With ‘Drone to Home’ Service, Netflix Uses Satire Against Amazon

Riffing on Amazon’s plan to deliver via drone, Netflix’s parody video shows Netflix DVDs being dropped from the sky, sometimes with unfortunate consequences.


IBM to Announce More Powerful Watson via the Internet

Companies, academics and individual software developers will be able to use Watson at a small fraction of the previous cost.


Book About Amazon Is Reviewed on Amazon, by Founder’s Wife

In her lengthy review, MacKenzie Bezos took issue with “The Everything Store,” about Amazon and Jeff Bezos.


Bezos Is a Hit in a Washington Post Newsroom Visit

Jeffrey P. Bezos assured editors and reporters of his commitment to preserving quality journalism at the newspaper, which he is buying for $250 million.


Bezos Makes First Visit to Washington Post as Owner

In an interview, Jeffrey P. Bezos, the founder of Amazon.com, said he expected the newspaper to have a new “golden era” under his ownership.


Expecting the Unexpected From Jeff Bezos

At Amazon.com, he has upended industries. Now he promises change at The Washington Post. If his history is a guide, he will have all the laughs.


Technology Industry Extends a Hand to Struggling Print Media

Whether from a sense of obligation, responsibility or guilt, the technology elite has taken up the cause of helping print journalism adapt to change.


The New Math of Media Deals

The sales of three giants of the old-media world — The Washington Post, The Boston Globe and Newsweek — in as many days suggest one kind of change, but their prices suggest another.


Bezos Brings Promise of Innovation to Washington Post

It would not be surprising to see Jeff Bezos worry little about turning a quick profit at The Post and instead try to shake up the newspaper industry.


The Media Equation: The Washington Post Reaches the End of the Graham Era

After 80 years of family control and editorial leadership by the Graham family, The Post began to change ownership Monday.


A Mogul Gets a Landmark in the Capital

Jeff Bezos, the founder and chief executive of Amazon, has kept a low profile in politics and has said almost nothing about his interest in newspapers, except that he reads them.