Putative Bitcoin Founder Categorically Denies It

Dorian Nakamoto appeared to be laying the groundwork for a lawsuit against Newsweek, saying its article had harmed him. He stopped short of saying he would sue.


Newsweek Returns to Print and Sets Off a Bitcoin Storm

The magazine’s story claiming to have uncovered the founder of the digital currency drew a wave of attention, much of it negative.


DealBook: Bitcoin’s Mysterious Creator Is Said to Be Identified

An article about a man in Southern California named Satoshi Nakamoto has prompted many enthusiasts to question whether the right person had been identified as the creator of the virtual currency Bitcoin.


Newsweek to Restart Printing Presses

IBT Media, a small digital publishing company that bought Newsweek for a pittance last summer, is poised to place the magazine on newsstands again this Friday.


Newsweek Plans Return to Print

Newsweek, which has been sold twice in the last three years, will to begin a 64-page weekly edition in January or February.


Tina Brown to Leave The Daily Beast and Publishing

The magazine editor said she would start a company to build up her Women in the World conferences.


The New Math of Media Deals

The sales of three giants of the old-media world — The Washington Post, The Boston Globe and Newsweek — in as many days suggest one kind of change, but their prices suggest another.


The Last Temptation of Tina Brown

After two and a half years of lost opportunity and revenue, Tina Brown reflected on the ill-fated merger of The Daily Beast and Newsweek.


Newsweek, Sold in 2010, Is Changing Hands Again

The weekly newsmagazine has suffered much of the same difficulties, as other print media as people moved to online news.


Newsweek Is Put Up for Sale

An internal memo widely circulated on the Internet disclosed plans to sell the magazine and focus on The Daily Beast.


Newsweek lança sua última edição impressa

Em quase 80 anos de história, a revista semanal Newsweek já teve todo tipo de manchetes estampando sua capa. Em setembro, o BuzzFeed publicou uma seleção de 61 capas que explicaram o mundo nestas oito décadas, que ia desde a cobertura de guerras, os assassinatos do presidente John Kennedy, seu irmão Bob Kennedy, Martin Luther King e John Lennon, a beatlemania, drogas, Watergate, discoteca, os escândalos envolvendo Bill Clinton, o 11 de setembro, as guerras do Afeganistão e Iraque, a caçada a Osama bin Laden e a revolução tecnológica, com livros tornando-se digitais e o Google conquistando o mundo. Hoje, em sua última edição impressa, a manchete não poderia ser mais simples e complexa ao mesmo tempo: #LastPrintIssue.

A partir de 2013, a revista contará apenas com a versão digital, a Newsweek Global. A novidade já havia sido anunciada no final de setembro, e resultou da redução drástica de anunciantes na versão impressa. Agora, a revista digital mira no público já integrado com a realidade digital, que quer se informar sobre as notícias do mundo em um contexto mais sofisticado.

Para muitos, pode ser o final de uma era. Para outros, é apenas o começo. Newsweek-Final-Cover

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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