Simon Fraser University: Close the windows
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Production Company: Cine Pericoloso Production Inc., Canada
Creative Director / Copywriter: Perry Miotto
Art Directors: Sophi Jarvis, Elizabeth Cairns
Published: February 2014
Production Company: Cine Pericoloso Production Inc., Canada
Creative Director / Copywriter: Perry Miotto
Art Directors: Sophi Jarvis, Elizabeth Cairns
Published: February 2014
Advertising Agency: Siltanen & Partners, El Segundo, USA
Director: Kat Coiro
Executive Creative Director: Rob Siltanen
Advertising Agency: Arnold Worldwide, New York, USA
Chief Creative Officer: Aaron Griffiths
Creative Directors: Meg Williams, Nate Guillard
Art Director: Christina Ta
Copywriter: Zachary Goren Slovin
Producers: David Fisher, Jill Rothman, Joanne Silberg
VP Marketing Director: Simona Margarito
Associate Marketing Producer: Marie-Laure Davy
Sr Digital Strategist: Emily Bennett
Language Specialist: Sergio Flores
Production Company: B-Reel
Production Company Executive Producer: Susan Anderson
Production Company Line Producer: Beth Pearson
Producer: Emily Fife
Director: Patrik Bergh
Editorial Company: ZOIC Studios
Executive Producer: Ian Unterreiner
Post Production Producer: Erin Hicke
Editor: Dmitri Gueer
VFX Director: Ryan McDougal
Flame Artist: Renée Tymn
Music: Stock (Big Sync Music)
VFX: ZOIC Studios
Sound Mixing: Heard City and Eleven Sound
Music Company: Big Sync Music
Music Composer: Phil Lawlor
It took some time, but the folks at TBWA\Chiat\Day New York have finally landed a new head of integrated production in Chad Hopenwasser, who joins the agency after spending nearly the last eight years at Crispin Porter + Bogusky. Hopenwasser essentially succeeds Robert Valdes, who left Chiat NY last spring and eventually joined up with Droga5 NY to serve as head of interactive production. But Valdes, as you may know, has recently left Droga5 to join up with old Chiat pal Mark Figliulo at the latter’s new shop, Figliulo & Partners.
As for Hopenwasser, the exec spent the last couple of years at CP+B serving as VP/director of video production across the agency’s network, working on, among other efforts, campaigns for Xbox and the new Kraft Mac n’ Cheese work starring Vanilla Ice. Prior to his lengthy stay at CP+B, Hopenwasser spent six years at Grey New York. He will officially assume his new post at Chiat NY in mid-March and work along the agency’s ECD, Matt Ian, and report to report to office president, Robert Harwood-Matthews.
New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.
A inquietude criativa do genial Damon Albarn não para de render bons frutos para o bom pop do nosso tempo. Depois do Blur, Gorillaz, The Good The Bad The Queen, Rocket Juice & The Moon e alguns outros projetos e trilhas que pouca gente conhece por aqui mas que também revelam a diversidade do músico britânico, agora chega a vez de Everyday Robots, seu primeiro disco solo oficial.
No mês passado, Damon divoulgou o primeiro single do álbum. A música-título do disco é um pouco desconcertante e provoca o ouvinte com a mesma escuridão dos tempos de Essex Dogs (do Blur), e sua dificuldade se transforma em recompensa após algumas audições.
Lonely Press Play é o novo single, e seu clima soturno confirma a definição que o próprio Damon deu para seu disco: “pessoal, contemplativo, uma reflexão sobre o homem versus a máquina”.
A música é linda e também é daquelas que vai se descortinar por inteiro só depois de alguns repeats, revelando todas as suas nuances.
Agora só nos resta esperar até abril, quando o álbum será lançado oficialmente, para descobrir os outros devaneios de um artista que já passeou por tantos caminhos musicais que hoje pode se dar ao luxo de fazer exatamente o que quer.
Que venha abril. Até lá, “if you’re lonely press play”.
Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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2014, Panama Canal Centennial.
