Dispute Over Value-Added Tax on Movie Tickets in China Appears Near End

While working on a resolution, the China Film Group has held up payments to American studios for the distribution in China of blockbusters like “Skyfall.”


European Trade Ministers Debate Terms of U.S. Talks

A major sticking point — France’s demand to exclude films, TV shows and other audiovisual services from talks — could prompt the United States to require exclusions of its own.


France Resists U.S. Trade Talks Over TV and Film Concerns

In preparation for loosening trade barriers between Europe and the United States, France fears Netflix and other American companies are a threat to its entertainment industry.


Hollywood’s Box Office Heroes Proving Mortal in China

Hollywood blockbusters appeared poised last year to take over China’s box office, but something unexpected happened on the way to the bank: demand tapered off sharply.


Economic Scene: In a Copyright Ruling, the Legacy of the Betamax

A 1984 Supreme Court decision to permit home videotaping shaped the evolution of digital media. A ruling last week might have a similar effect.