Naturfotograf Photo Contest 2014

Le concours photo allemand Naturfotograf 2014 a été mis en place par GDT et décerne des prix aux meilleures photos de nature dans différentes catégories : Mammals, Other animals, Birds, Plants and fungi et In detail. Voici une sélection des photos des grands gagnants de cette édition annuelle.

GDT Naturfotograf 2014 – “Die besten Naturfotografien des Jahres”. Werner Bollmann – Black on White. 3rd place : Mammals. Photo by Werner Bollmann.

GDT Naturfotograf 2014 – “Die besten Naturfotografien des Jahres”. Joachim Wimmer – Sonnenhaft. Winner : Other animals. Photo by Joachim Wimmer.

GDT Naturfotograf 2014 – “Die besten Naturfotografien des Jahres”. Paul Kornacker – ArtDunes. Overall winner. Photo by P. M. Kornacker.

GDT Naturfotograf 2014 – “Die besten Naturfotografien des Jahres”. Antje Kreienbrink – Plötzlich aufgetaucht. 2nd Place : Other animals. Photo by Antje Kreienbrink.

GDT Naturfotograf 2014 – “Die besten Naturfotografien des Jahres”. Klaus Echle – Eye to Eye. Winner : Birds. Photo by Klaus Echle.

GDT Naturfotograf 2014 – “Die besten Naturfotografien des Jahres”. Radomir Jakubowski – Spieglein Spieglein. 2nd place : Mammals. Photo by Radomir Jakubowski.

GDT Naturfotograf 2014 – “Die besten Naturfotografien des Jahres”. Klaus Tamm – Spotlight im Wald. Winner : Plants and fungi. Photo by Klaus Tamm.

GDT Naturfotograf 2014 – “Die besten Naturfotografien des Jahres”. Bernd Lamm – Mieses Wetter. 3rd place : Birds. Photo by Bernd Lamm.

GDT Naturfotograf 2014 – “Die besten Naturfotografien des Jahres”. Joachim Wimmer – Schneekiefer. 2nd place : Plants and fungi. Photo by Joachim Wimmer.

GDT Naturfotograf 2014 – “Die besten Naturfotografien des Jahres”. Dr. Ferry Böhme – Vierfleck Filigran. 2nd place, Special category : In detail. Photo by Ferry Böhme.


Cat Table

Ruan Hao a imaginé pour LYCS architecture ce projet CATable, une table permettant à la fois de ravir son possesseur mais aussi le félin vivant sous le même toit. Un objet pensé avec talent et présenté il y a peu à la Milan Design Week 2014. A noter que le chat n’est pas donné avec la table.


Editorial Illustrations by Nata Metlukh

Basée à San Francisco, l’illustratrice Nata Metlukh fait des dessins éditoriaux pour différents magazines. Ses illustrations s’inscrivent parfaitement dans l’air du temps, l’ère numérique et l’air citadin pollué, le tout avec un style coloré et drôle. Ses illustrations sont à découvrir en images dans la suite.


Underwater Photo Contest 2014 Winners

Le site Underwater Photography a annoncé les gagnants de l’édition 2014 du concours Underwater Photography dans différentes catégories : Wide Angle/Natural Light, Temperate Waters, Macro Nudibranchia, Wide Angle Marine Life, Topside, Wide Angle Divers, Over/Under, Fashion, Wide Angle Wrecks.

2014 Underwater Photography Photo Contest winners, Wide angle close focus category, 1st place. Photo by Helmy Hashim

2014 Underwater Photography Photo Contest winners, Wide angle/Natural light (no strobe) category, 2nd place. Photo by Ellen Cuylaerts

2014 Underwater Photography Photo Contest winners, Temperate Waters category, 1st place. Photo by Jeremy Axworthy

2014 Underwater Photography Photo Contest winners, Macro Nudibranchia category, 1st place. Photo by Marchione Giacomo

2014 Underwater Photography Photo Contest winners, Wide angle marine life category, 1st place. Photo by Paul Colley

2014 Underwater Photography Photo Contest winners, Wide Angle/Natural Light (no strobe) category, 3rd place. Photo by Shane Gross

