Modular Clothing Stores – San Francisco-Based Store Aether Apparel is Built from Shipping Container (VIDEO)

( It’s tough for a small business to get an impressive-looking storefront, but clothing company Aether Apparel has figured out a way to create a visually distinct, low-cost space, by…

Herbaria afoga os medos para comunicar o poder calmante de seus chás

Como é bom ver segmentos que quase sempre caem no lugar comum, promovendo seus produtos de forma criativa e ousada. A marca de chás alemã Herbaria poderia recorrer a diversas fórmulas para mostrar o poder calmante de suas ervas, porém, optou por uma incrível aventura visual que jamais exibe o lado de fora da xícara.

Ícones do terror são afogados com o peso do saquinho de chá, e assim a Herbaria diz que pode acalmar todos os seus medos.

A criação é da Jung Von Matt/Neckar.


Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Delissio Pizza Will Knock the Mormon Out of You


OK, OK, so maybe assuming the family in this Delissio pizza commercial are Mormon is blatantly stereotypical but the headline kind of wrote itself so we went with it. Complaints are welcome in comments.

Anyway, in the commercial, created by DraftFCB Toronto, a mom serves Delissio pizza for dinner. The family then imagines what their less-drab life might be like if it were fueled by Delissio pizza. All manner of excitable family togetherness ensues including mom getting a tramp stamp.

Back to reality…and dad decides to “forbid this wheel of temptation.” Your loss, dad. Mom’s non-Mormon look is kind of hot.

37 Wonderful Water Spas – From Two-Tiered Jacuzzis to Seaworthy Hot Tubs (TOPLIST)

( Water spas have been a fantastic form of relaxation and release for humanity since the discovery of hot springs. It’s no wonder we’ve mimicked this idea and adapted it as a marketable product….


A Disney publicou na internet o seu curta-metragem de animação que concorre ao Oscar esse ano. “Paperman” utiliza uma técnica que mistura computação gráfica com ilustrações feitas à mão.

Em preto e branco, a animação acompanha um jovem de New York City em busca da garota dos seus sonhos. “Paperman” foi dirigido pelo novato John Kahrs, com colaboração da equipe de inovação da Walt Disney Animation Studios.


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Boy Gathers Superhero-Like Friends For Football in Hyundai Super Bowl Ad


If I had friends like the friends the kid in this Hyundai Santa Fe commercial has, I’d be challenging the “mean kids” to football games every day. To tout the 7-seater, Innocean created Team, a Super Bowl :30 that shows a boy challenged by some not so nice kids to “come back when you have a team.”

Not one to give up easily, the boy and his very supportive mother hop into their Hyundai Santa Fe to round up the boy’s very superher-like friends who all return to take on the mean kids in a game of tackle football.

It’s the sort of commercial proud parents can rally around and one that does a very nice job and conveying the 7-seat capacity of the Santa Fe.

Rajar Q4 2012: Bauer retains Magic as London’s no 1

Bauer Media’s Magic 105.4 retained its position as the most listened to commercial radio station in London during the last three months of 2012, despite losing 6% of listeners.

20 Gnarly Garden Gnomes – From Gnome Bottle Openers to Glow-in-the-Dark Gnomes (TOPLIST)

( Garden Gnomes are quite an obscure part of humanity that have received very mixed reviews. A large amount of individuals are absolutely terrified of the cute little bearded men, while for others,…

If the Super Bowl Were The Social Bowl, Coke Would Win


There’s just one problem with this infographic from Shift which takes a look at social activity for brands as if the Super Bowl were the Social Bowl. The Super Bowl hasn’t happened yet. Conversation on social platforms could be completely different come Sunday as compared to this week’s lead up conversation.

In addition, does killing it in social media really mean you’re crushing it from a revenue perspective? Yes, there are analogies to be made and correlations to be considered. But these sorts of data grabs too often feel like playful ploys at generating awareness and publicity for the infographic creator rather than an offer of information that’s actually valuable.


HMV’s Twitter feed hijacked as reports of redundancies emerge

HMV employees have used the brand’s official Twitter feed to live-blog mass redundancies taking place at the beleaguered high street entertainment chain.

Real Life Tetris

Voici l’excellent travail du photographe Michael Johansson qui s’inspire du célèbre jeu Tetris pour reproduire un principe de rangement géométrique dans des situations de la vie quotidienne. Le résultat donne des œuvres drôles et intrigantes à découvrir dans la suite de l’article en images.

