Em novo filme da Foot Locker, Mike Tyson devolve a orelha de Evander Holyfield

Em 1997, Mike Tyson e Evander Holyfield entraram no ringue para uma segunda luta. A revanche se seguiu após a derrota de Tyson, no ano anterior. E, por mais que o público estivesse preparado para um massacre, é improvável que alguém esperasse que Tyson mordesse e arrancasse um pedaço da orelha de Holyfield. Hoje, 16 anos depois, a Foot Locker lançou um novo filme, All is Right, em que Tyson bate à porta de Holyfield trazendo uma caixinha com um presente especial.

Criado pela BBDO de Nova York, o filme divulga a “semana da grandeza”, quando a loja lança produtos da linha premium que garantem aos clientes que “está tudo certo no mundo”.

É aí que entram a devolução da orelha – devidamente conservada em formol -, a decisão de Dennis Rodman de comprar uma passagem só de ida para a Coreia do Norte, Craig Sager queima seu guarda-roupa e Brett Favre diz que há momentos em que é preciso seguir adiante.

Ficou, no mínimo, divertido.


Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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BBDO Brings More Funny to Foot Locker in Star-Studded Spot

BBDO’s solid streak for Foot Locker continues with a new spot promoting the chain’s annual “Week of Greatness” event, “the one time each year when the most premium kicks come out.”

Entitled “All Is Right,” this latest effort is part of the agency’s ongoing “Foot Locker Approved” campaign for the brand and features the talents of Kyrie IrvingMike Tyson, Evander Holyfield, Dennis Rodman, Brett Favre, Craig Sager, and Craig Sager‘s suits. Directed by Jim Jenkins“All Is Right” opens with Kyrie Irving stating that with Foot Locker’s “Week of Greatness” it “feels like all is right with the world.” Irving then daydreams about what else would happen if all were suddenly right with the world. This daydream sequence features all the aforementioned stars. We see a lot of ads here at AgencySpy that attempt to be funny. Most of them miss; a few elicit a chuckle or two. Few of them are as genuinely funny as the daydream segment in this spot. I won’t give away too much, but the part featuring Mike Tyson (almost always comedic gold) made me laugh out loud. If the whole spot ended there it would still be classic, but the portions featuring Dennis Rodman and Craig Sager are almost as funny. We hope BBDO continues to make laugh-worthy work for Foot Locker in the future. Credits after the jump. continued…

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Dennis Rodman Goes Boom in Pistachios Ad With Fake Kim Jong-un

Keyboard Cat, Snoop, Psy, the Winklevoss twins and Snooki were all in on the joke. Can the same be said for Dennis Rodman and the Prancercise lady? Oh sure, it's just the Wonderful Pistachios campaign revving up another round of zeitgeist-tapping absurdity. There's no apparent end to the reality-TV, pop-culture, animated and sports figures who will make themselves available for these ads. In fact, if this marketer doesn't ask how or why you do it—eat pistachios, that is—then you must not be very important. Rodman? He does it "because he's nuts," says the newest spot, in which the former NBA player turned diplomat appears with a less doughy version of Kim Jong-un (a look-alike) to hawk the healthy snack. And the Prancercise lady? Who can get enough of her spindly, energetic dancing? Next, somebody will have to twerk.