Folksy Actor, Ad Spokesman Andy Griffith Dies at 86

Star of "Matlock," "Andy Griffith Show" held forth for Medicare, Ritz Crackers, AT&T.

Optical Illusions

Focus sur Regina Silveira, une artiste brésilienne renommée qui s’amuse à jouer avec les visiteurs et spectateurs pour créer des illusions. Avec entre autres des créations grandeur nature et des choix esthétiques très réussis à découvrir à Lodz en Pologne. Le rendu se dévoile dans la suite de l’article..

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How to Use Data to Deliver the Right Ad to the Right Person at the Right Time

How brands use big data to direct audience-buying campaigns is crucial. Here's what to look for in choosing the best strategy.

55 Easy Beauty Tutorials – Awesome DIYs From Highlighter Hair to Fruit-Made Lip Stains (CLUSTER)

( The recent wave of beauty tutorials is something that, no matter how hard you try, you cannot ignore. Effectively replacing expensive trips to salons, DIY beauty tricks are made much easier…

40 Subtly Patriotic Statement Accessories – Allowing You to Celebrate the 4th of July 2012 in Style (CLUSTER)

( Though Americana is so in style right now, you don’t need to go head-to-toe star-spangled for the 4th of July 2012. If you’re a bit wary of walking around looking like Captain America,…

Braincast 23 – Cannes Lions 2012: Conquistas, palestras e conclusões

Antes do festival, conversamos sobre importância dos prêmios no mundo da comunicação e criatividade. Agora, com o fim da edição 2012 de Cannes Lions, voltamos a mesa do Braincast para comentar os principais premiados e o que de mais interessante surgiu nas palestras e seminários no Palais.

Carlos Merigo e Saulo Mileti perguntam tudo para Ronaldo Tavares e Leo Ávila, que estiveram no festival durante a semana inteira e inclusive trouxeram Leão na bagagem.

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[01m50] Comentando os Comentários
[53m15] Borracharia do Seo Abel
[57m00] Qual é a Boa?

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Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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PETA: Death Bet

Advertising Agency: Berghs School of Communication, Stockholm, Sweden
Art Director: Michal Sitkiewicz, Eva Wallmark, Andreas Ekelund
Copywriter: Rickard Beskow, Viktor Jacobsson

Dr. Schnoz Takes on LMFAO’s Party Rock


It was funny the first time. It was mildly amusing the second time. It began to grate the third time. The fourth, well, it’s like being forced to watch Rebecca Black’s Friday over and over again with toothpicks holding your eyelids open.

How to Speak Australian, Worst Feminine Protection Ad


How to speak Australian.

Laid-Back Ravishing Redheads – Dancing Sunlight by Erika Astrid Captures a Relaxing Summer Day (GALLERY)

( Dancing Sunlight by Erika Astrid is a beautiful editorial featuring Kelsie Fields. This pictorial perfectly captures a warm and relaxing summer day spent relaxing in the sun.

Kelsie Fields has…

Saatchi & Saatchi Israel Recruits Programmers Within Diablo 3


How does an agency find great coders and programmers? Inside Diablo 3, of course.

Blur: Aquecimento para as Olimpíadas

Enquanto se prepara para tocar na festa de encerramento das Olimpíadas de Londres, o Blur aproveita para revisitar sua carreira e, de quebra, lançar duas músicas novinhas em folha.

Junto com o lançamento oficial de toda a discografia remasterizada e horas e horas de material extra numa grande coletânea chamada 21 (em homenagem à idade da banda), eles soltaram essa semana em seu Twitter oficial dois singles inéditos: Under The Westay e The Puritan.

Confira aqui e divirta-se. As duas faixas já estão na iTunes store.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Multifarious Marketing: A New Spin on Targeting


It wasn’t that long ago when we were taught the key to successful marketing was focus. Sending a clear message to a well-defined target audience was the only way to build a brand. Today’s marketers know that this is no longer the only way

Clothia Lets Users Take Their Closets Online

To all the former adolescents who watched "Clueless" countless times and wondered if Cher Horowitz's digitized closet could be real: There's a startup for you now.

Erect Nipples in Wet T-Shirt Redeem (OK, Not Really) Bad Ad


Ad Age Creativity loves it. Buzzfeed (Copyblogger) hates it. We’re in the middle somewhere.

Make Up May Hide Abuse but It Doesn’t Make It Go Away


This message from UK-based Refuge features YouTuber Lauren Luke, who normally posts instructional make up videos, teamed with BBH London to create a powerful anti-abuse message.

80 Summer Party Essentials – From Spherical Backyard Cookers to Liquor-Filled Fruits (CLUSTER)

( Planning a backyard soiree can be a hassle, but these summer party essentials make entertaining a breeze. Inviting guests into your home can be nerve-racking at first, but things can go off without…

Imaginative Child Graffiti – The Interactive Paintings by Ernest Zacharevic Beautify Malaysia (GALLERY)

( The interactive paintings by Ernest Zacharevic are on the sides of buildings in Malaysia. Over the last month, Zacharevic has been painting pictures of mischievous children interacting with their…

Nike – Game On, World

Voici la nouvelle campagne de Nike autour du dernier produit Fuelband et Nike+. Un spot imaginé comme un réel jeu vidéo, se déroulant dans les rues d’une ville. Avec de nombreux clin d’oeils aux personnages et jeux Mario Bros, Donkey Kong ou encore NBA Jam. La bande son est signée The Seeds – Pushing Too Hard.

Continue Reading…

Key 103 to launch pop-up station for Manchester Digital Day

Key 103, Bauer Radio’s Manchester radio station, is to broadcast a special pop-up digital station called Key 103D tomorrow (4 July) to highlight the launch of the city’s enhanced DAB signal.