Bosch: Calendar

Bosch: Calendar

To get selected dealers and distributors excited about the new, special high-performance, battery-operated Bosch Rotak 43 LI lawn mower – with the help of an exceptional calendar.

Every page in the calendar is cut in a special way to initially create the individual impression of a wild and untended lawn. The recipient becomes part of the action and tears off a calendar page every day. By doing this, he is actually continuing to ‘mow’ day by day and so, bit by bit, he has a perfectly cut lawn in front of him at the end of the year. It’s an authentic and unique mowing experience, because the width of the calendar corresponds exactly to the width of the lawn mower.

Thanks to its surprising idea, the calendar quickly became a coveted collector’s item. Since its publication in the middle of December 2007, the battery-operated Bosch lawn mower has been a topic of conversation within the national German dealer network.

Advertising Agency: Jung von Matt, Hamburg, Germany
Executive Creative Directors: Wolf Heumann, Dirk Haeusermann, Timm Hanebeck, Sascha Hanke
Art Directors: Andy Tran, Hendrik Schweder
Graphic Design: Nadya Innamorato
Agency Producer: Philipp Wenhold
Account Supervisors: Isabell Poschadel, Inga Gerckens, Jochen Schwarz

Scottex: Strength

Scottex: Strength

Communicate the strength of Scottex kitchen paper towels to restaurant owners.

We created a mailing made from real Scottex kitchen paper towels. These mailings were posted ‘as is’, without an envelope, and sent to restaurants all over Belgium. After a successful series within Belgium (see result) we decided to take things a step further… literally. So we used our agency in New York and a befriended agency in Tokyo. The agencies then sent out a new series of mailings to Belgian restaurants.

A big hand for the Belgian and world’s postal services! All the mailings we first sent out to test the concept in Belgium arrived without any damage. Same went for almost all the mailings we sent in the second round (from NY, Tokyo and Ushuaia). We called all the restaurants to check if and how the mailing was received. 98% of all the mailings reached the restaurants in a perfect state and was considered super original and convincing. Even the series posted from Ushuaia, the world’s most southern city, made it all the way to Belgium.

Advertising Agency: Duval Guillaume, Antwerp, Belgium
Creative Directors: Geoffrey Hantson, Dirk Domen
Art Directors: Carsten Van Berkel, Stefan Leendertse
Account Directors: Patrick Clymans, Philippe De Cleen

Amnesty International: Swimming

Amnesty International: Swimming

After the Olympic Games, the fight for human rights must go on.

Advertising Agency: TBWA\Paris, France
Executive Creative Director / Creative Director: Erik Vervroegen
Copywriter: Benoit Leroux
Art Director: Philippe Taroux
Photographer: Marc Gouby
Art Buyer: Barbara Chevalier
Account Supervisors: Anne Vincent, Tiphaine Ruault du Plessis

Amnesty International: Weight lifting

Amnesty International: Weight lifting

After the Olympic Games, the fight for human rights must go on.

Advertising Agency: TBWA\Paris, France
Executive Creative Director / Creative Director: Erik Vervroegen
Copywriter: Benoit Leroux
Art Director: Philippe Taroux
Photographer: Marc Gouby
Art Buyer: Barbara Chevalier
Account Supervisors: Anne Vincent, Tiphaine Ruault du Plessis

Amnesty International: Archery

Amnesty International: Archery

After the Olympic Games, the fight for human rights must go on.

Advertising Agency: TBWA\Paris, France
Executive Creative Director / Creative Director: Erik Vervroegen
Copywriter: Benoit Leroux
Art Director: Philippe Taroux
Photographer: Marc Gouby
Art Buyer: Barbara Chevalier
Account Supervisors: Anne Vincent, Tiphaine Ruault du Plessis

The Prostate Cancer Research Foundation: Give a Few Bob

The Prostate Cancer Research Foundation: Give a Few Bob

Men do not appreciate how common prostate cancer is and that it’s killing one man every hour in the UK. Even worse, research clearly showed that men were reluctant to talk about their health or confront serious medical issues. Our core objectives were as follows: 1. To raise awareness of Prostate Cancer in the UK. 2. To de-stigmatise the disease and hopefully raise money for research. 3. To achieve the maximum effect with the minimum budget possible. 4. To raise the profile of the charity to generate wider interest. 5. To build the donor database for future fundraising.

We created a 40″ film which showed the late comedian Bob Monkhouse talking about losing his battle with prostate cancer, in his own inimitable style. This was launched through a PR campaign, generating unprecedented levels of national coverage appearing in national media continuously for a week. In addition, an extensive integrated campaign was developed, negotiating partnerships with national press, outdoor media and cinema to reach as many people as possible with our core campaign message. A retail partnership with WH Smith meant that badges were sold in every store in the UK. The campaign was supported virally and online. In addition, DM targeted high value potential donors.