2014 Underwater Photography Photo Contest winners, Wide angle divers category, 1st place. Photo by Nadya Kulagina

2014 Underwater Photography Photo Contest winners, Topside category, 2nd place. Photo by Tony Cherbas

2014 Underwater Photography Photo Contest winners, Over/Under category, 1st place. Photo by Uwe Schmolke

2014 Underwater Photography Photo Contest winners, Fashion category, 1st place. Photo by Dmitry Vinogradov

2014 Underwater Photography Photo Contest winners, Wide angle wrecks category, 1st place. Photo by Ellen Cuylaerts

2014 Underwater Photography Photo Contest winners, Macro Not Swimming category, 2nd place. Photo by Ellen Cuylaerts

2014 Underwater Photography Photo Contest winners, Macro not swimming category, 1st place. Photo by Giuseppe Piccioli

2014 Underwater Photography Photo Contest winners, Macro Close-up category, 1st place. Photo by Goos ven der Heide

2014 Underwater Photography Photo Contest winners, Under/Over category, Runner up. Photo by Marjan Radovic

2014 Underwater Photography Photo Contest winners, Wide angle/Natural light (no strobe) category, 1st place. Photo by Nadya Kulagina

2014 Underwater Photography Photo Contest winners, Wide angle close focus category, 2nd place. Photo by Gleb Tolstoy

2014 Underwater Photography Photo Contest winners, Macro Swimming category, 3rd place. Photo by Uwe Schmolke

18-Photo by Uwe Schmolke2
17-Photo by Gleb Tolstoy
16-Photo by Nadya Kulagina2
15-Photo by Marjan Radovic
13-Photo by Goos ven der Heide
12-Photo by Giuseppe Piccioli
11-Photo by Ellen Cuylaerts4
10-Photo by Ellen Cuylaerts
9-Photo by Dmitry Vinogradov
8-Photo by Uwe Schmolke
7-Photo by Tony Cherbas
6-Photo by Nadya Kulagina
5-Photo by Shane Gross
4-Photo by Paul Colley
3-Photo by Marchione Giacomo
2-Photo by Jeremy Axworthy
1-Photo by Ellen Cuylaerts3
14-Photo by Helmy Hashim

Smithsonian Photo Contest Finalists 2014

Le magazine Smithsonian vient d’annoncer les finalistes pour la 11ème édition annuelle de leur concours. Cette année, plus de 50 000 propositions dans 6 catégories : Natural, Travel, People, Americana, Altered et Mobile. Voici sur Fubiz, notre sélection des 60 finalistes dans la suite de l’article.

By John Gamble / Smithsonian Magazine.

By Aspen Wang / Smithsonian Magazine.

By Caine Delacy / Smithsonian Magazine.

By Candy Feng / Smithsonian Magazine.

By Cesar Rodríguez / Smithsonian Magazine.

By Christopher Doherty / Smithsonian Magazine.

By Darlene Jensen / Smithsonian Magazine.

By Dina Bova / Smithsonian Magazine.

By Dusan Ignac / Smithsonian Magazine.

By Graham McGeorge / Smithsonian Magazine.

By Karen Hosking / Smithsonian Magazine.

By Karen Lunney / Smithsonian Magazine.

By Kenneth DiLuigi / Smithsonian Magazine.

By Mark Kaplan / Smithsonian Magazine.

By Michael Anglin / Smithsonian Magazine.

By Michael Faist / Smithsonian Magazine.

By Mohd Irman Ismail / Smithsonian Magazine.

By Nguyen Bao Son / Smithsonian Magazine.

By Nicolas Reusens / Smithsonian Magazine.

By Nidal Adnan Kibria / Smithsonian Magazine.

By Pistolwish / Smithsonian Magazine.

By Richard Masters / Smithsonian Magazine.

By Sergio Carbajo Rodriguez / Smithsonian Magazine.

By Shamma Esoof / Smithsonian Magazine.

By Simon Morris / Smithsonian Magazine.

By Soheil Zandazar / Smithsonian Magazine.

By Tandis Khodadadian / Smithsonian Magazine.

By Troi Anderson / Smithsonian Magazine.

By Vincent Cheng / Smithsonian Magazine.

By Vo Anh Kiet / Smithsonian Magazine.