Advertising Agency: Zaga DDB, Panama
Creative Directors: Alex del Rosario, Nelson Gonzalez
Creative: Andrés Quezada
Art Directors: Eduardo Gomez, Emir Zuleta, Mickey Torres
Copywriters: Nelson Gonzalez, Andrés Quezada
Illustrators: Eduardo Gomez, Mickey Torres
2014, Panama Canal Centennial.
Advertising Agency: Zaga DDB, Panama
Creative Directors: Alex del Rosario, Nelson Gonzalez
Creative: Andrés Quezada
Art Directors: Eduardo Gomez, Emir Zuleta, Mickey Torres
Copywriters: Nelson Gonzalez, Andrés Quezada
Illustrators: Eduardo Gomez, Mickey Torres
2014, Panama Canal Centennial.
Advertising Agency: Zaga DDB, Panama
Creative Directors: Alex del Rosario, Nelson Gonzalez
Creative: Andrés Quezada
Art Directors: Eduardo Gomez, Emir Zuleta, Mickey Torres
Copywriters: Nelson Gonzalez, Andrés Quezada
Illustrators: Eduardo Gomez, Mickey Torres
Pour la cérémonie des Oscars 2014, l’agence de relations publiques Beutler Ink a fait une infographie où tous les gagnants du meilleur film de l’année, de 1927 à 2012, figurent sous forme d’icônes. Chaque icône est référencée selon les caractéristiques du film. Une filmographie pour se préparer à la cérémonie.
Ketchum plans to invest millions in a digital-media buying group and ad-tech contracts to boost earned and social content, the Omnicom PR shop told Ad Age.
The new group, dubbed Agile Amplification, will house dedicated planners and buyers. It will also run new contracts with ad-tech companies like Kenshoo, a company that supports automated buying across various social-media platforms, as well as demand-side platform software groups like DataXu and digital media companies like YouTube and Facebook.
The group is benefiting from master contracts between many of these vendors and parent Omnicom, as well as Annalect, the digital media and data hub that sits in Omnicom’s media agency network. Working through a holding company’s large contract is cheaper than going it alone with a smaller contract.
Os filmes não são novos, apesar de terem sido postados recentemente no Ads of the World. Girlfriend e Bonus são dois divertidos comerciais criados pela Lg2 para a Capital Transit Network de Quebéc que mostram uma das grandes vantagens de se usar transporte público: ter mais tempo para pensar.
Em 16 segundos, cada um dos anúncios consegue fazer rir com uma pequena narrativa. Primeiro, um cara que é expulso da casa de uma mulher e após um tempo pensando no ônibus, finalmente consegue entender o motivo. Já em Bonus, a garota diz que irá doar seu bônus para a caridade, mas pensando bem, talvez seja melhor investir em outra coisa.
A produção é da Nova Film.
Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Marketers are rushing to fuel content machines to drive search, increase engagement and unleash those hoped-for viral moments. Smart CMOs and CCOs also will aggressively fold customer service into the mix, because they know that being “always on” is only half the battle.
“Always on” speaks to the more traditional one-way communication model. A more appropriate mindset is “always on and always ready.” Brands are being shaped by more voices than ever before (customers, employees, advocates, influencers, experts, partners, competitors, and yes, the brand itself), and the power of enabling technology and social media means that a once-isolated customer-service issue can get big and loud in a hurry, dragging brands into a different kind of public conversation.
La photographe italienne Alba Morassutti livre de belles photos en noir & blanc avec ses séries « R.E.M. ». Les photos jouent avec le grain, les contrastes et la texture afin que les clichés paraissent avoir parcouru le temps. Une sélection de ses deux séries est à découvrir dans la suite de l’article.
McMillan Cancer Suport é uma organização do Reino Unido que oferece cuidados e apoio a pacientes com câncer e seus familiares. Em um filme dirigido por Steve Reeves, da Another Film Company, a entidade pede às pessoas que continuem apoiando suas atividades, ao mesmo tempo em que mostra uma paciente pensando na importância que cada um teve – e ainda tem – em seu tratamento. Afinal, ninguém deveria enfrentar o câncer sozinho.
