Salt Pepper Cell

Découverte de ce packaging minimaliste avec deux piles alcaline en guise de salière et poivrière. Conçues par Antrepo Design Industry, un studio en provenance de Turquie, elles sont disponibles en rouge et turquoise, ou noir et blanc.



Study: iPhone makes your ads stand out

LONDON – Owners of Apple’s iPhone are more likely to recall mobile ads than users of other handsets, research has revealed.

Kadence’s green credentials recognised in Sunday Times survey

LONDON – Kadence is the only market research company to feature on the Sunday Times list of the 60 Best Green Companies, which rewards companies which reduce their environmental impact.

Tide | Brand Generosity


Um dos reports do Trendwatching que eu mais gostei até agora é aquele que fala sobre “Generation G” (Geração Generosa). O termo também foi instituído para ressaltar o posicionamento e o espírito mais generoso e bondoso de algumas marcas, como por exemplo: Ikea, Diesel e Kraft Foods. Agora, navegando pela internet, descobri um novo case que se encaixaria perfeitamente nessa tendência.

A marca de detergentes e derivados de limpeza, Tide, colocou um caminhão itinerante, lotado de máquinas de lavar, circulando por algumas regiões, dos Estados Unidos, afetadas por catástrofes naturais: furações, enchentes e etc. As pessoas que sofreram com estas catástrofes e que, provavelmente, podem ter perdido alguns de seus eletrodomésticos, contam com a chance de lavar suas roupas gratuitamente. A campanha “Loads of Hope” ainda tem o apoio da mídia online para disseminar as ações sociais realizadas pela Tide. Veja algumas fotos da ação que eu retirei do Flickr:






:: Tide | Loads of Hope (Website):

:: Tide | Loads of Hope (Twitter):

:: Tide | Loads of Hope (Flickr)

Dunlop | Loop The Loop

Para provar a capacidade de aderência de seus pneus, a Dunlop resolveu quebrar o recorde mundial de looping feito por um carro. A manobra foi realizada na quarta-feira passada, dia 20, e transmitida ao vivo no site “Loop The Loop”.

Com mais de 12 metros de altura, esse looping feito pelo carro coloca a marca no Guinness World Records, em mais um dos recordes esquisitos do livro. No site da ação você pode conferir mais vídeos, galeria de fotos e making of.

| Via IllegalAd

Sanctuary Asia: Adam Eve


During the renaissance period works of art were commissioned to convey a social or religious message. One of the famous artists from this period was Peter Paul Rubens whose famous piece “Adam & Eve” was the inspiration behind this poster. True to the philosophy of the renaissance period this poster too is conveying a social message. That of saving trees. Only this time we hope that the piece not only leaves people in awe but are also moved by it to contribute towards the cause. This piece of communication was used as a poster in art galleries, park’s and pubic places.

Advertising Agency: Ogilvy & Mather, Mumbai, India
Executive Creative Director: Piyush Pandey, Sumanto Chattopadhyay
Art Director: Zahid Shaikh
Copywriter: Zahid Shaikh
Illustrator: S.M. Rafique

Marketing to unveil Power 100

LONDON – Marketing will publish tomorrow its annual list of the 100 most powerful people in the marketing industry.

Kumo out, Bing in as Microsoft readies advertising onslaught

LONDON – Microsoft is planning a large-scale advertising push for its new search engine, formerly known as Kumo, now rumoured to be called Bing, in an attempt to draw web users’ adoring gaze away from Google.

When and How to Pay a Blogger

In what is easily the most contentious issue I've dealt with recently, the question of whether it's ever OK to pay a blogger has reared its ungainly head. If you don't want to lose your job — and if you want to retain any credibility — you should move forward very carefully here.

Mads Burcharth

Mabu est le portfolio de Mads Burcharth, un jeune étudiant danois de 22 ans, fraichement diplômé. Encore peu de références, mais déjà de belles illustrations et un beau travail sur la matière. Une sélection à découvrir dans l’article.






The Market Creative awarded Earex rebrand

LONDON – Manchester-based design agency The Market Creative has won a rebranding brief from earcare brand Earex following a three-way pitch.

Wren & Rowe creates new look for Spanish wine brand Berberana

LONDON – Design agency Wren & Rowe has redesigned the branding of Spanish wine label Berberana.

Renault debuts TV ad for van range

LONDON – French car manufacturer Renault is to break its first ever TV ad for its range of vans.

New US credit card rules could challenge DMers

NEW YORK – US credit card legislation signed President Barack Obama last Friday is expected to impact credit card marketing, which is likely to change in message as well as volume.

Thomas Cook travel agents to intervene during online bookings

LONDON – Thomas Cook is launching a four-month trial of a new online chat feature in its holiday bookings service.

Danone to review £300 million global media

LONDON – Danone is set to review its estimated £300 million global media planning and buying account.

Ofcom rules out increase in TV advertising

LONDON – Ofcom, the broadcast regulator, has announced it will not increase the amount of advertising allowed on television until at least spring 2010.

St Tropez opens first concession in Debenhams

LONDON – Fake tan brand St Tropez is launching a concession counter in Debenhams, Oxford Street, which will be the first stand-alone counter for the brand in London.

St Tropez opens first concession counter in Debenhams

LONDON – Fake tan brand St Tropez is launching a concession counter in Debenhams, Oxford Street, which will be the first stand-alone counter for the brand in London.

Corsodyl campaign highlights gum disease

LONDON – GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) is backing its oral healthcare brand Corsodyl with a multimillion-pound TV, press and online campaign promoting healthy gums.