By Willie Huang / Smithsonian Magazine.

By Yasir Nisar / Smithsonian Magazine.

Votes ouverts jusqu’au 6 Mai 2014.

Yasir Nisar
Willie Huang
Vo Anh Kiet
Vincent Cheng
Troi Anderson
Tandis Khodadadian
Soheil Zandazar
Simon Morris
Shamma Esoof
Sergio Carbajo Rodriguez
Richard Masters
Nidal Adnan Kibria
Nicolas Reusens
Nguyen Bao Son
Mohd Irman Ismail
Michael Faist
Michael Anglin
Mark Kaplan
Kenneth DiLuigi
Karen Lunney
Karen Hosking
Graham McGeorge
Dusan Ignac
Dina Bova
Darlene Jensen
Caine Delacy
Christopher Doherty
Cesar Rodríguez
Candy Feng
Aspen Wang
0John Gamble

The Most Beautiful Cherry Blossom Photos of 2014

Voici une compilation par Spoon & Tamago des meilleures photographies de fleurs de cerisiers qui ont été faites en 2014, par différents photographes japonais ou qui ont voyagé dans le pays du cerisier. Les photos de ces beaux arbres blancs et roses très inspirants sont à découvrir dans la suite.

By Yuga Kurita.

By Sue Hsu.

By Yukatan.

By Akio Iwanaga.

By Masato Mukoyama.

By Nobuhiro Suhara.

By Noisy Paradise.

By Saori.

By Onotch.

By Poojartiwari.

By Torne.

By Zhangning.

By Tomosang.

By Takeshi Tanaka.

By Ta3mam.

By Ryosuke Yagi.

By Hikaruno Mikoto.

By Haru Digital Photo.

By Danny Dungo.

By Kyle.

19-Danny Dungo
18-Haru Digital Photo
17-Hikaruno Mikoto
16-Ryosuke Yagi
14-Takeshi Tanaka
7-Noisy Paradise
6-Nobuhiro Suhara
5-Masato Mukoyama
4-Akio Iwanaga
2-Sue Hsu
0-Yuga Kurita

National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest 2014

Le concours National Geographic Traveler 2014 a officiellement débuté. Les catégories sont : « Travel Portraits”, “Outdoor Scenes”, “Sense of Place” et “Spontaneous Moments”. Pour cette 26ème édition, les soumissions s’arrêteront le 30 Juin. En attendant les résultats, voici un échantillon de photos en compétition.

By Sergey Pavlov.

By Sergey Pavlov.

By Anan Gunduz.

By Sebastien Guerrieri.

By Enric Adrian Gener.

By Cesareo Pastor Quesada.

By Graham McGeorge.

By Henrique Fanti.

By Hideyuki Katagiri.

By James Kobacker.

By Kathryn Schipper.

By Marcelo Castro.

By Marcelo Castro.

By Marcelo Castro.

By Nicholas Roemmelt.

By Sam Morris.

By Sausse David.

By Sebastian Warneke.

Sebastian Warneke
Sausse David
Sam Morris
Nicholas Roemmelt
Marcelo Castro3
Marcelo Castro2
Marcelo Castro
Kathryn Schipper
James Kobacker
Hideyuki Katagiri
Henrique Fanti
Graham McGeorge
Cesareo Pastor Quesada
c-Enric Adrian Gener
b-Sebastien GUERRIERI
anna gunduz
1-Sergey Pavlov
0-Sergey Pavlov2

Mikros Image Showreel 2014

Spécialisées dans la création d’effets visuels et dans la post-production, les équipes de Mikros Image présentent la bande démo 2014, réunissant les plus belles images des différentes réalisations. Des projets très réussis, notamment vus au cinéma ou en publicité tout au long de l’année, réunis et condensés en quelques minutes dans une vidéo.

Mikros Image Showreel 20147
Mikros Image Showreel 20146
Mikros Image Showreel 20145
Mikros Image Showreel 20144
Mikros Image Showreel 20143
Mikros Image Showreel 20142
Mikros Image Showreel 20141

Winners of the 2014 Sony World Photography Awards

Après la shortlist, le concours Sony World Photography 2014 vient d’annoncer ses 10 premiers gagnants : Alpay Erdem, Hairul Azizi Harun, Holger Schmidtke, Kylli Sparre, Valerie Prudon, Arup Ghosh, Ivan Pedretti, Gert van den Bosch, Chen Li et Vlad Eftenie sont à découvrir dans la suite.