We created over £3million worth of media value with a budget of less than £50,000. An estimated 83% of the UK population has seen the campaign an average of 4 times. The PCRF annual income from June 2007 is forecast to show an increase of 70% year on year. Traffic to the website increased by 500%. There has been a 228% increase in the charity’s donor base including a rise in the number of regularly monthly donors by 580%. Mark Emberton MD, the Charity’s medical advisor, commented: “I have seen a marked increase in patients being tested and diagnosed with the disease as a consequence of having seen the Bob Campaign”.

Advertising Agency: The Communications Agency, London, UK
Chief Executive: Robert Prevezer
Head Of Art And Design: Shaun Patchett
Creative Director / Copywriter: Alan Curson
Senior Account Director: Caroline Jenkins
Account Manager: Rachel Patman
Executive Producer: Laura Gould, Red Bee Media
Production Manager: Bridie Harrison, Red Bee Media
Bookings Co-Ordinator: Gemma Pasierb, Grand Central Studios
Managing Director: Tricia Moon, Resonate
Partner: Anthony Clifton, Greg Turzynski, Experience Communications
Film Director: Steve Cope, Red Bee Media

Spanish Association of Gynecology and Obstetrics: The Monument

Spanish Association of Gynecology and Obstetrics: The Monument

Cervical cancer kills two women everyday in Spain (over 700 per year). It’s the most common cancer after breast cancer and almost no one is aware of this. Three months ago, a vaccine was created that can prevent it. This is the first vaccine to prevent cancer and six scientific associations lead by SEGO (Spanish Association of Gynecology and Obstetrics) began an awareness and prevention campaign with the following objectives: – Raise awareness of the seriousness of the illness. – Publicize the existence of the vaccines and promote preventative practices.

These vaccines will prevent the deaths of thousands of women. The idea should allow the campaign to transcend in time and LASTS FOREVER so that our daughters and our daughters’ daughters can always remember that we were able to beat cervical cancer. A groundbreaking way to honor an important moment in history making this news more viral than the virus itself: Raise an actual monument in a public park and inscribe the names of the first 25,000 people who helped to virally spread the news using the Internet, Online Buzz, Mailings, Ambient Marketing, TV, Print, etc.

Many more women are getting vaccinated. According to IMS (Pharmaceutical sector source –, following the campaign, the demand for vaccines preventing cervical cancer increased by 556%. 470,605 women reached by viral email (9 times the objective!) Post-Test Nielsen (Available to jury): 60% remember the campaign 47% of those who remember the campaign intend on getting the vaccine (35% more than those who don’t remember). 67% of mothers say they’ll take their daughters in to get the vaccine after the campaign.

Advertising Agency: Shackleton, Madrid, Spain
Account Supervisors: Laura Fuentes, Arancha Cebrián, Marta Peloche
Account Executives: Joseba Irurzun, Veronica Acosta
Creative Supervisors: Fede Arce, Oscar Moreno
Art Directors: Celia Martínez, Sergio Gil
Online Art Directors: Rubén Martínez, Jaume Leis, Jordi Ramón
Online Copywriter: Nerea Cierco
Online Programers: Daniel Rocasalbas, Ícaro Obregón
Graphic Production Manager: Itxaro Vicuña
Production Assistant: Alfredo Llópiz
Audiovisual Production Manager: Manuela Zamora
Corporate Development Manager: Alex Baixas
Producer: Pablo García Acón
Avid Editors: Paula Cuadrado, Jordi Canela
General Manager Of Shackleton Events: Lucía Angulo
Creative Directors: Pablo González De La Peña, Alvaro Gonzalez
Head Of Press: Elvis Santos
Press Asistant: Lara Garcia
General Creative Director: Juan Nonzioli
Executive Creative Director: Alfonso Marián
Online Executive Creative Director: Enric Nel-Lo
Copywriters: Juan Nonzioli, Carmen Pacheco
Account Managers: Sol Rengifo, Luz González

CityMail: Letter slot

CityMail: Letter slot

CityMail is a new postal service in Denmark. By their 6th month on the Danish market, the company needed an event to show its flexibility and ability to mail anything as long as it fits through a letter slot. The target audience was 786 people in charge of direct mail and mass consignment budgets in CityMail’s delivery area. The purpose was to build brand awareness and get new CityMail clients. The brief also encouraged unusual thinking in order to achieve media attention.

We rented a shop in Copenhagen and mailed a Swedish log hut to the address using CityMail’s own letter carriers. A craftsman located inside the shop received beams, screws, paint and roof grass through the letter slot while building the hut. The building process was followed via webcam at CityMail’s website. When built, we planned a reception party. 3 weeks before, we mailed “teaser” saws to the target audience. One week later we followed-up the mailing with invitations for the reception. One end of the beam was a response coupon that you needed the teaser-saw for to saw off the coupon.

