TDA Boulder Seeks to Inspire for FirstBank

TDA Boulder shifts approach with its latest campaign for FirstBank, seeking to inspire local businesses.

The campaign launches with the 30-second spot “Legacy,” which emphasizes the distinction between modern Internet “fame” and a real legacy. In the spots first 15 seconds viewers are barraged with viral Internet “fails” such as a balance beam gymnast landing on his crotch and a man cannonballing onto an iced-over pool. “Since when did ‘leaving a legacy’ mean ‘going viral?’” the voiceover asks. At the spot’s midpoint the text “Let’s Grow Business” appears onscreen, accompanied by voiceover, as its shifts to a focus on what a true legacy is, accompanied by images of business and commerce. The way in which the spot seamlessly incorporates humor (via the Internet-culled clips) into its message marks a step forward from previous efforts such as the recent Amish-themed campaign and the creepy “Bargain Dummy” spot.

The spot will run during live sports and new programming on major networks, as well as twenty cable channels, including ESPN, USA, and The History Channel. Other media for the campaign will follow in the coming weeks and months. (more…)

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BBDO NY Tells Story of ‘The Boy Who Beeps’ for GE

BBDO New York tells the story of “The Boy Who Beeps” in a new online spot for GE.

The two-minute ad begins with the boy’s birth, and the beeping sound he makes in place of the usual baby’s wail. It’s soon apparent that the boy can communicate with machines. This starts off small, with him using his voice to change the channel or hit snooze on his alarm clock, but soon he’s using his power for greater purposes. Maybe it’s the great soundtrack by Beck, but the strange story is oddly touching somehow. Coming on the heels of the recent “Ideas,” it seems that BBDO is going in an emotional direction in their online work for GE. (more…)

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TDA Gets Creepy for Firstbank

TDA Boulder has a new ad for Firstbank highlighting the bank’s free checking entitled “Bargain Dummy.” If ventriloquism freaks you out, stay clear of this one.

In the spot, Firstbank’s free checking is contrasted with a less promising free giveaway. A man at a yard sale holds up a ventriloquist dummy and asks, “How much is this?”

“Oh, that’s free” replies the seller. When the man inquires what’s wrong with it, the woman replies, unconvincingly, “Nothing.” As the man walks away with the dummy on his shoulder, the dummy’s eyes shift and look around. “Free isn’t always a good thing,” says a voiceover, accompanied by eerie music, “except when it comes to free checking at Firstbank.”

The creepy 30-second spot is aimed at the 16-39 audience and will run on all broadcast networks, with an emphasis on sports and primetime, as well as more than 20 cable channels, including AMC, ESPN, Comedy Centeral, and USA Network. “Bargain Dummy” will also live online on sites such as EPSN, Pandora, Hulu, Yahoo, and Tremor, where it is sure to creep out unsuspecting site visitors. The geo-targeted online buy includes Colorado, Pheonix, Arizona, and Palm Springs, Califronia. Stick around for credits after the jump. continued…

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If This ‘It Can Wait’ Doc Doesn’t Help the Cause, We Don’t Know What Will

We figured we’d hold off on posting about this until this afternoon because it’s Friday and you might actually be able to view this in full, if you haven’t already, because it deserves to be.  Werner Herzog, the legendary director, writer and/or producer of a million projects including Grizzly Man during his 50-year career, has gone behind the camera once again for the above documentary, From One Second to the Next. This is the epic, poignant, sad and important extension of the ongoing “It Can Wait” PSA campaign initially launched by AT&T that has now been supported by the other major wireless carriers including Sprint, T-Mobile and Verizon.

Herzog, along with BBDO New York, continues to hammer the message home that texting while driving doesn’t shouldn’t mix via the tales of four different people who were affected by it on either end of the spectrum. Be safe this weekend and if you’d care to, take the “It Can Wait” pledge here. Credits after the jump.


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If Bottles Could Talk: Keep America Beautiful Personifies Recycling

The press release for the new 60-second recycling spot from Keep America Beautiful, the Ad Council, and Periera & O’Dell states that the average American generates 4.4 pounds of trash per day, but only recycles 35% of that output. It’s unclear whether that means 35% of all recyclable trash is properly recycled rather than 35% of all trash, but the creators of the campaign don’t seem too concerned with stats. After all, people probably won’t respond to numbers.

Periera & O’Dell have decided to redirect the campaign with an emotional tilt, turning an empty plastic bottle into a protagonist that thinks and talks – through voice-over, thankfully. The result is a corny, yet necessary plea to viewers who should be recycling more. Credits after the jump.


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