Muddy Smile by Alpay Erdem.

Photographer story, Behind the scene by Hairul Azizi Harun.

Under the Staircase by Holger Schmidtke.

Rescue Operation by Kylli Sparre.

Rodeo by Valerie Prudon.

Poor God by Arup Ghosh.

Starry Lighthouse by Ivan Pedretti.

The Cold Pony by Gert van den Bosch.

Rain in an Ancient Town by Chen Li.

First Snow by Vlad Eftenie.


Dogs of World Cup Brazil 2014

Le site Life on White, recensant des images d’animaux, a eu l’idée de faire sa promotion en anticipant la Coupe du Monde 2014 de Football, en proposant des photo-montages de chiens de différentes races affublés du maillot correspondant à un pays participant à la compétition. Plus de détails dans la suite.

Dogs of World Cup Brazil 201415
Dogs of World Cup Brazil 201414
Dogs of World Cup Brazil 201413
Dogs of World Cup Brazil 201412
Dogs of World Cup Brazil 201411
Dogs of World Cup Brazil 201410
Dogs of World Cup Brazil 20149
Dogs of World Cup Brazil 20148
Dogs of World Cup Brazil 20147
Dogs of World Cup Brazil 20146
Dogs of World Cup Brazil 20145
Dogs of World Cup Brazil 20144
Dogs of World Cup Brazil 20143
Dogs of World Cup Brazil 20142
Dogs of World Cup Brazil 20141a
Dogs of World Cup Brazil 20141

World Press Photo 2014 Winners

Les gagnants du concours World Press Photo 2014 ont été annoncés. Le concours se concentrait cette année sur le thème des problèmes contemporains. Le grand gagnant de la sélection est John Stanmeyer avec sa photographie « Signal ». Les autres grands gagnants sont à découvrir dans la suite de l’article.

Signal by John Stanmeyer.

Typhoon Survivors by Philippe Lopez.

Boston Marathon Bombing by John Tlumacki.

Final Embrace by Taslima Akhter.

Rebels Attack Government Checkpoint by Goran Tomasevic.

Massacre at Westgate Mall by Tyler Hicks.

Collapse of Rana Plaza by Rahul Talukder.

Temporary Accommodation by Alessandro Penso.

Bomb Maker in Aleppo by Moises Saman.

Moments Before the Hanging by Amir Pourmand.

Typhoon Haiyan by Chris McGrath.

Chaos in Central African Republic by William Daniels.

Gaza Blackout by Gianluca Panella.

Nicolette at the Orphanage by Maciek Nabrdalik.

Victims of Organized Crime by Christopher Vanegas.

A Portrait of Domestic Violence by Sara Naomi Lewkowicz.

War and Mental Health by Robin Hammond.

Last of the Vikings by Marcus Bleasdale.

Polo Fall by Emiliano Lasalvia.

Slalom Action by Andrzej Grygiel.

Forehand Forward by Al Bello.

Competition on Bars by Jia Guorong.

The Americas Cup : From Land, Sea & Air by Ezra Shaw.

World Swimming Sports by Quinn Rooney.

Sledding Race from Above by Jeff Pachoud.

Kite Skier on the Mountain by Anastas Tarpanov.

Free Diving with Sharks by Donald Miralle.

Nadja Casadei : Heptathlon and Cancer by Peter Holgersson.

Daily Exercise by Kunrong Chen.

A Lingerie League of their Own by Alyssa Schukar.

Kachin Fighters by Julius Schrank.

Soldier’s Funeral by Andrea Bruce.

Street Dogs by Julie McGuire.

Occupied Pleasures by Tanya Habjouqa.

Days of Night : Nights of Day by Elena Chernyshova.

Living Unnoticed by Jana Asenbrennerova.

Farewell Mandela by Markus Schreiber.

Ich Bin Waldviertel by Carla Kogelman.

Healing Bobby by Peter Van Agtmael.

