“G” Thing vs. EA Sports: Integrated Branding


nba finalsI couldn’t help but to express my utter annoyance of brands that put all their hard earned money into sponsorship options without that sponsorship/product placement being truly relavent. 

Key example: Watching the NBA Finals you have Gatorade’s “G-thing” plastered all over the bottom of the screen and courtside. I wonder, how much did they pay for that lil’ splish splash?

What was there? Oh, just the logo no deeper relavance to the finals than that. Yeah, yeah, I know your saying well Gatorade’s a “sports” drink and it’s a “sports” playoff, it should be there. I totally agree but that’s Marketing 101, it’s time for brands to go deeper. 

Like EA Sports for instance is present during these same finals but they integrated their brand in a smooth, non-”G”akward way. The commentator was placed virtually onto a court while a computer EA Sports generated Kobe Bryant was playing against commentator as he shows how to play defense against Kobe , gives pointers, things to watch for, etc–all in this virtual world–NOW THAT’S WHAT I’M TALKIN’ BOUT!!! Woohooo imagine that, complete relevance, showing the brand goods, and not pandering to me–it’s no dream world, that’s real branding baby! 

This is the way to integrate brands beyond the mind numbing (in frankenstein voice) “we will repeat…repeat…repeat…repeat…and you will buy…buy…buy !”


Jinean Robinson is a CCIO (Chief Creative Infections Officer) who has been in the communications industry for over 8 years, specializing in creative strategy and implementation, 360 branding communications, and brand development. Join her at http://twitter.com/germllc or her firm’s website at http://germonline.com/

Wave 2009 | Gatorade: “Doctor”, “Music Teacher” e “Analyst”

Criada pela BBDO Argentina, a campanha de Gatorade que mostra profissionais fazendo algo completamente diferente do que falam quando estão jogando futebol, levou Grand Prix na categoria Film do Wave Festival 2009.

Eu não conhecia esses filmes, que foram veiculados na Argentina em agosto do ano passado. Um humor que deixa uma sensação de déjà vu, mas ainda assim é uma campanha engraçada.

São três peças, assista uma abaixo e as outras duas depois do jump.

| Doctor

| Music Teacher

| Analyst

Brainstorm #9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
Twitter | Contato | Anuncie

Gatorade | Poem

Na noite de ontem, durante a final do basquete universitário americano (NCAA), a Gatorade veiculou um comercial especialmente criado para a ocasião, como uma mensagem para os jovens atletas, e dirigido por ninguém menos que Spike Lee.

Relembrando grandes jogadores do esporte, como Michael Jordan, Dwyane Wade, Candace Parker, Kevin Durant, entre outros, o lendário técnico John Wooden narra “A Little Fellow Follows Me”, um clássico poema norte-americano de autor desconhecido.

A criação é da TBWA\Chiat\Day, e a produção é da Pony Show Entertainment. Um belo filme, mas como eu disse anteriormente, é a Gatorade cada vez mais próxima da filosofia Nike de encarar o esporte.

A careful man I must always be, a little fellow follows me,
I know I dare not go astray, for fear he’ll go the self same way
I cannot once escape his eyes
Whate’er he sees me do, he tries
Like me he says he’s going to be
This little chap who follows me
He thinks that I am good and fine
Believes in every word of mine
The base in me he must not see
This little chap who follows me
I must be careful as I go
Through summer’s sun and winter’s snow
Because I am building for the years to be
This little chap who follows me.

Gatorade National Boys Basketball Player Named

Brandon KnightBeing honored as the best of the best in any sport is a distinction that anyone would surely cherish. And in this case, the Gatorade Company, in partnership with ESPN RISE, today announced junior point guard Brandon Knight of Pine Crest School as its 2008-09 Gatorade National Boys Basketball Player of the Year. Knight is the first student-athlete from the state of Florida to win Gatorade National Boys Basketball Player of the Year honors.

The award, which recognizes not only outstanding athletic excellence, but also high standards of academic achievement and exemplary character demonstrated on and off the court, distinguishes Knight as the nation’s best high school boys basketball player. A national advisory board comprised of sportswriters and sport-specific experts from around the country helped select Knight from more than 552,000 high school boys basketball players nationwide.

Knight is now a finalist for the prestigious Gatorade Male High School Athlete of the Year Award, to be presented at a special afternoon ceremony prior to The ESPY Awards in July.

Brian Yalung is the editor for Beneath the Brand and Beyond Madison Avenue. He is also the owner of several other premium blog sites like Eco-Friendly Tips . Stick around for unique and sensible posts coming your way.

(Source) Press

Gatorade G2 | Everyday Athlete

A PepsiCo parece cada vez mais querer dar uma aura de Nike para o seu Gatorade. Superação no esporte e na vida, garra, performance, pessoas “comuns” que podem ser atletas, atletas que também são pessoas “comuns” e aquilo tudo o que você já conhece.

A nova campanha de Gatorade quer celebrar justamente o atleta de todo dia, misturando esporte com crise econômica. Além de anúncios impressos, o comercial mostra dois Kevin’s, um lutando dentro das quadras e outro que encontrou na atividade física uma maneira de fugir dos problemas.