Desde sua mãe, que não fica repetindo incessantemente que tudo vai dar certo – algo que todos nós fazemos em algum momento, provavelmente por puro instinto – até o atendente que conversou com o marido dela, sem deixar de fora o cara que deixou o troco como uma doação para a entidade e até um nada atlético corredor que ainda assim participou de uma prova para arrecadar fundos para a McMillan. Todos são agradecidos.
É um filme sensível, que acertou no tom o suficiente para, pelo menos no meu caso, eu me perguntar: para onde mando o dinheiro?
A criação é da agência VCCP.
Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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"My Beautiful Woman" is a series of three short ad films totaling 20 minutes of running time. And while that might sound like an eternity on YouTube, in this case it's definitely worth it.
The stories—narrated in Thai, subtitled in slightly broken English—are beautiful, emotional and likely to move sentimental types to tears. (They did for me, anyway.) The real surprise is that they're for lingerie brand Wacoal, though you'd never know it from the completely unsexual storytelling.
Each movie tells a story about a "beautiful woman," and then quietly closes with the copy "Wacoal believes all women were created to be beautiful." Then comes a request: "Who is your beautiful woman? Post a photo and hashtag #MyBeautifulWoman."
I don't want to give away the storylines, because they're lovely and surprising in their subtle twists. Some may argue they're sappy or cloying, and there are certainly some cultural differences to take into account. But feel free to block this off as your sniffly-faced, feel-good moment of the day.
The Financial Times Group achieved profits of £55m in 2013, up 17% year on year as strong growth in digital and content businesses are reported to have “more than offset weak advertising”.
Sexta-feira pré-Carnaval e tem muita gente se preparando para uma maratona alcóolica. E quem melhor para ensinar as pessoas a maneira apropriada de se beber do que os australianos, verdadeiros especialistas no assunto? How to Drink Properly é o nome da campanha criada pela Clemenger BBDO de Melbourne que prega o consumo moderado de bebidas, utilizando uma linguagem jovem e divertida.
Os quatro filmes da campanha são, na verdade, animações em preto e branco que trazem um protagonista que tem a missão de diferenciar os erros e acertos das pessoas quando bebem. Nenhum deles será exibido na televisão – inclusive por conta da linguagem -, e ficarão disponíveis somente no YouTube. A ideia, inclusive, é concentrar toda a comunicação em redes sociais.
Vale o play em cada uma das animações. Com certeza, você irá reconhecer muitas pessoas nos personagens apresentados.
Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Ben Essen, head of planning at iris, the creative innovation network which will be delivering six panels at this year’s event, gives his perspective on how “participation” will underpin the big SXSW trends for 2014.
Ad Age: What inspired you to start the web series?
Mr. Ruffin: This show is a direct response to Matthew Weiner’s comment, that “there [were] no black people in advertising.” Mr. Weiner may be misinformed or he may be ignorant but either way he is wrong. There were more than a handful of African Americans working in all sorts of capacities on Madison Avenue during that era. As a designer I wanted to be a fan of “Mad Men” like all of my colleagues, but I couldn’t get past its representation of blacks during the first season so I just left it alone. That is Matthews Weiner’s artistic expression and I’m cool with that. Artists should have the right to paint whatever picture they want. However, once I saw him being confronted on the lack of blacks with meaning on his show, and he gave that cop-out of an answer, I just wanted to offer up some “counter” art. So I resurrected an old sketch idea I wrote in 2011 for a grad school application and made a show that paid homage to some of those hard working Black ad executives and copywriters of the ’60s. The point of our show is just to poke a little fun at the situation but try to keep the mainstream a little more honest.
Ad Age: How did you get backing from Dailymotion?
Three’s moon-walking pony and the McVitie’s kittens may seem bizarre, but their emotional impact is worth a thousand words and it is a trend that is here to stay, argues John Kearon, chief executive of marketing and brand consultancy BrainJuicer.