Blind Indian Albino Boys by Brent Stirton.

Chiwetel Ejiofor by Nadav Kander.

Fennec Fox : A Species in Danger by Bruno D’Amicis.

A Flock of Guillemots by Markus Varesvuo.

Wolves Walking in the Desert by Shangzhen Fan.

Cougars by Steve Winter.

Toxic Beauty by Kacper Kowalski.

Bonobos : Our Unknown Cousins by Christian Ziegler.

47 Bonobos our unknown cousins by Christian Ziegler
46 Toxic beauty by Kacper Kowalski
45 Cougars by Steve Winter
44 Wolves walking in the desert by Shangzhen Fan
43 A flock of Guillemots by Markus Varesvuo
42 Fennec Fox a species in danger by Bruno D'Amicis
41 Chiwetel Ejiofor by Nadav Kander
40 Blind Indian Albino Boys by Brent Stirton
39 Healing Bobby by Peter Van Agtmael
38 Ich Bin Waldviertel by Carla Kogelman
37 Farewell Mandela by Markus Schreiber
36 Living Unnoticed by Jana Asenbrennerova
35 Days of night nights of day by Elena Chernyshova
34 Occupied Pleasures by Tanya Habjouqa
33 Street Dogs by Julie McGuire
32 Soldier's Funeral by Andrea Bruce
31 Kachin Fighters by Julius Schrank
30 A Lingerie league of their own by Alyssa Schukar
29 Daily exercise by Kunrong Chen
28 Nadja Casadei Heptathlon and cancer by Peter Holgersson
27 Free diving with sharks by Donald Miralle
26 Kite Skier on the mountain by Anastas Tarpanov
25 Sledding Race from Above by Jeff Pachoud
24 World Swimming Sports  by Quinn Rooney
23 The Americas cup from land sea and air by Ezra Shaw
22 Competition on bars by Jia Guorong
21 Forehand Forward by Al Bello
20 Slalom Action by Andrzej Grygiel
19 Polo Fall by Emiliano Lasalvia
18 Last of the Vikings by Marcus Bleasdale
17 War and Mental Health by Robin Hammond
16 A Portrait of domestic violence by Sara Naomi Lewkowicz
15 Victims of Organized Crime by Christopher Vanegas
14 Nicolette at the Orphanage by Maciek Nabrdalik
13 Gaza Blackout by Gianluca Panella
12 Chaos in Central African Republic by William Daniels
11 Typhoon Haiyan by Chris Mc Grath
10 Moments Before the Hanging by Amir Pourmand
9 Bomb Maker in Aleppo by Moises Saman
8 Temporary Accommodation by Alessandro Penso
7 Collapse of Rana Plaza by Rahul Talukder
4 Final Embrace by Taslima Akhter
6 Massacre at Westgate Mall by Tyler Hicks
5 Rebels Attack Government Checkpoint by Goran Tomasevic
3 Boston Marathon Bombing by John Tlumacki
2 Typhoon Survivors by Philippe Lopez
1 Signal by John Stanmeyer

Eyeforce Showreel 2014

Eyeforce est une maison de production de vidéos basée à Amsterdam, qui côtoie le monde sportif. Leur vidéo showreel est un hommage à tous les athlètes avec qui ils ont travaillé : danseurs, surfeurs, alpinistes ou plongeurs. Une vidéo magnifique couronnée d’une bande son signée du groupe français M83.

Brave 15
Brave 14
Brave 12
Brave 11
Brave 10
Brave 9
Brave 7
Brave 8
Brave 6
Brave 5
Brave 4
Brave 3
Brave 2
Brave 1
Brave 13

Best Visual Effects Oscar Winners

Une compilation impressionnante du réalisateur Nelson Carvajal afin de présenter l’évolution des effets spéciaux au cinéma de 1978 à 2013 à travers le trophée des Oscars : Best Visual Effects. Un clip de 4 minutes avec une sélection de visuels des films E.T., Matrix, Forrest Gump, Inception, Titanic ou Jurassic Park.

