Mojave Movie Locations

Le photographe Joe Reifer basé à San Francisco s’aventure dans le désert des Mojaves pour nous dévoiler des clichés de toute beauté de divers lieux abandonnés. Des couleurs et une lumière splendides, qui embellit même des bâtiments délaissés de tous. Plus de détails dans l’article.

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Robinsons-owner Britvic hires TH_NK in digital UK pitch

Britvic, the owner

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of the Robinsons, J2O and Tango drinks brands, has appointed TH_NK as its lead digital agency after a six-way pitch.

Psychodog: The first shoe line inspired by dogs

Advertising Agency: Addict-tiltan, Haifa, Israel
Executive Creative Director: Oren Meir
Digital Creative Director: Ohad Tsaroom
Art Director: Keren Beitelman
Account manager: Merav Goren
Producer: Lea Shemesh
Photographer: Alon Meir
Production: Nabil Abud

Modern Music School: Tool cabinet

Did the old tool cabinet ever offer you a record deal? Get out of the garage. Get into Modern Music School.

Advertising Agency: Grabarz & Partner, Hamburg, Germany
Art Director: Maja Grundwald
Copywriter: Katharina Merhaut
Illustrator: Sophia Halamoda
Chief Creative Officer: Ralf Heuel
Group Creative Director: Timm Weber
Creative Directors: Norman Scholl, Florian Kitzing
Account Executive: Julia Wilhelm
Published: April 2014

Modern Music School: Grill

Did the grill ever want to have your baby? Get out of the garage. Get into Modern Music School.

Advertising Agency: Grabarz & Partner, Hamburg, Germany
Art Director: Maja Grundwald
Copywriter: Katharina Merhaut
Illustrator: Sophia Halamoda
Chief Creative Officer: Ralf Heuel
Group Creative Director: Timm Weber
Creative Directors: Norman Scholl, Florian Kitzing
Account Executive: Julia Wilhelm
Published: April 2014

Modern Music School: Spider

Have you ever heard a spider clap? Get out of the garage. Get into Modern Music School.

Advertising Agency: Grabarz & Partner, Hamburg, Germany
Art Director: Maja Grundwald
Copywriter: Katharina Merhaut
Illustrator: Sophia Halamoda
Chief Creative Officer: Ralf Heuel
Group Creative Director: Timm Weber
Creative Directors: Norman Scholl, Florian Kitzing
Account Executive: Julia Wilhelm
Published: April 2014

Sand Paintings by Andres Amador

Voici l’artiste Andres Amador, qui imagine de magnifiques oeuvres pas comme les autres : des peintures de sable. L’artiste utilise les zones vierges de la plage en guise de toile et un râteau pour créer chacune de ces œuvres. L’artiste utilise les plages du monde entier, et s’inspire directement des dons de la nature.

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Sand Paintings by Andres Amador 3

Talidat: Pig

Don’t let it come up again.

Advertising Agency: Grabarz & Partner, Hamburg, Germany
Art Director: Matthias Preuß
Copywriter: Jakob Eckstein
Illustrator: Therese Larsson
Chief Creative Officer: Ralf Heuel
Group Creative Director: Timm Weber
Creative Directors: Chistoph Stricker, Constantin Sossidi
Art Buying: Indra Hohns
Account Executives: Martina Thalhammer, Mathias von Stein

Talidat: Cow

Don’t let it come up again.

Advertising Agency: Grabarz & Partner, Hamburg, Germany
Art Director: Matthias Preuß
Copywriter: Jakob Eckstein
Illustrator: Therese Larsson
Chief Creative Officer: Ralf Heuel
Group Creative Director: Timm Weber
Creative Directors: Chistoph Stricker, Constantin Sossidi
Art Buying: Indra Hohns
Account Executives: Martina Thalhammer, Mathias von Stein

Talidat: Lamb

Don’t let it come up again.

