Oil City, ‘a spy thriller for the post-Occupy era’


Oil City takes audiences into the underbelly of London’s oil economy, looking at UK finance for Canadian tar sands projects. By eavesdropping on business people and seeking out secret documents hidden in dead-drops, you will help piece together a puzzle that interweaves government files with financial deals continue

La Cosa Radiactiva / The Radioactive Thing


La Cosa Radiactiva is a “research on transparency and nuclear secrets. A performance to demystify radiation while building awareness of its risks. An imagination exercise to reflect on how it would be like to live with radiation and above all this, a call about the importance of citizens having their own tools to be able to verify public health data provided by governmental authorities.” continue

Greenbox House

Les équipes d’Act Romegialli Architects ont conçu cette «boîte verte», une magnifique rénovation d’un petit garage désaffecté appartenant à une résidence située sur les Alpes Raethian. Une superbe structure mêlant acier et végétation superbement envahissante à découvrir en images dans la suite.

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Art & the Oil giant, an interview with Liberate Tate


Today is the last day to witness the week-long performance from Liberate Tate at the Tate Modern gallery. Filming devices strapped on to their bodies, performers are reading aloud sections of the transcripts of the trial which started in February in New Orleans and sees BP stand accused of gross negligence over the Deepwater Horizon disaster, the largest accidental marine oil spill in the history of the petroleum industry continue

Reggie Watts Really Wants You to Stop Paying for Carbon Pollution

You're sitting down, doing your taxes, just trying not to hate the universe, when a pocket-picking smoke monster reaches into your jacket and steals all your cash. This is "The Price of Carbon," the latest clip from the Climate Reality Project, Al Gore's environmental advocacy group. Created with the help of D.C. communications shop Glover Park Group and Brooklyn production company m ss ng p eces, the clip uses charming—if a little arty—visuals to draw a line from oil and coal pollution to climate change to taxpayers' wallets via relief packages for the victims of natural disasters like Hurricane Sandy and last year's Midwest drought. The playful, minimalist aesthetic helps a fairly complex argument seem simple. The sing-song narration, delivered by comedian and musician Reggie Watts, also helps. So, you could do what the spot wants you to do and complain about the problem to your friends, or write a letter to Congress, or something. But if you take the crux of the video to heart—Earth is getting really pissed off at humans, the incredibly well-financed energy industry doesn't care, but c'mon, the government should try to make carbon barons pay for the damage anyway—then now might also be an appropriate time to throw on Watts's essential anthem, Fuck Shit Stack. Especially if you really are still doing your taxes.

Director: Dark Igloo
Executive Producer: m ss ng p eces
TV Weather Illustration: Ana Benaroya

Neo-Nature (or why we should "Let the Pandas Die")


Michail Vanis’s project suggests that our romantic ideas and ideals regarding nature – a nature that has to be preserved exactly as it is- are holding us back from finding new ways to interact with the world surrounding us. Vanis’ Neo-nature project invites us to reconsider our relationship to nature and adopt a more rational approach to ecological thinking and to conservation continue

Investigating the relationship between people and automated systems


Today i’m stuck in Turin, it’s been snowing all day long and i’m not complaining but i don’t feel like going out to see exhibitions. I’m thus going to point you to an online exhibition over at dARTboard, a digital art space that the Vilcek Foundation created to ‘celebrate the accomplishments of foreign-born artists living in the United States and working in the realm of digital art.’ This year’s featured artist is Marc Böhlen who’s showing two works that investigate the relationship between people and automated systems continue

#A.I.L / artists in laboratories, episode 17: Lisa Ma


I’ve interviewed Lisa about her farmification project for the blog last year but this time, we’ll be hearing about the fate of the joystick factory workers one year on (clue: it doesn’t involve many game controllers), obsolete technologies and eating pigeon wings as a contraceptive measure continue

Interview with Benjamin Gaulon aka RECYCLISM


Often both playful and critical, Benjamin Gaulon’s projects involve printing messages on walls using a PaintBall Gun, collecting video streams from wireless surveillance cameras, turning your videos into animated GIFs, developing radio controlled cars that physically react to messages sent on Twitter, giving an architectural dimension to the 1970s game PONG, circuit-bending, hacking, deconstructing and re-purposing “obsolete” electronic devices continue

