Single Cup Coffee Maker

Focus sur le travail du designer japonais Kay Heekyung Kim qui nous propose cet objet surprenant. Il s’agit en réalité d’une cafetière pour une seule tasse. Visuellement très réussie, cet objet au design minimaliste et intuitif est à découvrir en images dans la suite de l’article.

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Single Cup Coffee Maker9
Single Cup Coffee Maker8
Single Cup Coffee Maker7
Single Cup Coffee Maker6
Single Cup Coffee Maker5
Single Cup Coffee Maker4
Single Cup Coffee Maker3
Single Cup Coffee Maker2
Single Cup Coffee Maker

Up Coffee Table

Le studio design Duffy situé à Londres, connu pour le projet Swing Table, a présenté « Up Coffee Table ». Proposant une illusion de lévitation, cet objet design donne l’impression qu’un morceau de verre est suspendu par de petits ballons. Fait à la main et limité à 20 exemplaires, ce produit est vendu pour £5,800.00.

Up Coffee Table4
Up Coffee Table3
Up Coffee Table2
Up Coffee Table
Up Coffee Table5

McBess Coffee Table

Une excellente collaboration entre l’artiste et illustrateur McBess, et la marque de meubles Substain avec cette table en bois massif fabriquées à base d’une planche. Une création dessiné à la main comme une sérigraphie d’art, le tout tenu par 4 pieds courbés et soudés à la main. Plus d’images du projet dans la suite.


Very Fast Cleaning / Proprement identique?

cleanfast2009 cleanfast2012
Procter & Gamble Mr Proper “Faster than ever” – 2009
Source : Cannes Archive Online
Agency : Callegari Berville Grey, Paris (France)
Ajax “Nothing’s quicker” – 2012
Source : Ibelieveinadv, @Mathieuflex
Agency : Young & Rubicam (New Zealand)

Starbucks Amsterdam

La plus grande chaîne multinationale de cafés Starbucks vient d’ouvrir à Amsterdam un nouveau café et concept-store. Avec tout un dispositif moderne et un design d’intérieur très réussi, vous trouverez une série d’images du lieu dans la suite de l’article.








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Artworks with Coffee Cups

Découverte de Red Hong, une artiste originaire de Malaysie. Installé à Shanghai pour son travail, cette dernière aime faire des créations avec des éléments inhabituels et notamment avec des cercles de café. Des créations intéressantes à voir dans la suite de l’article.







Previously on Fubiz

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Does it ring a bell? / Un petit bijou de recyclage

caratcup2008 caratcup2011
2 Carat Cups – 2008
Source : Fred & Friends Store (USA)
Design : Yusuke Fujinuma & Yoko Yamazaki
Moemax Furniture Store / Direct Mail – 2011
Have a more complete view of this Direct Mail on Adsoftheworld
Agency : Demner, Merlicek & Bergmann, (Austria)

Frozen Time in Coffee Ads / Double Pause Café

Click here to view the embedded video.

Click here to view the embedded video.

Carte Noire Coffee / Kraft Foods – 09/2011
Source : Blogopub
Agency : BETC Euro RSCG (France)
Nescafé “the hypnotist” – 11/2011
Source : AgencySpy, Coloribus
Agency : twofifteen McCann (USA/Mexico)

McDonald’s Free Coffee

Une superbe exécution et idée, sur cette opération d’ambient-marketing pour la marque McDonald’s. Une illusion d’optique, sur les lampes de Vancouver afin de promouvoir le café gratuit dans toute la ville. Par l’agence Cossette Atlantic au Canada. Plus d’images dans la suite.


Ainsi qu’une mise en place d’arrêts de bus évoluant au fur et à mesure des jours.


Previously on Fubiz

If You Had $100 Million?

This is an excerpt of an early 2009 interview with a McDonald’s Coffee-Banger Street Lieutentant who asked to be kept off the record. I asked him what he would do with $100 Million…

“A hundred million? We’d use the-playersit to knock Starbucks the *&^% out! Yeah! We’re tired of that punk chain hanging around. Don’t they know who we are? We are Mac-Don-Olds! MacD. Or Big Mac, to our friends. And that Starbucks been runnin things for too long. I thougAwright man, so here’s the story. Starbucks been cornerin the coffee business for a while now, you know? And for us, that was too long. They lost their focus. Got sloppy. Opened too many stores. Charged too much. People got tired of goin there, ya know? So, other shops started hanging out on their turf, right? Dunkin’ Donuts. 7-11. Caribou. They all make a pretty mean brew. And, you know what? A dude don’t have to wait in line for no 20 minutes at those other places, or use fancy terms that don’t make no sense! A grande means small! What? All them other places produce quality product…and it’s all about gettin’ caffeine into the blood, right? Mmm. I can feel it we had ‘em a couple months back, but they hung on like a booger. But we got the credibility, ya know?fourbucksisdumb2

We were just watchin, you know, playin’ it safe for a while, but then we got tired of those little coffee-bangers running around…this is our turf. They was ruining da whole coffee business! We are Mac-Don-Olds. King of all these streets! Why not let the real King take over? We brought in all the heads, the bosses, and met out at Hamburger U. It was decided to sock it to ‘em! Free Coffee Mondays. Everywhere. Give it away, earn their trust, then sell it, sell it, sell it! All the way to the bank.

