les modèles S4, A6 et Q5 avec la concurrence BMW. Une guerre publicitaire entre les marques qui se traduit par des campagnes interposées depuis plusieurs années.


Dans le même esprit : Audi D7 Concept

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AIGA Baltimore Lecture

Une belle animation informative et didactique autour de la représentation graphique des chiffres clés d’Internet dans le monde (Twitter, Facebook ou Google). Un brillant travail et une excellente mise en images par Jesse Thomas, inspiré des statistiques et données d’AIGA Baltimore.




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Nokia – The World’s Biggest Signpost

La marque Nokia présente ce dispositif réalisé fin 2009 à Londres : la mise en place d’une grue à plus de 50 mètres avec un panneau digital en forme de flèche “The World’s Biggest Signpost”. Une belle exécution afin de promouvoir le logiciel de géo-localisation pour mobiles OVI Maps.

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Arihant Superstructures

Une campagne pour la marque de mobilier et de déco Arihant mélant les pièces du salon ou de la chambre avec l’univers animalier. Des visuels et une baseline simple “Home. Cool Home” réalisés par l’agence Joshbro Communications en Inde. Le tout sur des clichés de Muralidhar Alle.



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Deserres Art Store

Une campagne originale par l’agence Nolin BBDO Montreal pour les magasins De Serres, spécialisés en arts et loisirs. Elle exploite 3 oeuvres de Keith Haring, Roy Lichtenstein et Pierre Mondrian conçues avec 6500 stylos de couleurs, 600 bouteilles de peintures et 4500 crayons pastels.






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Visa TV Ad Football Evolution

I saw this on TV the other day and I quite liked it. The Pixies tune makes for about half of the ad in my opinion. What do you think?

Jitesh Patel, Illustration

ABOUT ME: Being a Indian born in England, I have two cultures to be inspired by the Indian heritage brings out vibrancy while British side of me is more considered, its definitely reflected in my work, I enjoy what I do and I work hard to create great work, I have had some great clients to work with and its always nice to build up good client artist relationships. STYLE: My illustrations are bold and strong. The pieces are carefully considered and this is evident in the composition with intricate silhouettes and designs. Colour is an prominent ingredient in my work; I choose to provoke an emotional connection with my selection of palette choice. INFLUENCES: I like to create design on a daily basis, it may be a small doodle in a sketch book, which may lead to a bigger idea and design, I feel this daily process keeps me fresh as a designer, ideas are crucial to my design process. I like to collect design which appeals to me, I never throw anything out as I believe that whatever I have will be useful in some way one day.

Why are you an Illustrator?
I enjoy working as a illustrator, I cant imagine doing anything else, its not a very traditional path for a indian to take, with most of my indian family and friends taking some sort of traditional career path as a accountant or doctor. I have always been creative from a young age and it felt natural to pursue  a creative career. I enjoy working on a creative piece which has come straight from my imagination. Its not as simple as putting a pen to paper. Its very much an equation or formula which needs answering creatively. I often spend time figuring out a design, which I most often then not enjoy doing.

Did you attend school for fine art or design?
I have studied design from when I was at school all the way through to University where I enrolled on to a degree in Graphic design. I enjoyed my experience at university where I learned alot from my tutors and friend. It was a great environment to experiment with design. It was great time to compete with my fellow classmates and it encouraged me to always produce work to a high standard something which I still believe in today. I always want to create a piece of work which is better then the last pice of work I have created. Its what keeps me fresh as a designer

You have a distinct style of illustration. How long did it take you to develop your style?
My creations are a blend of delicate, intricate forms, and a good use of colour,  composed together in a harmonizing way. It’s a matter of how I feel about the work I’m working on. If it feels right and im excited by it, I know I will be satisfied with the final piece.

I have developed a style over the years, which is constantly developing. Its clean and simple in its form. I like to create intricate, delicate work, which is essential to create a feminine touch to my illustrations. I trust in the composition and weight of my work. It’s a very thought through process and everything is placed coherently.

The lines are swooping and weaving through the design, which provide a sense of movement. These forms interact with elements in my illustration, which is very characteristic of my work.

I introduce and work with floral designs and nature, it’s a feature to my illustrations, depending on the brief. I like to overlay my work and have different layers come through which adds a fresh dimension.

Were there any particular role models for you when you grew up?
I was influenced by designers such as Neville Brody, David Carson, Vaughan Oliver, Peter Saville, Tomato, Designers Republic, They were the designers of the time while I was studying and I very much looked up to them. Although my work bears no resemblance to their style now. At they time they were of much importance to me when I was interested in graphic design. Although I am more of an illustrator I still reference their work, when I am working on something which is of a more graphical nature.

When did you start freelancing?
I started freelancing after I left working for a fashion brand which was my very first job back in 2000. It was a great launch pad for my career as it was a very well know brand. I was finding my feet at the time, and i very much jumped in at the deep end learned to swim on the job. I has been very much a steep learning curve, I have learned from my mistakes and has been a great learning experience.

Was there any time when you wanted to quit Illustrations?
There have been time when I have been strapped for cash, and thought about seeking something more secure. Its a tough industry with alot of competition and you have to always be at the top of your game, you have to love what you do while having a head fro business which is something I have now created.

Are many advertising agencies getting illustrations made these days? Do you work more with agencies or publishers?
There are many advertising agencies using illustrations. It all depends what  is in style at the time. Your style of work can be in style and then out the next. its a vicious circle which you have to get use to. I have learned to adapt my style and try new things to always be in work. you have to be adaptable and be jack of all trades to survive, Advertising is obviously more attractive as it is the industry that pays most well.

I have been lucky to have had equally amounts of work from both advertising and publishing, obviously I would prefer more adverting, because of the exposure and pay. Experience counts in the design industry A client likes to know you are professional and can deliver a quality project on time. I learned if you have a personable and approachable attitude towards your clients you more often then not receive repeat business or are revered on a recommendation bases to someone they know.

Any other Indian Illustrators who you admire?
Nishant Choksi who I share the same illustration agency i always liked his style and work.

Do you have any favorite fellow illustrators or resources relating to your fields?
You have such a wide experience as a top working professional. What advice do you have for aspiring creative professionals? Would you advise them to take on Illustration as a career option?
I have to admit it is a very tough industry its a craft which you have to be good at like any career, its helps to be creative and passionate. In the beginning it can be tough to start your career, you have to preserver and not give up. you sometimes will be rejected but it only makes you stronger and encourages you to work hard. I am always working and designing, I spend time working on my ideas and my sketch books, its something which I enjoy doing and I dont see it as a job personally.

Mac or PC?
I have always been a mac person, and im not very PC literate to my frustration.

What’s on your iPod?
Presently i listen to a lot of the Beastie Boy tracks, I love the Blackeyed Peas. I listen to some bollywood tracks also.

Jitesh Patel can be contacted via his website here

Visa Europe – Football Evolution

Visa vient de lancer cette campagne “Football Evolution” afin de célébrer son partenariat avec la Coupe du Monde FIFA. L’accroche “Life Flows Better” est illustrée par un homme courant après son destin. Un travail de Saatchi & Saatchi London, produit par le studio Gorgeous.


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Sky HD Campaign

Une campagne réalisée pour la chaîne de télévision Sky à propos de leur passage en haute-définition. La baseline est explicite “Goodbye low definition”, sur un travail de l’agence 1861united à Milan, une illustration de Xchanges et une post-production de German Finko.



Voir en grand format : Sky HD 1Sky HD 2Sky HD 3

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