La liste des films récompensés aux Oscars pour le « Best Visual Effects » :

– Star Wars, épisode IV : Un nouvel espoir (1978)
– Superman (1979)
– Alien, le huitième passager (1980)
– Star Wars, épisode V : L’Empire contre-attaque (1981)
– Les Aventuriers de l’arche perdue (1982)
– E.T. l’extra-terrestre (1983)
– Le Retour du Jedi (1984)
– Indiana Jones et le Temple maudit (1985)
– Cocoon (1986)
– Aliens, le retour (1987)
– L’Aventure intérieure (1988)
– Qui veut la peau de Roger Rabbit ? (1989)
– Abyss (1990)
– Total Recall (1991)
– Terminator 2 : Le Jugement dernier (1992)
– La mort vous va si bien (1993)
– Jurassic Park (1994)
– Forrest Gump (1995)
– Babe, le cochon devenu berger (1996)
– Independence Day (1997)
– Titanic (1998)
– Au-delà de nos rêves (1999)
– Matrix (2000)
– Gladiator (2001)
– Le Seigneur des anneaux : La Communauté de l’anneau (2002)
– Le Seigneur des anneaux : Les Deux Tours (2003)
– Le Seigneur des anneaux : Le Retour du roi (2004)
– Spider-Man 2 (2005)
– King Kong (2006)
– Pirates des Caraïbes : Le Secret du coffre maudit (2007)
– À la croisée des mondes : La Boussole d’or (2008)
– L’Étrange Histoire de Benjamin Button (2009)
– Avatar (2010)
– Inception (2011)
– Hugo Cabret (2012)
– L’Odyssée de Pi (2013)


Best-of Paper Art on Fubiz

Pour l’année 2014, nous avons décidé de vous présenter des sélections de créations précédemment publiées sur Fubiz autour de thématiques différentes chaque mois. Voici notre première sélection sur le « Paper Art », insistant sur les œuvres et projets les plus rafraichissants. Le tout est à découvrir dans la suite.

2014 Calendar With Flavours by Nearly Normal Craft.

Exploded Views by Zim & Zou.

Paper Craft Castle by Wataru Itou.

BBQ of Paper by Zim et Zou.

Bone-A-Day by Wendy Wallin Malinow.

New York by Eiko Ojala.

Paper Art by Fideli Sundqvist.

Paper Craft Sculptures Of Food by Maria Laura Benavente.

Paper Dragon by Ink Studio.

Paper Sculptures by Rogan Brown.

Paper Sculptures Map by Matthew Picton.

Paper Typography by Sabeena Karnik.

Impressive Paper Origami by Nguyen Hung Cuong.

The Me Bird Animation by 18bis Studio.

Drawing with Paper by Lobulo.

Laser Cut Paper by Eric Standley.

3D Paper Sculptures by Calvin Nicholls.

Happy 2014 from Fubiz.

17 3D Paper Sculptures
16 Laser Cut Paper
15 Drawing with Paper
14 The Me Bird
13 Impressive Paper Origami
12 Paper Typography
11 Paper Sculptures Map
10 Paper Sculptures by Rogan Brown
9 Paper Dragon
8 Paper Craft Sculptures Of Food
7 Paper Art by Fideli Sundqvist
6 New York by Eiko Ojala
Paper Art
5 Bone a day
2 Exploded Views
1 2014 Calendar
3 Paper Craft Castle
18 Happy 2014

Unforgettable Brands in 2014

Focus sur le studio Skill Lab qui nous souhaite la bonne année avec une excellente vidéo qui rassemble toutes les marques dont on se souviendra en 2014. Des transitions originales et fluides entre les 23 logos recensés, le tout saupoudré d’un remix bien vivant du français 20Syl – « Devil’s Tune ». A découvrir dans la suite.


Wishes 2014 10
Wishes 2014 9
Wishes 2014 8
Wishes 2014 7
Wishes 2014 6
Wishes 2014 5
Wishes 2014 3
Wishes 2014 4
Wishes 2014 2
Wishes 2014 1

Winter Olympics 2014 Trailer BBC Sport

Afin de mettre en avant le fait que les prochains Jeux Olympiques d’Hiver de Sochi (7 au 23 février) seront diffusés sur ses canaux, BBC Sport a demandé a Tomasz Bagi?ski de réaliser une vidéo d’animation. Cette vidéo montre avec fantaisie et talent les différentes disciplines et les épreuves à affronter pour triompher.

