Fubiz Broadcast #46

Une deuxième partie et un nouveau mix par l’artiste Yuksek en exclusivité pour le 46ème numéro du Fubiz Broadcast. Une sélection électro de près de 30 minutes. Toujours disponible en streaming et téléchargement dans la suite.

Fubiz Broadcast 46

Playlist FB46A emporter ici

  • Adam Kesher – Local Girl (The Shoes remix)
  • Bot’ox – Rue de l’arsenal (Re-edit)
  • Yuksek – A certain Life
  • The Virgins – The good one (The shoes remix)
  • Ghostface Killah – Charly Brown (Yuksek remix)
  • The Krays feat. Ebony bones – We’re ready when you are
  • Yuksek – I like to Play
  • Yuksek – Dat’s Right
  • Metronomy – Heartbreaker (Discodeine remix)

Sélectionné par Yuksek. Durée Totale : 26:38
Abonnez-vous au podcast avec le flux rss Fubiz Broadcast.

Bonus / Précédent mix : Fubiz Broadcast #42

Fubiz Broadcast #45

Enfin de retour pour le rendez-vous musical et déjà le 45ème numéro du Fubiz Broadcast. Une sélection variée et électro de plus de 35 minutes. Toujours disponible en streaming et téléchargement dans la suite.

Fubiz Broadcast 45

Playlist FB45A emporter ici

  • Birdy Nam Nam – The Parachute Ending
  • Alex Gopher – Aurora (Riot In Belgium & Knightlife Remix)
  • Soul Grabber – Motorcross Madness
  • Das Glow – I wanna wake up with you
  • The Outrunners – Runaways (Diese remix)
  • Kris Menace – Metropolis (Day version)
  • The Orange Lights – Life Is Still Beautiful (Alan Braxe Remix)
  • Lifelike – Sequencer
  • Frankfurt Express – Wake up

Sélectionné par Diese. Durée Totale : 38:19
Abonnez-vous au podcast avec le flux rss Fubiz Broadcast.

DJ Set : Apero Fubiz – Save the date 25 juin.

Tricks Of The Trade

There are plenty of ways average ads are improved, perhaps the best being cleverly chosen soundtracks to accompany TV spots. With tonnes of examples to choose from to display this advertising phenomenon, I thought I’d back up my argument with a couple of recent car spots that are doing the rounds at the moment.

The Alfa Romeo MiTO ads are decidedly okay, but the Daft Punk tune “Technologic” seriously fleshes it out:

Or how about the Mazda 2 spot that’s been accosting cinema goers? The Noisettes “Don’t Upset The Rhythm” is the only thing that makes this ad worth paying attention to. There’s certainly no idea here:

You’d be forgiven for choosing your new car (after the recession is over, of course) based on phat tunez rather than any actual benefits or features. Still, great accompanying tracks are a rather clever way of improving an otherwise mediocre ad and can do a good job of launching musicians’ careers.

Finally, here’s a Ford Fiesta ad with great visuals and a cracking song, called “Transient” by Pluxus. Enjoy:


Claire Connachan is an advertising copywriter based in Scotland.

Fubiz Broadcast #44

Nouvelle carte blanche musicale pour le 44ème numéro du Fubiz Broadcast avec la dernière parution du label d’EdBangers Records, l’artiste Krazy Baldhead. A l’occasion, le site Fubiz est partenaire de la soirée du club NME et offre 10×2 places dans la suite.

Fubiz Broadcast 44

Playlist FB44 A emporter ici

  • Cannonball Adderley – Inside Straight
  • A Tribe Called Quest – Oh My God
  • Midfield General – Ricky 39
  • Krazy Baldhead – Applejuice
  • Prefuse 73 – Desks.Pencils.Bottles
  • Agoria – Baboul Hair Cuttin
  • Prince – Darling Nikki
  • Space Raiders – Fly New Pumps
  • Martinez – Shadowboxer (Trentemoller remix)
  • Jimi Hendrix – Little Miss Lover
  • DJ Mehdi – Leave it Alone vs A Tribe Called Quest – What?