Kevin Garnett, jogador do Boston Celtics, e Kevin Crowe, que perdeu o emprego duas vezes em menos de um ano, contam sobre os desafios que enfrentam no esporte e no dia-a-dia.

Outros dois filmes da campanha irão ao ar ainda em março, estrelados por Eli Manningm jogador da NFL, e Eli Cotton, um atleta que precisa enfrentar a asma para praticar esporte, e outro pela tenista Serena Williams e Serena Cuevas, uma dançarina que voltou a treinar depois de sofrer um acidente de carro.

Gatorade | The Quest For G

Agora sim a nova campanha de Gatorade começa a ficar realmente interessante. A marca colocou no ar uma série online, dividida em 5 episódios, chamada “Quest For G”.

Dirigida por Tarsem Singh, de “A Cela”, a websérie faz uma paródia do clássico do Monty Python, “Em Busca do Cálice Sagrado”, e mostra os Knights Of G cruzando os lugares mais inóspitos na procura do Holy G.

Quest G Gatorade

Os cavaleiros são interpretados por diversas celebridades do esporte, como Usain Bolt, Kevin Garnett, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Jimmy Johnson, Misty May Treanor, Kerri Walsh, Derek Jeter e Alicia Sacramone.

A criação é da TBWA\Chiat\Day de Los Angeles, com produção da @Radical Media e The Mill. A trilha sonora é uma versão remixada pelo RZA da original, do filme do Monty Python.

Assista abaixo o primeiro episódio, “Enchanter”, e se gostar pode ver todos os outros no site MissionG.com.

Gatorade Redesign

O Gatorade, popular bebida isotônica da PepsiCo, apresentou nos Estados Unidos suas novas embalagens e campanha, criadas pela TBWA/Chiat/Day.

A iniciativa é estrelada por diversas celebridades do esporte, como Muhammad Ali, Serena Williams, Dwayne Wade, Derek Jeter, entre outros. Além do filme que você pode assistir abaixo, foram lançados outros três (1, 2 e 3)

A campanha não tem demais, mas a mudança das embalagens ficou bem interessante, mais limpa e moderna do que as antigas.

Gatorade G

Gatorade G

Gatorade Changing Faces

New Gatorade LabelWho is not familiar with Gatorade? A popular sports drink, it was brought to fame by sports greats like Michael Jordan during his prime. But ever since, a lot of other players have cropped up. Among the names that gave Gatorade a run for its money included products carrying the name Activade, Accelerade and 100 Plus.

There are a lot of known tags that made Gatorade famous. Among them included being a drink with isotonic, hypertonic and electrolytes. But while many people feel that these are terms used to entice people to drink them especially for people who sweat it out.

This time however, it looks like Gatorade is applying a new approach, changing its labeling and packaging. Is this called for and needed? Compared to the old design, one may think that the company is saving on design and labeling costs.

New iterations of Gatorade Thirst Quencher, the flagship Gatorade brand, will sport a large letter G next to the brand’s iconic bolt. “For Gatorade, G represents the heart, hustle and soul of athleticism and will become a badge of pride for anyone who sweats.

(Source) Adweek

Gatorade Kids: Boxing

Gatorade Kids: Boxing

Advertising Agency: ALMAPBBDO, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Executive Creative Director: Marcello Serpa
Creative Directors: Luiz Sanches, Dulcidio Caldeira
Copywriter: Gustavo Sarkis
Art Director: Renato Fernandez
Account Supervisor: Ricardo Taunay
Advertiser’s Supervisor: Guillermo Roman

Gatorade Kids: Basketball

Gatorade Kids: Basketball

Advertising Agency: ALMAPBBDO, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Executive Creative Director: Marcello Serpa
Creative Directors: Luiz Sanches, Dulcidio Caldeira
Copywriter: Gustavo Sarkis
Art Director: Renato Fernandez
Account Supervisor: Ricardo Taunay
Advertiser’s Supervisor: Guillermo Roman

Gatorade Kids: Soccer

Gatorade Kids: Soccer

Advertising Agency: ALMAPBBDO, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Executive Creative Director: Marcello Serpa
Creative Directors: Luiz Sanches, Dulcidio Caldeira
Copywriter: Gustavo Sarkis
Art Director: Renato Fernandez
Account Supervisor: Ricardo Taunay
Advertiser’s Supervisor: Guillermo Roman

Gatorade: Weightlifting

Gatorade: Weightlifting

It’s in you.

Advertising Agency: BBDO Guatemala
Creative Directors: Victor Garcia, Carlos Lara
Art Director / Illustrator: Jorge Pineda
Copywriter: Carlos Lara
Photographer: Raul Pineda
Published: May 2007

Gatorade: Run

Gatorade: Run

It’s in you.

Advertising Agency: BBDO Guatemala
Creative Directors: Victor Garcia, Carlos Lara
Art Director / Illustrator: Jorge Pineda
Copywriter: Carlos Lara
Photographer: Raul Pineda
Published: May 2007

Gatorade: Bike

Gatorade: Bike

It’s in you.

Advertising Agency: BBDO Guatemala
Creative Directors: Victor Garcia, Carlos Lara
Art Director / Illustrator: Jorge Pineda
Copywriter: Carlos Lara
Photographer: Raul Pineda
Published: May 2007