Stihl Heads Into the Void to Show the Otherworldly Power of Its Leaf Blowers

Houston, we have a blower.

French agency Altmann + Pacreau gets cosmic in this ad for Stihl leaf blowers, employing astronaut imagery and the 2001: A Space Odyssey theme to fine effect.

“Having done many ideas with leaves in the past, we thought we should go for something less expected to stand above the competitors in an allegoric and funny way,” Olivier Altmann, the agency’s chief creative officer, tells AdFreak. Given the client’s premium pricing, “they need to reinforce their positioning about performance and make sure that customers ask for Stihl, instead of being left with just the price as the main criteria for making their decision.”

Other ads have launched products into the void, but few have done so as elegantly as this one. Here, smooth visuals memorably emphasize the leaf blower’s power, portraying yard work as the ultimate trip (or something).

No doubt, in some distant dimension, where the dead live again and, for reasons beyond earthly understanding, really need to tidy up their lawns, Stanley Kubrick is smiling.

Client: Stihl
Agency: Altmann + Pacreau 
Creative Director: Olivier Altmann 
Agency Management: Edouard Pacreau, Thomas Vigneron 
Production: The Gang Films 
Producer: Nathalie Le Caer

Stihl aposta em uma nova versão da árvore de Natal

Nesta época do ano nada mais natural do que encontrar árvores de Natal em todos os cantos, inclusive entre o nosso mundo da propaganda.

E é bom ser surpreendido por algo que te faz lembrar que nem todas elas são iguais.

Em parceria com a agência Publicis Conseil Paris, a Stihl – marca de equipamentos específicos para gramas e jardins – apostou em uma árvore diferente composta por folhas mortas, e saiu bem na foto.

É o humor aliado à criatividade de forma simples, direta e irônica para desejar a todos um Feliz Natal.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Stihl: Leaf

Stihl: Leaf

Advertising Agency: DDB New Zealand
Executive Creative Director: Toby Talbot
Art Director: Dave Brady
Copywriter: Joe Hawkins
Managing Partner: Scott Wallace
Via: bestadsontv

Stihl: Three Little Pigs

Stihl: Three Little Pigs

Stihl blower. The big bad blow.

Advertising Agency: DCS, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Creative Directors: Roberto Callage, Régis Montagna
Art Director: André Pauletti
Copywriter: Patrick Matzenbacher
Illustrator: Macacolândia
Published: March 2008

Stihl: Wall

Stihl: Wall

Stihl High Pressure Cleaners. Clean for real.

Advertising Agency: DCS, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Creative Directors: Roberto Callage, Régis Montagna
Art Directors: Gregory Kickow, Régis Montagna
Copywriter: Patrick Matzenbacher
Released: January 2008

Stihl: Coupon

Stihl: Coupon

Advertising Agency: Rethink Communications, Canada
Creative Directors: Chris Staples, Ian Grais
Art Director: David de Haas
Copywriter: Katie Ainsworth
Released: February 2008