Real Life Tetris8
Real Life Tetris7
Real Life Tetris6
Real Life Tetris5
Real Life Tetris4
Real Life Tetris3

Culture Secretary promises to be ‘cheerleader’ for marketing industry

Maria Miller, Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, has promised to be a “cheerleader” for the advertising industry, following the revelation that marketing generates £100bn of the UK’s GDP.

Sci-Fi Weddings – Star Wars-Themed Wedding Costumes are Perfect for Dedicated Nerd Couples (GALLERY)

( A Star Wars-themed wedding is presumably the ultimate binding experience for the ultimate geek couples. 501st is a clothing organization that make this dream possible for these couples. 501st…

Ex-FindaProperty marketer Sheraz Dar joins OpenRent

Former Primelocation and FindaProperty marketing director Sheraz Dar has joined online letting agent OpenRent in a non-executive director role.

Top Trends of the Week – From Unique Valentine’s Day Gifts to Painting Inspired Photography (TOPLIST)

( This week’s top trends ranged from unique Valentine’s Day gifts for freaking out your lover to some incredibly artistic photography.

It’s clear that people are on the hunt for…

Disney – Paperman Short Film

Coup de coeur pour le nouveau court-métrage d’animation de Disney. Nommé à l’Oscar du meilleur court-métrage, cette vidéo ‘Paperman’ nous propose de suivre l’histoire entre un homme et une femme réalisée par John Kahrs. Une magnifique création en noir et blanc à découvrir dans son intégralité.


AntiCast 66 – As Histórias e Teorias das Cores

Olá, antidesigners e brainstormers!

Neste programa, Ivan Mizanzuk, Rafael Ancara e Marcos Beccari recebem a professora e pesquisadora Luciana Martha Silveira, autora do livro “Introdução à Teoria da Cor” (Editora UTFPR), para falar sobre as várias histórias e teorias da cor que circulam por aí. Entenda como a cultura molda nosso olhar sobre as cores, questione as 7 cores do arco-íris, repense se o céu sempre foi azul e conheça mais sobre o duelo intelectual entre um dos maiores físicos da história contra um dos maiores escritores da história. Ah, e tem promoção rolando!

> 0h01m30 Promoção valendo o livro “Introdução à Teoria da Cor”
> 0h05m20 Pauta principal
> 1h11m33 Leitura de comentários

(Arte da episódio por Brads | Fan Page)

Livro Princípio da Harmonia e contraste das cores e suas aplicações nas artes – Chevreaul (em inglês)
A teoria da cor de Chevreaul e suas consequências para os artistas

Trailler Audio documentário

AntiReview #5 – Fringe

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Sky helps to boost UK radio ad revenue to £552.7m in 2012

BSkyB helped the radio industry get on course to expand its share of display advertising in 2012, when the UK radio ad market grew by 3.8%, according to figures from the Radio Advertising Bureau.

Jagwar Ma: o pop australiano volta aos anos 90

Eu não sei exatamente quais foram exatamente as influências de Gabriel Winterfield, Jono Ma e Jack Freeman. Mas poderia apostar que tem Stone Roses, Jesus Jones, Blur, Happy Mondays, Primal Scream e _____________________(sua banda preferida dos anos 90 aqui) no meio.

Ouvindo a elogiada The Throw – o single que está fazendo do Jagwar Ma os novos queridinhos do pop australiano – fica claro que eles bebem na fonte dos anos noventa em cada nota que produzem.

O que, para nostálgicos como eu, é uma delicia. Me lembrou Right Here Right Now (do Jesus Jones) logo de cara, nem tanto pela melodia ou refrão em si, mas pelo conjunto de tudo: o visual do clipe, o mood da música, a intenção dela de forma geral. E preciso confessar que depois de acostumar com o timbre do vocal, eu adorei o que ouvi.

Com certeza é um álbum que vou atrás para descobrir se as suspeitas influências se confirmam, e – claro – para me fazer voltar no tempo um pouco, apreciando uma música nova com tempero vintage.


Aqui você vê a The Throw e a deliciosa Come Save Me. Divirta-se.

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Hearst hires CNN’s Max Raven to lead revenue

Hearst Magazines UK, the publisher of Cosmopolitan and Red, has hired Max Raven, the former senior vice president of ad sales at CNN International, in the new role of group revenue director.