Advertising Agency: Grabarz & Partner, Hamburg, Germany
Art Director: Matthias Preuß
Copywriter: Jakob Eckstein
Illustrator: Therese Larsson
Chief Creative Officer: Ralf Heuel
Group Creative Director: Timm Weber
Creative Directors: Chistoph Stricker, Constantin Sossidi
Art Buying: Indra Hohns
Account Executives: Martina Thalhammer, Mathias von Stein

Facebook vai ativar opção ‘sou eleitor’ também no Brasil

A tempo de diversas eleições nacionais no mundo todo, inclusive a que acontece no Brasil em outubro, o Facebook vai liberar a opção de se declarar um eleitor para parte de sua audiência global. Além dos EUA, que já contam com essa opção desde 2012, os eleitores do Parlamento Europeu, bem como os cidadãos da Colômbia, Coreia do Sul, Indonésia, Suécia, Escócia, Nova Zelândia e também do Brasil poderão usar a funcionalidade para demonstrar seu comprometimento com a escolha do novo líder de seus países.

O botão de ‘sou um eleitor’ já esteve disponível também na Índia, onde foi utilizado por mais de 4 milhões de usuários durante as últimas eleições.

botão 'sou eleitor' para usuários indianos

botão ‘sou eleitor’ para usuários indianos

No entanto, acho esquisito que o botão traduzido para o português vá mostrar a mensagem ‘sou um eleitor’. Aqui, todos os cidadãos são obrigados por lei a votar, diferente do que acontece em outros países, onde o voto é facultativo e é preciso um maior incentivo para levar as pessoas às urnas.

É sempre bom lembrar que a opção declara que a pessoa é um eleitor, mas que não é preciso explicitar qual candidato recebeu seu voto.

Fica minha dica para o Markito: troca a legenda para ‘eleições 2014 – eu fui’ que vai fazer muito mais sucesso no Brasil.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Cramped City Photography – This Megacity Photo Series is Fascinating and Dizzying (GALLERY)

( Photographing cities with five million up to 25 million people, Michael Wolf’s megacity photo series shows both the unusual beauty and cruel living conditions that can be found in Asia’s…

Mattel Experiment Tries to Show That Barbie Isn’t as Evil as You Think

If you asked a group of women over 25 to name some toys they played with as kids, Barbie would certainly come up. Less so now if you asked a group of girls under 10. The iconic toy has long been a volatile topic in the toy industry, especially in the context of girls and body image. But now, Mattel is trying to control more of that conversation with The Barbie Project, an initiative that wonders: What happens if we just let kids play with Barbies?

Mattel clearly wants to make the point that parents are seriously overthinking Barbie. At the very top of the Barbie Project's "About" page, text reads: "No other doll has sparked as much conversation as Barbie. But maybe kids don't see Barbie the way adults do?"

The brand got two documentarians and a play specialist to go into people's homes and actually film kids playing with their Barbies. "No scripts. No rehearsals. Just real kids, real parents, telling their stories," says Mattel.

The two-minute launch video is fun to watch. There's less hair/makeup/boyfriends than you'd expect, and more superheroes/gymnasts/veterinarians. I particularly enjoyed the little girl who beatboxed while Barbie broke down some hot moves.

Of course, documentaries are never truly unbiased, and I'm wondering if they'll include clips of girls undressing Barbie and bewilderedly examining her anatomy. However, the Barbie Project experiment is being carried out on multiple platforms—Tumblr, YouTube and eight different mom blogs—so it'll be interesting to follow the frank discussion surrounding the toy whose hair I once lovingly butchered with a pair of Fiskars.

Neustar Hires CMO As it Looks to Raise Profile in Ad Industry

Neustar, a below-the-radar data analytics company, is hiring its first CMO as it attempts to raise its profile in the ad industry.

Lisa Joy Rosner is joining after most recently serving as CMO for NetBase Solutions, a social media analytics company she left last fall. After several stints with start-ups, she said she left to shift to a public company.

