The Future of Paid Content: Same As It Ever Was?

Eight years ago, I had an opportunity to speak to a group of marketing pros in Boston about the future of paid content. I was invited to speak by my friend and former colleague, Sloane Kelley, one of the founders of Geekend, an annual gathering now in its 11th year. I had an audio recording […]

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Need to Convince People? Stop Talking and Reach Consensus

When you work in a creative field, you traffic in ideas. For a creative person in advertising, ideas are currency and like cash, fluid and hard to capture. Ideas are also something that people in advertising fight for, steal, glorify, and covet. The thing to know about ideas is they do not accrue value when […]

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Speak With Impact Lets You Shine In a Communicator’s World

What often separates the most successful ad people from others? The ability to effectively speak and communicate. We all can have great ideas and vision, but without the ability to sell them, those ideas won’t get anywhere. And public speaking is of the areas ad agencies often don’t train employees or work to nurture their […]

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The Compelling Communicator Shows You How To Design Effective Presentations

If you work in advertising, there’s simply no avoiding the PowerPoint deck. Sometimes it’s needed to present concepts or creative work, other times it’s a major player in a subject matter presentation. We’ve all seen the good, bad, and ugly of presentations. In his book, , author Tim Pollard starts from scratch and lays out […]

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How to Shoot and Upload Videos for PowerPoint Presentations

If you’re looking for a way to improve stale PowerPoint presentations and make a memorable impression, using video in your slides is a great solution. But the technicalities of shooting a video and transferring it into PowerPoint put many people off, and the cost of hiring a film crew, actors, and a post-production studio to […]

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5 Ways Your Business Can Benefit From Webinars

When you’re looking to improve your business, technology has a lot to offer. Among the ways you can use technology to improve your business is through webinars. Webinars are gaining in popularity for a variety of reasons. It is not a huge commitment to ask for and people are a lot more willing to watch a webinar rather than a seminar. Best of all, they can enjoy the webinar while sitting at home. Your business will reap the rewards and you will make more money as a result.

Use Webinars for Lead Generation

When you’re looking to make sales, you need to bring in attention from people who will purchase what you’re selling. The webinar is a great way to get the attention you need, webinaraccording to Yahoo Small Business. The Blue Jeans Network and companies like it make it possible for you to speak with everyone thinking about doing business with you and giving them everything they need to contact you directly. This is a lot more effective than a regular seminar, because in general, people will not show up to a seminar unless they already know and trust the people involved. You can use social media and other tools to promote your webinar, and you’ll bring in a lot of attention from interested parties.

Announce Product Launches through Webinars

While you’re using a webinar, this is a perfect time to talk about the new products. You not only get to show the world the product, but you can show off everything about it. According to She Owns It, this is a great way to build brand awareness and interest in your products. People can get more of a feeling for what your products are and what they do for them, which leads to higher overall sales for your company. Remember to utilize the platform correctly by not just showing the product by holding it, but by displaying the product on the screens of the people who are watching the webinar.

Demonstrate your Authority

Webinars are a perfect platform to demonstrate your authority in your industry. Remember, everyone wants to purchase products and services from companies they can trust. But many webinars demonstrate a company’s knowledge about the industry and how its products affect the lives of the people who use them. Using a webinar through something like the Blue Jeans Networkallows you to talk about the importance of everything surrounding your industry. This shows everyone thinking about buying from you that your business is serious about the products that you produce as well as the ways in which they help the lives of the people who buy them. This builds trust which will lead to better overall sales, according to Mind Flash.

Connect with Your Clients and Potential Clients

The beautiful part about using a webinar for your company is the fact that it is a much more intimate way to get involved with your clients. They see you on the screen of their computer and feel closer to you than they would if they were to see you on a stage. According to Business News Daily, you should embrace the fact people are welcoming you into their lives and in many cases, into their homes. Make sure to speak directly to the individual rather than speaking to a crowd of people. If you can make everyone feel as if you’re connecting directly with them, they’ll be more likely to do future business with you.

Reach Even More People

According to Entrepreneur, you should hone your story-telling skills to get the most out of your webinar. If you’re able to tell a story rather than hawk a product, people are more prone to listen to what you have to say and be willing to take action once the webinar is over. Your story should be one that inspires people to trust your products and your brand, so you can get them to take action in buying what you’re selling. Try not to look at the number of the webinar as you’re conducting it. Instead, take a look after you’re done and see how your numbers may have improved from one webinar to another. As you give more webinars, you’ll nail down what gets people excited and what drives sales. This way, your business will receive even more benefits from giving a webinar.

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Some Light Holiday Reading: The Evolution Of Advertising

Check out this 472-slide presentation from HubSpot. It’s quite entertaining and comprehensive.

Have a great Independence Day Weekend.

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Pitching New Business

It’s almost trite to say that there is only one chance to make a good first impression, but it’s true. The day your team pitches that new account is usually the most important day in the relationship. Firms that deliver well-rehearsed pitches, display expert-level knowledge of the prospective client, and present fresh ideas with an aha moment stand the best chance of closing the deal.

Make Every Pitch Count

Make Every Pitch Count

Down With Pee Pee Tee

[via Social Hallucinations]