BBDO NY Shares ‘Thoughts’ for Foot Locker

BSSP Wins DraftKings’ Creative Business

BBDO NY Hits ‘Close to Home’ for AT&T

BBDO NY Takes Humorous Approach for FedEx Ground

BBDO New York launched a series of new broadcase ads for FedEx, promoting FedEx Ground as a way for small businesses to save money.

Four 30-second spots present humorous scenarios where FedEx Ground can help small businesses, presenting the service as a better alternative to other money-saving practices. In “Bed & Breakfast” for example, a startup resorts to moonlighting as a bed and breakfast, with disastrous results. When one employee suggests they save money with FedEx Ground instead, everyone agrees, although it may be too late for the plumbing. In another spot, the service is working well for a company, unlike it’s open floor plan. “Hotshots,” meanwhile takes a look at a kid-run business, while “Family Business” shows how the service can make you take your business more seriously. The humor works better in some cases than others (the ridiculousness of “Family Business” notably falls flat), as the ads straddle a difficult balance between product integration and lighthearted narrative. As far as ads in the category go, however, these are fairly memorable. And haters of open floor plans will get a kick out of “Open Floor Plan” in particular.


Advertising Agency: BBDO, New York, USA
Chief Creative Officers: David Lubars, Greg Hahn
Executive Creative Directors: Gianfranco Arena, Peter Kain
Associate Creative Director / Art Director: Justin Bilicki
Associate Creative Director / Copywriter: Matt Herr
Group Executive Producer: Amy Wertheimer
Executive Producer: Tricia Lentini
Group Planning Director: Sangeet Pillai
Managing Director: Kirsten Flanik
Senior Account Director: Kathryn Brown
Account Director: Amanda Cruz
Account Manager: Joshua Mesquita
Account Executive: Trent Lyle
Production Company: MJZ
Director: Tom Kuntz
Executive Producer: Scott Howard
Line Producer: Emily Skinner
Director of Photography: Jo Williams
Edit House: Mack Cut
Editor: Ian Mackenzie
Assistant Editor: Mike Leuis
Executive Producer: Sasha Hirschfeld
Visual Effects House: Schmigital
Sound Mixer: Philip Loeb/Heard City
Casting: Francene Selkirk

GE Travels the World to Show the Very Human Side of Its Cutting-Edge Tech

GE generally does a good job of telling stories around technology that's diverse and specialized. A new collection of two-minute spots from BBDO New York is no exception.

There are three videos in the series so far, all beautifully shot and edited. One introduces a jet-skiing Japanese doctor who uses the brand's portable medical equipment to tend to patients on the country's islands.

A second interviews the inhabitants of another island halfway around the world, in Scotland, that gets power from underwater turbines made by GE. The third features a young boy in China taking his first flight to meet his soccer heroes, thanks to GE's jet technology.

The ads are a little heavy-handed in their sentimentality at moments and could probably accomplish the same thing in a smaller window, but the slower pacing isn't altogether unpleasant. They also aren't quite as inventive as the brand's recent, trippy spot that envisioned some of the same products through the eyes of a child.

But they do have the narrative appeal and human element that was missing from the clips of GE's research lab equipment smashing random objects, or the the shipping container dance that the brand choreographed. The global scope also brings to mind IBM's recent 60-commercial opus for the Masters, but with a somewhat less granular, more humble approach not aimed at proving that the brand is in fact everywhere at once—though it's still easy to imagine that it is.



Agency: BBDO, New York
Client: GE                     
Chief Creative Officer, Worldwide: David Lubars
Executive Creative Director: Michael Aimette
Senior Creative Director: Chris Lisick
Group Director of Content Production: Anthony Nelson
Producer: George Sholley
Associate Creative Directors:  Judd Counsell, Lance Vining
Head of Music Production: Rani Vaz
Senior Account Director, Worldwide: Emma Armstrong
Account Director: Katie Hankinson
Account Manager:  Tessa Cosenza
Assistant Account Executive: Joslyn Dunn
Production Company: Greenpoint Pictures
Director: The Hudson Dusters
Director of Photography: Logan Roos
Music House: The Music Bed
Editing, Visual Effects House: Greenpoint Pictures
Editor, "Moon Power in Scotland": Logan Roos
Editor, "Zeng's First Flight": Philip Knowlton
Editor, "Kumiko's First Ultrasound": Philip Knowlton
Sound Design: One Thousand Birds

Torin Yater-Wallace estrela nova campanha da Visa

Após alterar seu logo para assumir uma nova assinatura, “Everywhere you want to be”, Visa convida o público a imaginar seu próprio “everywhere” em Night Swim, filme estrelado pelo esquiador norte-americano Torin Yater-Wallace.

O comercial criado pela BBDO de Nova York mostra o atleta, que participa pela primeira vez de uma Olimpíada de Inverno, esquiando em uma montanha sozinho, à noite. Sem câmeras, sem público, apenas ele e sua paixão.

A produção é da Epoch Films.

visa1 visa

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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GE mergulha na imaginação de uma criança para falar sobre tecnologia

É interessante perceber como a imaginação das crianças funciona, especialmente quando elas tentam explicar o que um adulto faz em seu trabalho. Childlike Imagination, novo comercial da GE criado pela BBDO de Nova York para a campanha Imagination at Work, ilustra a explicação de uma garotinha sobre o que sua mãe faz no dia a dia. Ou ao menos como ela imagina que seja.

Isso inclui trens que são amigos das árvores a hospitais que você pode segurar em suas mãos, e até mesmo computadores capazes de imprimir partes do motor de um jato.

A proposta do comercial é mostrar que, apesar de muitas destas coisas estarem apenas na imaginação de uma criança, é este “otimismo inocente em relação ao futuro” que faz com que a empresa crie novas tecnologias e soluções para diferentes segmentos.

Ah, e é claro que a mãe da garotinha trabalha na GE.


Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Em novo filme da Foot Locker, Mike Tyson devolve a orelha de Evander Holyfield

Em 1997, Mike Tyson e Evander Holyfield entraram no ringue para uma segunda luta. A revanche se seguiu após a derrota de Tyson, no ano anterior. E, por mais que o público estivesse preparado para um massacre, é improvável que alguém esperasse que Tyson mordesse e arrancasse um pedaço da orelha de Holyfield. Hoje, 16 anos depois, a Foot Locker lançou um novo filme, All is Right, em que Tyson bate à porta de Holyfield trazendo uma caixinha com um presente especial.

Criado pela BBDO de Nova York, o filme divulga a “semana da grandeza”, quando a loja lança produtos da linha premium que garantem aos clientes que “está tudo certo no mundo”.

É aí que entram a devolução da orelha – devidamente conservada em formol -, a decisão de Dennis Rodman de comprar uma passagem só de ida para a Coreia do Norte, Craig Sager queima seu guarda-roupa e Brett Favre diz que há momentos em que é preciso seguir adiante.

Ficou, no mínimo, divertido.


Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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