Haymarket names Rich Sutcliffe as Brand Republic editor

LONDON – Haymarket Business Media has appointed Media Week’s Rich Sutcliffe as the new editor of Brand Republic.

Buy an English football club on eBay

LONDON – The Tranmere Rovers Football Club is for sale on eBay, for a cool $10 million (£6m), put up for sale by its American owners Dornoch Capital Advisors – a move which has “appalled” Rovers chairman Peter Johnson.

The Media Week – Lebedev, Microsoft/Yahoo, TMG, IPM

Standard owner Alexander Lebedev, the Microsoft/Yahoo deal, a new Telegraph supplement, and a £50m deal for IPM are up for discussion with Media Week’s Steve Barrett, John Reynolds and Rich Sutcliffe in the Media Week podcast.

Dick Cheney and Tupac Attack Fashion-Challenged Chicagoans


Beware Chiocagoans.

McCain names Potato Council chief executive as marketing director

LONDON – McCain Foods GB has appointed Helen Priestley, the chief executive of the Potato Council, as its new marketing director.

Cellufun: First Ever Mobile PSA

CellufunLogoAs technological capabilities expand, so do ideas…or vice versa. In either case, we seem to witness ideas that break the “traditional mold” on a regular basis. Cellufun, a mobile social gaming community, is launching the first Public Service Announcement (PSA) campaign over a mobile, or cellular, network. It is an idea that breaks conceptual boundaries.

Known as “The World’s Mobile Playground, Cellufun is teaming with the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) and the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation and will feature in-game advertising as well as user-donation opportunities to the two charities via their mobile phone.

Cellufun is a virtual world where people are able to meet, play games, and shop…all via cellular phone. Available on any phone with a data plan, consumers are able to access Cellufun globally. Cellufun partners with diverse mobile operators and media companies to deliver entertainment and mobile marketing solutions.

Cellufun mobile clients will be able to purchase Superman Tags for their online avatars; profits from the tags will go to the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation.

“We think this is a fantastic opportunity to extend our presence into the mobile space,” said Peter T. Wilderotter, president and CEO of the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation. “This is a unique chance to be part of a robust online community where people can show their support for our real-world efforts by purchasing an item in their favorite virtual world.”

There are currently 7 million-plus users of Cellufun, spending an average 7 hours per month connecting with friends, playing games, and shopping for virtual products. On average an active user will be on Cellufun nearly 7 hours each month, which equates to more than 220 million monthly impressions.

ASPCA_logoThe ASPCA ads will be featured in “pet games and activities,” with a company-estimated value of $10,000 per month in free advertising.

“We are thrilled to be partnering with Cellufun for this unique campaign” said Jo Sullivan, Executive Vice President of External Affairs for the ASPCA. “By bringing the ASPCA straight to the mobile devices of millions of users, we will be able to dramatically increase awareness of our mission and the vital work we do every day to save animals’ lives.”


By introducing the world’s first mobile PSA campaign, Cellufun hopes to raise awareness and secure donations from its users for worthwhile charitable endeavors. With a large user base, the company hopes to help non-profits reach a wider audience by bringing them into the mobile medium.

“Cellufun’s social games—such as Mobile Pet Online and Cellufun Farming—provide not only entertainment, but the perfect venue for raising social awareness by partnering with leading charities and non-profits,” said Neil Edwards, chief executive officer of Cellufun.

The company plans to expand the first-ever mobile PSA campaign to include other charities in the near future.

Jeff Louis: Strategic Media Planner, Brand Project Manager, writer and blogger can be reached by leaving a comment or on Twitter and LinkedIn.

MediaEquals introduces new service to boost transactions

LONDON – MediaEquals, the online media marketplace, is boosting its transaction process by implementing an industry standard data system to enable users to upload their media bookings automatically.

‘Naked’ Girls and Pudgy Dude Strut For Guitar Hero 5


So this video, Naked Girls Interrupted, had everyone abuzz yesterday.

New the Tribute Michael Jackson video game (Mario)

The tribute to Mikael Jackson is becoming hugely popular on internet and the last release is a Mario like video game starring Michael Jackson. Advertiser: Nintendo?

Florist shows e-commerce potential of Facebook

LONDON – A small US florist 1-800-Flowers.com has become one of the first retailers to build a complete e-commerce website within its Facebook fan page.

Insurer Hides, Comedians Fight, Interns Pimped, Mobile Explained

– Some insurance companies will do anything to avoid paying a claim, – I guess if you like Paulie and Dawn, you’ll like this video. – Ten Portland ad agencies are pooling resources and sharing talent to launch the…

Fit More in Than Ever


As if preparing for some sort of orgiastic, possibly food fetish-related house party, the people in this commercial gleefully get dirty as fast as they can in order to make it to the party.

Tories propose radical local website plan

LONDON – The Conservative Party has mooted a plan that would see the creation of 80 independent ad-funded news platforms to provide local news services previously run by local newspapers and ITV.

Contrite Boyfriend + Gaming Remote = Chocolate Disaster


The ladies will understand this one. The men, not so much. Well, the stupid ones, that is.

It’s Google’s World, We Just Live in It

NEW YORK (AdAge.com) — Microsoft and Yahoo's newly forged search deal is about breaking Google's dominance, which is pretty overwhelming in the U.S. by any measure: queries, clicks or ad revenue. But as hard as it will be to dislodge Google in the U.S., it will be even harder overseas.

Five Days returns to BBC for second series

LONDON – The BBC has commissioned a second series of ‘Five Days’, following the success of the original show in 2007.

Mars bitesize promotion targets stay-at-home consumers

LONDON – Mars is launching its biggest-ever promotion across the majority of its portfolio of bitesize products. The activity offers consumers the opportunity to win DVDs.

Sky to launch 3D channel next year

LONDON – Sky plans to launch its first 3D channel next year, enabling customers with a Sky+HD set-top box to watch 3D content if they upgrade to a 3D-ready TV set.

Video stop motion for BMW Museum in Munchen

Advertiser: BMW

Promotional product review – the Tangle stress reliever

LONDON – Is it a stress reliever or simply a toy to leave on the your desk? P&I reviews the ‘Tangle’ and looks into what it might be and whether it can promote your brand.