“I was looking for a great company with phenomenal assets and people who needed to find their voice and tell their story,” Ms. Rosner said. Neustar fit the bill.

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Istanbul’s Apple store

Voici le premier magasin Apple à Istanbul réalisé par Foster + Partners. Une architecture toute en transparence avec deux niveaux situés sur la place principale de Zorlu de la ville. Le magasin apparaît comme une lanterne rectangulaire qui brille au dessus du sol. Une magnifique création à découvrir en photographies.

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Futebol adquire status de religião no Brasil

Diz a sabedoria popular que há três coisas que não devem ser discutidas, para se manter a paz em qualquer ambiente: política, religião e futebol. Infelizmente, os três assuntos parecem estar intimamente ligados uns aos outros, especialmente aqui o Brasil, onde para muitas pessoas o futebol é uma religião. Mais ou menos como mostra o comercial criado pela Grey  para a Cerveja Foca.

No Brasil, a Lei de Liberdade Religiosa permite que qualquer fiel saia em horário de trabalho para “professar seus credos”, desde que a religião seja reconhecida pelo governo brasileiro. Foi aí que, com a ajuda de um advogado, a Cerveja Foca resolveu oficializar em um cartório o futebol como a religião com mais seguidores no país – e a bebida quer se tornar sua água benta.

Para facilitar a vida dos torcedores, digo, fiéis, a marca criou um site em que os usuários informam qual o jogo que querem assistir e quando. Na data, um email é enviado à empresa, informando que a lei obriga o funcionário a ser dispensado.

A gente até tentou acessar o site, mas não conseguimos – talvez seja o excesso de fiéis querendo ser liberado para a Copa – mas se você quiser tentar, basta clicar aqui.


Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Volkswagen: Tired – Highway

Because roads can make you sleepy. The Volkswagen Driver Alert System.

Advertising Agency: Grabarz & Partner, Hamburg, Germany
Art Directors: Kaloyan Yanev, Barbara Dirscherl, Mark Köhler
Copywriters: Constantin Sossidi, Malik, Banamera
Chief Creative Officer: Ralf Heuel
Group Creative Director: Timm Weber
Creative Directors: Chistoph Stricker, Constantin Sossidi
Art Buying: Garnet Lange
Account Executive: Martina Thalhammer

Volkswagen: Tired – Countryside

Because roads can make you sleepy. The Volkswagen Driver Alert System.

Advertising Agency: Grabarz & Partner, Hamburg, Germany
Art Directors: Kaloyan Yanev, Barbara Dirscherl, Mark Köhler
Copywriters: Constantin Sossidi, Malik, Banamera
Chief Creative Officer: Ralf Heuel
Group Creative Director: Timm Weber
Creative Directors: Chistoph Stricker, Constantin Sossidi
Art Buying: Garnet Lange
Account Executive: Martina Thalhammer

Volkswagen: Tired – City

Because roads can make you sleepy. The Volkswagen Driver Alert System.

Advertising Agency: Grabarz & Partner, Hamburg, Germany
Art Directors: Kaloyan Yanev, Barbara Dirscherl, Mark Köhler
Copywriters: Constantin Sossidi, Malik, Banamera
Chief Creative Officer: Ralf Heuel
Group Creative Director: Timm Weber
Creative Directors: Chistoph Stricker, Constantin Sossidi
Art Buying: Garnet Lange
Account Executive: Martina Thalhammer

Volkswagen: Recuperation – Wild hogs

Whatever makes you brake, gives you power. Break Energy Regeneration from Volkswagen.

Advertising Agency: Grabarz & Partner, Hamburg, Germany
Art Director: Matthias Preuß
Copywriter: Jakob Eckstein
Illustrator: Marco Furtado / Old Skull Studio
Chief Creative Officer: Ralf Heuel
Group Creative Director: Timm Weber
Creative Directors: Chistoph Stricker, Constantin Sossidi
Art Buying: Garnet Lange
Account Executive: Martina Thalhammer