(KFC tried to do it with chicken… Chicken? Who wants to walk around with a chicken breast in their hand!? Man, give ‘em a Coke! But not a hunk of chicken!)

Anyway, Starbucks started runnin’ around, not sure which way they was goin’…sending out crazy messages that they weren’t “special,”  just a regular cup of Joe. What regular coffee costs $4? Well, they cut their own brand apart, right out from underneath their own-selves. Punks! But, they still here. So, now we gonna finish it, And, after we’re done with Starbucks, we goin’ after that creepy-King-looking %*&!)$&@#+)$ that plays with sponges…”

And there you have it…McDonalds once again to make the streets a virtual coffee war zone. AdAge printed a story this morning, speaking with Neil Golden:

“I assure you that we’re going to be surrounding the consumer with very relevant messaging,” said Neil Golden, chief marketing officer, McDonald’s USA. He said the initial ads “will pulse on and off very strongly through the summer, with sustained weight well into 2010.” 

The fast-food chain won’t state how much they’re going to spend overall, but the goal is to add $100 billion to the bottom line in 2009. With McDonalds on the prowl again, the other competitors are circling the wagons for the upcoming battle.

Starbucks, after directionless floundering a month ago, finally responded by running full-page newspaper ads designed to tell their story and to warn consumers not to “trade down.” This marks the first branding campaign of any weight in years, and comes six months after  Wieden & Kennedy quit the account, citing that Starbucks did not seem receptive to driving the brand forward.starbucks-revised-bag

One  has to wonder at the recent choices made by Starbucks, and their new agency, BBDO. They’ve closed 600 stores, cut  1000 jobs, and sent out conflicting messages that stated “we are like everyone else” but “we are still the premium  choice.” To top it off, they choose newspaper, a medium that is failing in its own right, to deliver their messaging?

 Time will tell if Starbucks is able to survive in the long-term, but one thing is certain: McDonalds is coming. Again.

 Jeff Louis: Strategic Media Planner, Project Manager, and New Business Coordinator. His passion is  writing, contributing to BMA as well as freelancing. He’d love to hear from  you: or

Starbucks: Take a Lesson From Mr. Mom



During these trying economic times, I would just like to say, “Thank Heaven for Starbucks.” Arguably one of the most expensive cups of coffee currently available on your local street corner, Starbucks has stepped up to the plate and is now offering all of their delectable products at half price! (No, not really.)

No, what the Seattle-based coffee giant is planning to do is launch an advertising campaign to convince consumers that their products are not as expensive as we think they are…their coffee is not a luxury, but just a plain ‘ol cup of Joe.

I definitely missed that day in class. The day that listed the number of  companies that changed nothing about their business model, but successfully re-branded their products. The day that a company, once touted as a luxury, trendy, “go to” brand actually tried to reverse this identity by stating, “We are nothing special.  There is nothing extraordinary about what we do. And, contrary to what you may think, our products are not expensive.” Trust us.

And, maybe Starbucks is right. Maybe they are getting a bad rap as being an over-priced luxury. The WSJOnline reported that, ”…according to a December survey of coffee shops in Chicago by a stock analyst for William Blair & Co., some sizes and varieties of Starbucks were less expensive than Dunkin’ Donuts coffee when adjusted for size differences.” (Source: WSJ Online

Which raises so many questions, such as; “Why is Starbucks comparing themselves to Dunkin’ Donuts?” But, that is another topic. The truth of the matter is that this will be an extremely complicated reverse branding effort, and possibly a brand-killing error. Rather than defending the hard-won Starbucks brand position and capitalizing on the “brand experience” embodied by Starbucks, they have decided to attack positions firmly held by competitors, namely Dunkin’ Donuts and McDonalds. 

If you ever saw the movie Mr. Mom starring Michael Keaton, you may remember the scene where Keaton’s movie wife, Teri Garr, is in an ad agency meeting with their top client, a canned tuna account. The meeting, oddly enough, was to determine the best strategy to use for a premium brand during a recession. Teri Garr’s brilliant strategy was to maintain positioning while throwing consumers an incentive. The end result: A campaign that did not compromise the brand and offered lower prices during ”these trying times.” In essence: “Still the best tuna best available, we understand our consumer’s problems and therfore are lowering our prices.” Sounds like a winner to me.

The Proper Starbucks Protocol

starbucks512Starbucks follows a certain protocol for customers as far as serving their drinks. Ideally the protocol is as follows:

    • Order Your Drink
    • Pay for your Drink
    • Get the Receipt
    • Wait for your Drink to be done

Now along that line comes the need for a receipt. It is normally issued after you pay for your order. Normally, these receipts were not given much attention but apparently today, you need to keep it before you get your drink.

A new policy at the UT’s Starbucks locations is requiring customers to show their receipts in order to get their drinks.

Mary Leslie Patterson, marketing director of University of Tennessee campus dining, said the new policy was implemented at campus Starbucks locations in early February. Starbucks employees were noticing that some customers weren’t getting the drinks they ordered because someone else took them.

(Source) Tennesse Journalists