During the campaign we had 970 unique visitors on the events website to see the building process movie, even though we only direct mailed the web address to 786 special chosen decision makers. The campaign increased CityMail’s sales meetings and actual sales way beyond management’s expectations. And best off all positioned CityMail as a serious and more flexible postal alternative for Denmark. Magnus Olin (Marketing Executive) and Jarle Trandokken (CEO) officially went public with a statement saying “We are without doubt working with the best agency in Denmark”

Advertising Agency: HJALTELIN, STAHL & CO., Copenhagen, Denmark
Creative Director / Copywriter: Nicolai Stahl
Art Directors: Signe Skovgård Bahrt, Rune Petersen, Thorkild Bjerre Larsen, Mette Forum
Account Manager: Steffen Hjaltelin
Interactive Art Director: Martin Mohr
Developer: Kasper Bach
Director: Christian Bach, Capsize
Post-Production: Adam Hald, Capsize
Direct Strategy: Jens Peter Jensen

Coca-Cola / Burn: Invitation

Coca-Cola / Burn: Invitation

Advertising Agency: Caldas Naya, Spain
Photographers: Mike Diver & Pedro Aguilar, London
Post production: Diver & Aguilar
Creative Director: Dave Buonaguidi
Art Director: Georgina Hoffmann

Coca-Cola / Burn: Party

Coca-Cola / Burn: Party

Advertising Agency: Caldas Naya, Spain
Photographers: Mike Diver & Pedro Aguilar, London
Post production: Diver & Aguilar
Creative Director: Dave Buonaguidi
Art Director: Georgina Hoffmann

Coca-Cola / Burn: Dance

Coca-Cola / Burn: Dance

Advertising Agency: Caldas Naya, Spain
Photographers: Mike Diver & Pedro Aguilar, London
Post production: Diver & Aguilar
Creative Director: Dave Buonaguidi
Art Director: Georgina Hoffmann

Coca-Cola / Burn: Seduction

Coca-Cola / Burn: Seduction

Advertising Agency: Caldas Naya, Spain
Photographers: Mike Diver & Pedro Aguilar, London
Post production: Diver & Aguilar
Creative Director: Dave Buonaguidi
Art Director: Georgina Hoffmann

VetXX: Dust mite

VetXX: Dust mite

Don’t let dust mite take control of your dog’s life.

Advertising Agency: Comm’pas, The Netherlands
Art Director: Jeroen Manders
Copywriter: Levi Sars
Illustrator: Ezra Szigetti
Photographer: Studio Peek
Published: June 2008

Incity: Real life, 3

Incity: Real life, 3

Real life at Incity is about to begin.

Incity is a real estate and construction firm. The Incity site project is now completed.

Advertising Agency: Ogilvy & Mather, Istanbul, Turkey
Creative Director: Tibet Sanliman
Art Director: Burak Koprulu
Copywriter: Ozge Ceyranci Mutlu
Photographer: Ilkay Muratoglu
Published: November 2008

Incity: Real life, 2

Incity: Real life, 2

Real life at Incity is about to begin.

Incity is a real estate and construction firm. The Incity site project is now completed.

Advertising Agency: Ogilvy & Mather, Istanbul, Turkey
Creative Director: Tibet Sanliman
Art Director: Burak Koprulu
Copywriter: Ozge Ceyranci Mutlu
Photographer: Ilkay Muratoglu
Published: November 2008

Incity: Real life, 1

Incity: Real life, 1

Real life at Incity is about to begin.

Incity is a real estate and construction firm. The Incity site project is now completed.

Advertising Agency: Ogilvy & Mather, Istanbul, Turkey
Creative Director: Tibet Sanliman
Art Director: Burak Koprulu
Copywriter: Ozge Ceyranci Mutlu
Photographer: Ilkay Muratoglu
Published: November 2008

International Society for Human Rights: Copy, 3

International Society for Human Rights: Copy, 3

Unfortunately, China doesn’t copy everything.

Advertising Agency: Jung von Matt, Hamburg, Germany
Creative Directors: Thim Wagner, Daniel Frericks
Art Director: Jonas Keller
Published: 2008

International Society for Human Rights: Copy, 2

International Society for Human Rights: Copy, 2

Unfortunately, China doesn’t copy everything.

Advertising Agency: Jung von Matt, Hamburg, Germany
Creative Directors: Thim Wagner, Daniel Frericks
Art Director: Jonas Keller
Published: 2008

International Society for Human Rights: Copy, 1

International Society for Human Rights: Copy, 1

Unfortunately, China doesn’t copy everything.

Advertising Agency: Jung von Matt, Hamburg, Germany
Creative Directors: Thim Wagner, Daniel Frericks
Art Director: Jonas Keller
Published: 2008

AMAM, Association of Women Against Genital Mutilation: Razor

AMAM, Association of Women Against Genital Mutilation: Razor

Every year two million girls worldwide are unable to avoid genital mutilation.

Advertising Agency: Contrapunto BBDO, Barcelona, Spain
Creative Directors: Tomas Oliva, Carlos De Javier
Art Director: Lucas Jatobá
Copywriter: Marta Caseny
Photographer: Eduardo Colesi
Released: February 2008