Frieze part 3: The Angry Farmers Milk Bar


Where i eat soup containing vegetable “grown on Ruskin’s grave”, meet Welsh farmers worried about the inadequate prices paid to them by supermarkets for their milk and finally find some ‘socially-conscious’ satisfaction at the art fair continue

Green Village Bali

Dans la continuité du Green School Bali, focus sur ce « Green Village » composé de 15 maisons, situé le long de la rivière Ayung à Bali. Imaginée par Donna Karan, l’ensemble du village est fortement basé sur les concepts de durabilité et de savoir-faire artisanal, car il est construit principalement avec du bambou.


Future evolutions of our food systems – Interview with After Agri


After Agri is a collaborative investigation between Michiko Nitta and Michael Burton. Their collaboration looks at the future evolutions of our food systems, asking What new cultural revolution will replace agriculture? How will our species and civilisation be transformed? continue

Yasusuke Ota: The Abandoned Animals of Fukushima


uring my short stay in Amsterdam, i enthusiastically entered the exhibition
Yasusuke Ota: The Abandoned Animals of Fukushima. What had i imagined that i’d see? Birds flying over beautiful urban ruins? Pets sauntering gaily on car roofs and pigs fooling around empty supermarkets? I couldn’t have been more mistaken continue

Five Thousand Generations of Birds


Five Thousand Generations of Birds was an exhibition located in the archipelago of Fitjar, on the West coast of Norway, – a landscape consisting of 381 islands, isles and reefs.

Curators Silje Linge Haaland and Andrea Bakketun assigned an island to each participating artist with the mission to produce a temporary and site specific work continue

“Kill the DJ”, o novo single do Green Day

De volta com força total, o Green Day anunciou recentemente o lançamento de 3 – três! – discos até o começo do ano que vem.

A trilogia Uno, Dos, Tré! começa em 24 de setembro, quando sai o primeiro álbum. O segundo está previsto para 12 de novembro e o terceiro para 13 de janeiro de 2013. Um material grandioso para fã nenhum botar defeito.

Junto com os três discos novos, a banda lança também 2 documentários. O primeiro é praticamente um making-of dos álbuns, e o segundo resgata arquivos da banda em sua fase inicial até o final do anonimato com o sucesso arrebatador de Dookie.

O primeiro (e violento) vídeo dos novos lançamentos – Kill the DJ – já foi divulgado, e você confere aqui.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Green School Bali

John et Cynthia Hardy ont pensé et mis en place une Green School, une communauté à Bali proposant un système éducatif alternatif. Prévu pour plus de 300 enfants, l’ensemble de la structure et du design a été réalisé par PT Bamboo Pure. Plus d’images de ce projet très inspirant à découvrir dans la suite.

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Green Pedestrian Crossing

Voici une superbe idée de campagne proposée par DDB China pour la China Environmental Protection Foundation. Pour accompagner leur message de protection de l’environnement, les passants se servent de leur pieds comme tampons pour rendre à un arbre sa verdure. Un excellent concept à découvrir en vidéo.

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Greenpeace – Homeless Polar Bear

Voici la dernière campagne proposée par Greenpeace pour la sauvegarde de la planète. En simulant la présence d’un ours polaire à la recherche de sa banquise en plein Londres, la vidéo parvient à prendre conscience des enjeux environnementaux. Le tout sur la musique de Radiohead et la voix de Jude Law.

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The Cold Coast Archive: Future Artifacts from the Svalbard Global Seed Vault


The Cold Coast Archive project investigates and explores human beings’ efforts to preserve civilization and defy the inevitability of its demise. We look at the vault as a whole: its practical, political, historical and symbolic structure, its arctic location, as well as its infrastructure and cultural nuances, with all the research concentrated at this site, as a backdrop to explore the human relationship to time between now and eternity continue

Luzinterruptus Installation

Le collectif madrilène Luzinterruptus est très engagé dans les enjeux écologiques. Notamment envers celui de la pollution lumineuse, qui nous empêche de voir les étoiles dans le ciel la nuit. Ils ont voulu exprimer cela en imaginant de l’herbe lumineuse en pleine ville.















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