Sélectionné par Krazy Baldhead. Durée Totale : 35:00
Abonnez-vous au podcast avec le flux rss Fubiz Broadcast.


Pour gagner vos places pour la soirée NME du 15 mai prochain, il suffit d’être membre du site et d’en faire la demande dans les commentaires. Les 10 premiers gagneront leur lot de places pour la soirée à L’Elysée Montmartre.

Fubiz Broadcast #43

Un nouvel invité pour le 43ème numéro du Fubiz Broadcast avec la présence du groupe français de musique éléctronique The Penelopes. Disponible en ligne, en streaming ou encore en téléchargement dans la suite.

Fubiz Broadcast 43

Playlist FB43 A emporter ici

  • Humphrey Bogart – Casablanca
  • A Certain Ratio – Lucinda
  • Cut Copy – Nobody lost, Nobody found
  • Sun Sun – Give it to me (The Penelopes remix)
  • Empire of The Sun – We are the people
  • The Penelopes and Morpheus – Licked by Love
  • Heartsrevolution – Ultraviolence (Vitalic remix)
  • M83 – Couleurs
  • Shortwave Set – Now til’ 69 (Aeroplane remix)
  • Shortwave Set – Now til’ 69 (Original version )
  • Stereolab – Cybele Reverie
  • Air France – June evenings

Sélectionné par The Penelopes. Durée Totale : 43:51
Abonnez-vous au podcast avec le flux rss Fubiz Broadcast.

Précèdents invités sur Fubiz :

Yuksek / Justice / Benjamin Diamond / Digikid84 / Lifelike
Spitzer / Collectif Valérie / The Shoes / Digitalism

VH1 Storytellers: Kanye West

I had no idea what VH1 Storytellers was. Now I’m glad I do.

A very warm and heart-felt performance by an artist with just a handful of people as an audience.

I’m a big K. West fan, and his recent performance really blew me away. Love the orchestra. So just go here to see his performance, or if you got some extra time just drop by the full artists list.

You won’t regret it.

Shazam Peaks in Just Six Months

shazam_new_logoShazam to this day is an unfamiliar brand name but by carving 15 million users under its wing, wait for this leading mobile music discovery provider to really make some noise soon. Can you imagine getting that much users in just six months? That alone is an achievement!

Following its introduction seven years ago, Shazam’s success has been driven through its partnerships with many of the world’s leading carriers and handset manufacturers. In demonstration of this: Shazam, already deployed by 75 carriers across 60 countries, was recently voted as the Best App Ever for 20081 on the iPhone (downloadable from the Apple App Store), and was also one of the most popular applications on the day that the Android Market launched.

(Source) Press

Fubiz Broadcast #41

Retour des podcasts nouvelle version sur Fubiz. Des nouveaux visuels, et toujours la carte blanche de Diese chaque mois. Voici le 41ème numéro du Fubiz Broadcast, désormais disponible en ligne en streaming et téléchargement.

Fubiz Broadcast 41

Playlist FB41 A emporter ici

  • Diese – Bells
  • Les Rythmes Digitales – Sometimes
  • Lifelike – Waves
  • The Virgins – Rich girls (The Twelves remix)
  • New Order – Blue monday
  • The Presets – My people (Kris Menace remix)
  • Paul – Somewhere
  • Alan Parsons Project – Eye in the sky

Sélectionné par Diese. Durée Totale : 36:55
Abonnez-vous au podcast avec le flux rss Fubiz Broadcast.

Best Concert Visuals in 2008

An amazing collection with the best 10 concert visuals from 2008.

De lujo.

Michel Gondry’s favorite 25 music videos

Director extraordinaire Michel Gondry was interviewed by Entertainment Weekly and asked to point out his 25 all time favorite music videos.

Via: ReformRevolution.

Randomly heard on Tug’s iPod today.

Remeber this one? Jesus, listened to it three times back to back. Didn’t even remember it was on my iPod. Thanks Shuffle Feature!

