Spays Not Strays.
Posted in: UncategorizedUnwanted teen pet pregnancies are nothing to joke about. The shame of having to raise a litter as a single mom can be overwhelming, and kitten mittens* is not enough. Won’t you please help?
Spays Not Strays
Posted in: UncategorizedUnwanted teen pet pregnancies are nothing to joke about. The shame of having to raise a litter as a single mom can be overwhelming, and kitten mittens* is not enough. Won’t you please help?
…But Will Milk Help Toothless Gran? Probably Not.
Posted in: UncategorizedThose shit-quality YouTube clips, where something extraordinary happens and you’re supposed to wonder whether the footage is real, probably feel like the video advertising equivalent of cavepainting to you by now.
Times Tough? Reward Your Stalwart Family — with Upholstery!
Posted in: UncategorizedYe Olde Theatre: All Minimalist and 2.0-ey.
Posted in: UncategorizedApparently Black Sheep Drink Spiced Rum. Apparently.
Posted in: UncategorizedHoping to profit from the unfortunate fact that liquor companies only focus on chic alcoholics or incurable ass-gawkers, Corby Distilleries launched a beverage for the other crowd.
Foster’s Brings Back ‘How to Speak Australian’
Posted in: UncategorizedVegemite: Kraft’s Relaunch Leads to Top Global Brand Affinity
Posted in: UncategorizedSometimes the past is fulfilled with wonderful memories of friends, music, good times and lots of laughter. Or, the past should remain exactly where it is, especially when remembering how you dressed, your bodily piercings, and that mullet with the spiked top that would never go out of style. If you remember the mullet, do you recall these lyrics?
Buying bread from a man in Brussels He was six foot four and full of muscles I said, “Do you speak-a my language?” He just smiled and gave me a vegemite sandwich”
By: Men At Work, “A Land Down Under
What in the heck is Vegemite, anyway? Until writing this post, I didn’t know, nor care. Then I found out that Vegemite is actually produced by Kraft Foods, and that Kraft has developed a new Vegemite formula and has rolled it out in Australia…
My first thought: “Would this be the next huge marketing FAIL, akin to the New Coke Formula back in 1985?”
Knowing absolutely nothing about the product, I had to do some research. What is Vegemite?
Vegemite is similar to the British product Marmite, which is a tacky paste, brown in color, with a salty “beef broth” or “meaty-like taste.” Marmite is usually spread on toast or biscuits but can also be mixed with hot water to make a drink. Marmite is made out of yeast extract saved after the beer brewing process. During World War I, the flow of Marmite to Australia was interrupted and an Australian cheese company, Fred Walker & Co., commissioned an Aussie scientist to come up with similar replacement.
Vegemite was introduced with great fanfare (including a national naming contest) in 1923. The naming campaign was a big success; the product flopped. Despite various marketing efforts, Vegemite sales remained poor. Kraft purchased Walker & Co. in 1926 (forming the Kraft Walker Cheese Company) and in 1928, changed the name to Parmite, which killed Vegemite’s tiny though hard-won market share. Vegemite never recovered.
So, with plenty of Vegemite on-hand, the Kraft Walker Cheese Company started giving it away with Pontiac automobiles and cheese products. Sales responded positively; then, the British medical association proclaimed that Vegemite was a great source of Vitamin B. Sales increased more. By World War II, Vegemite was in 9 of 10 Australian homes, had become part of a soldier’s daily ration kit, and was even carried by Aussie’s traveling abroad due to lack of availability in other countries. Today, Vegemite is one of the most well-known global brands and outsells Marmite in Australia by huge margins.
Kraft tried to extend the brand with a cheese and Vegemite “single,” but failed. However, marketing contests, such as limerick and song competitions, boosted sales. Then, following the war, the baby boom hit and Kraft jumped on Vegemite’s Vitamin B content for infants;
“…baby care expert Sister Mc Donald, said in the Women’s Weekly that “Vegemite is most essential”, further cementing Vegemite’s reputation for nutrition and wholesomeness. Infant Welfare Centres were recommending babies have their quota of Vitamin B1, B2 and Niacin. Vegemite had them all!”
By the 1950’s, Vegemite was to Australia what apple pie is to America, aided in part by consumer-oriented campaigns initiated by J.Walter Thompson.
On July 7, 2009, Kraft released a ’second’ Vegemite. The new Vegemite is a mix of Vegemite and cream cheese, is less salty, spreads much easier, and supposedly tastes better. To coincide with the release of the new recipe, Kraft is running a competition to give the new flavor a name, hearkening back to the competitions that worked 50 years ago. Kraft recently launched a comprehensive marketing campaign to name the new Vegemite, drawing on the successes of past campaigns that involved the public.
In fact, the new campaign mixes both traditional and Social Media, including an interactive website that includes fun facts, the naming contests, and the history of Vegemite. The new Vegemite can be found on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. Below is the one of several commercials. This one has been extended to be 48-seconds long:
And, just as in the early days, J. Walter Thompson was chosen for creative expertise. While some wait to see if this brand extension will be a coup or a pile of crap, early research shows that Vegemite has more brand affinity than Coca-Cola, Starbucks, and Nike (globally);
The research analysed 1.5 billion posts across 38 languages within social networking sites, blogs, message boards, and online news. The results discovered 479,206 mentions for Vegemite, with brand affinity found more often than any other product globally.
If this was an election, the early results would show that the new Vegemite is a serious contender; however, all the votes haven’t been cast. Based on my research, I believe that the new Vegemite will most certainly take space in Australian kitchens.
Jeff Louis: Strategic Media Planner, Brand Project Manager, blogger and aspiring writer. To contact Jeff, leave a comment here, or find him on LinkedIn or Twitter.
Chunky The Dog on Twitter? SIgn Us Up!
Posted in: UncategorizedSlow news day–don’t hate. Chewed Slippers is the winning selection by Chunky in this contest to pick a website name from UK shop Nonsense.
Walmart Hopes Miley Cyrus Can Bring Some Cool
Posted in: UncategorizedIn case you were wondering, the Miley Cyrus machine is alive and well.
Peter the Pedophilic Pilot Promotes airtran’s Inflight Internet
Posted in: UncategorizedWe love this Cramer-Krasselt-created airtran campaign.
Scion Pixelates, G.I. Joe Elevates, Vogue Vacillates
Posted in: UncategorizedTanqueray Causes Verbal Diarrhea
Posted in: UncategorizedCannes Lions: A Handful of Real Winnars in PR, Promotion and Direct.
Posted in: UncategorizedVideoEgg Twigs, PR Idiocy, Burger King Loses, Under Armour Launches
Posted in: UncategorizedSix Apart offers VideoEgg’s scroll-proof Twig ad unit to bloggers.
Laboring Mom Bears Teen, Finds the Strength to Scold
Posted in: Uncategorized“One Powerful Mother,” the latest PSA by Partnership for a Drug-Free America, casts light on a powerful woman indeed.
Van-Tastic Seeks Freeloaders for Ultimate Aussie Roadtrip
Posted in: Uncategorized“We’re looking for seven pairs of travellers, one for each of Australia’s stunning states, to become Van-Tastic Adventurers.”
Hammer Pants Flash Mob Molests Skinny Jeans Buyers
Posted in: UncategorizedWe literally choked on our Juicy Juice when we saw this guerrilla effort for Hammertime, a new A&E show that follows the family life of MC Hammer — kinda like Run’s House.