Winter Olympics 2014 Trailer BBC Sport7
Winter Olympics 2014 Trailer BBC Sport6
Winter Olympics 2014 Trailer BBC Sport5
Winter Olympics 2014 Trailer BBC Sport4
Winter Olympics 2014 Trailer BBC Sport3
Winter Olympics 2014 Trailer BBC Sport2
Winter Olympics 2014 Trailer BBC Sport
Winter Olympics 2014 Trailer BBC Sport8

Happy 2014 from Fubiz

L’équipe de Fubiz est heureuse de vous présenter ses meilleurs vœux pour la nouvelle année. Que 2014 soit pour chacun d’entre vous une source de joie, de bonheur et de créativité. A cette occasion, nous vous offrons une œuvre d’art conçue pour l’occasion et en collaboration avec studio Bonace. Bonne année à vous tous !

Télécharger les vœux 2014 en grand format


LittleBit ajuda a criar novos hábitos

E já que no “primeiro dia útil” do ano vale tudo para começar a colocar suas resoluções em prática – tipo aquela dieta, atividade física ou até mesmo fazer o dia render mais. Para quem precisa de uma forcinha para mudar, o aplicativo LittleBit pode ser útil, já que atua como uma ferramenta coadjuvante na criação de novos hábitos

A mecânica do aplicativo é simples: o usuário estabelece uma coisa que gostaria de fazer, um hábito que gostaria de desenvolver. Em seguida, programa um alarme diário, que irá lembrá-lo deste compromisso. O progresso pode ser registrado por meio de fotos – o que provavelmente torna o processo mais divertido e até mesmo interessante, uma vez que ajuda a ter uma noção melhor da evolução.

Outra coisa interessante é que rola um pouco de gamification, já que a constância com a qual você cumpre seu compromisso é pontuada. Perdeu um dia? Faz parte. Mas se você perde dois dias seguidos, começa a perder também os pontos que conquistou. Ao alcançar 21 bits (os pontos do aplicativo), você alcançou a meta, podendo recomeçar o mesmo hábito ou estabelecer um novo.

No final das contas, é aquela história de você se desafiar, mas ter à mão uma ferramenta para ajudá-lo nesta tarefa. O LittleBit está disponível para iOS e custa US$ 1,99.


Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Vigilantes do Peso começam 2014 com foco na motivação

Para muita gente, só hoje que 2014 começa de verdade. O primeiro dia realmente útil do ano, quando as pessoas resolvem começar a dieta, a academia e colocar em prática suas resoluções. É o momento, também, de descobrir o tamanho do estrago das festas de fim de ano, tornando o cenário propício para uma campanha motivacional dos Vigilantes do Peso para o mercado da Nova Zelândia.

Com criação da BMF, da Austrália, e desenvolvimento da Naked, Awaken Your Incredible usa a velha e eficiente fórmula do discurso que inspira, nos lembrando que somos incríveis desde o primeiro minuto, quando nascemos e passamos a superar cada momento da vida: o primeiro dia na escola, o primeiro beijo, a primeira decepção amorosa. E mesmo assim, a cada queda, somos capazes de nos levantarmos e seguirmos em frente.

Daí que, por mais que a mensagem seja batida, ela continua válida. Afinal, o ser humano é mesmo incrível.


Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Google Doodle de véspera de ano novo mostra número 4 esperando para entrar na festa

Não tem nenhum tipo de interatividade, mas o Doodle do Google desse 31 de dezembro de 2013 traz uma cena divertida.

Uma pista de dança em que os números 2, 0, 1, e 3 estão na pista, enquanto o 4 espera sua vez do lado de fora, apenas olhando para o lado.

Esse foi um ano cheio para os Doodles, com destaque para o que homenageou o inventor do paraquedas, Andre Jacques Garnerin, o do Hermann Rorschach, e o que celebrou os 50 anos de “Dr. Who”.

Confira aqui o histórico de todos os Doodles de 2013. É possível selecionar, inclusive, por país.

[ATUALIZAÇÃO] Depois da meia-noite, o número 3 saiu da pista e ficou cansado, suando no canto direito.

Google Doodle

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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