And being alone is the best way to be.
When I’m by myself it’s the best way to be.
When I’m all alone it’s the best way to be.
When I’m by myself nobody else can say goodbye.

Diego Quintana x KDU x Slick Corea

Phil Chang (A.K.A. Slick Corea) is an excelent designer, music producer, apart from being a KDU creative consultant.

A while ago he asked some people to collaborate with his senior thesis project: A full length rap album alongside a graphics book with images related to each one of the songs.

Being a rap and design fan, I couldn’t let this chance slide.

Now Phil just released the album under the title of Children of Idiom along with the book, and they’re both kickass.

Inside the album you’ll find excelent excelent tracks (the beats are insane) alongside top-notch musicians; and in the book you’ll find the incredible works of people like Emeric Trahand, Adhemas Batista, Josh Vanover, Radim Malinic just to name a few.

Also, of course, there’s my modest collaboration to the project (second image above).

An absolute honor to be in such a fun project with exceptional artists, plus working with Phil was a joy by itself. Cool cat indeed.

Thanks a bunch to mr. Chang for making me a part of this kickass project, and much success on works to come.

Of course the invite is open for everyone to download the album, a the book, and the sweet little Extras pack on the website.

Macs and creativity on multiple levels

Tip o’ the hat to Wegerer.

Justice – DVNO


Incredible transitions and logos in this new kickass video by the geniuses of Justice. Animations by Machinemolle and designed by So Me.
Via: 30gms.

29 awesome music videos

The always asertive individuals over at SmashingMagazine have released a list with 29 awesome music videos.
The list overall is very well made and several videos are inspiring to say the least for their innovation and execution level.
My recomendation is to watch them all, it’s worth it. I’d love to leave a list of the ones I liked the most; but I kinda liked all of them.

We drank a toast to innocence. We drank a toast to now. And tried to look beyond the emptiness. But neither one knew how.


Dan Fogelberg died this weekend of prostate cancer. He was just 56 and was diagnosed only three years ago. Yikes. Yes I realize it was the 70s. Yes it rings a little cheesy. Yes he was saddled with the label of being one of these so-called “sensitive singer-songwriters.” But I’m telling you today, still to this very moment of my quite cynical life, I cannot hear “Leader of the Band” without shedding a tear.

Another old lang syne indeed.

Bling: A Planet Rock


Having rapped for well over 8 years, hip hop was and still is a pretty strong part of my life and I’ll probably never get over my taste for it, although regretably, hip hop is seen by many as only a world full of guns, luxury, women treated as sexual objects and an exponentially excesive macho-like attitude.
So in the rap game, if before it was gold, nowadays it’s all about diamonds. Those little carbon polygons practically move the world and it’s virtually impossible to find yourself a rapper without some bling-bling of their own.
However, we only seem to be seeing the prettier side of things. Polished chains, the rings, the grills, the pimp cups, etc. But… Where do the diamonds come from? What processes, what sacrifices are being made in other places so that we can all go blind from the jewels on the latest hot rapper on tv?.
That’s what Bling tries to tell us. A documentary narrating the journey of 5 world-claimed rappers to the place where most diamonds are being extracted: Sierra Leone.
Jadakiss, Tego Calderón, Paul Wall, Raekwon y Kanye West travel to the african country to realize that the price to be paid is even greater than the value of the diamonds.
A raw, real documentary that shows just how ironic things can be in the world some times.

Björk + Michel Gondry = Declare Independence


When two geniuses collide.
Via: ComputerLove.

Snoop Dogg – Sensual Seduction


For those of you who don’t know, Snoop Dogg is a rapper. A gangsta, bitch-slapping-cop-killing rapper.
But Snoop, on top of this, is an artist with an amazing trayectory that has already surpassed hip hop, and he’s had the vision to collaborate with artists of all kinds.
Now, for a change, he recently released a hottt video. There are many like this one, I know, but this must be one of few I’ve seen that is so well executed.
Check the small details, like when the image repeats itself as the echo fades. Classic!.
And while we’re at it. The song is pretty damn cool too.
He’ll be coming to Chile soon, so those of you who are going, let me know how it was.